ORAL PRESENTATIONS CODES Age Estimation in Living Person Oral Code First Name Last Name OP1.1 Ada-Mihaela Coroama OP1.2 OP1.3 Francesco Christian Pradella Matzenauer OP1.4 Mohd Yusmiaidil Putera Mohd Yusof OP1.5 OP1.6 Mokhtar Christian Ahmed Alhrani Ottow OP1.7 OP1.8 Ronald Ernst Schulz RUDOLF OP1.9 Thomas Lefevre OP1.10 Daniel Wittschieber OP1.11 Ernst RUDOLF Oral Presentation Title Criteria of Age Estimation in the Living from a North East Romanian Reagion. A NEW AGE ESTIMATION PROCEDURE BASED ON THE 3D CBCT STUDY OF THE PULP CAVITY AND HARD TISSUES OF THE TEETH FOR FORENSIC PURPOSES. Recent Developments In Age Estimation: An Overview How To Utilize The Most Information In Panoramic Radiographs To Estimate Dental Age Age Estimation in Yemen: Facts and Challenges MRI-study on age estimation in unaccompanied refugee minors Sonographic examinations of various skeletal regions for forensic age diagnostics in living juveniles and young adults Asylum Related Age Assessment Practice In Europe Age Estimation In Living Persons: Is The Integration Of Multiple Information Sources Relevant? The Contribution Of Novel Multivariate Methods To Forensic Sciences. Is Projection Radiography Of The Medial Clavicular Epiphysis Still Adequate For Forensic Age Diagnostics In Living Individuals? Age differentiation of questionable ‘Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers’ in Austria AMI and PMI Estimation in the Early and Late Periods Oral Code First Name Last Name OP2.1 Sara Sabatasso OP2.2 Aurelio Luna Maldonado Oral Presentation Title Early markers of myocardial ischemia: from the experimental model to forensic pathology cases of sudden cardiac death Application Of The Research Of Dna And Nitrogenous Bases Concentrations For The Establishment Of Bone Remains In Data. OP2.3 Aurelio Luna Maldonado OP2.4 OP2.5 Huseyin Larbi Balandiz BENALI Morphological And Histological Changes In Eye Lens For Estimating Postmortem Evaluation Of Vitality In The Experimental Hanging Model Of Rats By Using Immunohistochemical Il-1β Antibody Staining. The First Forensic Classification System for Thanatological Artefacts OP2.6 Pia Baumann C5b-9 As A Marker For Vitality In Muscle Contusions In Putrefied Bodies Clinical Forensic Medicine Oral Code First Name Last Name OP3.1 Ricardo Henrique Alves Silva OP3.2 Mohammad Javad Amirian OP3.3 OP3.4 OP3.5 OP3.6 Jose Ignacio Mihalache PRATIK Ashraf A. Munoz Barus Gabriel Constantin VIJAY TARVADI Moulana OP3.7 Tao Wang Oral Presentation Title ANALYSIS OF HUMAN BITE MARKS FROM BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL EVIDENCE IN FOOD AND BEVERAGES SUCTION ACTS Reducing The Number Of Divorce Cases Presented To The Judicial System And Preventing Divorces In Iranian Society Through The Implementation Of A Dispute Settlement Committee Predictive Models For The Assessment Of Bodily Harm: A Preliminary Study FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATION IN ROMANIA Bite mark analysis: Based on cast analysis method Partial Hymenal Tears Medicolegal Assessment and Interpretation Based On The Finite Element Method To Solve Biomechanical Study Of Whiplash Injury Examination, Evaluation and Reporting Of Sexual Assault Crime Oral Code First Name Last Name OP4.1 OP4.2 OP4.3 Nuwadatta Manal Ahmed Subedi Saeed Bamousa Banasr OP4.4 Hammami Z Maatoug S Oral Presentation Title A study of suicidal deaths in Chitwan district of Nepal Rape Myth, Evidence based literature reviw Sexual Abuse And Assault Against Children In North Tunisia Sexual Assaults In The Region Of Sfax: Forensic Study And Evaluation Of Care. OP4.5 Michael Josef Schwerer OP4.6 Murat Imali OP4.7 Nabil Hizam Al-Hammadi OP4.8 Mustafa Selim OZKOK OP4.9 Patrick Chariot OP4.10 MUSTAFA Cletek OP4.11 Patricia Jardim Sex-related death in forensics: A 5-years-summary of the cases investigated in the Institute of Legal Medicine Munich. A CASE OF SEXUAL ASSAULT AND THEFT - WITH THE ROLE OF A FAMILY PHYSICIAN Virginity Misinterpretation as Phenomenon of Female Abuse in Yemen 3 YEARS EXPERİENCE WİTH POLARİSED MULTİSPECTRAL COLPOSCOPY İN EXAMİNATİON OF SEXUAL ASSAULT VİCTİMS . Alcohol And Psychoactive Substance Use At The Time Of Sexual Assaults And Following The Assaults A Sexual Abuse Risk Factor for the School Age Children: School Bus Drivers Children sexual offenses: the impact of the forensic medical examination in the legal outcomes Forensic Autopsy and Imaging. A Holistic Approach Oral Code First Name Last Name OP5.1 Clemente Maia S. Fernandes OP5.2 ANDREA PERINI OP5.3 Morgane Jotterand OP5.4 OP5.5 Dorota GERT Lorkiewicz-Muszynska SAAYMAN OP5.6 Hitoshi Maeda OP5.7 Katarzyna Michaud Oral Presentation Title 3D Plastic and Digital Forensic Facial Reconstruction: pilot protocols, researches and future directions by Brazilian, Portuguese and Swiss researchers Investigation of earthquake-related deaths using post-mortem Multi-Detector Computed Tomography Cardio-thoracic ratio as a tool for the diagnosis of cardiomegaly on postmortem CT The Use Of Computed Tomography In Multidisciplinary Forensic Investigations The LODOX® Statscan: A valuable tool in death investigation Cardiac Dilatation Index As An Indicator Of Terminal Central Congestion In Forensic Vulnerable plaques in cases of sudden cardiac death at autopsy and in postmortem CT-angiography OP5.8 Lei Wan OP5.9 Michael Josef Schwerer OP5.10 Ningguo Liu OP5.11 Patrick Johannes Laberke OP5.12 Wolf-Dieter Zech Detection rupture point of anterior cerebral artery vascular malformations (AVMs) by postmortem angiography-case report DNA Extraction For Molecular Pathology In Autopsy Cases Following Postmortal Angioct. Biomechanical characteristics of traumatic craniocerebral injury based on virtopsy: A retrospective study Selective Vascular Access For Postmortem Magnetic Resonance Angiography Of The Coronary Arteries Temperature And Magnetic Field Strength Dependence Of Post Mortem Quantitative Mri Values For Characterization Of Soft Tissue And Tissue Lesions Forensic Genetics Oral Code First Name Last Name OP6.1 Anu M Neuvonen OP6.2 Jeidson Antonio Marques OP6.3 Elif CANPOLAT OP6.4 Ruwan J. Illeperuma OP6.5 Li Li OP6.7 OP6.8 Mike Mike Hennessy Hennessy OP6.9 Sara Oral Presentation Title Efficient Y-STR Profiling In Populations Of Reduced Diversity RECOVERY OF DNA IN FOOD WITH BITE MARKS FOR HUMAN IDENTIFICATION THE COMPARISON OF EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENT METHODS FOR THE DNA SAMPLES OBTAINED FROM ANTHROPOLOGICAL BONES Human mtDNA, a candid genetic maker for forensic identity testing of degraded human remains in Sri Lanka. Heteroplasmies of Base Compositions of mtDNA in Chinese Han Population Process Mapping in Forensics Disaster Victim Identification Projects and DNA Reference Samples Genetic and toxicologic investigation of Sudden Cardiac Death in a patient with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Partemi Forensic Pathology Oral Code OP7.1 First Name Claudia Last Name Castiglioni Oral Presentation Title A morphometric study of the pulmonary tissue in cases of hanging DIFFERENT ANATOMICAL LOCALIZATION BETWEEN ACCIDENTAL AND NONACCIDENTAL INJURIES: A CLINICAL FORENSIC PATHOLOGY PILOT STUDY. OP7.3 Enrico Angelo Muccino OP7.4 Hitoshi Maeda Gastromalacia and acute gastric mucosal lesions in forensic autopsy cases OP7.6 Norbert Moravansky Experimental wound ballistics of ricochet projectiles: report of continuing studies OP7.7 OP7.8 OP7.9 Nuwadatta ROSA ROSA Subedi HENRIQUES DE GOUVEIA HENRIQUES DE GOUVEIA OP7.10 Graziano Domenico Luigi Crudele OP7.11 Theodore Vougiouklakis OP7.12 Tony Fracasso OP7.13 OP7.14 Marcel A Vincenzo M. Verhoff Grassi OP7.15 OP7.16 VOLKAN Pierre-Antoine Unal PEYRON To determine the association between rib fractures and liver and spleen injuries among medico legal autopsies with blunt abdominal trauma. MYOCARDITIS AND FORENSIC SUDDEN & NON-SUDDEN DEATH NATURAL DEATH IN CHILDHOOD: SUDDEN AND ELSE … The predictive value of skull base fractures in head injuries for fatal head trauma. A study of 296 cases Survey of medico - legal investigation of homicide in the Region of Epirus (Northwest Greece) Multiplex quantitative imaging at cellular resolution of human myocardial ischemia by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Bathtub deaths in connection with pre-existing internal disorders (Frankfurt, Germany, 1994-2013) Atlanto-axial dislocation with C7 fracture following a car rollover Assesment of Relation Between Shooting Distance and Gunshot Residue Distrubution for Shootings to the Dressed Models With Modified Blank Cartridge Pistol The infectious hazards in the autopsy room Forensic Toxicology Oral Code OP8.1 First Name Fuad Ali Last Name Tarbah Oral Presentation Title Rapid determination of blood insulin OP8.2 Thomas Keller OP8.3 Hitoshi Maeda OP8.4 OP8.5 Jozef Luis Carlos Sidlo Canales Suicide of a polytoxicomanic young man: differentiating the important from the less important facts Evaluation of the on-site immunoassay drug-screening device Triage-TOX in routine forensic autopsy MEDICOLEGAL ANALYSIS OF drug-related deathS in slovakia BETWEEN 2004 AND 2013 Ethanol determination OP8.6 OP8.7 OP8.8 Murat Ragia M Sulaf Imali Hegazy Assi A CASE REPORT: A COMPLEX SUICIDE PERFORMED WITH ETHYLCHLORIDE Acute Organo-phosphorus Poisoning: 2 Year Analysis, KSA Identification of novel psychoactive substances using handheld near Investigation And Identification Of Burnt Bodies Oral Code First Name Last Name OP9.1 Elena Mazzeo OP9.2 OP9.3 OP9.4 OP9.5 Awdhesh Franziska Jeidson Jedidi Kumar Holz Antonio Marques Maher OP9.6 John Berketa OP9.7 Michael Josef Schwerer OP9.8 Ping Huang OP9.9 Sarah Ellingham OP9.10 Stephane MALBRANQUE Oral Presentation Title A CASE REPORT: ELECTROCUTION OR BURNS? EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BURN DEATHS IN VARANASI UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA Bone findings from a German IMAGE SOFTWARES EDITORS USE IN FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY FIRE AND SUICIDE: A TWENTY YEARS STUDY The retrieval of hip, knee and dental implant postmortem data from severely burnt bodies. Aircraft accident investigation in the Institute of Legal Medicine Munich: Infrared spectral changes of bronchial epithelia in the respiratory tract of fire victims to determination of intravital reaction in fatal burn Micro-Computed Tomographic Analysis of Bone exposed to high temperatures: Implications for Forensic Anthropology Interests of the exhaustive analysis of body remains in plane crashes with significant fragmentation OP9.11 Cristiana Palmela Pereira The Role of Forensic Dentistry in Identification of Single Cadavers: Forensic Case Works Open Topics Oral Code First Name Last Name OP10.1 Adolf Gallwitz OP10.2 OP10.3 Christoph G Alberto Birngruber Blandino OP10.5 Bogdan Malinescu OP10.6 Jeidson Antonio Marques OP10.7 Gabriel Chong OP10.8 Go-Un Jung OP10.9 Clifford Priyantha Perera OP10.10 OP10.11 Jari Mokhtar Ahmed Tiihonen Alhrani OP10.12 OP10.13 Peter Ricardo Vanezis Henrique Alves Silva OP10.14 OP10.15 T. Nataraja Vera Moorthy Sterzik Oral Presentation Title Questioning of Parents and Guardians in Cases of Child Abuse “Pimp my body” – on the value of tattoos in identifying unknown bodies MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: ANALYSIS OF A SERIES OF 1633 CLAIMS Possible correlations between atypical methods of suicide and mental status of the suicidal person BLIND TESTING A FORENSIC FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION PROTOCOL WITH OPEN SOFTWARE Analysis of the Uniqueness of Anterior Teeth Using an Intra-Oral Dental Body Mass Estimation from Human 3D Calcaneus: Defining Criteria on Model Selection and Validation in Regression Analysis Role of First Responders in managing dead in mass disasters – the South Asian perspective from a multi-centre study Psychotropic drugs and homicide: observational follow-up study. Judicial Reform Efforts in Yemen: Medico-legal Services A SURVEY OF THE ANATOMICAL VARIATION OF STRUCTURES WITHIN THE HYOID-LARYNGEAL COMPLEX AND ITS RELEVANCE TO FORENSIC PATHOLOGY PRACTICE FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY IN BRAZIL: Regression analysis for stature determination from foot print anthropometry in Ibans of east Malaysia. Using infrared photography in forensic medicine OP10.16 Yi-Suk Geometric Morphometrics for the Enthesis Morphology of Radial Tuberosity with a Structured-Light 3D Scanning System: Forensic Quantification of Statistical Shape Analysis for Sexual Dimorphism Kim The Fight Against Child Trafficking Forensic Anthropological, Clinical and Genetic Identification Oral Code OP11.1 OP11.2 OP11.3 OP11.4 OP11.5 First Name Simone Jeidson Last Name Onti Antonio Marques Jeidson Mumen Rima Oral Presentation Title “Child maltreatment and child sexual abuse: a proposal examination record for clinical and medico-legal assessment.” BITEMARKS IN BRAZIL: THREE CASE REPORTS Antonio Marques Suleiman Hadidi Yerenatovna Dzhansarayeva OROFACIAL VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS IN FEIRA DE SANTANA-BAHIA-BRASIL, 2007 TO 2011 Forensic Medicine and Combating Human trafficking Problems of combating early and forced marriages in Kazakhstan Dental age assessment on development of mandibular third molars in Multifactorial Forensic Age assessment: Recent experience in a group of East African population OP11.6 Jayanie Weeratna OP11.8 Ya-hui Wang OP11.9 Dorota Lorkiewicz-Muszynska Mathematical Models for Living Teenager’s Age Evaluation Based on CT Images of Medial Clavicular Epiphysis Interdisciplinary analysis of video material in identification of the living person suspected of child sexual abuse Torture and Clinical Forensic Medicine Oral Code First Name Last Name OP12.1 OP12.2 OP12.3 Jeidson Naim Lorraine Antonio Marques Uka du Toit-Prinsloo OP12.4 Malaak Isa Oral Presentation Title 3D TECHNOLOGY USE IN BITE MARKS ANALYSIS “Missing persons issue in Kosovo” DEATHS IN CUSTODY: A PERSISTENT PROBLEM IN PRETORIA Retrospective analysis of physical forensic examinations in cases of survived violence OP12.5 OP12.7 OP12.8 Jeidson Vinod VOLKAN Antonio Marques Dhingra Unal OP12.9 VOLKAN Unal SURVEY OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL INJURIES IN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE WHO WERE SUBJECTED TO FORENSIC DENTAL EXPERTISE AT FEIRA DE SANTANA’S FORENSIC MEDICINE INSTITUTE, BAHIA, BRASIL, BETWEEN THE YEARS 2007 AND 2009 SUICIDAL HANGING BY ACCUSED IN LAVATORY OF CUSTODY CELL Custody and Prison Deaths Autopsied in Istanbul between 2010-2012 EVALUATION OF THE EXECUTION POSTPONEMENT OF TWO BROTHERS WHO COMMITED SAME CRIME Unraveling Complex Cases in Forensic Pathology Oral Code First Name Last Name OP13.1 OP13.2 OP13.3 Naim Massimo Massimo Uka Montisci Montisci OP13.4 OP13.5 Ramazan Prashanth Akcan Bhagvath Oral Presentation Title Complex suicide caused by gunshot and hanging” ALCOHOL AND OPPORTUNISTIC DRUG FACILITATED SEXUAL ASSAULT AN INTERPRETATIVE METHOD FOR DEATH SCENE INVESTIGATION A comples suicide by vechicle assisted ligature strangulation and wrist cutting Unusual Atypical Exit Wound – Report of Two Cases
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