/ Battery Charging Systems / Welding Technology / Solar Electronics EN 1090 Pulsed and Standard Certificate of Conformity Package / WPS for MAG welding systems save time and money / From 1st July 2014, all fabricators of steel structures will be subject to the new EN 1090 Code. An extensive incompany process, followed by an audit conducted by an outside certification body, is a prerequisite for successful certification. All buyers of Fronius welding systems can order optional Certificate of Conformity Packages with their machines, or upgrade to them later as needed. The time-consuming process for drawing up the WPS is then no longer necessary. THE FRONIUS CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY PACKAGE: EXTENSIVE AND DEPENDABLE. / The extensive collection of WPS and WPQR is carefully coordinated and covers the standard applications commonly found in industry / The packages apply to steel constructions (EN 1090-2) of execution classes (EXC) 1 and 2 / Base metals: up to S355 J2 / Filler metal: G3Si1/ G4Si1 / Wire diameter: 0.8 / 1.0 / 1.2 mm / Shielding gas: 82 % argon/18 % CO2 to ISO 14175-M21 (15 < CO2 ≤ 25) / A prominently placed sticker indicates compliance with the EN 1090-2 Code for steel constructions of execution classes (EXC) 1 and 2. / With the WPS from Fronius, you are ideally equipped for all industry-typical welding applications. CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY PACKAGE / Audit: Arrange to have your company audited by an accredited certification body to achieve legally compliant CE marking. / WPS (Welding Procedure Specifications): Obtain the approved welding procedure specifications (WPS) directly from Fronius, saving yourself time and money. / Research: Familiarise yourself with the new EN 1090 Code and check which execution class (EXC) you come under. Audit Research Training WPS QA / Employee training: Depending on the execution class (EXC), you are obliged to prove what welding training your employees have received. WPS Standard WPS Pulsed TS TransSteel TPS TPS/i x x x x x x / Battery Charging Systems / Welding Technology / Solar Electronics WE HAVE THREE DIVISIONS AND ONE PASSION: SHIFTING THE LIMITS. / Whether Battery Charging Systems, Welding Technology or Solar Electronics - our goal is clearly defined: to be the technology and quality leader. With around 3,000 employees worldwide, we shift the limits of what’s possible - our more than 850 active patents are testimony to this. While others progress step by step, we innovate in leaps and bounds. The responsible use of our resources forms the basis of our corporate policy. Further information about all Fronius products and our global sales partners and representatives can be found at www.fronius.com v01 2013 EN Fronius Canada Ltd. 2875 Argentia Road, Units 4,5 & 6 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G6 Canada Telephone +1 905 288-2100 Fax +1 905 288-2101 [email protected] www.fronius.ca Fronius USA LLC 6797 Fronius Drive Portage, IN 46368 USA Telephone +1 877 FRONIUS [email protected] www.fronius-usa.com Fronius UK Limited Maidstone Road, Kingston Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD United Kingdom Telephone +44 1908 512 300 Fax +44 1908 512 329 [email protected] www.fronius.co.uk Fronius International GmbH Froniusplatz 1 4600 Wels Austria Telephone +43 7242 241-0 Fax +43 7242 241-953940 [email protected] www.fronius.com M,06,0039,EN v01 2013 aw18 MAG Certificate of Conformity Packages Text and images correspond to the current state of technology at the time of printing. Subject to modifications. All information is without guarantee in spite of careful editing - liability excluded. Copyright © 2011 Fronius™. All rights reserved. / Quality assurance system: EN 1090 requires you to introduce a quality assurance system.
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