2014-2015 Jahresabschlussfeier

Delta Epsilon Phi
In 2005, the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
awarded the German School of Connecticut a chapter of Delta
Epsilon Phi, the National Honor Society for High School Students
of German. The honor society recognizes high school students who
have studied German for at least three years, have a 3.6 grade point
average in German as well as a cumulative high school GPA of at
least 3.0 (on a 4-point scale). Students must also have scored 80%
or higher on the AATG exam to be eligible for admission.
Faculty Sponsors:
Dr. Eileen Wilkinson
New Members:
Estela Camara de la Fuente
Leon Chambers
Timon Dauser
Lorena De Caprio
Laura Demée
Luisa Goncalves
Adam Iacoponi
Kevin Klarer
Monika Krah
Margaux Meilhac
Madeleine Ostertag
Holm Roeser
Alexander Wagner
Sophie Warlitz
Year End Celebration
Saturday, May 16th
10:00 AM
German School of Connecticut
We kindly ask that all students remain with their classes throughout
the performance. Parents and all other guests are invited to sit
anywhere in the unreserved sections of the auditorium.
Fr. Diekmann & Fr. Ghaznavi
(M 3/4)
Hurra, der Sommer kommt (selbstverfasst)
Please refrain from coming to the front of the auditorium
to take photographs during the performance. There
are school photographers documenting the event. Feel
free to take pictures from where you are sitting.
Fr. Wolfinger
(German 4)
99 Luftballons (Nena)
Dr. Renate Ludanyi: Welcome
Fr. MirFachrai, Fr. Giacone, Fr. Grodman, Fr. Gyamfi & Fr. Siskind
(Flummis & Vorstufe)
Heute ist Samstag! (Samira Siskind)
Fr. Richards & Fr. Card
(Kindergarten F & Lesen/Schreiben F)
Grün, Grün, Grün sind... (traditionell)
Fr. Warlitz
(Kindergarten M)
Auf der Mauer, auf der Lauer (traditionell)
Fr. Famighetti & Fr. Kristof
(Elementary I & Elementary II)
Alle Kinder lernen Lesen (Klaus Neuhaus)
Fr. Tunaru & Fr. Callahan
(German I)
Die Affen rasen durch den Wald (Peter Hoffmann)
Fr. Topp
(Lesen/Schreiben M)
Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad (anonym)
Fr. Fechter & Fr. Wrumnig
(M 5/6)
Mondnacht (Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff)
Reisen (Goethe)
An der Copacabana (EAV)
Fr. Reuther-RochÉ
(Kollegstufe 1)
Aschenputtel (traditionell)
Fr. Tamm Ritter
(Kollegstufe 2)
Der Werwolf (Christian Morgenstern)
presented by: Lara Cerruti, Lorena De Caprio, Laura Demeé
& Ramagopal Karthikeyan
Das ästhetische Wiesel (Christian Morgenstern)
presented by: Alexander Wagner
Fr. Endrikat
(Alle Schűler)
Samba in Rio (traditionell aus Brasilien)
Delta Epsilon Phi Einführung
Fr. RÜlle & Fr. Hamburger
(M 1/2)
Der kleine Eisbär (Hans de Beer)
The German School of Connecticut wishes to thank all those who made this event
possible: the students who have delighted us with their talents, our creative and
hardworking teachers, the officers’ committee, the classroom parents and additional
parents who provided us with generous donations of their time, talent and food items.
Our program and the work of our school during the school year would not be possible
without these contributions.
Dr. Wilkinson & Dr. Unfried
(German 2 & German 3)
Hypochonderlied (anonym)
We also thank the Rippowam Middle School for hosting us during the school year as
well as Al Perillo and his team for offering the most professional and much needed
custodial services.