Capacity/Activity modelling Staffing CAMHS Commissioners of targeted or specialist CAMHS (at tiers 2 and 3) need to take account of and understand the workforce capacity and relevant resources that are required to meet the needs of a population of children, young people and families. Commissioners need to know what their service can provide in terms of activity within a given resource taking into account demographic factors including deprivation indices, stability of population, ethnic mix and whether in a rural or inner city area. In addition to this the quality and range of services provided by partner agencies in health, social care, education and the third sector should also be taken into account (CR182 RCP 2013). Commissioners and providers should work together to calculate the workforce capacity and skills required to meet the needs of a particular population. This should include analysis of what is needed to implement the recommendations of relevant evidence based clinical guidelines and future proofed to meet the changing circumstances and needs of children and young people and new treatments become available. An example of a needs-based approach to calculating capacity and activity for CAMHS is provided in Royal College of Psychiatry: Update of guidance on workforce, capacity and functions of CAMHS which proposes the following: th Specialist Tier 2/3 CAMHS up to the 18 birthday require 19.3 WTE clinicians per 100 000 total population for a non-teaching CAMHS centre and 24.2 WTE for a service that provides teaching. The clinician key worker caseload should average at 40 cases per WTE across the service, varying according to the type of cases held and other responsibilities of the clinician, which impact on their job plan. Matching demand and capacity is essential to ensure efficient service provision. It is however recognised that calculating/projecting capacity and associated activity is difficult due to the significant amount of variables that exists within populations and existing service delivery models. There are a number of tools and resources available to support this process (this list is not exhaustive) CAMHS Specific: Building and sustaining specialist CAMHS to improve outcomes for children and young people: Update of guidance on workforce, capacity and functions of CAMHS in the UK. CR182 Royal College of Psychiatry Choice and Partnership Approach (CAPA) Comprehensive CAMHS Integrated Workforce Planning Tool. CAMHS National Workforce Programme New Ways of Working in Child and Adolescent Mental Health: CAMHS National Workforce Programme. Self-assessed skills audit tool (SASAT): comprehensive CAMHS integrated workforce planning. CAMHS National Workforce Programme Kelvin RG (2005) Capacity of Tier 2/3 CAMHS and service specification: a model to enable evidence based service development. Child and Adolescent Mental health, Further papers to consider • Davey R and Littlewood S: You pays your money and you takes your choice: Helping purchasers to commission an appropriate child and adolescent mental health service • Goodman R (1997) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: Reasoned Advice to Commissioners and Providers. Maudsley Discussion Paper Number 4. Institute of Psychiatry. NHS Demand and Capacity Planning: NHS Quality Improvement, Institute for Innovation and Improvement. ment_tools/demand_and_capacity_-_basic_concepts.html Matching capacity and demand; Process and systems thinking. NHS Quality Improvement, Institute for Innovation and Improvement. ent_capability/improvement_leaders'_guides%253A_process_and_systems_thinking.html&rct=j&f rm=1&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ei=1YjfU66vG9GB7Qbl3oHAAg&ved=0CBQQFjAA&sig2=WjsJ6HrMsA 6-alqtptGGPA&usg=AFQjCNEg7F2ygWFz5fQj5lSY4cXN79QVJQ How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time: A guide to nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability
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