Fronius USA Premium 5-Year, 10-Year and 15-Year Extended Warranties Extended Warranty Guidelines The Fronius USA 5-Year Extended Warranty options are available for the following Fronius inverter products: • Fronius IG Series Inverters - IG 2000 / IG 2500LV / IG 3000 / IG 4000 / IG 4500LV / IG 5100 • Fronius IG Plus Advanced Series Inverters – 3.0-1UNI / 3.8-1UNI / 5.0-1UNI / 6.0-1UNI / 7.5-1UNI / 10.0-1UNI / 11.4-1UNI / 10.0-3Delta / 11.4-3Delta /IG 12-0-3WYE277 • Fronius CL Central Inverters 33.3Delta / 44.4Delta / 55.5Delta / 36.0WYE277 / 48.0WYE277 / 60.0WYE277 The Fronius USA 10-Year Extended Warranty options are available for the following Fronius inverter products: • Fronius IG Series Inverters - IG 2000 / IG 2500LV / IG 3000 / IG 4000 / IG 4500LV / IG 5100 • Fronius IG Plus Advanced Series Inverters – 3.0-1UNI / 3.8-1UNI / 5.0-1UNI / 6.0-1UNI / 7.5-1UNI / 10.0-1UNI / 11.4-1UNI / 10.0-3Delta / 11.4-3Delta /IG 12-0-3WYE277 The Fronius USA 15-Year Extended Warranty options are available for the following Fronius inverter products: • Fronius CL Central Inverters 33.3Delta / 44.4Delta / 55.5Delta / 36.0WYE277 / 48.0WYE277 / 60.0WYE277 Fronius USA offers IG, IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced Series inverters with the standard Fronius Premium 10-Year Warranty and CL Central Series inverters with the standard Fronius Premium 5-Year Warranty. 5-Year, 10-Year and 15-Year Extended Warranties are available for a nominal investment. Conditions, Limitations, and Process Overview: 1. All terms and conditions of warranties are the same as the Fronius USA Premium 10-Year Warranty with the warranty terms increased to 15 years on the 5-Year Extended Warranty and 20 years on the 10-Year Extended Warranty for the Fronius IG, IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced Series inverters. All terms and conditions of warranty are the same as the Fronius USA Premium 5-Year Warranty with the warranty terms increased to 10 years on the 5-Year Extended Warranty and 20 years on the 15-Year Extended Warranty for the Fronius CL Series inverters. 2. The Extended Warranty must be purchased through a Fronius Authorized Distributor or Integrator within 180 Days or 6 months of shipping from Fronius with proof of purchase (i.e. invoice with model type and serial number). 3. Solar System owners and end users cannot purchase the Extended Warranty directly from Fronius. 4. The purchase order from the Fronius Authorized Distributor or Integrator must clearly detail the inverter model, serial number, warranty part number and the email address of the system owner in order to forward the warranty certificate. In absence of an email address for the system owner, this will be emailed to the Fronius Authorized Distributor or Integrator. Below are the Fronius Part Numbers for the 5-Year, 10-Year and 15-Year Extended Warranty options available: Part Number Description Inverter type 41,200,126 5-Year Extended Warranty to 15 years Fronius IG 2000 / IG 3000 / IG 2500LV Fronius IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced 3.0-1UNI / 3.8-1UNI 41,200,127 5-Year Extended Warranty to 15 years Fronius IG 4000 / IG 5100 / IG 4500LV Fronius IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced 5.0-1UNI / 6.0-1UNI / 7.5-1UNI 41,200,128 5-Year Extended Warranty to 15 years Fronius IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced 10.0-1UNI / 11.41UNI /11.4-3Delta / 12.0-3 WYE277 41,200,130 10-Year Extended Warranty to 20 years Fronius IG 2000 / IG 3000 / IG 2500LV Fronius IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced 3.0-1UNI / 3.8-1UNI 41,200,131 10-Year Extended Warranty to 20 years Fronius IG 4000 / IG 5100 / IG 4500LV Fronius IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced 5.0-1UNI / 6.0-1UNI / 7.5-1UNI 41,200,132 10-Year Extended Warranty to 20 years Fronius IG Plus, IG Plus V and IG Plus Advanced 10.0-1UNI / 11.41UNI /11.4-3 Delta / 12.0-3 WYE277 41,200,120 5-Year Extended Warranty to 10 years Fronius CL Central Inverters 33.3Delta / 44.4 Delta / 55.5 Delta / 36.0WYE277 / 48.0 WYE277 / 60.0 WYE277 41,200,121 15-Year Extended Warranty to 20 years Fronius CL Central Inverters 33.3Delta / 44.4 Delta / 55.5 Delta / 36.0WYE277 / 48.0 WYE277 / 60.0 WYE277 Fronius USA LLC 6797 Fronius Drive Portage, IN 46368 Ph. 219-734-5500 E-Mail: [email protected]
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