A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval
Fr. Greg Márquez
pastoral administrator
Saturday Vigil
Daily (Mon—Sat)
First Friday
National Holidays
7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm
1:45pm, 6pm (Español)
8am (Rosary following Mass)
8am and 6pm (Bilingual)
First Friday
Saturday 8am
Second Saturday
of the Month
Holy Day
8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)
parochial vicar
M, T, W, F
9am—12:30pm, 1:30pm—5:30pm
21682 lake forest drive, lake forest, california, 92630
951-8599 x224
951-8599 x239
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
Mission Statement
The Week Ahead in the Church
Prayers for the Sick
Tuesday, May 12
Filipino Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 13
Ensemble Rehearsal
Thursday, May 14
First Communion Rehearsal
Friday, May 15
Holy Spirit Novena
Wedding Blessing
Ensayo de Primera Comunión
Holy Spirit Novena
Novena al Espíritu Santo
Saturday, May 16
Holy Spirit Novena
First Communion
Primera Comunión
Holy Spirit Novena
Novena al Espíritu Santo
1:30 pm
3:30pm to 4:30pm
The Week Ahead in the Parish Center
Children’s Liturgy
Library Open
Ensayo Coro
Library Open
Boy Scouts
Religious Education
Pastoral Council Meeting
Crafts for Christ
Cub Scouts
Home School Religion Class
Home School Concert
Caregiver Support Group
Matrimonios en Cristo
Friends in Faith Planning Meeting
Reunión coordinadores Grupo de Oración
William Burgos, Jean Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs.
Cashetta, Rosita Castor, Ileanita Cullell, Cherie
DeeblePatricia Delgado, Gary Draper, Ric Einfeldt,
Javier Erlinda, Jose Espinoza, Eugene Ganley,
Samantha Garces, Msgr. Larry Gibson, Cecilia Giraldo,
Bill Goebel, Virginia Gonzalez, Bea Gougeon, John
Gutierrez, Andy Heidesch, Teresita Hernandez, Kathy
Hoover, Bruce Kenson, Frank LaFranco, Takoa Last,
Damasceno Maglalang, Patricia Mannino, Hugh Mc
Conahey, Guadalupe Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Patricia
Monigold, Jose Luis Nuñez, Elizabeth Raymundo,
Philip Raymundo, John Renteria, Ilda Sánchez, Doris
Sinclair, Mary Ann Smith, Lorena Zamarripa.
Please note: In order to keep the list current,
names will remain on the list for six weeks.
Please resubmit after that time by
[email protected].
Mass Intentions for the Week of 5/11 to 5/17/15
Rolando Vasquez†
Rafael Valdez-Camin
Wednesday (8am)
Ann Palacio
Thursday (8am)
Rolando Vasquez†
Michael Brown†
Saturday (8am)
Eugene De Pierro†
Saturday (5pm)
Marlon Moreno†
Nonie V. Pekson†
(8:30am) Aro Blake
(10:15am) Serafin Barragan†
Sara Sisley†
(1:45pm) Alex Rivera†
Nenita Banaag†
Readings for the Week
Youth Choir
Boy Scouts
Reunión de Formación en la Fe
Religious Education
Bible Study
Marijuana Anonymous
Spiritual Direction
Home School Music Class
Adult Confirmation
Chorale Rehearsal
Clases de Biblia
Christian Men in Commerce
Home School Dance Class
Grupo de Oración Cristo Rey
Grupo de Crochet
CMF Meeting
Children’s Liturgy
Knights of Columbus
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
Jn 15:26 - 16:4a
Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Jn 16:12-15
Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or
Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 (for
Ascension); otherwise Acts 1:15-27, 20-26;
Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10;
Jn 16:23b-28
Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103:1-2,
11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19; or,
for Ascension, Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9;
Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13];
Mk 16:15-20
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day Rose Collection
Mother’s Day is a day of celebration for
all mothers at Santiago. Roses are
available as a thank you for your donation
to the cause of Life this Mother’s Day
weekend. Your donation will provide
significant financial support for all of the
Respect Life Centers and Clinics that
provide shelter and support for women
with crisis pregnancies.
Consider making a generous donation and choose a
thank-you rose for your Sweetheart, your Wife,
Mom, or Grandma!
May 10, 2015
For these gifts we are grateful
Sunday Offertory (5/3/15)
Sunday Offertory:
Average Weekly Parish Pay:
Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory
$ 13,271.42
$ 5,468.57
$ 18,739.99
$ 22,137.50
$ (3,397.51)
For Christ Forever Pledges
All For Christ Forever pledges MUST be
mailed directly to:
OCF/FCF P.O. BOX 3860 Seal Beach, CA 90740.
We appreciate your help!
ParishPay …The Easy Way!
We invite you to try ParishPay to make your monthly
parish contributions. Convenient, Automatic,
Enroll and manage your account online using your
Checking, Savings, MasterCard, Visa,
Amex or Discover
Visit www.parishpay.com or call the Parish Office at
949-951-8599 for assistance.
We can enroll you in just a few minutes.
VITA Income Tax Preparation
Catholic Woman of the Year Award
Honoring Volunteerism
Come Join the Santiago Community as we Honor:
Thursday, May 28th, 2015
Hilton Orange County
Costa Mesa
10:30 am Silent Auction,
followed by a full plated
$65.00 per person*
*Tax Deductible reservations
can be made
at the Parish Office.
Pictures 0n Front Cover
•Photo of Santiago’s Blessed Mother from the
May Crowning, and Mother’s Day Bulletin Art.
VITA Tax Preparation at Santiago has closed.
If you need to file an extension, please contact:
ABRAZAR Community Center
7101 Wyoming Street, Westminster, CA 92683
714-893-3581 or 714-278-4679
ABRAZAR will offer their services
through October 2015.
Eagle Scout Project
For the next two weeks, Boy Scout
Eric Friestedt from Troop 818 will be
collecting used prescription glasses
for the charity, The Gift of Sight,
that he is working with in
partnership with Lions Club International on his
Eagle Scout Project. We have a donation box set up
in the Parish Office for his project. The parish will be
donating any unclaimed lost prescription glasses
that have been turned into the Parish Office, so if
you have lost a pair of glasses that you
want back, please check our lost and
found before they get donated.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
Faith Formation
All Monday and Wednesday Religious
Education classes are in session!
God bless your Easter season,
Mrs. Gloria Fetta
For questions please contact Gloria Fetta at
949-951-0792 or email at [email protected]
Many thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped
make our First Communion Retreat a special event. I
hope the children enjoyed it as much as I did! It is
hard to believe, but our RE classes are winding
down soon. The last Wednesday class was May 6th,
and our last Monday class is May 11th. Those
children receiving First Holy Communion this year
have rehearsal on Thursday, May 14th in the church,
and First Communion Mass will be celebrated on
Saturday, May 16th.
Confirmation and Youth Ministry
FNL/Youth Group Meeting:
May 17 from 2-4pm.
Leader Meeting for all Youth Leaders and New
May 31 from 12pm-2pm. Please meet at the Youth
Ministry Office.
Disney Performing Arts Open Enrollment
This is for educational workshops. To speak with a
Pre-production Specialist, please call 714-956-6854
or email: [email protected].
Bible Study
A warm “Thank You” to all who supported Adult
Bible Study this year of 2014-2015. We appreciate
and pray for Fr. Thomas, Fr. Greg, members of the
staff, custodians, and all who participated in any way
to help build community and love of Scripture. Have
a safe and happy summer! Nancy and Barb
The process of welcome and education in the
Catholic Christian tradition is called the Order of the
Catechumenate. The Order of the Catechumenate
dates to the days immediately after the death of
Christ. It is a process whereby unbaptized and those
baptized in another Christian tradition come to
know, understand and embrace the Catholic faith.
Many know and recognize this process as the RCIA
program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Are
you aware we also have an adapted RCIA program
for children grades 1 through 12? We offer the adult
process in either English or Spanish and the
Children’s process is bilingual.
Now would be an ideal time to begin a conversation
with that friend, family member or lapsed Catholic,
inviting that person to “come and see,” nothing
more. You will find pamphlets in the back of the
Church in a box marked RCIA. Take one, read it and
share it with that person who is most on your heart.
Pope Francis daily, by his actions, reminds the world
that by our actions, Christians model the Risen
Christ. Warmly invite others to “come and see” the
original Christian faith; Catholicism.
Any questions or support please call the Office of
Catechumenate at 949-951-1128.
Pew Angels Needed
We are looking for volunteers after each daily and
weekend Mass to help straighten out the pews and
set the church to rights before the next event. Pew
Angels will stay for an extra half hour after Mass and
make sure all the books are in their proper place in
the shelves under the pews and not stacked on the
floor or on the seats, dispose of any trash or plastic
bottles left behind, and generally tidy the church. If
you are interested in becoming a Pew Angel, please
email Dina Tennant at: [email protected].
Please include your name, phone number, email
address and the Mass time you usually attend and
would like to volunteer at.
Many hands make light work!
Lost Gold Crucifix Necklace
We need your help! We are searching for a gold crucifix necklace that one of our parishioners lost in the
circular drive of the parish parking lot on March 28 while attending her brother’s funeral. The item is
irreplaceable, a gift from her mother, and she would desperately like to have it back. If you have located such
an item, please contact the church and turn it into the Reception Office. You can even put it through the door
slot after hours and we will get it safely to it’s owner. Thank you for your assistance.
Any lost and found items can be turned into the Reception Office, where we will hold onto them for a month
before donating them out.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother, and also our Mama Mary?
Let us choose to remain in that Choice to
10 May 2015
Love that we too may love even though
My Dearest Parish Family,
and oftentimes it does hurt. Mothers have
God be with us always.
had a unique way of instilling this in us – it
“As the Father has loved me, so I also love may not be perfect, but most often it is right
and relevant. May we have a million and
you. Remain in my love.” (Jn. 15:9)
one ways to honor, love and emulate our
Such beautiful words coming from our Lord
Mothers not just today but each day of our
Jesus – to be aware, to know and to accept
that WE ARE LOVED. Jesus Our Risen
God bless and take care
Lord has chosen to love us in spite and
despite of who we are. This should give us Love and prayers,
a lifetime of faith, hope, trust and joy to the
One who is All in All.
Taking this reflection of choice further; did Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval
not Our Blessed Mama Mary also make a
choice to love on two most challenging
events; that of the Fiat at the Annunciation
10 de mayo 2015
and when She stood at the foot of the Cross
Mi Querida Familia Parroquial,
for us? Truly a Choice of Love.
¡Dios esté con nosotros siempre!
A Blessed, Happy and Wonderful
Mother’s Day! For two weekends, we had "Como el Padre me ha amado, así también
the opportunity to honor the important
yo los amo. Permanezcan en mi amor.”
women in our lives: Mama Mary last
(Jn. 15: 9)
Sunday and our Mothers this Sunday.
Estas hermosas palabras que vienen de
Come to think of it; Mothers in any size,
nuestro Señor Jesús, es para que tengamos
shape, form or relation, also made a Choice en cuenta, y para conocer y aceptar QUE
to Love. From conception, pregnancy,
SOMOS AMADOS. Nuestro Señor Jesús
celebration of birth to nourishing,
Resucitado ha optado por amarnos sin
formation, nurturing, guiding, forgiving,
pensar en lo que somos y a pesar de lo que
building and accepting – these and many
somos. Esto nos debe dar una vida de fe,
more maternal actions are choices to love. esperanza, confianza y gozo en Aquel que es
This is the reason that as tokens of our love Todo en Todo.
and gratitude, we offer a variety of gifts,
Reflexionando aún más en esta elección de
mainly flowers and cards to express what
amar: ¿no hizo Nuestra Santísima Mamá
we feel inside. Let me encourage everyone María también una elección de amar en dos
to take it further by making a resolution and de los momentos más desafiantes: cuando
a commitment to incarnate the words that dijo Sí en la Anunciación y cuando estuvo al
all our greetings manifest. It is by making
pie de la Cruz por nosotros? Verdaderamente
gifts too of our lives that we fully show our una Elección de Amor.
appreciation and honor our Mothers. Did
¡Un bendecido, feliz y maravilloso día de las
not Our Lord Jesus show us the way by
madres! Durante dos fines de semana,
doing His first miracle at the behest of His
May 10, 2015
hemos tenido la oportunidad de honrar a las
mujeres importantes en nuestras vidas: A
Mamá María el domingo pasado y a nuestras
Madres este domingo.
Ahora que lo pienso, las madres en cualquier
tamaño, forma, o relación, también hicieron
una elección de amor. Desde la concepción, el
embarazo, la celebración del nacimiento y
luego la crianza, la formación, guiando,
perdonando, construyendo y aceptando,
éstas y muchas más de las acciones
maternales son elecciones de amor.
Esta es la razón por la que, como muestras de
nuestro amor y gratitud, ofrecemos una
variedad de regalos, principalmente flores y
tarjetas para expresar lo que sentimos por
dentro. Permítanme animar a todos a ir más
lejos, al hacer una resolución y un
compromiso de encarnar las palabras que
todas nuestras tarjetas y felicitaciones
manifiestan. Esto es, regalando también de
nuestras vidas, para que mostremos
totalmente nuestro aprecio y para honrar a
nuestras madres. ¿No nos mostró el camino
Nuestro Señor Jesús, al hacer su primer
milagro, a petición de su madre, y también
nuestra Mamá María?
Elijamos permanecer en esa “Elección de
Amor”, para que nosotros también amemos
a pesar de que a menudo pueda ser doloroso.
Las madres han tenido una manera única de
inculcar ésto en nosotros, quizás no sea
perfecto, pero muy a menudo es el correcto y
pertinente. ¡Qué tengamos un millón y una
maneras de honrar, amar y emular a
nuestras madres no sólo hoy, sino cada día
de nuestras vidas!
Dios los bendiga y les cuide.
Con mi amor y mis oraciones,
Padre Thomas Paul K. Naval
Santiago Fiesta October 16-18: Save the Date and Grow a Beard!
Parishioner Jeff Carta (right)
The Saturday night entertainment for this year’s Fiesta is going to be a Beard and Mustache
Competition. Come out and see some of the finest beards and mustaches in Southern California.
This is a unique and fun event for the whole family. Bring your friends. Cameras are welcome,
allowing you to take pictures with your favorite competitors. Everyone will want to see the
competitors in their costumes. There will be categories for both professional and amateur
competitors alike. All wives and girlfriends, please allow your men to grow a beard or mustache
for this event. If you want to see what these men wear to compete, do and internet search of
“beard and mustache competition.” You will get a good laugh. We look forward to seeing you all
at this year’s Santiago Fiesta!
Sixth Sunday of Easter
South County Outreach Food Drive
May 9 and 10
This weekend is our monthly food drive to assist
South County Outreach. If you are unable to bring
your donation this weekend, remember there are
baskets in the Parish Hall that you can put your
donations into during the week.
Friends of St. John,
The Caregiver Support Group
Are you a family caregiver in need of an inspirational
place for support and fellowship? You are invited to
join the Friends of St. John, the Caregiver Support
Group. We meet the second Tuesday (May 12) of
every month at 6pm in the Santiago Room of the
parish hall to provide emotional, educational, and
social support to family caregivers through the
sharing of fellowship and faith. The group is co-led
by parishioners Teresa Le Leux and Liz Pearce. For
more information, please call Teresa Le Leux at
Home School Music Concert
May 12 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Hall
Come support our Home School Music Class as they
put on a Benefit Choral and Orchestral Concert. All
donations will benefit Fr. Marc’s orphanage in Haiti.
Knights of Columbus Casino Night
Saturday, May 16 from 7pm - 11:30pm
Black Jack, Craps, Roulette, and Pocket
Table! $40 per person gets you in,
including appetizers. Prizes will be
raffled at the end of the night, with
opportunities to win a trip to Las Vegas, a new
television, and other items. Proceeds benefit the Special
Olympics, Obria Medical Centers, Youth Charities and
Santiago’s Patio Renovation Project. Contact Mike
Ulibarri for more information at 310-721-9160 or
[email protected].
Senior Activities
Seniors meet on the third Tuesday of the month
(usually) for lunch and fellowship. All seniors ages
55 and over are welcome. To help coordinate the
event, a call to Pearl at 949-770-4939 assures the
number of seats.
May 19: Lunch at Cook’s Corner
19122 El Toro Road and Silverado.
Meet at 11am.
May 10, 2015
Blood Drive
Santiago de Compostela and the Knights of
Columbus are sponsoring a Blood Drive on
Sunday, May 24 from 8am to 2pm in the
Parish Hall. Call Roger at 949-458-6508 to
schedule an appointment.
Marriage Encounter
May 29-31
Just before summer begins, why not make a
Marriage Encounter Weekend to put that
spark and romance back in your marriage.
Please call Jim and Cheryl at 949-551-9156
or John and Maggie Lee at 714-873-5136 to
book your weekend, or for more information. You may
also sign up at our website: OCWWME.org.
The Don Miller Memorial Golf Tournament
Hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council 9487
The Tournament is on Sunday, June
28 with a 12:30pm shotgun start at
San Juan Hills Golf Club in SJC.
Open to all parishioners, men and
women, family, friends and brother
Knights. We have a husband/wife or
male/female team format and would like to see
more of the ladies come out to play. For the $125
entrance fee, you get golf and cart, dinner and
award banquet. There will be raffles, prizes, putting
contests and much more.
For more information, contact Jim Marchetta at
949-355-3793, email [email protected].
Memory Loss
Do you or a loved one have questions or
concerns about memory loss issues? The
Interfaith Outreach Program through the
Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County
provides public awareness, education and
support to faith based communities regarding
Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses. Educational
information, emotional support and referral to free
programs are available. For more information call
Teresa at 949-701-5125.
Crafts for Christ Ministry
All knitters and crotchets' are invited to
join us on Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm.
We make scarves, hats, blankets, etc.
for the military, the homeless, and
Birth Choice. We also welcome any yarn donations, call
Lillian at 949 586-3038 or Joyce at 949 581-8418.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
The Ministry for the Divorced and Separated
Support Group
St. Timothy’s Catholic Church in Laguna Niguel will
be hosting a 13-week program to support our
brothers and sisters through the emotional pain of
divorce and separation. Key challenges and unique
family dynamics as a result of this unexpected
journey will be addressed, as well as providing a safe
environment to share concerns and reconnect with
understanding and a new hope. Open yourself up to
experience healing and allow Jesus to restore your
faith and renew your journey. There will be a
different topic every Monday night, beginning March
9th through June 1st, from 7pm-8:30pm at 29102
Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel. Donation is
$35 to register at any time which includes book,
journal and drop-in format for all groups. Call Kelly
Klaus for additional information or registration at
949-292-7281. Registration also on first day of
Week 10: May 11 - The Value of Suffering
Week 11: May 18 - Letting Go & Working on
Week 12: May 25 - Dating and Intimacy as a
Divorced Catholic
JSerra Catholic High School
Hope and Healing After Abortion
(Project Rachel)
If you, or someone you know, have been hurt by
the act of abortion, please accept this invitation to
conversation with a minister especially trained in
this very sensitive area of ministry. All calls are
confidential. Please call our help line at
800-722-4356. Our Church cares about you and we
are here to help.
Lion Engage: Brand New Summer
Event for Middle School!
Looking for summer activities that are engaging and
wholesome? Join us for an information night about
Lion Engage, a new summer program highlighting our
arts, business, law, medical and engineering magnets.
Come learn more and talk to our teachers about the fun
workshops they have planned for the summer!
Tuesday, May 12 from 6:30pm-7:30pm.
RSVP Mrs. Emma Moran at [email protected].
Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System Introductory Session
Free introductory session offered for women and
couples to learn about the Creighton Model System.
Women or couples wishing to enter the program are then
scheduled for individual follow-ups to learn and
use the system to achieve and avoid pregnancy.
This system is also particularly helpful to couples
having difficulty conceiving.
When: Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Time: 7:30PM
Where: St. Joseph Church, 717 N. Bradford
Ave., Placentia, CA 92870
Parish office Meeting Rooms 3-4
Cost: Free!
Contact: Samantha Aronson at
[email protected]
to RSVP or with questions.
See http://www.VitaeFertilityCare.com
for more info or further sessions!
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Noticias sobre la Catequesis en Español
May 10, 2015
Inscripciones para la Catequesis en Español
Las inscripciones para el próximo curso
2015-2016 de la catequesis de
preparación a los Sacramentos de
Reconciliación y Primera Comunión,
comenzarán el
lunes 25 de mayo de 2015.
Fechas importantes que debemos
•Ensayo para la Primera Comunión:
5/15/2015 a las 5:00 pm en la Iglesia.
•Primera Comunión: 5/16/2015 a
la 1:30 pm
Retiro de Hombres con en Padre Raymundo
Tintle, O.F.M y el Sr. Ricardo Sanchez
3pm Viernes Mayo 8 - 1pm Domingo Mayo 10, 2015
Los frailes Franciscanos les invitan a un fin de
semana de amor. Un tiempo para reconocer quien
eres en los ojos de Dios. Disfruta de unos días para
tomar conciencia del amor y la compasión de Dios
hacia ti. El costo es $200 por persona por un cuarto
doble, o $260 por persona por un cuarto privado
(incluye 6 comidas). Se requiere un deposito de $50
no reembolsable al tiempo de registrarte. La
invitación es para hombres de todas las fes y
doctrinas, y de distintos caminares. Para más
información favor de contactar el Centro al
310-456-6631 o visite www.serraretreat.com.
Muchas Gracias.
Están todos invitados a vivir la novena en
honor del Espiritu Santo en preparación a la
gran solemnidad de Pentecostés.
15 al 23 de Mayo
Sábados 16 y 23, 7 pm - Domingo 17, 5 pm
Lunes 18 al Viernes 23, 7 pm
Para más información pasa por la oficina parroquial de
lunes a viernes y los domingos a partir de las 9am o llama
al número de teléfono 949-951-8599 y con mucho gusto
te atenderemos.
Hope and Healing Después de un Aborto
(También conocido como Proyecto Raquel)
Si usted o alguien que conoce han sido heridos por el acto
de un aborto, por favor acepte esta invitación a converser
con un ministro especialmente capacitado en esta área de
ministerio tan sensible. Todas las llamadas son
confidenciales. Por favor llame a nuestra línea de ayuda al
800-722-4356. Nuestra Iglesia se preocupa por usted y
estamos aquí para ayudarle.
El Grupo Guadalupano de Santiago de
Compostela te invita…
¡A que formes parte de este importante grupo!
Sí eres un fiel devoto de nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe, Patrona de México y de las
Américas, y quieres que esta devoción y las
hermosas tradiciones guadalupanas se
transmitan de generación en generación, te
invitamos a que formes parte de nuestra
Nuestras reuniones son los cuartos miércoles de cada mes
a las 7 pm en el salón Parroquial.
Para mayor información te puedes comunicar con la Sra.
Delia García al 949-677-2493.
Grupo de Oración Cristo Rey
El grupo de Oración “Cristo Rey”
te invita cada tercer viernes de
mes, a sus “Noches de Oración y
Alabanza”. Nuestro grupo
parroquial se reúne a las 6 pm en
la Iglesia para comenzar con una
Misa en Español y luego continuar
en el salón parroquial. Cada noche de reunión
compartimos lecturas de la Sagrada Escritura, cantos
y alabanzas, oraciones y contamos con la
participación de invitados especiales que nos brindan
sus experiencias y conocimientos para crecer en la
Fe. ¡Te esperamos!
Hch 16:11-15; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b;
Jn 15:26 — 16:4a
Hch 16:22-34; Sal 138 (137):1-3, 7c-8;
Jn 16:5-11
Miércoles: Hch 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14;
Jn 16:12-15
Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 6-9; Ef 1:17-23 o
Ef 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mc 16:15-20 (para la
Ascensión); o Hch 1:15-27, 20-26;
Sal 113 (112):1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Hch 18:9-18; Sal 47 (46):2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Hch 18:23-28; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 8-10;
Jn 16:23b-28
Domingo: Hch 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Sal 103 (102):1-2,
11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19; o,
para la Ascension, Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47(46):2-3,
6-9; Ef 1:17- 23 o Ef 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13];
Mc 16:15-20