C O N C L U D I N G T H E L O R D ’ S D AY I N W O R S H I P • A p r i l 1 7, 2 0 1 6 HOW SWEET THE SOUND A WORSHIP SERVICE OF SACRED MUSIC Michael Wutzke, Director of Worship and Music, Young Meadows Presbyterian Church Todd Alexander, Director of Music and Organist, Trinity Presbyterian Church Call to Worship 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Page 1257 in the Pew Bible Aria from Cantata No. 70: Wachet, betet J.S. Bach Jim Conely, accompanist Ach, soll nicht dieser große Tag, Ah, shall not this great day, Der Welt Verfall the collapse of the world Und der Posaunen Schall, and the ring of the trumpet, Der unerhörte letzte Schlag, the unheard-of last stroke, Des Richters ausgesprochne Worte, the Judge’s proclaimed words, Des Höllenrachens offne Pforte the open gates of Hell’s wrath, In meinem Sinn awaken in my mind Viel Zweifel, Furcht und Schrecken, much doubt, fear, and terror, Der ich ein Kind der Sünden bin, since I am a child of sin? Erwecken? However, to my soul comes Jedoch, es gehet meiner Seelen a ray of happiness, a light of comfort. Ein Freudenschein, ein Licht des Trostes auf. The Savior cannot conceal His heart Der Heiland kann sein Herze nicht verhehlen, which breaks with mercy, So vor Erbarmen bricht, His gracious arm will not abandon me. Sein Gnadenarm verläßt mich nicht. Therefore I will end my course with joy. Wohlan, so ende ich mit Freuden meinen Lauf. Seligster Erquickungstag, Führe mich zu deinen Zimmern! Schalle, knalle, letzter Schlag, Welt und Himmel, geht zu Trümmern! Jesus führet mich zur Stille, An den Ort, da Lust die Fülle. Blessed day of revival, lead me to your halls! Resound, peal, last stroke, world and heaven, fall in ruins! Jesus leads me to quiet, to the place where pleasure is complete. •• Congregation, please stand as able 2 Chorale Variations on Veni Creator Spiritus Maurice Duruflé Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, and lighten with celestial fire. Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost thy sev’nfold gifts impart. Thy blessed unction from above is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light the dullness of our blinded sight. Anoint and cheer our soiled face with the abundance of thy grace. Keep far our foes, give peace at home: Where thou art guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, and Thee, of both, to be but One, That through the ages all along, this may be our endless song: Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. Scripture Reading Genesis 1:24, 25; Genesis 2:7; Psalm 148:5 Pages 2 & 667 in the Pew Bible Recitative Let the Earth Bring Forth from The Creation by Joseph Haydn Recitative Straight Opening Her Fertile Womb Aria Now Shines the Brightest Glory Jim Sadie, accompanist •• The Congregational Hymn No. 460 Amazing Grace Variations on Amazing Grace amazing grace Denis Bédard Spirituals arr. H.T. Burleigh Wade In De Water Deep River Ev’ry Time I Feel De Spirit Jim Sadie, accompanist 3 Scripture Reading Psalm 130 Meditation OUT OF THE DEPTHS Page 658 in the Pew Bible Mr. Pendley Sonata III in A Major Con moto maestoso Felix Mendelssohn Based on the hymn Out of the Depths, text and tune by Martin Luther Out of the depths I cry to Thee; Lord, hear me, I implore Thee! Bend down Thy gracious ear to me; I lay my sins before Thee. If Thou rememberest each misdeed, If each should have its rightful meed, Who may abide Thy presence? Thou grantest pardon through Thy love; Thy grace alone availeth; Our works could ne’er our guilt remove; Yea, e’en the best life faileth. For none may boast himself of aught, but must confess Thy grace hath wrought Whate’er in him is worthy. And thus my hope is in the Lord, and not in my own merit; I rest upon His faithful Word to them of contrite spirit. That He is merciful and just, here is my comfort and my trust; His help I wait with patience. And though it tarry till the night, and round till morning waken, My heart shall ne’er mistrust His might, nor count itself forsaken. Do thus, O ye of Israel’s seed, Ye of the Spirit born indeed, Wait for our God’s appearing. Though great our sins and sore our woes, His grace much more aboundeth; His helping love no limit knows, Our utmost need it soundeth; Our kind and faithful Shepherd, He Who shall at last set Israel free From all their sin and sorrow. Benediction 4
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