Bernhard Förth PICTURE THIS! 6 5 8 7 12 11 9 4 1 10 3 2 ELECTION DAY 13 What’s going on at the polling station? In the UK, elections are usually held on a Thursday. Voters cast their ballot at a polling station, which could be a school, a village hall or even a pub. Here, we focus on what goes on on the day of an election. 1. candidate Kandidat(in) stand for election sich zur Wahl stellen 2. reporter Berichterstatter(in) the media die Medien 3. cameraman Kameramann camera operator Kameramann/-frau 4. protester Demonstrant(in) demonstration Demonstration 5. protest sign Protestschild 6. polling station / place Wahllokal constituency Wahlbezirk (US voting district) 7. ballot paper (US ballot) Stimmzettel poll card (US voter Wahlbenach registration card) richtigung 4 SKILL UP! BS_15_02_SU_Picture this.indd 4 8. election officia Wahlhelfer(in) 9. electoral register Wählerverzeichnis (US voter registration list) 10. ballot box Wahlurne 11. voter Wähler(in) eligible voter Wahlberechtigte(r), [(elIdZEb&l] Stimmberechtigte(r) register to vote zur Wahl anmelden cast a voteseine Stimme abgeben postal vote Briefwahl vote for sb. für jmdn. stimmen 12. polling booth UK Wahlkabine 13. campaign flye Flugblatt manifesto Wahlprogramm ISSUE 31 10.02.15 16:01 What are they saying? Reporter:Good morning! You were one of the first voters at the polling station today. Who do you think will win the election? Voter: Well, I hope Labour wins, of course. I don’t think much of the other candidates. Reporter: And what do you think of the protesters? Voter:I understand where they’re coming from, but I think they would be wiser to cast their votes, or to stand for election themselves. Not that I’d vote for any of them, mind you. Reporter: Thank you. And now, back to the studio. Systems of election first-past-the-post election UK Mehrheitswahlrecht Mehrheitsprinzip majority rule [mE(dZQrEti] proportional representation Verhältniswahl(system) Types of election by-election [(baI I)lekS&n] UK general election local election mayoral election [(meErEl] referendum Zwischen-, Nach-, Ergänzungswahl landesweite Wahl Kommunalwahl Bürgermeister(in)wahl Volksentscheid The outcome coalition government Koalitionsregierung hold a seateinen Sitz / ein Mandat behalten Pattsituation hung parliament UK, Can. lose a constituency einen Wahlbezirk [kEn(stItjuEnsi] verlieren (US lose a voting district) Mehrheit majority Ergebnis result Wahlbeteiligung turnout win a seateinen Sitz / ein Mandat gewinnen Did you know? The 2010 UK general election resulted in a hung parliament because no party had an overall majority in the House of Commons. So a coalition government was formed between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. The current prime minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party (also known as the Tory party). Nick Clegg, leader of the Lib-Dems, is the deputy prime minister. The other major party in the UK is Labour. The next general election is on Thursday, 7 May 2015. Put the ballot paper in the ballot box SKILL UP! iStock Which words could describe the last general election in your country? Write down a few sentences and practise saying them aloud. ISSUE 31 BS_15_02_SU_Picture this.indd 5 SKILL UP! 5 10.02.15 16:01
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