IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA JUDGE MATTHEW M. FOXMAN FAMILY LAW – DIVISION 04 TRIAL DOCKET FOR THE TRIAL PERIODS BEGINNING April 14, 2015 and April 20, 2015 DOCKET SOUNDING – APRIL 7, 2015 at 1:30 P.M. COURTROOM 2A PLEASE BE ADVISED OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. APPEARANCE AT DOCKET SOUNDING BY COUNSEL AND ALL UNREPRESENTED PARTIES IS MANDATORY. NO TELEPHONE APPEARANCES. 2. NO MOTIONS WILL BE HEARD AT DOCKET SOUNDING, OTHER THAN MOTIONS FOR CONTINUANCE. 3. MEDIATION IN ALL CASES PREVIOUSLY ORDERED TO MEDIATION MUST BE COMPLETED AND THE MEDIATION REPORT FILED PRIOR TO DOCKET SOUNDING. 4. ALL CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION OF PARENTING CLASS MUST BE FILED PRIOR TO DOCKET SOUNDING. 5. FOR ALL APPLICABLE CASES, PLEASE FILE THE EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION WORKSHEET FIVE (5) DAYS PRIOR TO TRIAL. ALL TRIALS WILL BE HELD IN HEARING ROOM #1 (D-302) 3RD FLOOR VOLUSIA COUNTY COURTHOUSE 101 NORTH ALABAMA AVENUE, DELAND, FLORIDA 32724 REQUESTS FOR ACCOMMODATIONS BY PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration, 125 E. Orange Ave., Ste. 300, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, (386) 257-6096, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. THESE ARE NOT COURT INFORMATION NUMBERS SOLICITUD DE ADAPTACIONES PARA PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDADES Si usted es una persona con discapacidad que necesita una adaptación para poder participar en este procedimiento, usted tiene el derecho a que se le proporcione cierta asistencia, sin incurrir en gastos. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Administración Judicial (Court Administration), 125 E. Orange Ave., Ste. 300, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, (386) 257-6096, con no menos de 7 días de antelación de su cita de comparecencia ante el juez, o de inmediato al recibir esta notificación si la cita de comparecencia está dentro de un plazo menos de 7 días; si usted tiene una discapacidad del habla o del oído, llame al 711. ESTOS NUMEROS TELEFONICOS NO SON PARA OBTENER INFORMACION JUDICIAL DOCKET CALL APRIL 7, 2015 DOM filed 2/22/10; CP 3/18/15; partial FJ #230 DOM filed 5/28/14 1 Day Modify #33; CP #47 filed 5/6/2014 1/2 Day #71 Mod filed 9/26/2014 1 Day #203 Mod filed 10/16/14 Diss. of Marriage filed 8/7/12 Ptn for Paternity filed 9/4/2013 2010-10274-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : GLORIA RESTREPO BEAUX And MITCHELL GREEN 2014-11552-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : JASON KOELKER And KRISTIE KOELKER 2012-13010-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : COURTNEY N. COWART And JAY B. SANDERS 2006-21976-FMNS In Re: The Matter of : TONYA BOWEN LONG And BEAUREGARD T LONG 2008-10102-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : THOMAS HEATH BARKLEY And CRYSTAL LYNN BARKLEY 2012-12291-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : KIMBERLEY PETERSON And MATTHEW PETERSON 2013-12979-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : MORGAN ASHLEY POTTS And FRANCIS V. TAYLOR, III MEDIATION? Yes Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes GEORGE TROVATO BARRY HUGHES (GAL) TAMMY L. JAQUES (pending M/ Withdraw) MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: No KENNETH BOHANNON Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes MICHAEL WAYNE YOUKON MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes DAVID E. DISNEY Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes DONALD B. DEMPSEY, JR. MEDIATION? No (3/18/15) Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes KENNETH BOHANNON Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes PHILIP BONAMO MEDIATION? No (5/13/15) Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes GEORGE TROVATO Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes JOSHUA GALE MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes LINDA L. GAUSTAD Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes MICHAEL TUMA MEDIATION? Yes Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes ROBERT ROBINS Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes DAVID E. DISNEY Diss. of Marriage filed 6/4/2014 1/2 Day Diss. of Marriage filed 10/2/2014 1 Day Ptn for Paternity filed 4/30/2014 Diss. of Marriage filed 9/26/2014 Ptn for Paternity filed 10/30/2013 INJ; #102 Contempt; #87 Mod filed 11/17/2014 2014-11630-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : MELANIE A PRIDEMORE And SAMUEL L PRIDEMORE 2014-12860-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : DARMAN BAYSINGER And MICHELLE BAYSINGER 2014-11225-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : ISIAH PITTS And LEAH JANKOWSKI 2014-12794-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : ILKA B PARENT And JEFFREY M PARENT 2013-13562-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : HUMBERTO LOPEZ And ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ 2005-10479-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : CHRISTINA A BRIGGS And CHARLES F PUCKETT MEDIATION? No (continued) Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: no PHILIP S KARLE Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: no PETER T HICKEY MEDIATION? Yes Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes DANNY PHILPOTT ROBERT THURLOW (GAL) SEBRINA L SLACK MEDIATION? Yes Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes IVAN CLEMENTS Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes MICHAEL BOSWELL MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes MICHAEL HUDDLESTON Resp: Financial: Yes Parenting: NA SANDRA E VALENTIN MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: Yes Parenting: Yes HEIDI M CRIMINS Resp: Financial: No Parenting: No PRO-SE MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: No Parenting: NA PRO-SE Resp: Financial: No Parenting: NA PRO-SE 3:00 phone conference call to schedule hearing time: 3 MOTIONS 2.5 HOURS 2014-12211-FMDL In Re: The Matter of : COLLEEN E MCCARTNEY And DANNY R MCCARTNEY MEDIATION? No Petr: Financial: No Parenting: NA Resp: Financial: No Parenting: NA WENDY A MARA WILLIAM HATHAWAY J ERWIN DUNLOP
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