FOREST HILLS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Your LINK to Family and Friends in the Faith March 2015 “Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments.” Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Joel 2:12-13 Home. We love the sound of that word, home. As Casey Hitt so warmly tells it, Lent is a journey home; home to the heart of God. To make this journey successfully, it requires that we stop and notice which direction we are going in, especially if we’re not going home to God. If we were to review our lives at this moment, what about us needs to stop where it’s going, turn around, and start heading home? Try this imagining technique to help you get Home. Close your eyes and with your mind, picture the place where you have stopped along your journey to God. Take in the surroundings, is it a familiar place or a new place for you? What do you notice - see, smell, hear, touch, taste - what feelings are stirred? Are you excited or concerned? Are you feeling rushed or at peace? What do you like most about this place? Now imagine Jesus is meeting you in this place where you are stopped. Allow yourself to be greeted by Jesus, and maybe you even greet him in return. Is there anything He wants to say to you in this place? Anything He wants to show you about this place? What would you like to tell Him? Although we are the ones who are trying to find our way home, we do not make the journey alone. Jesus meets us where we are and brings us home. So now my friends, since Jesus is here to guide us, let’s turn around, and go home. Holy God, we remember how prone we are to get lost yet you are always calling us home. But it is hard to return home to someone we don’t know well, or have forgotten or fear. Remind us once again of the sound of Your voice. As we journey through Lent, remind us again who You are. Help us to pause and listen. Allow the prophet’s words to make their own journey from our minds to our hearts for you truly are merciful, compassionate, very patient, full of faithful love, and always ready to forgive us. Amen. Grace and Peace, Claudia Calendar Sunday, March 1 2nd Sunday in Lent Communion/Homebound Communion 10:30 a.m. Nominating Committee (Pastor’s Office) Saturday, March 21 Facilities Work Day Sunday, March 22 5th Sunday in Lent New Member Class (Pastor’s Office) 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 2 Facilities Committee (Room 1) 6:45 p.m. Membership Care Committee (Room 15) 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 24 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Christian Education Committee(Room 4) 7:00 p.m. Crafters (Craft Cottage) PW Harmony Circle (Larrick Hall) 9:30 a.m. Worship Committee (Larrick Hall) 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 26 Tuesday, March 3 PW Peace Circle (TBA) 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast 6:30 a.m. Crafters (Craft Cottage) 9:30 a.m & 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 28 PW A Day Apart (Chapel, Larrick Hall) Personnel (Pastor’s Office) 6:00 p.m. Spanish Class (Room 15) 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Wednesday, March 4 5th Sunday Luncheon (Larrick Hall) PW Council (Larrick Hall) 4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 8 3rd Sunday in Lent LC Board Meeting (Room 1) 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 9 Deacons Meeting (Room 15) 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 10 Crafters (Craft Cottage) 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Finance Meeting (Pastors Office) 6:30 p.m. Spanish Class (Larrick Hall) 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 15 4th Sunday in Lent St. Patrick Day Lunch (Larrick Hall) 11:45 a.m. Monday, March 16 Session Meeting (Larrick Hall) 7:00 p.m. SAVE THE DATES! Tuesday, March 17 Crafters (Craft Cottage) 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Spanish Class (Larrick Hall) 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 19 PW University Circle (UV) FHES Parent Conference Night March 3—Crafters Begin Again! March 8 - Daylight Saving Time begins March 15 - St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon March 28 - A Day Apart March 29 - Palm Sunday April 2 - Maundy Thursday April 5 - Easter Sunday May 3 - Cinco de Mayo Luncheon May 31 - Youth Sunday 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 21 FHPC Work Day Sunday, March 22 5th Sunday in Lent New Member Class (Pastor’s Office) 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 24 Crafters (Craft Cottage) 9:30 a.m & 6:30 p.m. PW Harmony Circle (Larrick Hall) 9:30 a.m. Spanish Class (Larrick Hall) 7:30 p.m. 2 Coming Events Come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with all your saintly friends ! Sunday, March 15 after worship Spring has sprung! Time to spruce up the church grounds. We’re looking for volunteers to help with various yardwork projects. Enjoy the beautiful weather and good fellowship. Bring clippers, rakes, garbage bags, and work gloves if you have them. It’s a potato party with baked potatoes and every topping imaginable plus a bake sale. There will be music and plenty of Irish jokes. All proceeds will help supplement the cost of our Youth attending Montreat and Cedarkirk. You won’t want to miss out on this fun event! Saturday, March 21st 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided March 29 after Palm Sunday worship New Member Class on March 22nd lowing the worship service Sundays PRAYER 8:30 a.m. — Room 1 FELLOWSHIP 9:00 a.m. — Larrick Hall SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. — Various WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 a.m. — Sanctuary Bring your favorite potluck dish to share as we welcome our newest church members. fol- Wednesdays Dinner - 6:00 p.m. Mar. 4: Mexican Casserole Mar. 11: Chicken Pasta Mar. 18: Corned Beef and Cabbage Mar. 25: Shrimp Creole Wednesdays Program - 6:30 p.m. Larrick Hall 24 Hours That Changed the World by Adam Hamilton presented by Cost Adults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 School-age children. . . . . . $3.00 Children under 5. . . . . . . . . Free There’s a family maximum of $15. 3 Pastor Claudia Outreach and Evangelism February was another exciting month for our committee and volunteers. On February 14th we provided a Valentine’s Day lunch and special gifts to the teachers at our Learning Center and Forest Hills Elementary, who really appreciated this token of thought and love. We give great thanks to all the volunteers who made this event such a big success. plan. One of the busiest and most stressful times for teachers is the parent/teacher conferences. To ease some of that stress, we will be providing dinner and treat bags for 135 teachers at Forest Hills Elementary on March 19th and here is how you can help: Volunteer to stuff the goody bags the week of March 16th A monetary donation for chocolate gold coins or Post It Notes Volunteers to help during the event Did you know that the Visitor Cart outside the front doors of the church on Sundays is a part of the evangelism program? We are always looking for volunteers with a warm smile and friendly greeting to welcome our visitors. This is a great way to really get to know all of the members as well! The and We also provided refreshments and stuffed animals for the January and February Brave of the Month events. Outreach Evangelism Committee is always looking for new members, as well as volunteers to help with the many projects we manage. Brave of the Month at Forest Hills If you like working in a team type of group, this could be the place for you If you like to see positive results for your efforts, this could be the place for you If making someone else’s day better is important to you, this could be the place for you WE ALWAYS HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU! Peace and Blessings, Sheron, [email protected] Now March is upon us and we have new events to 4 Christian Education 2015 Lenten Study Schedule Fridays: March 6, 13,20, and 27 (Room 1) 9:30—11:00 a.m. Sunday: March 1, 8, 15, 22 , and 29 (Room 15) 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. Both of these classes will be led by Jennifer Ghodsi and Jennifer Gregory Wednesday: March 4, 11, 18, 25 (Larrick Hall) 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (following dinner) This class will be led by Pastor Claudia Kelli Rivera presents the message to the children during their special time during worship service. Winter/Spring Sunday Morning Classes The following classes are offered on Sunday mornings, starting at 9:15 a.m. Children and Youth Nursery K—5th grade Middle School High School Marilla Bottomley and Betty Mullis Age-appropriate curriculum George Suter and Sue Schmidt Room 14 “We Believe” curriculum Karen Zinszer and Barb Lien Room 2 “Claim the Life” curriculum Rick Hense and Kelli Rivera Room 4 “Claim the Life” curriculum Adult Classes The Hebrew Bible Room 1, teacher: Rhudy Bell. A study of how the Bible was written through a series of topics. Lenten Study Room 15, teachers: Jennifer Gregory, Jennifer Ghodsi “24 Hours That Changed the World” Luke and Acts Larrick Hall, teacher: Sam Kohler. Exploring the largest single contribution to the New Testament written by the same man, the gift of salvation, and the beginning of Christian Church history. News from the Nominating Committee Do you have good administrative skills? Are you a great communicator or do you have a heart for the people in our church? Do you love missions or have good technical skills? Is organization or leadership your strength? Are you a member of the church who attends regularly and donates financially? If you have any of these skills, you are needed as a leader in this church! Volunteer to become an elder or deacon as we go forward with our exciting missions and operations. To volunteer or for more information , contact David Helsing (935-7771), or Val Weeks (340-6350) FHPC NEEDS YOU! 5 The Learning Center Forest Hills Presbyterian Learning Center Reaching the heights of Learning! March 2015 Enrollment: 84 Staff: 12 We are continuing to enroll all ages. Our VPK classes are full. From Here to There Pre- School will CLOSE in June and several of their children will be enrolling with us. We have collaborated with Hillsborough County School ROSSAC - Lisa Black, Kindergarten Supervisor and have scheduled parent meetings/events to prepare for Kindergarten. 2015 Parent Survey/Evaluations were completed by the families of the Learning Center. I am pleased to report the overall ranking was in the good/excellent category. Action plans have been made with improvements goals for 2015. We are in the process of making building improvements to attract more clientele for our Learning Center, including a new front gate. I would like to say Thank You for the Valentines Luncheon, My teachers felt special and appreciated. What a special treat! FHPLC participates in Labels for Education with Campbell soup products. You can help support the Learning Center by saving the front label of products from Campbell’s soup/products. We keep a large Soup Can on the counter in the front office for collection, or labels can be dropped off in the church nursery annex. Thank you for your continued support. God Bless, Buffy Irwin FHPLC Director 6 The staff at the Learning Center enjoy a special Valentine’s Day meal provided and served by volunteers from our church Shopping Cart Food Pantry Youth Ministry: Water, Crystal Light. Gold colored “vintage” style photo picture frames. Community Outreach: We continue to collect clothing and empty prescription bottles for the Clothes Closet. Shriner’s Children Hospital: Pop tops (Money raised helps to buy medical equipment, toys, and other supplies for the children in their care.) Learning Center: Clothing for toddlers and small children Donations for our next Food Pantry Project have started to arrive! Thanks to everyone who helped get this project off to a great start. Stamp Ministry: Used postage stamps go to the Alliance Stamp Ministry to publish Spanish speaking Sunday School materials for Latin America We’d like to give out Easter bags of staple items (with Easter goodies) to families of our Learning Center and Forest Hills Elementary. We will be collecting the rest of the food during Lent with a focus on a certain item each Sunday. Below is a list of the items we are requesting. We have included sizes for uniformity and handling. March 1 - Rice and Beans for Beth-el March 9 - Canned Fruit, Vegetables, Baked Beans ( 14—16 oz) Canned Chicken or Tuna (5 oz) March 15 - STAFF EMAIL ADDRESSES Claudia Sanow Henderson (Pastor) [email protected] Michael Dwyer (Director of Music) [email protected] March 22 March 29 - Boxes of Mac and Cheese (5.5 oz) and Cans of Pasta (14-16 oz) We’ll ask for your help packing the bags We’d like to include a bag of Easter Candy and an Egg Coloring Kit in each bag. You can bring those any time. Wal-Mart gift cards ($10.00) are also welcome. Folks can use them to buy one or two perishable items that can’t be included in the bags. Bonnie Copeland (Organist) [email protected] Gigi Marciano (Youth Director) [email protected] Madeline Manuel (Office Manager) [email protected] ***NEW And don’t worry, we’ll be happy to take any of these items at any time. We’ll have bins set out in the Narthex, Larrick Hall, and the Nursery Annex. Many thanks...keep an eye out for BOGO deals! Abilio Gomez (Facilities Manager) [email protected] Dave Wilson (Financial Secretary) [email protected] ***NEW 7 Presbyterian Women Women’s Circles HARMONY CIRCLE - Tuesday, March 24 9:30 am - Larrick Hall Leader: Betty Mullis / Billye Simmons Teachers: Pam Sica and Carol Ann Harmon PEACE CIRCLE - Thursday, March 26 7:00 pm - At the home of TBA Leader: Val Weeks Teacher: Madeline Manuel UNIVERSITY CIRCLE - Thursday, March 19 1 pm - University Village Leaders: Janet Bell / Mary Nelle Kovach A Study of 2 Corinthians Teacher: Pastor Claudia Join us for this year’s study of Paul and 2nd Corinthians During the February 1st worship service, the Presbyterian Women presented a donation to Dr. Sylvia Campbell and Emmanuel Ofumbi of Village Partners International (VPI) in support of their work in Africa. A DAY APART SERVICE AND LUNCHEON FOR WOMEN SATURDAY, MARCH 28 SERVICE - 11:00 Compher Chapel LUNCHEON—12:00 Larrick Hall Bring a salad to share The week preceding Easter Sunday is traditionally referred to as Holy Week. It marks the end of Lent and begins with Palm Sunday, leads up to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and finds its culmination on Resurrection Sunday. On each of these days during Holy Week a crucial event occurred during Jesus’ final week of his earthly ministry. The Day Apart service allows us time to reflect upon these events and the final week of our Lord in his journey to the cross. It is a time to prepare our hearts and minds, through scripture, song and prayer for the Holy Week. Join in for worship and lunch and invite a friend. 8 CRAFTERS OTHER OPPORTUNITIES There has been some interest expressed in starting a Prayer Shawl ministry, a knitting and/crocheting group. IDLE HANDS? MARCH INTO THE CRAFT WORKSHOP(s) The craft house has changed, again. Every room has been cleaned, organized and outfitted with clean surfaces and the crafters are back at work. Once upon a time the Tuesday crafting hours were 9:30 to noon and 6:30 pm to 9 pm. That has changed too. The doors open at 9 a.m. and stay open until 9 p.m. Throughout the day crafters arrive, and find a project to work on. Some stay for a few hours, others commit their day to crafting. And while it may be springtime outside, inside the craft house it will feel like Fall and Christmas, as we are working on Christmas ornaments and decorations, Fall wreath and arrangements and Halloween decorations. There is no skill requirement, we have a job for everyone but if you do have a special talent please let us know. There is no doubt that the business of the craft house is creating, making, and getting things ready for the Holiday Bazaar, but since moving into the craft house, it has become more than that. It is a place for women to meet and get to know one another. We sit on opposite sides of the church, live in neighborhoods that are far apart, serve on different committees in the church, belong to different organizations. The craft house has become a place for us to meet and get to know one another. It’s like spending the day at a friend’s house. We kiddingly call ourselves, Bazaar Women, (not bizarre) and there is a real sense of camaraderie and pride in knowing that as a group, we have worked together to make things to sell, things that draw repeat customers and combined with the other areas of the Bazaar brings in over $20,000 which goes out to those in our community who need our help. Presbyterian Women say “Thank You!” at the Love You Lunch So if you are waiting for an invitation to join the crafters, this is it. Please join us, any Tuesday, rain or shine. 9 Our Family MARCH BIRTHDAYS ??? The Mystery of the Missing Book Former pastor Ellis Graves had written a book about his missionary book in Brazil. These book made the circuit among members but is now missing. If you have the book contact George Bickner (932-7426) or return to the office, no questions asked. Everyone extend a warm welcome to our newest members. Please add their information to your church directory. 03 Sandra Delaney 05 Don Bass 06 Ruth Hughes Heywood Turner Marge Webb Todd Nichols 08 Louise Jackson 10 Mary Colton Marguerite Weesner Darla France Les and Sanje Johnson 22259 Stillwood Drive Land O’ Lakes, Fl. 34639 813-996-6188 Marcy Gordon John and Kathy Raulerson 6302 E. 113th Ave. Tampa, Fl. 33617 813-914-0454 12 Karen Stover 13 David Wingfield 15 Heather Dinsmore 16 Pauline Odom 20 Patricia Taylor Molly Garnett Sandra Creekmore 8406 N. Newport Ave. Tampa, Fl. 33604 813-420-0914 Gina Tort Wendi Raulerson Jim and Dagmar Adams 6504 Camden Bay Drive #204 Tampa, Fl. 33685 813-475-4960 23 Virginia Rahrig 24 John Raulerson 25 Nathaniel Schmidt 27 Helen Wickham Stephen Lentz 29 Kelli Rivera Lauren Webb 30 Sevil Stewart If we have omitted your birthday, please let us know by calling the church office. 10 Our Family Meet Your Deacons Ron and Linda Swiger Linda and Ron were married 47 years ago in the Seminole Presbyterian Church in Tampa. Although he was raised in the Baptist Church and Linda in the Presbyterian Church they quickly settled into Seminole Presbyterian. After he graduated from USF and accepted a job in Orlando, they joined Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church and became involved in the church activities. Over the next 13 years they were transferred around the country with his job, finally returning to the Orlando area where they would stay for the next 20 years. Their church home during that time was the First Presbyterian Church of Maitland. Linda and Ron were both Elders at the Maitland church and Linda was very active with small groups and Presbyterian Women. She also ran the Wednesday night dinners and they both worked with the youth when their sons were members of the youth group. In 2008 after retirement, and finally becoming grandparents to twin boys in Tampa, they moved back home and now live in the Carrollwood area. Their interim minister at the Maitland church (who lived in Temple Terrace) recommended Forest Hills Presbyterian Church as the place to transfer their membership. Linda has been helping with the food pantry and the community outreach with the Forest Hills Elementary School and she and Ron are both Deacons. They both enjoy their families which are all now in the Tampa area. Their oldest son, Steve, and his wife Emily live in Seminole Heights with the twins, Davis and Toby, who are now 7 years old. Their youngest son, Jeremy, and his wife Kate live in Oldsmar with Ron and Linda’s grand dogs . Linda and Ron are enjoying traveling in their retirement and Linda is an active member of the Din- Amazing Grace…. Happy Birthday Mary Parlett How Sweet the Sound Rob Webb on saxophone 93 Years Young! 11 GET LINKED FOREST HILLS RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Presbyterian Church NON PROFIT 709 W. Linebaugh Ave. U.S. POSTAGE Tampa, FL 33612 PAID Phone: (813) 932-6149 Permit No. 287 Tampa, FL We’re on Social Media! Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Hills Presbyterian Church in Tampa, Fla THE LINK - March 2015 Super Bowl Sunday Sweet Treats with Sheri Webb and Jen Hense And the winner is David Kasan and his Lobster Bisque 12 “Broke CollegeSoup” and the FHPC College students
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