詳細はこちらから/For further details

Help Nepal. Please Donate.
ネパールで 4/25 に発生した大地震で多くの人々が命を落とし、家を失っています。
Thousands of people in Nepal have lost their homes to the devastating earthquake on April 25.
Nepal urgently needs your help in the wake of this disaster.
How to Donate 募金方法
Account deposits can be made at the following account:
The University of Tokyo Nepalese Forum (TUNeF)
銀行名(Bank Name):ゆうちょう銀行 (Japan Post Bank)
記号.番号 (Symbol Number):10100 – 42268261
店名(Branch Name):〇一八(ゼロイチハチ)( 018 )
口座番号 (Account Number):4226826
アカウント名 (Account Name):チューネフ
TUNeF is a non-profit association of Nepalese Students of UTokyo, officially recognized by the University of Tokyo.
TUNeF は東京大学に在籍するネパール人学生の組織であり、東京大学公認の学生団体です。
All collections will be sent for use in the relief work of the victims through the
Earthquake relief fund, Help Nepal Network (HNN), Nepal. HNN is the largest charitable network of Nepalese worldwide
working for the country's wellbeing.
寄付金額はすべてネパール最大の慈善機関である Help Nepal Network (HNN)の緊急救援及び復興支援活動に使われます。
We will update the progress made by these donations by email at a later date.
Contact: [email protected] | https://www.facebook.com/tuneftodai