September 30, 2014 Mr. HJ Stalf City Manager City of Edgewater 2401 Sheridan Boulevard Edgewater, CO 80214 VIA EMAIL ONLY: [email protected] RE: Summary Appraisal Report Estimate of Market Value 5505 W.20th Ave. Edgewater, Co 80214 Dear Mr. Stalf: The following is a letter of engagement concerning a summary appraisal report on the above-referenced property. The scope of the assignment will include a separate value for Parcel 1 which is owned by the Urban Renewal Authority. The report will exclude the leased fee estate of the existing liquor store. Contributory value of existing buildings will be addressed in Highest and Best Use. The estimated completion date, subject to furnishing all necessary data, is as soon as possible, from receipt of authorization to proceed. Delivery of the report will be on or before October 24, 2014. Data requested includes site plans and any documents regarding proposed uses. The fee for this assignment is $4,000. The fee is due and payable upon completion, with interest charged at a rate of two percent per month (24% per year) on any unpaid balance. This report will be prepared in accordance with the professional appraisal standards of the Appraisal Institute. The appraisal report will be transmitted in electronic format. If you require alternative formats, those will be provided at an additional fee. In order to comply with the anticipated completion deadline, we must have authorization to proceed as soon as possible. WestTerra's fee does not include post appraisal consultation for any purpose, nor court preparation, conferences, exhibits, title work, fees for work subcontracted out, or any other expenses for which appraiser is to be reimbursed. The current hourly rate for appraisers is $275.00 per hour. There is a fourhour minimum charge for testimony. Hourly rates are subject to change without notice. Mr. HJ Stalf September 30, 2014 Page 2 If the above is agreeable to you, please sign and return one copy of this letter to my office. Keep one copy for your files. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Respectfully submitted, WestTerra, a Corporation Basil S. Katsaros, MAI, SRA President Certified General Appraiser CG#01313311 Signature of Responsible Party: __________________________________ HJ Stalf City Manager ___________________________________ Date
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