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YlLjtJi" Lrt;t cryJ+.lt 6り 1毬 │メ 1由 y」 い 熱 υ 0い `:,tl二 6υ lJ」 │■ │ ●い │ とぃ JК I● 弾 こ出 Y16JIし ぃ」I JEコ … │ │ │ r. │ r、 I rγ 3鴎 1出 Republic of Iraq The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research University: Al-Qadisiyah College: Engineering Department: Mechanical Dep. Stage: Year three Lecturer name: Khaled Abdulhussein Academic Status:Lecturer . Qualification: PhD. in Mechanical Eng Place of work: College of Engineering Course Weekly Outline Title Course Coordinator Course Obiective Course Description Khaled Abdulhussein Jebear AL-FARHANY Khaled. [email protected] Heat Transfer earl To teach the students the fundamentals of the heat and mass transfer. General Concepts And Definitions, Modes Of Heat Transfer, Conduction Heat Transfer, Extended surfaces (Fins), Two-Dimensional Problems, Numerical Study of Heat Transfer, unsteady Conduction Heat Transfer ,Heisler Charts, Numerical Unsteady of Heat Transfer, Forced Convection Heat Transfer, Thermal Boundary Layer, Heat Transfer In Pipes For Laminar And rurbulent Flow, Natural Convection Heat Transfer, Heat Exchangers, Radiation Heat Transfer: General Principles, Configuration ( shape ) Factor, Radiation Applications, Boiling and condensation , Mass transfer. Heat Transfer,J.P. Holmery 10ft Edition. 1- Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer; Frank p. Incropera and David p. ;7h Edition. 2- Heat Transfer ;yunus A. Cengel; )na Edition. 3- :Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer; Dr. Abbas, A.S. Aljeebori; l.t edtion Course Assessment General Notes Laborato Republic of Iraq The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research University : Al-Qadisiyah College: Engineering Department: Mechanical Dep. Stage: Year three Lecturer name: Khaled Abdulhussein Academic Status:Lecturer : Qualification: PhD. in Mechanical Eng. Course weekl Outli utilne‐ 1lrst semester first semester week Date ■■ 2 September October 3 October 4 October 5 October 6 November 7 November 8 November 9 November 10 December ■■ ■■ 12 December December 13 December 14 January 15 16 17 January January January Topics Covered Lab. Experiment Assignments Introduction to heat transfer General equations of heat transfer 1D- study state heat conduction through the walls 1D- study state heat conduction plane walls lD- study state heat conduction radial , cylinder systems Heat conduction in Composed walls overall heat transfer coeflicient , critical thickness of insulation heat transfer by conduction and convections, applications Heat transfer through extended surfaces (Fins), infinite fins Finite fins , insulated end fins, multiple fi ns, Effectiveness 2D- study state heat conduction Numerical study of study state heat conduction in 1 and 2-D 1-D Numerical study of Unsteady state heat conduction 2-D Numerical study of Unsteady state heat conduction Note Calculate the Thermal conductivity of the walls Calculate the Thermal conductivitv of cylinders Forced convection applications Exams Exams Half-year Break - k。 Instructor Signature head t Signature Dean Signature S Republic of Iraq The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research University : Al-Qadisiyah College: Engineering Department: Mechanical Dep. Stage: Year three Lecturer name: Khaled Abdulhussein Academic Status : Lecturer Qualification: PhD. in Mechanical Eng. Place of work: College of Engineering Course weekl Outline- second semester week Date Topics Covered 18 t9 February February Convective heat transfer Forced convection, over walls, linders, boundary layers. 20 March 21 March 22 March 23 24 March 25 April 26 April 27 28 29 April Forced convection inside pipes, rectangular cross sections. Natural convection on vertical, horizontal and inclined walls Natural convection on vertical, horizontal and inclined cylinders Radiation heat transfer radiation shape factors, heat exchange between black bodies Heat transfer between parallel walls, and between many bodies Heat exchan Parallel flow heat exchanger Counter flow heat exchan April 30 May May May 31 Mav LMTD and ε¨ Ntu Lab. Experiment Assignments Notes Natural convection MethOd Boiling and condensation Boiling and condensation Mass transfer 32 ( l<. lf,,-?,"-Instructor Signature t Signature Dean Signature
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