Curriculum Vitae - imj

Davide Barilari
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
UFR Math., 5 rue Thomas Mann
75205 Paris CEDEX 13
70 rue du Dessous-des-Berges
75013 Paris, France
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +33 (0)1 57 27 91 26
Mail: [email protected]
Born on November 7, 1984, in Cattolica (RN), Italy.
Present Position
Sept 2013 - present:
Maître de Conférence, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, UFR Mathématiques
Membre de l’Institut des Mathématiques de Jussieu, Equipe Géométrie et Dynamique
Past Position
Nov 2011 - Aug 2013:
ERC Post-Doc contract at CMAP, École Polytechnique, Paris - équipe INRIA GECO
Supervisor: Ugo Boscain - Project ERC StG 2009 “GeCoMethods”
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, SISSA, Trieste, Oct 2011
Thesis: Invariants, Volumes and Heat Kernels in Sub-Riemannian Geometry.
Supervisor: Andrei Agrachev
Master’s Degree in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Trieste, July 2008 – 110/110 cum laude
Thesis: Sub-Riemannian structures on three dimensional Lie groups. Supervisor: Andrei Agrachev
Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Bologna, July 2006 – 110/110 cum laude
Thesis: Spazi di Carnot-Caratheodory. Supervisor: Ermanno Lanconelli
Maturità Scientifica, Liceo Scientifico “A.Volta”, Riccione, 2003 – 100/100 Cum Laude
Fellowships and awards
SISSA Best Ph.D. Thesis in Mathematics Award, 2012
SISSA Ph.D. Fellowship, 2008-2011
SISSA “Diploma Percorso Formativo Comune” Fellowship, 2006-2008
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Fellowship, 2003-2006
Research Interests
Sub-Riemannian Geometry, Curvature and Hypoelliptic Heat Kernel, Measure contraction properties.
Geometric Control Theory, Affine control systems.
Book (in preparation)
Introduction to Riemannian and sub-Riemannian geometry (with A. Agrachev and U. Boscain)
314 pages, available at
Published and accepted papers
1. On the Hausdorff volume in sub-Riemannian geometry (with A. Agrachev and U. Boscain)
Calculus of Variations and PDE’s, 43 (2012), no. 3-4, 355-388.
2. Sub-Riemannian structures on 3D Lie groups (with A. Agrachev)
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems (2012), v.18, 21-44.
3. Trace heat kernel asymptotics in 3D contact sub-Riemannian geometry
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 195 (2013), no. 3, 391-411.
4. On 2-step, corank 2 sub-Riemannian metrics (with U. Boscain and J.P. Gauthier)
SIAM, Journal of Control and Optimization, 50 (2012), no. 1, 559-582.
5. Small time asymptotics for heat kernel at the sub-Riemannian cut locus (with U. Boscain and R.W.
Neel). Journal of Differential Geometry, 92 (2012), no.3, 373-416.
6. Small time heat kernel asymptotics at cut-conjugate points on 2-spheres of revolution (with J. Jendrej). Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré-Anal. Non Linéaire 31 (2014), pp. 281-295.
7. An explicit formula for the Popp volume in sub-Riemannian geometry (with L. Rizzi). Analysis and
Geometry in Metric Spaces, 1 (2014), 42-57.
8. Geometry of Maslov cycles (with A. Lerario). Geometric Control Theory and Sub-Riemannian Geometry, Springer INDAM Series, vol. 5 (2014).
9. The curvature: a variational approach (with A. Agrachev and L. Rizzi). Submitted. Preprint ArXiv.
10. On the heat diffusion at the cut locus for generic Riemannian and sub-Riemannian structures (with
U.Boscain, G.Charlot and R.Neel). Submitted. Preprint ArXiv.
11. Comparison theorems for conjugate points in sub-Riemannian geometry (with L. Rizzi). Submitted.
Preprint ArXiv.
In preparation
• Curvature for contact sub-Riemannian manifolds (with A. Agrachev, P. W. Y. Lee, L. Rizzi).
• Sub-Finsler geometry and time optimal control (with U. Boscain, E. Le Donne and M. Sigalotti).
Research Visits
Università di Bologna, Italy, June 2014 (1 week)
Université de Nice, Nice, France, Feb 2013 (1 week), Jun 2013 (1 week)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Nov 2012 (2 weeks)
Jyväskylä University, Jyväskylä, Finland, Oct 2012 (1 week)
SISSA, Trieste, Italy, Nov 2011, Feb 2012 (2 weeks), Apr-May 2012 (6 weeks) and May 2014 (1 week)
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, July 2011 (1 week)
École Polytechnique, Paris, France, Jan 2010, Mar 2011 (2 weeks)
Université du Sud Toulon-Var, Toulon, France, Sept 2009 (2 weeks), Apr 2011, Jun 2012 (1 week)
Invited Talks in Conferences
Workshop "Analysis and Geometry in Control Theory and its Applications", Rome, June 9-13, 2014
“Comparison theorems for conjugate points in sub-Riemannian geometry”
International Youth Conference Geometry & Control, Moscow, 14-18 Apr, 2014.
“Heat kernel small time asymptotics at the cut locus in Riemannian and sub-Riemannian geometry”
Mathematical Control in Trieste, Trieste, Dec 2013
“Curvature for affine optimal control problems”
Nonlinear Control: geometric approach and applications, Firenze, Apr 2013
“Curvature for affine control systems and sub-Riemannian geometry”
Journée “Contrôle optimal Géométrie et Transport”, Dijon, Sept 2012
“Courbure et géométrie sous-Riemannienne”
Sub-Riemannian geometry and PDE’s, Levico Terme, July 2012
“Curvature in sub-Riemannian geometry”
INDAM Meeting on Geometric Control and Sub-Riemannian Geometry, Cortona, May 2012
“Heat kernel small time asymptotics at the cut locus in sub-Riemannian geometry”
ERC Workshop on Geometric Analysis on sub-Riemannian and Metric Spaces, Pisa, Oct 2011
“Invariants and heat kernels in 3D contact sub-Riemannian manifolds”
25th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Berlin, Sept 2011
“On the Hausdorff volume in sub-Riemannian geometry”
Workshop on Nonlinear Control and Singularities, Porquerolles, Oct 2010
“On the Hausdorff volume in sub-Riemannian geometry”
Invited Seminars
Séminaire de géometrie, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, France, March 2013
“Géométrie sous-riemannienne et équation de la chaleur hypo-elliptique. Partie I et II.”
Séminaire EDP, Université Paris Sud - Paris 11, Orsay, France, Nov 2013
“Heat kernel small time asymptotics at the cut locus in sub-Riemannian geometry”
Münich University, Geometry Oberseminar, Germany, May 2013
“Heat kernel small time asymptotics at the cut locus in sub-Riemannian geometry”
Université de Nice, Séminaire de Géométrie et Analyse, France, Feb 2013
“Curvature in sub-Riemannian geometry”
Jyväskylä University, Geometry seminar, Finland, Nov 2012
“Curvature in sub-Riemannian geometry”
Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France, May 2012
“Problème sous-riemannien: géométrie, optimalité et diffusion”
Université Paris 6, Paris, France, May 2012
“Problème sous-riemannien: géométrie, optimalité et diffusion”
Seminaire de géométrie sous-Riemannienne, IHP, Paris, Mar 2012
“Geometry and heat equation on sub-Riemannian manifolds”
Université de Paris-Est Créteil, Séminaire Doctorants, Paris, France, Feb 2012
“Sub-Riemannian geometry and sub-Riemannian heat equation”
Institut Fourier, Seminaire d’Analyse, Grenoble, Dec 2011
“On the Hausdorff volume in sub-Riemannian geometry”
L2S, Supélec, Université de Paris-Sud, Paris, March 2011
“The intrinsic volume in sub-Riemannian geometry (and applications to image reconstruction)”
Organization activity
Member of the Program Committee of the “International Youth Conference Geometry & Control”,
in Moscow, 14-18 Apr, 2014.
Co-organizer of the “IHP Trimester on Geometry, Analysis and Dynamics on sub-Riemannian manifolds”
(with. A. Agrachev, U. Boscain, M. Sigalotti, F. Jean, L. Rifford, Y. Chitour), Sept 1-Dec 14, 2014.
Organizer of the “Séminaire de géométrie sous-riemannienne”, IHP, Paris (with P. Pansu)
Year 2014/15 :
Year 2013/14 :
Year 2012/13 :
Co-organizer of the “INDAM Meeting on Geometric Control and Sub-Riemannian Geometry”, Cortona,
May 2012. (with U. Boscain, D. Prandi, A.Sarychev, M. Sigalotti, G. Stefani)
Supervision activity
Jacek Jendrej, Stage M1 Thesis at École Polytechnique, Apr-Jul 2012.
Prix du Centre de Recherche - Ecole Polytechnique, Promotion 2009
“Small time heat kernel asymptotics at a cut-conjugate point on 2-spheres of revolution”.
Referee Activity
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A - Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
- Geometriae Dedicata - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization - ESAIM COCV Control, Optimisation
and Calculus of Variations - Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems - Communications in Pure and
Applied Analysis - Note di Matematica.
Teaching Experience
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7. Academic Year 2013/14.
Lectures and Exercises for “Algèbre et Analyse Elementaire II” (98 h)
Exercises for “Équations Différentielles” (54 h)
ENSTA-ParisTech, Paris, Sept-Oct 2012 (15 h)
Exercises for the course: “Systèmes Dynamiques: Stabilité et Commande”
Università di Trieste, Mathematics Department
Exercises for: “Affine, Euclidean and Projective Geometry”, Apr-Jul 2010 (50 h), Apr-Jul 2009 (50 h)
Exercises for: “Linear Algebra”, Oct-Dec 2009 (50 h)
Other Workshops and Conferences attended
Norwegian Summer School on Analysis and Geometry, Bergen, Norway, June 2013
New trends in Optimal Control, Ravello, Italy, Sept 2012
Symplectic Geometry, Aberdeen, UK, July 2011
Seventh school in Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces, Levico Terme, June 2011
Workshop on Control and Topology, Topolò (Udine), May 2011.
Workshop on Quantum Control, Instituite Henri Poincarè, Paris, Dec 2010
Fourth Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics and Control, Santiago de Compostela, July 2010
New Trends in Sub-Riemannian Geometry, Nice, Mar 2010
International Conference of Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Vision, Bologna, Sept 2009
Sixth school in Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces, Levico Terme, June 2009
Popularization of Mathematics
Lecture “Pi greco, da Archimede a Riemann”, Liceo Malpighi, Bologna, 04/06/2014
Collaboration for “Notte dei Ricercatori” - SISSA, Trieste, 23/09/2011
Math Olympiads, Coppa Aurea - Training, Università degli Studi di Trieste
Preparation of problems and lectures on solutions, from 2008 to 2011
Math Olympiads, Local competition, Università degli Studi di Bologna
Preparation of problems and lectures on solutions, Feb 2006
Informatic Skills
Basic knowledge of HTML and PHP
Good knowledge of Windows (Microsoft Office) and Apple operative systems
Very good knowlegde of LaTeX and Mathematica software.
Foreign Languages
Italian: native speaker
English: fluent
French: advanced, C1.1 level (Institut International de Rambouillet, 2012)
Last update: June 5, 2014