Schweigeminute für die Opfer des Anschlages auf das Garissa Uni

An die Mitglieder von swissuniversities
Bern, 22. April 2015
Martine Rahier
T +41 32 718 10 20
Schweigeminute für die Opfer des Anschlages auf das Garissa University College in Kenia
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Effingerstrasse 15, Postfach
3000 Bern 1
Die European University Association hat sich an ihrer Jahresversammlung von vergangener
Woche mit dem Anschlag auf das Garissa University College in Kenia vom 2. April 2015 befasst. Die europäischen Rektorenkonferenzen haben einstimmig beschlossen, ein gemeinsames Signal gegen diesen Angriff auf die grundsätzlichen Werte der Freiheit von Lehre
und Forschung zu setzen (siehe Beilage). Deshalb soll am Montag, 27. April 2015 um 12h
an den Hochschulen europaweit eine Schweigeminute zu Ehren jener Opfer eingehalten
Als Präsidentin von swissuniversities unterstütze ich diese Aktion und lade Sie herzlich ein,
diese Schweigeminute an Ihrer Hochschule zu beachten.
Freundliche Grüsse
Prof. Dr. Martine Rahier
Beilage erwähnt
Protect Universities from Attack
Following the terrorist attack that unfolded at Garissa University College in Kenya on
Thursday 2 April killing 147 students and leaving at least 79 people wounded, the
European University Association invites all European universities to observe
a minute’s silence on Monday 27 April 2015 (12:00 CET)
in remembrance of all those killed in and affected by the attack on Garissa and by other
attacks on universities and university values around the world. While the events in
Garissa stand out in their barbarity, we would like to draw attention to the appalling
reality that attacks continue to happen every day.
In doing so, EUA reaffirms its belief that any act of violence or attack on education runs
counter to the fundamental university values of freedom of thought and expression,
tolerance and autonomy and undermines the ambition and fundamental right of any
young person to gain qualifications and make a contribution to their nation, society and
the world.
Attacks on universities, their students and scholars weaken or obliterate academic
freedom; have a devastating impact on research, teaching and access to education;
and impair society’s long-term development. Safeguarding the freedom and safety of
universities and university communities is therefore pivotal in ensuring the
advancement of knowledge and the cultural and scientific development of mankind.
The pursuit of knowledge has no boundaries and universities transcend geographical
and political frontiers. In keeping with the principles of the Global Coalition to Protect
Education from Attack it endorsed in January, EUA therefore calls on universities
across Europe and beyond to unite in solidarity in condemning any form of violence
against education. It further appeals to the international community to take action to
protect universities from attacks and prevent them from happening in the future.
Brussels, April 2015