THE CARILLON IRVINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JANUARY 2015 Dear Members and Friends, Last May, the session asked me to form a committee to investigate and recommend capital needs that have emerged since our last capital improvements in 1999. The committee is composed of Heather Bancroft-Riley, John Canning, Peter Feroe, Bill Hone and me. The committee has been meeting with engineering and design firms along with businesses that provide services. We have received bids, studies and designs. This process has taken time and the preparations are incomplete. The categories for capital improvements include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Improved/increased drainage for the church and manse. Repair/replacement of roofs, gutters and downspouts, as needed. Bathroom redesign/replacement in the church and manse. Lighting improvements in the sanctuary, parlor and auditorium. Improved/enhanced ventilation in the sanctuary for the summer. Conversion of oil burners to natural gas. Repointing of masonry. Sanding and refinishing the hardwood floors in sanctuary and parlor. The bids, studies and designs received to date will be investigated further and a recommendation will be made to the session as soon as our work is completed. The committee will report our progress to the congregation at the Annual Meeting on January 18th. If there is a category of capital need that we have overlooked, please let us know. We have tried to be comprehensive so that these improvements will carry us forward for at least another ten to fifteen years. Obviously, whatever we undertake will require a Capital Campaign and funding from the congregation. We ask for your thoughts and prayers as we complete our work. Overwhelming Grace Be With You, Reverend David R. Harkness, Minister The IPC annual meeting is Sunday, January 18th in the audtiorium. Don’t miss the congregational annual meeting, right after the January 18th worship service, in the auditorium. A light lunch will be provided. You will receive a report on the church’s activities for the past year, as well as the budget for 2015, which will be approved by a voice vote. We will also elect the slate of officers, which will be put forward by the Nominating Committee. This is the only all-congregation meeting of the year, so please plan to be there. Thank you. NEWS FROM THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN KIDS’ YOGA January 11, 2015 The PW Board is very excited to offer two kids yoga sessions at the church following worship and coffee on Sunday, January 11: • The first session will be offered to pre-schoolers from 12-12:30pm. Parents and caregivers are welcome to participate. • The second session will immediately follow for grade-schoolers from 12:30-1pm. • Participants are asked to bring their own mats if they wish. Both sessions will be held in the Westminster Room, and will serve as a type of demo/introduction to kids yoga, while gauging the congregation's interest in ongoing sessions. Should there be sufficient interest, we will then discuss appropriate scheduling. Cynthia Svigals - a highly experienced, registered yoga teacher who has led kids yoga sessions at Good Shepherd - will be teaching these introductory sessions. By introducing kids yoga we wanted to provide a fun - not to mention healthy! - way for young children and families at the church to get together. We hope to see you all there! Please contact Kathy Ficalora at [email protected] with any questions. Joyce Chaluisan JANUARY CIRCLES / MEETINGS Bible Study - will meet on Thursday, January 22nd at 7:00 pm in the Parlor. We are studying 2 Corinthians. Contact Aimee Miller at [email protected] if you have any questions. Dining Out - We will meet at 12:00 Noon on Sunday, January 11th, for Brunch at the Half Moon Restaurant in Dobbs Ferry. Contact Nancy McKenzie at 693-5186 or [email protected] if you will be coming. IPC Walkers - will meet at the church at 1:00 pm on December 28th, route to be determined. Any questions, contact Joyce Chaluisan at [email protected] or 914-591-4976. The January walk will be on the 25th. Yoga – Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the church parlor. No yoga on December 29th. Bring a mat and blanket. $10.00 per class. Questions - contact Barbara Roy at [email protected] or 914-591-7005. PW Board Meeting - Thursday, January 8th, at 6:00 pm in the Upper Room. SAVE THE DATE PW Annual Meeting - to be held on February 8th after Worship. A light lunch will be served. Toys for Bedford Hills Correctional Facility So many of you from the church, the nursery school, and good friends chose very thoughtful toys for these children. Toys like Lego, variations of Scrabble, Pictionary are good mind stretchers. There were some great children’s books. What was overwhelming to me was the quantity. We have never collected more. I took 3 large garbage bags and 2 half size garbage bags, plus several loose big objects (sport’s equipment) to the prison on the 16th. On behalf of the women, I thank you all for kindness. Have a blessed Christmas. Pippa Broadhurst ChristianEducation January 2015 SUNDAY SCHOOL Sun 4 Chapel Time followed by communion for 4th grade and up; class time for younger children. Tues 6 Epiphany Sun 11 Sunday School classes following Children’s Time. Sun 18 Sunday School classes following Children’s Time. Sun 25 Sunday School classes following Children’s Time. ________________________________________________ ACOLYTES January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Sarah Garcia Elizabeth Lee Julia Moss Annelies Parke ____________________________________________ ADULT EDUCATION Christian Views of Ethical Questions As Christians, what can we learn from the great ethical dilemmas that have occupied philosophers for millennia? Join us for the last case study presented by Dr. Louise Feroe. Sunday January 4 at 9:00 am in the Upper Room. Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography It’s not always easy in our busy lives to think about the ways in which God has been present for us. Through writing exercises and discussion, Susan Breen will help us gain a deeper understanding of our own and others’ spiritual journeys. As a text we’ll use, Journaling as a Spiritual Practice: Encountering God Through Attentive Writing by Helen Cepero. Sunday mornings at 9:00 in the Upper Room January 11 – February 1, 2015 IPC BOOK CLUB On Tuesday, January 13 the Book Club will meet at 9:30 in the Parlor to discuss Good Poems for Hard Times by Garrison Keillor. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JANUARYYOUTHACTIVITIES ACTIVITY NIGHTS Friday, January 9 at 7:00 pm Friday, January 16 at 7:00 pm MIDNIGHT RUN Friday, January 23 6:30 – 9:00 pm Youth volunteers in Grades 6‐12 and older are needed to make sandwiches for the homeless in NYC . Please come to the kitchen by 6:30 pm and plan on staying until 9:00. If you are able, please bring one or two loaves of wheat or multigrain bread. E‐mail Peter to volunteer and tell him what you will bring: [email protected]. P.S. We are also running a church‐wide drive to collect, men’s hats, gloves, coats, scarves, and blankets. If you buy anything new, XL and bigger sizes are especially needed. Please drop donations in the Midnight Run bin in the Auditorium. Youth Choir Sun Jan 4 Sun Jan 11 Sun Jan 18 Sun Jan 25 Youth and Children’s Choir Schedule Children’s Choir 9:30 am rehearsal 11:30 am rehearsal 9:30 am rehearsal 11:30 am rehearsal 9:30 am rehearsal 11:30 am rehearsal 9:30 am rehearsal & SING IN WORHSIP 11:30 am rehearsal FROM THE DEACONS How the Deacons Spent December: The Deacons wound up the year with a very exciting December. First of all, we hosted the reception following the Messiah concert, which was a very tasty event. On that same day, we also sent out three teams of volunteers to bring communion to our members who are unable to get to church. Under Merle Hueber’s and Jessica O’Reilly’s artistic leadership, the Deacons also arranged for the greening of the church. I think you’ll agree it looks fabulous. (The De-Greening will be on January 4, and we could use help!) The Deacons also reached out and made financial contributions in December to those who needed our support. Thanks to a gift from the Mission Committee, we were able to provide a lot of rice and beans to the Tarrytown Food Pantry. We also gave a sizable contribution to the Irvington Recreation Center, which puts together baskets of food and toys which they then deliver to children and senior citizens in our community. It is heartbreaking to know that there are children in our village going hungry. But it is a great blessing that we are in a position to help. Thank you to everyone for your contributions and prayers and we hope for a very happy New Year! Susan Breen FROM MISSION After discussions with the Deacons and the Presbyterian Women we learned that all the organizations which had been supported by session controlled funds in 2013 were funded by these two organizations in 2014. We are blessed to have such generous groups and individuals in our congregation and despite specific funding from session in 2013 we were still able to continue our commitment to groups in our local region. The committee agreed to use the $125 donated to mission to buy rice and beans for the Community Pantry of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown. We also agreed to donate the Christmas offering to the Community Pantry and the Westchester Coalition for the Hungry and Homeless. Have a Happy New Year. ++++ FROM MUSIC AND WORSHIP On Christ the King Sunday, we were blessed to have the Children’s Choir, under the direction of Peter Fischer, sing “Dona Nobis Pacem” arranged by John W. Schaum. During that service, Thomas Verchot (trumpet) performed the Festival Prelude by Gustav Holst for the Voluntary and the Air de Trompette by George Phillipp Telemann, during the Offertory. Later that afternoon, Gesa Graumann, performed an organ recital with works by Franz Liszt, Marco Enrico Bossi, Leo Sowerby and Johann Sebastian Bach. A free will offering was used to support the program. On the 2nd Sunday of Advent we were blessed to have Ted Barr join us in service and perform a piano duet of “Greensleeves” with Tony Thurman. Later that day, the IPC Chancel Choir and orchestra performed George Frederic Haendel’s “Messiah.” Thanks to the soloists: Nancy Rathbun, Christina Rohm, Blake Friedman, Samuel Hepler and Scott Lefurgy, to Ted Barr (organ), Justin Hines (timpani) and our own, Tony Thurman, conductor. We collected $2324 in the free will offering to cover additional costs of the performance. We are grateful to the individuals and groups in our congregation who generously supported this production. The third Sunday of Advent was a joyous one. In morning service, Emanouil Manolov (violin) performed selections from Jan Mulder’s “Ecossaise Christmas” and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” during the voluntary before and after service. Later that day at the Carols by Candlelight, we were blessed to have all three church choirs sing. The Youth Choir performed “Or Nous Dites, Marie”, arranged by Peter Fischer. According to Dominique Picon, their pronunciation was excellent! Later they performed “This Joy” by Bob Chilcott and then joined the Children’s Choir, for the Spanish carol, “Fum, Fum, Fum”. The Chancel Choir blessed us with anthems and with the Choral Response, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” arranged by Willcocks. We are grateful to our accompanists: Jonathan Ackerman (piano), Sarah Garcia (tambourine), Marge Hone (flute), Devin Reilly (drum) and Bella Smith (finger cymbals). Have a Happy New Year, Mary Bongiovi and Bill Moss If the right eye offends thee, pluck it out… Matthew 5:29 The only way to eliminate stress and pain is to stop doing the things that create it. It is easy to see what others do to us while we forget the drama we create for ourselves. How? Take your pick: The need to be right. Lack of life purpose. How we think others see us. Trying to fix the world. Dishonesty with self and others. Accepting someone else’s truth. Seeking material wealth over spiritual values. Doing it alone. My way is the right way. Fear of the future. Negative thought patterns. Trying to prove yourself to others. Anger over the past. Telling other people what to do. It all boils down to “not knowing who we are”. Iyanla Vanzant “Acts of Faith” Respectfully submitted by: Bettina Speyer The Irvington Presbyterian Church CARILLON is published monthly, September through June, by the Irvington Presbyterian Church in order to inform congregation and friends of church activities, invite participation in our Christian fellowship, and spread the good news of the Gospel. Reverend David R. Harkness, Minister 25 North Broadway, Irvington, New York 10533 914-591-8124 (Church Office) email: [email protected] now on Facebook Irvington Presbyterian Church January 2015 January 2015 February 2015 SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa 4 11 18 25 Sun Mon Tue Wed 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 Thu 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 Fri 30 31 Jan 1, 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dec 28 - Jan 3 29 7:30pm Vespers (Chapel) 8:00pm Choir Rehearsal (Parlor) Jan 4 - 10 5:30pm Yoga (Parlor) Jan 11 - 17 11 9:00am Adult Ed 10:30am Worship 12:00pm Kids' Yoga (Westminster 12:00pm Dining Out Club (Half Moon D Jan 18 - 24 18 9:00am Adult Ed 10:30am Worship 12:00pm Annual Meeting (Auditorium) Jan 25 - 31 25 9:00am Adult Ed 10:30am Worship 12 5:30pm Yoga (Parlor) 19 13 9:30am Book Club (Parlor) 20 5:30pm Yoga (Parlor) 26 5:30pm Yoga (Parlor) 14 15 7:30pm Vespers (Chapel) 8:00pm Choir Rehearsal (Parlor) 21 28 7:00pm Bible Study - 2 Corinthians (Parlor) 29 7:30pm Vespers (Chapel) 8:00pm Choir Rehearsal (Parlor) 1 7:00pm Youth Group 16 17 7:00pm Youth Group 22 7:30pm Vespers (Chapel) 8:00pm Choir Rehearsal (Parlor) 27 6:00pm PW Board (Upper Room) 23 24 6:30pm Midnight Run 30 6 13 20 27 Sat Dec 28 9:00am Adult Ed 10:30am Worship 5 12 19 26 31 7 14 21 28
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