Follifoot Farm Series 2
このシリーズは 6 冊の本からなる続き物のストーリーです。ストーリーのタイトルは The Cats
Who Fell Out of the Car.で 6 つのチャプター・6 冊の Book で構成されています。
Part 1
Part 2
The Cats Who Fell Out of the Car
Out of the Car
Into the Barn
Out of the Barn
Two Angry Dogs
Another Angry Dog
The House Next Door
Book 1
on in a of up at is it can get big red its cats hens bull fell back them that
shuts pecking along from grass next left past jump end stops
フォニックスルール適用外の頻出単語(sight words/サイトワーズ)
the to go no into they are comes out two oh what who
y: by
ar: car farm farmyard barn part
er: another
ay/ai: away
ee/ea: see speeds speeding heap leap
oo: moo
oo: look
or/oor: corn tractor door
ou/ow: out down cow brown
opens fall wall
Book 2
on a of up at is it and can big pig hut run top but not sit its cats lets bull
fell them push sitting across last jump stand
フォニックスルール適用外の頻出単語(sight words/サイトワーズ)
the to go into she they all are one little comes some again here four who
恥ずかしがり屋の i
empty friendly
are: scared
ar: car part farmyard barn charge part
er: another
ay/ai: away hay
ee/ea: see feel meet sheep sleep squeal
oo: moo
oo: look
or/oor: door
ou/ow: out loud down
wall open
Book 3
on in a of up at is can get hut big has and cats back fell hidden then with
rush shuts bang clip clop flap grass fresh past ramp end jump
フォニックスルール適用外の頻出単語(sight words/サイトワーズ)
the to go into onto he they are comes some little want who where goes
恥ずかしがり屋の i
y: by try
are: scared
ar: car part farmyard yard far farmer barn
er: farmer clatter
ay/ai: stay hay
ee/ea: see feel creep sheep eat
oo: cock-a-doodle-doo
or/oor: for horse door
ou/ow: out down cow now
opens gives animals
Book 4
on in a of at it hut run and dogs cats hens back fell kennel sudden Kevin
then them with path dishes along Wellington stop from cluck cat-flap
jump end milk drinks flapping
フォニックスルール適用外の頻出単語(sight words/サイトワーズ)
the to go into all are comes one out two who
恥ずかしがり屋の i
madly angry
y: by fly
are: scared
ar: car bark garden farmhouse part
er: another after under other
ay/ai: away
ee/ea: see feel meat eats
oo: cock-a-doodle-doo soon
or/oor: door floor
ou/ow: out house down now
wall kitchen hedge table
Book 5
on in a of up at as is run hut can dog and cats back fell sudden Kevin box
yap then them with shed shut dishes bang whiz running Wellington
from grass across left past jump cat-flap end
フォニックスルール適用外の頻出単語(sight words/サイトワーズ)
the to go into she they all are come out two who
恥ずかしがり屋の i
Lotty empty angry
y: by
ar: car barking garden farmyard far part
er: another after corner over other
ee/ea: see green
oo: soon
oo: looks woof
or/oor: door corner
ou/ow: out round bow-wow brown
watching open wall front kitchen
Book 6
in a of at is it not but had bad big and cats dogs hens puts back bull fell
cannot Pippin Kevin box this that them with shed Wellington next
フォニックスルール適用外の頻出単語(sight words/サイトワーズ)
the to go into he she they her was all are so do when comes like have
want who goes
恥ずかしがり屋の i
Jelly Lotty happy angry lucky madly friendly lady
are: scared
ar: car bark farm farmyard farmer part
er: farmer
ay/ai: stay day again
ee/ea: meet feel sheep Bean means
oo: too
oo: Follifoot
or/oor: horse door
ou/ow: out house cow bow-wow brown
Rumple animals carries loves lives kitchen