Marigold Assessment Plus Service Allan Cole Accredited Child Contact Service Understanding the needs of families Comprehensive, independent, community based parenting assessments for local authorities and courts. Accredited children’s contact centre, offering safe and assessed contact in the Allan Cole Centre and other local resources. Marigold Solutions Plus programmes, providing solution focussed interventions with children and families towards best outcomes for children. Introduction The Marigold Assessment Plus is an integrated assessment, contact and therapy service for children and their families. Its aim is to offer comprehensive, independent and professional community based assessments, intervention and contact services all in one place. Our assessments provide balanced and informed recommendations about whether it is in a child’s/children’s best interest to be reunited with their parent/s or family. This is achieved through the integration of interventions and assessed contact within parenting assessments, giving families the best chance to reunite or alternatively make timely decisions about alternative placements for children by eliminating the need for multiple assessments. Our assessment and intervention model is informed by social learning and eco-systems theory, helping us to understand the inner and outer world of children and families, as well as the social and economic context and beliefs which underpin parents’ behaviour. We consider attachment as an integral part of our parenting assessments, using the Marchak Intervention Model as a tool to measure and improve attachment. Our service therefore, adopts an eclectic approach, balancing the need to avoid delay and make robust decisions in child care proceedings with the support parents need to make changes. This means that we incorporate solution based interventions, such as cognitive behavioural therapy to help accelerate and maintain change. Our practitioners are skilled communicators who adopt a person-centred approach, transactional analysis and motivational interviewing during the 8 weeks intensive process of assessment meetings with families. Their C.V.’s include training in:- the Principles of Theraplay Programme, Parenting Assessment Manual; Family Game intervention; Sandplay techniques; Sensory Attachment and Coaching qualifications. Where sexual abuse is the prevailing risk factor, we have access to a sessional therapist who offers assessment of risk, risk reduction programmes and therapeutic work to families referred to our service The Marigold Assessment Plus, Allan Cole contact centre is an accredited member of the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCCs) and offers assessed and community based contact in a variety of settings. Contact supervisors are trained to help parents increase the quality of contact and offer mediation and assistance. “The purpose of a family assessment is to identify and explore, in considerable depth, the unique complexity of developmental and ecological factors in each family and their environment that may contribute to or may mitigate maltreatment”1 Although in general the assessment team at Marigold believe that all children have the right to family life, and in the majority of cases this should be with their birth family, the child’s needs are paramount. Where the assessment concludes that a child cannot be reunited with their birth family, we, using our team’s expertise, will recommend alternative placement arrangements. The team has considerable experience working with a wide range of families, including those from different cultural and social backgrounds. It has particular expertise in working with vulnerable families; assessments have involved working with parents with learning disabilities, Aspergers Syndrome, parents with hearing impairments, mental health issues and substance misusing parents. Likewise the team has experience of supporting children with autism, physical disabilities and behavioural problems. Recently the team have enhanced their assessment model whilst at the same time reducing time scales from 12 weeks (the usual time scales for family centres and other local authority assessors) to between 4 and 10 weeks with a report completed by end week 6 or 9 (or 12 weeks for parents with learning needs who will be participating in a PAMS assessment). An interim report can be available upon request after the first review. The reduced time scale has been achieved by adopting the community based assessment model and re-organising tasks within the team in line with the high level of skills and expertise of its practitioners. Uniquely assessments at the Marigold Assessment Plus allow for the possibility of integrating parenting intervention programmes based on a Strengths approach. 1 2 | Marigold Assessment Plus (Rycus and Hughes (2003;11) as cited in Research Report, December 2003, Department of Community Services;, MARIGOLD ASSESSMENT PLUS OFFERS: 1.Assessment of 2.Intervention Parenting Capacity Programmes Marigold Assessment Plus will enhance the social worker’s statutory assessment by providing the one family, one assessment model, underpinned by research, evidence based, and integrated with intervention services, removing the need for multiple specialist supporting assessments. Marigold Assessment Plus adopts a strengths based approach to parenting assessment. In adopting this approach we are mindful of the need for timely decision making so as not to cause delay for children or incur unnecessary expenditure. The assessment team would not recommend that an assessment continue without due cause. Each parenting assessment will start with two weeks of high intensity assessment, consisting of at least 15 hours observation of parent-child interaction and 3 interviews (one of which will be conducted by the Clinical Lead manager), as well as a review of significant historical information. An early review meeting will take place after the initial two weeks assessment at which one of the following recommendations will be made: 1. Assessment prognosis is likely to have a positive outcome; assessment to continue for the remaining 6 weeks, supported by an intervention if appropriate; a report will be available by end week 9. 2. Assessment prognosis less likely to have a positive outcome and/or parents not engaging: recommend that assessment is halted; assessment report available end week 4. 3. When PAMS assessment is used, i.e. vulnerable parents, with learning needs, assessment report will be available by end week 14. Marigold Assessment Plus adds in suitable interventions (solutions plus) to deal with issues identified early on in the assessment, making the service a one stop shop and helping parents utilise services towards the best outcome for their child(ren). This reduces the need for such interventions to be recommended at the end of a parenting assessment, inevitably causing delay. Another benefit of interventions running alongside assessments is the opportunity for Marigold Assessment Plus to measure the ability for parents to gain new skills and insights. Rather than having to buy in separate services, Marigold Assessment Plus is able to offer the following, using our own expertly trained staff: Principles of Theraplay Theraplay is a structured play therapy for children and their parents/carers and its goal is to enhance attachment, selfesteem, trust in others and joyful engagement. The method is fun, physical, personal and interactive and replicates the natural, healthy interaction between parents and young children. It is structured, led by a member of staff and parents/carers are actively involved. The focus is on ‘the here and now’ and does not attempt to interpret the child’s past experiences. Nurturing touch forms an integral part of the Theraplay sessions. Parent-child game intervention The Parent/Child Game is an intervention programme designed to enable parents to recognise their own strengths and abilities as they grow more confident in managing their child(ren)’s behaviour. The programme helps parents to develop a more nurturing relationship with their child(ren) through effective interaction. Parents are coached to enhance their child-centred behaviours. Feed back is given after the session so that the parent can discuss progress. Children enjoy the sessions as they spend special time with their parent whose attention is focussed on them. Motivational interviewing Motivational interviewing (MI) refers to a talking treatment approach that evolved from professional experience in the treatment of problem drinkers. MI is a semi-directive, clientcentred counselling style for eliciting behaviour change by helping clients to explore and resolve any ambivalence that they may have about the need to alter their behaviour. Compared with non-directive counselling, it is more focused Marigold Assessment Plus | 3 and goal-directed. Motivational Interviewing is a method that works on facilitating and engaging expressed motivation in order to change behaviour and the examination and resolution of ambivalence is a central purpose. The counsellor is intentionally directive in pursuing this goal. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a talking therapy that helps individuals to recognize that often the difficulties that we encounter in life are not created by the ‘problems’ we face but by the way in which we think about, or interpret, these ‘problems.’ CBT encourages individuals to think differently about their problems, and by thinking differently it is anticipated that the individual will feel and act differently when presented with future problems. Unlike some other talking therapies, such as psychoanalytical psychotherapy, it focuses on difficulties in the ‘here and now’. Instead of focusing on the causes of distress or symptoms in the past, it looks for ways to improve the individual’s state of mind both now and in the future. CBT has been shown to help with many different types of problems, including anxiety, depression, panic, phobias (including agoraphobia and social phobia), stress, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and psychosis. CBT can also help those individuals who have difficulties with anger and low frustration tolerance (LFT); low self-esteem or physical health problems, such as pain or chronic fatigue. The Marigold Assessment Plus extends the theory and practice of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with individuals into the work that it undertakes with couples and families. Cognitive behavioural programmes have been demonstrated to reduce physical punishment and parental aggression in less time than alternative approaches 3.Back Together Programmes The Marigold Assessment Plus offers support to families once they are back together, by way of a positive parenting and/ or principles of theraplay programme. Where children have been separated from their parents, getting back together after a successful parenting assessment can be a crucial period for the family. Research shows that between a third and half of children who return home from foster care re-enter care. Children who have experienced separation often feel insecure on returning to their parents and may express this by testing the boundaries. Attachment may also have been affected. A support programme can greatly enhance the probability of the family continuing without further need for intervention or placement breakdown. The Marigold Assessment Plus team offers a support programme, which consists of elements which according to research contribute most to the success of staying together. Meeting with the family to review care Plan and complete the ‘family reunification tracking checklist’ (which identifies family’s support network). Refer to Family Group Conference if appropriate. Helps families to link with support network, including community resources. Refers parent(s) to Marigold Assessment Plus team counsellor if appropriate. Refers family to Principles of Theraplay if appropriate. Allocate family a Children and Families Worker who will provide 5 hours support per week for between 8 and 12 weeks (as appropriate); support will be a mixture of face to face and telephone contact including out of hours access to advice. A post reunification report at completion of the programme with an overview of support given and progress made, including a recommendation for possible continued support by volunteer services. A linking meeting with volunteer. These interventions can also be commissioned as stand alone programmes to support parents who have already participated in an assessment elsewhere. 4 | Marigold Assessment Plus 4.Assessed Contact; Allan Cole Contact Centre Site Contact sessions where the possibility of returning a child to their parent(s)’ care is considered will be assessed by Contact Supervisors and Children and Families Workers. This provides an integrated service where contact informs the parenting assessment and interventions. One of the most important aspects for children who cannot be cared for within their families is good quality safe contact. The Marigold Assessment Plus will concentrate on helping children and young people to maintain valuable contact with their parents, siblings and in some cases extended families. In order to achieve this, the Allan Cole centre has been divided into a number of rooms that have been decorated and furnished in a homely fashion. Parents and children can be together and parents will be able to participate in their children’s play activities and to assist them with their hobbies and even homework. There is a comfortable area for families to wait for their children with appropriate security arrangements. Contact rooms are clean and airy and child-focussed. Each room has its own colour scheme, toys and activities and some are specially designed for babies and children who have a disability. The sensory room is designed as a white room with projector, touching activities and therapy rocker. The centre staff are experienced and qualified to support and supervise contact. They work closely with children, their families, social workers and other professionals in providing the highest quality contact facility. Contact sessions may also take place at one of our other venues, such as children’s centres in the community and home based contact. We will always facilitate contact in the best interest of the child/ren and their families. 5. Thames-Valley Partners Programme The programme is for female partners of men attending the Sex Offender Treatment Programme who may in some capacity have children in their care who are still potentially at risk. ‘Partner’ is defined as being in a current or recent relationship. The group is also appropriate for women who have been in a relationship with men where there has been an allegation of sexual abuse against a child that could make their children vulnerable to sexual harm. The term partner can also apply to women who have relationships with the men, such as mother or sister, who would benefit from information and support to keep children safe and to reduce the risk of men re-offending against children in the future. The group aims to: Assist participants in making and maintaining informed decisions about their relationship with the offender and their children’s safety. Assist participants who remain in a relationship with an offender: In protecting children from sexual abuse by him or another offender; In contributing to the offender’s new life plan, including monitoring the relapse prevention plan and supporting him in positive future attributes behaviour and lifestyle. Assist participants who choose not to remain in a relationship with the offender in protecting themselves and children in their care against any other sex offender. Help each participant to understand and deal with the effects of her partner’s abuse on the victim, on herself and on her family, and to resolve associated problems. Marigold Assessment Plus | 5 8.Look at Me Programme 6.Assessment of Sibling Attachment Where the local authority has been asked to make recommendations about the placement of siblings, the Marigold Assessment Plus Assessment Team can assist in conducting an assessment of sibling attachment. The assessment will take between 4 and 6 weeks and will involve observing siblings together and individually in their placement settings and at the Centre; including exploring their wishes and feelings. A report will be available within 2 weeks of completion of the assessment. 7.Life Story Work/ Books The purpose of a life story book is to provide a child with an accurate chronological account of his/her life, which remains relevant and has an enduring value. The Adoption guidelines specify that the local authority has to provide each child who is being adopted with a life story book. Life story books help children to understand the background and history of their birth family; know where they come from and develop a sense of identity; understand why they are separated from their birth family and who has cared for them; and put their past into perspective. At Marigold Assessment Plus we have a team of experienced practitioners in conducting life story work and compiling life story books. 6 | Marigold Assessment Plus The Look At Me Programme (LAMP) is designed to assist children who are presenting with behaviour that is of concern to their carers and/or school/other agencies. Children referred to the programme usually have unresolved feelings of grief and anger about their past and/or current situation. The programme is intended to give the child an opportunity to express his/her feelings and provide the child with strategies to cope with overwhelming feelings without having to resort to behaviour that gets them into trouble. This programme is suitable for children and young people who are not entitled to a service from CAHMS. An experienced Children and Families Worker will meet with the child on 4 occasions to assess the underlying reasons for the child’s behaviour. This will be followed by a brief report with recommendations as to how to manage the child’s behaviour and help him/her cope with his/her difficulties. The report will be available to the child’s carer(s) and at his/her request can be made available to other adults involved in the child’s life, for instance school staff. Consultation can be made available to help these adults carry out the recommendations in the report or to talk through further developments. The LAMP can also be of support to families when they first get back together and help prevent placement breakdown with birth parents and foster carers. 9. Keep Safe Groups Keep safe work is a programme designed to help children protect themselves from harm. It is an activity based programme, which includes information about bullying, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and drugs and alcohol. It can be delivered individually and as a group. Marigold Assessment Plus have in the past assisted local schools in delivering the programme to their pupils and would be happy to assist other schools through consultation and co-working. 10. Counselling 11. Student Placements The Marigold Assessment Plus has a small team of student counsellors supervised by our clinical lead manager. Counselling is available for parents and young people and has proven to be helpful in keeping families together, facilitate positive contact and where parents are separated help them to provide consistent care for their children regardless of any issue between parents. The Marigold Assessment Plus offers high quality placements for student social workers on BSc and MA degree courses. Two members of the staff are qualified and experienced practice teachers, one of whom won the social worker (practice teacher) of the year award in December 2011. Following an initial assessment by the counsellor, usually between six and eight sessions are offered. Most of the counselling students are trained in person-centred therapy, however other types of counselling are available depending on the individual’s therapeutic needs. Students are able to experience a variety of practice settings, including experience of working with adults, children and young people, partnership working with other agencies and observing court proceedings. Recent service users’ comments “The mother…attended an exclusive parenting programme at the Marigold…focussing on the quality of contact…it went very well and now mother and child are having semi-unsupervised contact in the community.” Commissioning social worker, April 2013 “JW (practitioner at Marigold) …was excellent…giving clear, pertinent evidence…an asset to the local authority…” Parenting Assessment; Judges summing up; June 2013 “Ms W was a professional witness who appeared unbiased and not influenced by the local authority’s case or chronology.” Parenting Assessment; Judge’s summing up July 2013 “…C (Children and Families Worker at Marigold)…has been…a great support for me at home when H (child) has been challenging…since H has been attending the theraplay sessions she has managed to control her anger by calming herself down…we have noticed a significant difference at home in her behaviour and school have also commented on how well H is managing her anger in the classroom…..” Letter from foster carer; August 2011 “…I thought you were just another counsellor, well you’re not…you are the one that helped me to get to know myself and accept who I am and I really appreciate that…..” Young person after receiving a CBT service; letter undated Marigold Assessment Plus | 7 Marigold Assessment Plus Allan Cole Centre 166 Delaware Road Shoeburyness Tel: 01702 212852/212851 Department for People Second Edition, Published June 2014
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