from MARUZEN 資料 No. 3-2011-006 / Mar 2011 <生体材料> 生体材料全書 全6巻 Comprehensive Biomaterials Edited by Paul Ducheyne, David Grainger, Kevin Healy and Dietmar Hutmacher 2011 年 10 月刊行 3672 p., Hard ISBN 978-0-08-055302-3 ..................USD 4130.00 / 通常価¥ 638,581 /特価¥ 574,723〔本体〕+税 生体材料は様々な形で現代医学および治療学に影響を与える、活発で日々変化する 分野です。現代的かつすべてを包括する本書は、この分野における多様性、幅広さ、 特製内容を正確に記しています。 本書は、ポリマーの配合と化学、セラミック・金属と様々な医用生体機器およびイ ンプラントにおけるそれらの活用、そして臨床的性能と宿主側の反応におよぶ、基本 的科学から臨床的応用まで、生体材料の現代的側面を多数示しています。 将来の生体材料の組成と能力に対する予測に沿って、研究や新しいアイディア、臨床で承認された 新型生体材料が、この分野における多数の専門家によって広く書き記されています。 見計らい承ります (Pergamon, USA) Table of Contents The concept of Biocompatibility Ceramic films Biocompatibility and the relationship to standards; Bioactive Ceramics meaning and scope of biocompatibility testing Bioactive glass ceramics Biomaterials and the innate response Bioactive Ceramics - physical chemistry Adaptive immune responses to biomaterials Calcium phosphate coatings Leukocyte-biomaterial interactions in vitro Bioactive layer formation on metals and polymers Protein interactions with biomaterials Bioactivity - mechanisms Bacterial adhesion and biomaterial surfaces Bioceramics and gene therapy Anti-inflammatory properties of metals Bioactive ceramics - cements Integrin activated reactions to metallic implant surfaces Composite bioactive ceramics - polymers Nanostructured surfaces and cell behaviour Phosphate glasses Nanoparticles and biocompatibility Copper doping of calcium phosphate ceramics Sterilization of biomaterials of synthetic and biologi- Silicon containing apatites cal origin Polymer Fundamentals: Polymer Synthesis Metals for use in medicine Structural Biomedical Polymers (Non-degradable) Electrochemical behavior of metals in biological milieus Degradable polymers Shape memory alloys for use in medicine Polymers at Surfaces Alumina Polyurethanes and Silicone Polyurethane Copolymers Zirconia Carbohydrate Polymers Carbons, carbon films and diamond ● ● ● ● 《裏面に続きます》 ご注文の際には,タイトル・出版社名・価格のほか、資料 No.、ISBN も併せてお知らせください。 原価の改定、為替相場の変動などの理由により価格を変更する場合がございます。予めご了承の程お願い申し上げます。 ご注文、ご照会は最寄りの弊社各営業部までお申し付けください。 表示価格は全て税抜表示となっております。 丸善株式会社 [学術情報ソリューション事業部 洋書センター 洋書企画グループ] 〒105-0022 東京都港区海岸 1-9-18 国際浜松町ビル 8F TEL 03-6367-6079 FAX 03-6367-6207 営業部=八王子・大宮・神奈川静岡・筑波/札幌・仙台・盛岡・名古屋・岐阜・金沢・大阪・京都・神戸・ 岡山・松山・広島・福岡・長崎・熊本・沖縄/ニュージャージー Shape-Memory Polymers Proteomic and Advanced Biochemical Techniques to Electrospinning and Polymer Nanofibers: I Process Fundamentals Study Protein Adsorption New developments in Synchroton-CT Fluorpolymers Fracture mechanics of ceramics as related to bioc- Stimuli-responsive hydrogels eramics use Electroactive Polymeric Biomaterials Thin Superporous hydrogels for drug delivery systems Microindentation Dynamic Hydrogels Finite element analysis - bone tissue Carbon Nanotube and fullerenes materials Cardiac Mechanics Nanostructures, topography, block copolymers Fluid Mechanics - Transport and diffusion analyses Nanoscale Chemistry for Cell Biology films - mechanical properties as applied in biomaterials studies Bioinspired Adhesives Computational methods related to reaction chemistry Biomineralization and New Materials Molecular Simulation Methods to Investigate Protein Engineered Viruses for Gene Therapy Adsorption Behavior at the Atomic Level Artificial and Natural Protein Polymers - Synthesis and Characterization Cell culture systems for biomaterial delivery across biological barriers Peptoids - Synthesis, Characterization, and Histological analysis Nanostructures Immunohistochemistry Self-Assembling Biomaterials Fluorescence Imaging of cell-biomaterial interactions Virotronics: Phage viruses as developmental tools for Molecular Imaging functional nanomaterials Microarrays in biomaterials research Extracellular matrix-like biomaterials Gene expression and quantitative PCR Artificial extracellular matrices to functionalize bio- Infrared and Raman microscopy materials surfaces Magnetic Resonance of Bone Micro- and Nanostructure Materials for artificial stem cell microenvironments Nanoparticles for biological imaging Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Imaging techniques for mineralization Advanced biophysical methods of analysis Imaging and diagnosis of biological markers Bone as a material Materials to Control and Measure Cell Function Materials of Biological origin - Overview BioMEMS devices Silk Intracellular Sensing Elastin Biopolymers Biosensors based on sol-gel derived materials Chitosan Hydrogel based sensors Hyaluronic Acid Carbon Nanotube-based Sensor: Overview Collagen Conjugated polymers for biosensor devices Collagen-GAG Materials Implantable continuous glucose sensors Fibrin Engineering surfaces Extracellular matrix as a biomimetic biomaterial Biological matrices for tissue regeneration Decellularized scaffolds - Peptide and Protein Modified Surfaces Combinatorial methods to create designer protein interfaces Xenogeneic tissues for the skeletal system Non-fouling Interfaces Bacterial cellulose Patterned Biointerfaces Surface Analysis and Biointerfaces: Situ Techniques Atomic Force Microscopy UHV and In Molecular Biomimetic Designs for Controlling Surface Interactions Surface Engineering using Peptide Amphiphiles Growth Factor and Protein Modified Surfaces and Interfaces Engineered bioactive molecules Rotating wall vessels for cell culture Tethered antibiotics In vivo Bioreactors Engineering Interfaces for Infection Immunity Bone Tissue Engineering Concepts Design Principles in Biomaterials and Scaffolds Calcium phosphate and bone induction vaccine/immunotherapy delivery Tissue Engineering Treatments in Oral, Maxillofacial Nanoparticles for Nucleic Acid Delivery Synthetic “Smart” Polymeric Carriers for Intracellular Delivery Self-Assembled Prodrugs Delivery by Heparin conjugation Bioinspired pH-Responsive Polymers for the Intracellular Delivery of Biomolecular Drugs and Cranial Surgery Tissue Engineering of the Temporo Mandibular Joint Autologous, vascularized bone grafts (Tissue Engineering of) Synovial Joints and Articular Cartilage tentative title Chondrocyte transplantation and selection Polymeric drugs Tissue Engineering of Meniscus and Annulus Fibrosus Sol gel processed oxide controlled release systems - Tissue Engineering Approaches to Regeneration of Overview Anterior Cruciate Ligament Mesoporous silica materials Tissue Engineering of muscle tissue Encapsulation of Cells (Cellular delivery) using sol- Vascular Tissue Engineering gel systems Tissue Engineering of Heart Valves Layered double hydroxides as controlled release materials Materials for Cardiac Cell Transplantation Porous Metal - organic - frameworks as new drug Cell sheet engineering carriers Peripheral nerve regeneration Hybrid nanoparticles for targeted delivery Nerve tissue engineering Silica based nanospheres Biomaterials for central nervous system regeneration Gene delivery Skin Tissue Engineering Nanofiber for drug delivery Fibrocartilage regeneration Cell-demanded Delivery of Growth Factors Tissue Engineering hollow non-cardiac intrathoracic Scaffolds oragans: stage-of-the-art 2010 Scaffolds - Flow Perfusion - Bioreactor design Adipose tissue engineering Engineering Scaffold Mechanical and Mass Transport Finger Properties Bioactive ceramics and bioactive ceramic composite based scaffolds From tissue to organ engineering Kidney tissue engineering Liver Tissue Engineering Scaffolds and angiogenesis Organ printing Effect of material modulus on cell function and dif- Systems Biology and the relationship to Biomaterials/ ferentiation Quantifying Integrin-Ligand Engagement and Cell Phenotype in 3D scaffolds Tissue Engineering Intervertebral disc Current and projected use of joint prostheses Effect of mechanical stress on cells Bone Cement Tissue engineering and selection of growth factors Polyethylene and cytokines Ceramic joint prostheses - clinical results - worldwide Tissue engineering and selection of cells Porous Coatings in Orthopaedics Scaffold materials for hES Cell Culture and Differen- Wear - Hip joint arthroplasty tiation Cell encapsulation Wear - Knee joint arthroplasty Effect of wear particulates Fretting Corrosion LVAD/Artificial Heart Metallic dissolution product - Clinical data, relevance Cardiac Valves: Biologic and Synthetic Trends in materials for spine surgery Intravasular Stents: History, overview Injectable bone cements for spinal column augmenta- Drug Eluting Stents tion - Materials for kyphoplasty / vertebroplasty Biodegradable Stents Biomaterials for intervertebral disc regeneration Vascular Grafts Nucleus Replacements Cerebrospinal fluid shunts Wear - Total intervertebral disc prostheses Biomaterials for spinal cord repair Experimental studies in spinal fusion Corneal Reconstruction with Cell Sheets Materials in fracture fixation Artificial Cornea (Keratoprosthesis) Synthetic bone grafts Retina Reconstruction Cellular Selection for Bone Tissue Grafting Development of Contact Lenses from a Biomaterial Implant use and infection Point of View - State of the Art and Future Per- Materials in Tendon and Ligament Repair spectives Materials for use in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Artificial Kidney Materials in Dental Implantology Surgical Adhesion and its prevention Implant Surface Roughness Suture materials - conventional and stimuli- Materials in prosthodontics: fillings, crowns, bridges Dental Graft Materials - all (light on in situ excavated glass granules) Cardiac patch (with cells, biological or synthetic) responsive Reinforcement of staple lines with buttressing materials Biomaterials for hernia repair
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