JFA-R TUITION CHARGES - River East Transcona School Division

Nonresident Residual Fees
The following fee schedule will be in effect for the 2014/2015 school year:
Grades 1 – 12
Special Education
Treaty Indian
Foreign Students
International Student Program
$2,321 per school year
$4,642 per school year
$8,000 per school year
$10,000 per school year
$10,000 per school year
$10,000 per school year
$11,000 per school year
Full payment is due and payable upon submission of application.
Adjustments to the fee schedule for special education may be required to
reflect actual program costs calculated on a fiscal year basis.
Summer School Courses – Fee Formula
The fees for each summer school course will be set by the following formula:
maximum summer school hourly salary x course hours
optimum class size (as set by the superintendent)
The 2014 summer school fees: $190 per course;
The 2014 ‘non-repeater’ summer school fee: $360 per course.
(The ‘non-repeater’ course provides an opportunity for a student to
take a course outside of the regular school year. Selected ‘nonrepeater’ courses will be offered with sufficient enrollment.)
Regulation JFA-R – Tuition Charges
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Fees for Adult Students
All resident students over the age of 21 years old who are enrolling in
programs in the River East Transcona School Division after September 30 th
or students no longer eligible for funding support from Manitoba Education,
will be charged the amount of $170 per each credit.
This fee shall apply to all students who reach their 21st birthday before the
commencement of the first or second semester.
Course refunds will be established in the following manner:
100% of the fee shall be refundable if the student withdraws from the
course before the classes commence;
50% refund shall apply where the student is enrolled in the class up to
the end of the first month of the semester;
no refund shall be given to the student if the student withdraws from
the course after the first month of the semester.
International students who are over the age of 18 and who are already visiting
or residing in Manitoba but who do not have landed immigrant status will be
charged the amount of $400 per credit course. A $150 nonrefundable
administration fee applies each academic year in which they register,
regardless of the number of courses requested.
Effective Date:
Amended Date:
Board Motion(s):
April 20, 2004
May 15, 2007; May 20, 2008; June 16, 2009;
November 16, 2010; June 21, 2011;
June 19, 2012; May 21, 2013; June 17, 2014
243/04; 165/07; 171/08; 203/09; 297/10;
216/11; 227/12; 181/13; 192/14
Review Date
Legal/Cross Reference:
Regulation JFA-R – Tuition Charges
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