10 May 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday AM: 6:30, 8:00, 9:45, 11:30 Sunday PM: 1:15 (Español), 5:00 (Teen Mass), 6:30 Pastor Fr. Patrick Moses Weekday Mass Monday – Friday: 6:30, 8:30 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena) (Tagalog Mass every 4th Wednesday of the month) Saturday: 8:30 AM Permanent Deacons José Campos, Del Davis, Steve Germain, Gerald Pyne Adoration Weekly: Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monthly: 13th of the month 9:00 AM – 6:00 AM (on the 14th) Penance Monday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Friday: 6:00 PM (English & Spanish) Saturday: 3:30 PM or by appointment (English & Spanish) Parochial Vicars Fr. Martin Nguyen and Fr. Daniel Reader School Principal Monica Hayden Parish Office Hours 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM* Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM* Tuesday, Thursday and Friday *Closed for lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 PM CLOSED SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sunday New Hope Crisis Counseling Hotline Hot Line (24/7) 1-714-NEW-HOPE or 714-639-4673 5201 Evergreen Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 714-826-0760 www.sticypress.org [email protected] 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER A Special Blessing for Mothers Most Gracious God, We thank You for our mothers to whom You have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb. You have given to woman the capacity of participating with You in the creation of new life. Grant that every woman may come to understand the full meaning of that blessing, which gives her an unlimited capacity for selfless love for every child she may be privileged to bear, and for all Your children. Watch over every mother who is with child, strengthen her faith in Your fatherly care and love for her and for her unborn baby. Give her courage in times of fear or pain, understanding in times of uncertainty and doubt, and hope in times of trouble. Grant her joy in the birth of her child. To mothers You have given the great privilege and responsibility of being a child's first teacher and spiritual guide. Grant that all mothers may worthily foster the faith of their children, following the example of Mary, Elizabeth, and other holy women who follow Christ. Help mothers to grow daily in knowledge and understanding of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant them the wisdom to impart this knowledge faithfully to their children, and to all who depend upon them. Assist all "spiritual mothers", those who, though they may have no children of their own, nevertheless selflessly care for the children of others – of every age and state in life. Grant that they may know the joy of fulfilling this motherly calling of women, whether in teaching, nursing, religious life, or in other work which recognizes and fosters the true dignity of every human being created in Your image and likeness. We ask You to send Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all mothers who sorrow for children that have died, are ill or estranged from their families, or who are in trouble or danger of any kind. Help grieving mothers to rely on Your tender mercy and fatherly love for all your children. We ask your blessing on all those to whom You have entrusted motherhood. May Your Holy Spirit constantly inspire and strengthen them. May they ever follow the example of Mary, mother of Our Lord, and imitate her fidelity, her humility, and her self-giving love. May all mothers receive Your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in Your presence in the life to come. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Mothers! Fr. Patrick Parish Office 714-826-0760 Business Administration Steve Germain, Business Manager Tony Kulassia, Office Manager Kathy Loch, Admin. Secretary Margie Mendez, Secretary Lisa Giacomi, Bulletin Adult Formation Rebecca Soto, Director Ministerio Hispano Sr. Maria Teresa Salceda, Director Humberto Arreola, Coro Hispano Health Care Ministry Sr. Rita O’Connell, Director Worship Kimberly Wargo, Director of Music Stewardship Carlos Ramirez, Director Youth Formation 714-826-1140 Ruth Bradley, Director Elaine Brewster, Secretary Sherri Nelson, Secretary Youth Ministry 714-826-0460 Laura Benoit, Director Denise Gonzales, Secretary Parish School 714-827-4500 Monica Hayden, Principal Infant Baptism It is necessary to attend a Pre-Baptism Information Evening. Register in the Parish Office at least two months prior to the proposed Baptism date. Sacraments To complete sacraments or to become Catholic, adults contact the Parish Office; children and teens contact Youth Formation. Marriage Contact the Parish Office. Six months preparation is required. Anointing of the Sick In case of serious illness or surgery, contact Health Care Ministry. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John 15:12-13) TODAY It was a typical day. The air conditioner in classroom #4 is not working... two members of the counting ministry were not able to help... the phone system battery backup device has failed, again... the video surveillance contractor needs to buy more parts... the asphalt contractor's recommendation is that we need to spend about $300,000... the refurbishment of the old H.O.P.E. office area is two days behind schedule... and so it went until the last meeting of my day. As she answered my question about their engagement, memories of my daughter flooded my mind, instantly transporting me back in time eighteen years. The similarities were striking. The ages. The circumstances of the surprise pregnancy. Dealing with fathers, mothers and friends. The agony of wading through the myriad of conflicting thoughts and feelings. The decisions. The outcome. The love. Met, conceived, engaged and married in a very short time. Now, many years, three children and a lot of life's struggles later they sat before me humbly seeking assistance to obtain the church's blessing for their marriage. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. They did this! They are doing this! They are an inspiration. They are a reminder of God's mercy and the courage that it takes to seek and to live His calling. They are like you and so many others that sit around us on Sundays. Thank you for your faithfulness. Your faithful counting ministers that came early in the morning to process our collection this week informed me that you gave back to Christ $33,636. Thank you for your generosity! Deacon Steve P.S. Our parish's Evangelization Retreat is coming again May 29-31. Don't let the "E" word scare you. It is simply an opportunity to set some time aside for God and to support one another in our journey to heaven. Please sign up today. MONDAY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FLOWER SALE: Flowers (orchid corsages and individual carnations) will be available after all Masses for Mother’s Day. We appreciate your support to help us reach out to mothers in need so that they too will value life and experience the joy of motherhood. MARY—A BIBLICAL WALK WITH THE BLESSED MOTHER: 6:30 p.m. in classrooms #15 & 16. See more information on the Adult Faith Formation page. HEALTH MINISTRY BOARD MEETING: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Youth Formation Workroom. H.O.P.E. BUSINESS MEETING: 7:00 p.m. in the Education Building. All are welcome! Come find out more about H.O.P.E. TUESDAY MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS: Please join us in praying the rosary every Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the crying room. WALKING FOR HEALTH: 9:15 a.m. Meet in front of the Ed Bldg for a 1/2 hour walk. CAPACITAR: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the Education Building. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in the Hall conference room. For more information please call Jay Conklin at 714-337-6857. AL-ANON MEETING: 7:30 p.m. in Room #7. For more info call Betty at 761-4624. WEDNESDAY MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA: Join us in the crying room after the 8:30 a.m. mass. ROSARY FOR LIFE: Please join us each Wednesday morning after Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena in the Crying Room at approximately 9:45 a.m. For more information please call Diane Caldera 714-952-1071. STUDENT TALENT SHOW: St. Irenaeus Parish School will be hosting a student talent show at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Our school is overflowing with talent! We have singers, dancers, musicians, magicians, and more! All are welcome to attend. NAMI (NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS) MEETING: 7:00 p.m. in classroom #7. Offered every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. NEW HORIZONS SUPPORT GROUP: 7:00-8:30 p.m. in classroom #14. Planned social activities for single, separated, divorced or widowed, ages 50+. Meets the second Wednesday of each month. Contact: Alicia DeAnda at 714-761-8246 or Gerry Terpening at 714-969-0329. THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY: 9:15 a.m. (last meeting for this session) in the Ed Bldg. FRIDAY FOOD BAGGING: Volunteer help is needed to bag food for H.O.P.E.’s next distribution day. Meet at the convent garage at 8:00 a.m. LEGION OF MARY: 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Modular Unit. For more information please call Grace at 714-742-0960. CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING: 7:00 p.m. in classroom #6. Please join us in giving praise, thanks, honor and love to our Lord. All are welcome. TONY MELENDEZ IN CONCERT AT ST. NORBERT PARISH IN ORANGE: 7:00 PM. Admission $10.00. Tickets available in the Ministry Center Office, 300 E. Taft Ave., Orange, 714.637.4360. SATURDAY H.O.P.E. FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Volunteer help is needed to distribute food to registered recipients. Meet at the convent garage at 8:00 a.m. FIESTA NI MARIA: At the 5:00 p.m. Mass. Come join in the celebration of “Fiesta Ni Maria”, a beautiful tradition and expression of profound love and devotion to our Blessed Mother. Reception and fellowship after the mass at the Education Building. For more information call Susan Lapinid at 714-330-5429, Josie Ninofranco at 714-761-6375 or Rolly Arenz at 562-924-5335 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER DIVORCED? SEPARATED? SCARED? ANGRY? Journey of Hope is a 13-week program for Catholics to support you as you endure the emotional pain and suffering of divorce and separation. The program addresses the challenges and unique family dynamics created by divorce. The support group, led by Catholics who have gone through divorce, offers you a safe environment to share concerns and experience healing. Open yourself to experience healing and allow Jesus to restore your faith and renew your journey. Meetings are held every Friday, beginning April 10, from 7:00-8:30 pm at St. Norbert Catholic Church, 300 E. Taft Avenue, Orange. Donation of $35 includes books and journals. To register, call Pat Hansmeyer at 714-713-7412 or Dru Moschel at 714-209-0286 for more information. Registration also available on any meeting day. SUNDAY, MAY 17 COMING HOME MEETING 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Education Building Coming Home meets for its final post-Easter session. All are welcome. We will be discussing: Vatican II (1963 1965) What was it all about? What changes occurred in the Church as a result? What were the changes in emphasis? Did any of the basic teachings change? Where Do We Go From Here? Where and how do we continue to learn and grow? What opportunities are available? What is true humility and what does that mean in our daily walk with Jesus? JUNE 26, 27 & 28 ST. I FIESTA 2015 "TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM" Attention parish family members. We are still looking for players to help fill our roster. We have two more captain positions available to run our "I’ve Got It!" booth. This is a fast paced game that requires two energetic captains to run it or it could be a great fit for a group or organization to run. Please contact Julie Johnson at [email protected]. We will not be out on the patio Mother’s Day weekend but will be back the following weekend. When we come back you will be able to purchase or turn in your raffle tickets. If you turn in the full raffle ticket booklet this will entitle you to the one time only $100 EARLY BIRD drawing that will be held on June 6th after the 5:00 PM mass. You can purchase ride and game tickets at a discounted price. Special this year you get 32 ride tickets for only $20.00, they are $1.00 a piece at the fiesta. This is a tremendous savings! If you have any glassware/stemware in new and unused condition such as glasses, mugs, shot glasses, saucers contact Lucy Veloz at [email protected] for more details. Please don't forget about our Silent Auction donations. contact Henie Directo at 714-209-5968 or email [email protected]. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Christine Welsch at 714-553-9910 or email [email protected]. This will be St. I's 51st Fiesta providing fun to our parishioners, their families and surrounding communities. Please help make this a success for our parish. Thank you and God Bless. MONDAY, MAY 18 “ADVANCE CARE PLANNING: CHOICES FOR LIVING AND DYING” 7:00 PM in the Education Bldg. Our presenter, Karen Little, MSW, will discuss timely and important topics such as Physician Orders for Life-sustaining Treatment and Advance care directives. MONDAY, MAY 18 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP If you have experienced loss and are in need of non-judgmental, caring support, please join us on the third Monday of each month in the Hall Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. MONDAY, JUNE 1 WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Faith Formation workroom If you are a cancer survivor, newly diagnosed or dealing with treatment, your presence will be most welcome. JULY 13-17 ▲ BIBLE CAMP It’s time for Bible Camp! This year, we will be Climbing Everest to learn about Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Registration has begun!!! Don’t wait too long and miss out! To register go to stibiblecamp.org. **We will also be having many decorating parties soon to prepare for camp! This is another fun way to earn FISH hours and get involved in camp. Check the bulletin, Bible Camp website and Facebook page for dates and times. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER IMPORTANT CHOICES FOR LIVING AND DYING Brought to the community by the Orange County Aging Services Collaborative (OCASC). This FREE Community Education Class will Answer: How do I record my wishes in the event I cannot speak for myself ? How do I start the conversation with loved ones and my doctor? What is a POLST form? What makes an Advance Directive form legal? Who should attend? Anyone over 18. Everyone over 18 should have an Advance Directive. This program will answer your questions and provide appropriate tools. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 7 & 8 PEACEMAKERS meet this week, Tuesday, March 12th from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. n the Parish Hall. All junior high students are welcome. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY—Grades 9-12 NO SNL TONIGHT – Spend some time with your Mom! See you back on May 17th. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Paul J. Kim is coming back on May 31st. Flyers are in the vestibule. Register by May 20th. CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION – Registration forms for high school student wishing to begin Year I of Confirmation preparation are now available. Contact Laura at 714-826-0460 or [email protected]. A copy of your student’s baptismal certificate is required for registration and must be turned in with the form. REFLECTION “Love one another.” Imagine all the different kinds of love in your life—parents, siblings, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends, grandparents, cousins, mentors, teachers— and assign each kind of love a color in a box of crayons. When you think about all the people you’ve cared about and who have cared about you, you’d probably have a nice array of colors. Love is how we know God, as we hear in the First Letter from John (see 1 John 3:23). When you think about the peak moments of your life so far, and imagine those in the future, most likely, love is a crucial element. Back to your box of crayons. You probably have or will have lots of different colors but even if you only had one it would be enough. To love is to know God. Or as Victor Hugo wrote in Les Miserable, “To love another person is to see the face of God.” ACTION The First Reading tells the story of a whole new group of people—people who were outsiders—receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. Here is one more example of God reaching beyond the boundaries that human beings have established and showing that his love and mercy are for everyone. Find someone this week who is beyond the boundaries and do something loving for them. It doesn’t have to be candy or flowers, a smile and a hello is a good start. JOURNALING QUESTIONS Who in your life is it easiest to love? Who is most difficult to love? What have you learned about God by caring about the people you love? God’s Word, Your World! © 2014 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Written by Nora Bradbury -Haehl; resources by Julie M. Krakora. Permission to publish granted by the Most Reverend Francis J. Kane, dd, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago, on January 7, 2014. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY—Pre-school-6th Grade (and Sacrament Preparation for older students) PRACTICE FOR FIRST EUCHARIST: Tuesday, May 12, 7:00 p.m. in Church (Tuesday & Wednesday SRE classes & School Class 2a) Thursday, May 14, 7:00 p.m. in Church (Sunday SRE classes and School Class 2) FIRST EUCHARIST CELEBRATIONS: Saturday, May 16 at 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon Sunday, May 17, at 9:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses REGISTRATION FOR 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR will begin on June 1, 2015 and close on September 11, 2015. If your child is in the program this year, a telephone call or email can re-register your student(s) after June 1. If your child was NOT in classes this year, please come to the Youth Formation Office to register. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER St. Irenaeus Parish School learning, believing, and serving…together 2ND GRADERS PREPARE FOR FIRST COMMUNION WITH A SPECIAL RETREAT On Wednesday, April 29th, our 2nd graders held their annual retreat in preparation for their upcoming First Holy Communion. The students learned how to make unleavened bread and took some home to share with their families. They also took part in the washing of the feet, just like the disciples. The retreat is designed to help the 2nd graders understand the meaning of First Communion. The First Communion Masses will take place the weekend of May 16-17. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! On behalf of the students, administration, faculty, and staff of St. Irenaeus Parish School, we would like to wish all mothers, grandmothers, and special women in our lives a Happy Mother’s Day. STUDENT TALENT SHOW St. Irenaeus Parish School will be hosting a student talent show this Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Our school is overflowing with talent! We have singers, dancers, musicians, magicians, and more! All are welcome to attend. ENROLL FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR We are accepting applications at St. Irenaeus Parish School in grades TK-8 for the 2015-2016 school year. The school office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you would like more information about our school or would like to schedule a tour, please give us a call at 714-827-4500. You can also visit our website at: www.stischoolcypress.org. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER DATES, TIMES, LOCATION Mondays at 6:30 PM Classrooms #15 and 16 COST/REGISTRATION Workbook $30.00 (recommended but not required) FOR MORE INFORMATION Email Rino Reyes: [email protected] or call Rebecca Soto: (714) 826-0760, Ext. 124 Filmed on location in the Holy Land, this study will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of Mary’s earthly life, taking you through her joys … and her sorrows. You will learn how she works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer to her Divine Son. Seeing Mary in this way will change you forever. In Mary you will: Visit the grotto of Mary’s home, the cave where Christ was born, and other rarely seen places in the Holy Land. See the significance of Mary as you explore the Biblical roots of our beliefs about her. Deepen your devotion to Mary as you discover out Blessed Mother in a uniquely personal way. “Dr. Sri’s amazing teaching and unique insights gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation of Our Blessed Mother.” Visit BibleStudyForCatholics.com to learn more! —John W. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER TO PRAY FOR THE SICK PARA PEDÍR POR LOS ENFERMOS Chuck Callendar Virginia Cartier Louis Castillo Anne Cortes Jasmine Cueva Sally Gamble Elsie Gutierrez Mary Hall Carol Huff Bob Kaiser Martin Kirk Mila Grace Lent Terry Lyle Nathan Manier Baby Camilla Manzala Barbara Marshall Bill McCormick Marichu Mercado Pablo Ninofranco Pete Palacpac Mary Ritenhour Verne Schuster Patience Smith Gene Stuben Harold Stuben Jerard VanDieren Lydia Vizcarrondo Pauline Vonderharr Rick Welsch Congratulations to our Newly Baptized Alicia Garcia Sean Gravett Euna Dawn Hernandez Rehara Dias Gunasekara Jacob Marin Dezarey Mercado Diego Meza Mya Meza Mikaela Montoya Alejandro Navarrete Jr. Gabriel Navarrete Lucille Purdy Jiselle Rios Juan Rios Kelly Rocke Mya Barnum Xavier Calderon Jack Cantlin Jacob Castro Nicholas Castro Wedding banns Katrina Mannion & Danny DeMarco Happy Mother’s Day! In honor of this day, here are some quotes on motherhood from Blessed Mother Teresa... Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home. Somebody loves us, too – God Himself. We have been created to love and be loved. Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do…but how much love we put in that action. Wishing a special Mother’s Day to all the mothers who spend time on their knees before God for the needs of their children. A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary. A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take. A mother thinks about her children day and night. Even if they are not with her, and will love them in a way they will never understand. It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself. Who fed me from her gentle breast and hushed me in in her arms to rest, and on my cheek sweet kisses pressed? My Mother. Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. May all moms in our parish have a blessed day! READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 17 MAY 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER OR CELEBRATION OF ASCENSION Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 / 1 John 4:11-16 John 17:11b-19; L60B Sharing Questions: Knowing that Jesus prays for me, I… Knowing that I am one with Christ, his Father, and their Spirit helps me… Compartiendo Preguntas: Sabiendo que Jesús ora por mí, yo ... Sabiendo que soy uno con Cristo, su Padre y su Espíritu, esto me ayuda ... UPCOMING EVENTS CASH4SHOOZ Summer is just around the corner but it is not too early to start collecting new and slightly used shoes for this event in September. Date TBA. Your ongoing support is very much appreciated. 10 MAY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Una Bendición Especial para las Madres Dios Compasivo, te agradecemos por nuestras madres a quien has confiado el cuidado de cada vida humana preciosa desde sus inicios en el vientre. Tú has dado a la mujer la capacidad de participar contigo en la creación de una nueva vida. Haz que cada mujer puede llegar a entender el significado de esa bendición, la cual le da capacidad ilimitada de amor desinteresado por cada niño que puede tener el privilegio de concebir y para todos sus hijos. Vela por cada madre que está embarazada, fortalece su fe en Tu cuidado paternal y amor por ella y por su bebé por nacer. Dale coraje en momentos de miedo o dolor, la comprensión en tiempos de incertidumbre y duda y la esperanza en tiempos de problemas. Concédele alegría en el nacimiento de su hijo. A las madres les has dado el gran privilegio y la responsabilidad de ser la primera maestra y guía espiritual de un niño. Concede que todas las madres pueden fomentar dignamente la fe en sus hijos, siguiendo el ejemplo de María, Isabel y otras santas mujeres que siguen a Cristo. Ayuda a las madres a crecer cada día en el conocimiento y la comprensión de Tu Hijo, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y concédeles la sabiduría para impartir este conocimiento con fidelidad a sus hijos y a todos los que dependen de ellas. Ayuda a todas las "madres espirituales", las que, a pesar no tener hijos propios, sin embargo, desinteresadamente cuidan a los hijos de los demás - de toda edad y estado de vida. Concédeles que conozcan la alegría de cumplir con este llamado maternal de la mujer, tanto en la enseñanza, la enfermería, la vida religiosa, o en otros trabajos que reconocen y fomentan la verdadera dignidad de cada ser humano creado a Tu imagen y semejanza. Te pedimos que envíes tu Espíritu Santo, el Consolador, a todas las madres que penan por los niños que han muerto, están enfermos o separados de sus familias, o que están en problemas o peligro de algún tipo. Ayuda a las madres en duelo, a confiar en Tu misericordia y amor paternal por todos sus hijos. Te pedimos Tu bendición sobre todas aquellas a quienes has confiado la maternidad. Que tu Espíritu Santo constantemente las inspirare y fortalezca. Que sigan siempre el ejemplo de María, la madre de Nuestro Señor y que imiten su fidelidad, su humildad y su amor dadivoso. Que todas las madres reciban Tu gracia en abundancia en esta vida terrenal y que puedan esperar eterna alegría de Tu presencia en la vida eterna. Te lo pedimos por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre a todas nuestras madres! Padre Patricio Todos recordamos a nuestras madres en el día que dedicamos a ellas. Quizá algunos llorarán a la madre que ya dejó la tierra hace algún tiempo. Otros visitarán a su madre anciana, ya abuelita venerable, y le darán un regalo, comerán juntos y recordarán pequeñas historias de la infancia. Otros simplemente podrán usar el teléfono, porque se encuentran lejos de casa, y mamá espera con ansiedad la llamada del hijo ausente. Quizá alguno no sepa quién fue su madre, y llorará, esperando poder encontrar un día el rostro de la mujer que lo acogió y lo hizo nacer en algún hospital desconocido o en una casa particular... Una madre es alguien tan especial, que hasta el mismo Dios se hizo hombre para tener una Demos gracias a Dios por habernos dado una Madre. ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA LUNES ROSARIO POR LA PAZ Y LAS FAMILIAS a las 6:30pm en la Iglesia. MARTES REUNION DEL EQUIPO COORDINADOR DE JOVENES PARA CRISTO en el salón Modular a las 7pm. JUEVES GRUPO DE ORACION a las 7pm en el salón #7. PRACTICA DEL CORO HISPANO a las 7pm en el salón #16. VIERNES JOVENES PARA CRISTO, grupo de adultos, temas de reflexión y crecimiento espiritual. Se reúnen a las 7pm en el Edificio de Educación.
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