Physical Education Teacher Education 14 FA EDPE 305 William L

Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
William L. Spadoni College of Education
Coastal Carolina University
Course Syllabus
EDPE 305: Lifetime Physical Activities
3 credits
Instructor of Record: Tammi McCaudy-Lee
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 504-1515(Cell)
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Office Location: Off Campus
Meeting Days and Time: T TH 4:30-5:45
Meeting Location:
Prince 201 & Small Gym
NOTE: Other facilities will be utilized- Hackler’s Golf Course and CFHS tennis courts
Intended Audience:
Prerequisite(s) / Co requisite:
Physical Education –Teacher Education Candidates Only
Admission into the Professional Program and should be taken with
EDPE 320: & EDPE 412: High School Physical Education Pedagogy
Course Description: The course provides the teacher candidate with the current best practice in teaching lifetime
physical activities to students in K-12 schools. The course requires the development of personal competence in
select team and individual lifetime activities and pedagogical skills including peer teaching, lesson and unit
planning, skill analysis, and the use of assessment and technology.
Recommended Text:
Not Required
The Spadoni College of Education (SCOE) adopted LiveText as a candidate assessment management tool in all
programs (undergraduate and graduate) in 2006. Each program has identified required key assessments at the
course level which are entered by the student into LiveText.
The Spadoni College of Education requires all degree seeking and/or licensure-only seeking students have a
LiveText account. The purchase of LiveText is handled differently within each program and course. Details
regarding the purchase of LiveText can be found at
Please note: Failure to submit a required assignment or assessment into LiveText may result in delayed processing
of your final course grade (i.e., Incomplete) until this requirement is met.
Recommended Readings: , ,,,
McManama, Jerre, (2014). Physical Education Activity Handbook, 13th Ed. Person Education, Inc
Fronske, Hilda. (2012). 5th ed. Teaching Cues for Sport Skills for Secondary School Students. San Francisco, CA:
Pearson Benjamin Cummings Inc.
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Conceptual Framework:
The overarching theme of the Conceptual Framework for all educator preparation programs is "The Educator as
Reflective Practitioner." The initial and advanced teacher education programs and the advanced program in
educational leadership focus on the development of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions to ensure that
all candidates are well prepared and meet all institutional, state, and professional standards at the completion of their
program. The Conceptual Framework describes the shared vision of teaching, learning, and the preparation of
teachers and school leaders. It outlines our philosophy and commitment to the education profession; guides
programmatic decisions; and ensures coherence among curricula, field experiences, clinical practice, and the unit’s
assessment system. The Conceptual Framework reflects our commitment to integrate technology, demonstrate
professional behavior and dispositions, engage in reflective practice, work with diverse populations, and apply
content and pedagogical knowledge to the teaching and learning process.
Course Outline
Ballroom Dancing
Recreation Sports
a. Disc Golf
b. Horseshoes
c. Bocce Ball
Technology usage for instruction and assessment
Unit Assessments and SPA Assessments required of this course: SPA re: Motor Skill Development
Spadoni College of Education’s Professional Behaviors and Dispositions addressed in this course: To Be Discussed
in Class
*Fairness (professional disposition): The commitment demonstrated in striving to meet the educational needs of all
students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
Familiarize teacher candidates with the importance of lifetime activities and the need for their
inclusion in curricular offerings within the school curricula.
Create an understanding as to how participation in a lifetime activity influences ones affective domain
Create an understanding as to why people are intrinsically motivated to participate in lifetime activity
Create an environment for participation with others which will also provide an understanding of the
concepts of respect and communication among participants
To increase candidate skills in a variety of lifetime activities
To improve candidates’ ability to diagnose sport skills
Assist candidates with the use of technology for instruction and assessment
Knowledge and Skills addressed in this course:
Standards Alignment Information:
CF = Conceptual Framework & Candidate Proficiencies (2010)
SPA = Physical Education Specialized Professional Association (SPA) 2008
ADEPT = Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching (ADEPT)
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Students will demonstrate
knowledge of various lifetime
physical activities.
2. Students will demonstrate the
ability to formulate appropriate
lesson plans for K-12 physical
education classes.
3. Students will identify various
sport related skills and properly
model those skills in a physical
education setting.
4. Students will demonstrate
varying teaching strategies and
behavior management techniques
appropriate for K-12 students that
will enhance self-esteem and
promote lifetime physical
6. Students will understand
motivation techniques within the
physical education setting and
incorporate those techniques to
teaching K-12 students.
7. Through peer teaching,
students will demonstrate an
ability to communicate clearly
and effectively.
8. Students will demonstrate
various forms of technology and
incorporate that knowledge in the
K-12 physical education setting.
Motor skills test
Written test
Peer teaching/lesson plan
Standard Alignment Information
CF: 1.5, 3.1
SPA: NASPE 3.1, 3.2
ADEPT: 7.A, 7.B
CF: 5.1, 5.2
SPA: NASPE 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
ADEPT: 10.A, 10.B, 10.D
Peer teaching
CF: 1.5, 3.1
SPA: NASPE 3.1, 3.2
ADEPT: 7.A, 7.B
Peer teaching
SPA: NASPE 6.1, 6.2
ADEPT: 5.A-5.C
Written test
Peer teaching
CF: 2.1,3.2,4.1
SPA: NASPE 3.1, 3.2
ADEPT: 7.A, 8.A, 8.B, 9.A
Peer teaching
CF: 1.1,1.2,3.1,3.2
SPA: NASPE 6.2, 6.3, 6.9
ADEPT: 5.A-5.C
Daily Learning Logs
Skill Analysis
CF:2.1, 2.2, 3.2
SPA: NASPE 3.1, 3.2
ADEPT: 5.A, 5.B, 7.A
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Course Expectations:
It is my desire to establish an atmosphere of trust and respect in order for all class participants to feel comfortable
expressing diverse opinions or asking questions. To create this atmosphere, I feel that our classroom/program should
be such that we treat others as human beings regardless of differences. Diversity of thoughts are appreciated and
encouraged provided that we can agree to disagree on occasion. I hope that ALL candidates will consider our
classroom and program as safe environments.
Administrative Policy:
Attendance: Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend class on a regular basis! With every job, there
is a consequence when missing work (i.e. you’re sick, you use up a sick day) therefore you will lose 25
points for each unexcused absence off your final point total. After three unexcused absences, 50 points will
be deducted from your final point total for each unexcused absence.
Absences will be excused for:
a) incapacitating illness( with verification from a Doctor),
b) official representation of the University (verification is needed –an official representation of the
University should be obtained from the individual supervising the activity),
c) death of a close relative, and
d) religious holidays.
Absences, excused or not, do not absolve a student from the responsibility of completing all assigned
work promptly. Candidates who miss assignments, announced quizzes or other classroom obligations due
to excused absences will be allowed to make up the work, but documentation is required. It will be the
responsibility of the student to contact the instructor and make arrangements.
Promptness – Students are expected to be in class on time. Classes will be held in other areas and students
are expected to be on time and dressed professionally. No exceptions. Every two tardies will convert to
one absence.
In conjunction with University policy a grade of F will be assigned for excused or unexcused absences in
excess of 25% of the regularly scheduled class meetings. For grading purposed, absences will affect the
professionalism portion of the grade, as will tardies and/or early exits from class.
It is a professional courtesy to notify the instructor of a pending absence prior to class. Unexpected
absences must be explained to the instructor the first day the student returns to class.
2. Assignments/Exams: Complete all assignments on time and with care. They should be typed, neatly
organized and professionally presented. All assignments are due on the designated date and exams
are to be taken at the announced time/date. Failure to turn in any assignment on the proper date
will result in a significant loss in your grade.
One day late =
10% reduction
Two days late =
50% reduction
More than two days No credit for assignment
In extreme cases, this policy may be waived. Please contact me ASAP if this occurs.
I will not accept work e-mailed to me after class as on time. All work should be personally
handed to me at the scheduled time in class.
If a candidate misses an exam, he/she must call/e-mail that day to let the professor know, or a zero will
be assigned as a grade.
Attire & Professionalism: Candidates are expected to be in class on time and proper conduct and courtesy
is expected. Hats are appropriate in outside activity settings as specified by the instructor. Appropriate
class behavior is mandatory. You are expected to exhibit a positive and professional attitude throughout the
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
course. Unprofessional behavior will result in the development of a Professional Improvement plan and the
prospect of an F in the class.
Professional Dress Code:
Off Campus Professional Dress Code (to be used for professional experiences such as practicum, field
experiences, internships and/or any time a student is representing Coastal Carolina Physical Education).
Coastal Carolina Physical Education Collared Shirt
Neat tailored shorts or long pants (wrinkle free or ironed with appropriate pockets, or wind suits)
Appropriate athletic shoes with care that shoestrings are tied.
On Campus Professional Dress Code
Coastal Carolina Physical Education white t-shirt.
Activity shorts, or sweat/wind suits
Appropriate athletic shoes with care that shoestrings are tied.
These items must be worn in order to receive full participation credit.
Participation: You are expected to read the assigned material prior to class and participate in class
discussions and in-class assignments. Participation means more than showing up for class. You will be
graded on your contributions to class discussion, your reflections, and your contributions to group work
(see attached professionalism rubric).
Professional Dress Code:
Off Campus Professional Dress Code (to be used for professional experiences such as practicum, field
experiences, internships and/or any time a student is representing Coastal Carolina Physical Education).
Coastal Carolina Physical Education Collared Shirt
Neat tailored shorts or long pants (wrinkle free or ironed with appropriate pockets, or wind suits)
Appropriate athletic shoes with care that shoestrings are tied.
On Campus Professional Dress Code
Coastal Carolina Physical Education white t-shirt.
Activity shorts, or sweat/wind suits
Appropriate athletic shoes with care that shoestrings are tied.
These items must be worn in order to receive full participation credit.
Encouragement: Being supportive of your participation of your peers in class activities and discussions as
well as carefully listening and monitoring your own classroom participation levels will be expected.
Academic Integrity: Candidates are expected to abide by Coastal Carolina University’s policy as set in
the student handbook.
Electronic devices: Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted in class at any time.
Special Needs: If you have any learning disabilities or are alternately abled in any manner, or feel you need
special dispensation, please contact the office of “Accessibility and Disability Services” Health Bldg. Ext
2315, so you may be accommodated.
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Academic Responsibilities:
Infractions of academic discipline include, but are not limited to, the following:
Cheating. This refers to conduct during quizzes and examinations which shall include utilizing written or
recorded information, or information obtained by any other means of communication, not specifically permitted
by other than the instructor, and giving written or oral information, or information conveyed by any other means
of communication, to another student. It also includes stealing, buying, selling, or unauthorized collaboration
on any test, homework, assignment or project. A student who knowingly participates in another's cheating also
commits cheating.
Plagiarism. This refers to submitting, as a student's own work, material obtained from another source without
indicating the source from which it was obtained. It includes letting another person compose or rewrite a
student's written assignment. Plagiarism includes submission of old laboratory reports, previously submitted
term papers, computer programs not authored by the student, or material copied without attribution from
published sources. It also includes a student's allowing another person to take all or part of a course or
examination in his or her place. A student who knowingly participates in another's plagiarism also commits
Disruption of Normal Instructional Activity. No one may interfere with or disrupt the normal instructional
activity and operations of students, faculty or staff of this institution. Examples of disruptive behavior can
include, but are not limited to, arriving late to class or leaving class early, eating, arguing, complaining, asking
off-track questions, or talking to others when the instructor is talking.
Misuse of University Documents. Forgery, alteration or misuse of any University document or record is
Fraud or Lying. Lying or fraudulent misrepresentation in, or with regard to, any transaction with the
University, whether oral or written, is prohibited.
University Policies and Procedures. A student who assists in any infraction mentioned previously shall be
considered equally as guilty as the student who commits the infraction.
Please note:
Candidates must complete the course with a C or better to enroll in the next level of courses within the
Professional program.
Community Expectations and Student Code of Conduct:
Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and
personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and reporting the
inappropriate action of others and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
The revised Code of Conduct that is available on the web at:
On my honor, I pledge:
• That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and
• That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty as defined in the Code of
Student Conduct.
From this day forward, my signature on any University document, including tests, papers and other
work submitted for a grade is a confirmation of this honor pledge.
SGMA Reports On Most Popular Sports
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Recreational activities are taking the lead in sports participation, as seven out of the top ten sports are leisureoriented pursuits. One-third of the top 30 activities are fitness-related. The top 10 most popular sports in the U.S,
based on findings by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA), are as follows: 1.Recreational
Swimming (94.0 million participants); 2.Recreational Walking (82.6 million); 3.Bowling (53.8 million);
4.Recreational Bicycling (53.0 million); 5.Free Weights (44.5 million); 6. Freshwater Fishing (44.1 million); 7.Tent
Camping (42.2 million); 8.Treadmill Exercise (40.8 million); 9.Day Hiking (39.0 million); and 10.Basketball (37.6
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Semester – Fall 2014 – T TH 4:30-5:45
EDPE 305: Teaching Lifetime Fitness
All materials, reading, activities from this syllabus are subject to change at any time per the instructor’s
discretion due to the availability of facilities and weather conditions.
*Daily Learning Logs
*Golf after class*
Tentative Course Calendar
Dates for Class
Week 1
Tuesday, Aug. 19
Thursday, Aug.
Introduction to course content
Edmodo sign up
Evernote sign up
SC PE Standards
Introduction to
--Sign up to play 1-2 holes @
Hackler after class
-Weekly Golf Quiz on line
(post 1 question to the group) rules
Weekly Learning Log Posted
by Friday at 6pm
Week 2
Tuesday, Aug. 26
Golf @
4:30 WB/5:00 Hackler
Thursday, Aug.
Golf @
4:30 WB/5:00Hackler
Golf Quiz on line
Weekly Learning Log Posted
by Friday at 6pm
Week 3
Golf Quiz on line
Tuesday, Sept. 2
Golf @
4:30 WB/5:00 Hackler
Thursday, Sept. 4
Golf @
4:30 WB/5:00 Hackler
Video: Self/Peer-Analysis
Grip, iron, wood and putting
Weekly Learning Log Posted
by Friday at 6pm
Week 4
Tuesday, Sept. 9
Golf @
4:30 WB/5:00 Hackler
Golf Skills Assessment
-Golf Skills Assessment
Page 264 of text
Thursday, Sept.
Disc Golf
-Edmodo- Quick Write about
Weekly Learning Log Posted
by Friday at 6pm
Physical Education Teacher Education
Dates for Class
14 FA EDPE 305
Week 5
Video Self-Analysis
Tuesday, Sept. 16
Thursday, Sept.
Jig Saw learning and
Create your own routine and perform
Groups of 4
Skills Test for Waltz
Weekly Learning Log Posted by Friday
at 6pm
Week 6
Video Self-Analysis
Tuesday, Sept. 23
Thursday, Sept.
Go to Edmodo for
your part to learn and
Skills Test for Tango
Weekly Learning Log Posted by Friday
at 6pm
Week 7
Tuesday, Sept. 30
Thursday, Oct. 2
Friday, Oct 3rd
for USTA
Horseshoe and Bocce
Ball Handouts posted
Weekly Learning Log Posted by Friday
at 6pm
Cross fit, Horseshoes and Bocce Ball
Peer Teaching Assignments
(Ballistic vs Static)
Week 8
Tuesday, Oct. 7
Shag @ Fat
Weekly Learning Log Posted by Friday
at 6pm
Exam (SC
Thursday, Oct. 9
Shag Handouts posted
Standards, outdoor
foundation findings,
effective teaching,
golf, disc golf &
Exam # 1
Week 9
Tuesday, Oct. 14
Thursday, Oct. 16
Cross Fit,
Horseshoes &
Bocce Ball –Peer
Cross Fit,
Horseshoes &
Bocce Ball-Peer
Tennis Assignments for Peer Teaching
Weekly Learning Log Posted by Friday
at 6pm
Physical Education Teacher Education
OCT. 18
Tuesday, Oct. 21
USTA School
Tennis Summit @
Coastal Carolina
14 FA EDPE 305
Kimbel Arena,
Williams Brice Room
Week 10
Peer Teaching
Tennis @
Thursday, Oct. 23
Peer Teaching
Tennis @
Dates for Class
Weekly Learning Log Posted by
Friday at 6pm
Week 11
Tuesday, Oct. 28
Thursday, Oct. 30
Peer Teaching
Tennis @
Weekly Learning Log Posted by
Friday at 6pm
Peer Teaching
Tennis @
Week 12
Tuesday, Nov. 4
Student Holiday
Thursday, Nov. 6
Peer Teaching
Tennis @
Yoga Assignment on Edmodo
Weekly Learning Log Posted by
Friday at 6pm
Week 13
Tuesday, Nov. 11
Thursday, Nov. 13
Peer Teaching
Tennis @
Nov. 11 & 30
Tennis Skills Test
Weekly Learning Log Posted by
Friday at 6pm
Friday, Nov. 14
Saturday, Nov. 15
Kingston Plantation
(Friday and Saturday)
Sunday, Nov. 16
Week 14
Video Analysis for Yoga
Tuesday, Nov. 18
Thursday, Nov. 20
Lead up activities for bowling
And bowling skills posted
Weekly Learning Log Posted by
Friday at 6pm
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
Week 15
Monday, Nov. 24
Thanksgiving Break
Friday, Nov. 28
Week 16
Tuesday, Dec. 2
Bowling @
Waccamaw Lanes
Weekly Learning Log Posted by
Friday at 6pm
Study for Final Exam
Thursday, Dec. 4
Study Day
No Class
Final Exam
Tuesday, Dec. 11
4:00 p.m.
Room Prince 201
Other Important Dates
Saturday, Aug. 23 - Thursday, Oct. 23
A grade of “W” will be assigned for drops or withdrawals
Monday, October 6
Midpoint of the regular semester
Thursday, October 23
Friday, November 14
Last day to submit online request for Course Repeat Forgiveness for
regular Fall in Web advisor
Last day to apply for Spring 2015 Graduation
Friday, Dec. 5 – Thursday, Dec. 11
Final Exams
January 13, 2014
Classes Begin for spring semester
Course Assessments:
Daily Learning Logs
15 @ 10pts
Exam # 1
Final Exam
Video Analysis (Golf, Dance, Tennis & yoga) 4 @ 25 pts
Skills Test (Golf, Dance, Tennis)
3 @ 50 pts
Lesson Plan (Golf, Tennis )
2 @ 50pts
Peer teaching/lesson plan (Tennis)
150 pts
100 pts
200 pts
100 pts
150 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
1000 pts
Physical Education Teacher Education
14 FA EDPE 305
University Grading System:
900-1000 pts
870-899 pts
800-869 pts
770-799 pts
700-769 pts
670-699 pts
600-669 pts
below 600 pts
Please note:
Candidates must complete the course with a C or better to enroll in the next level of courses within the
Professional program.