NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Fax (603) 271-7871 ROOM 219, STATE HOUSE ANNEX 25 CAPITOL STREET CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03301-6312 Tel. (603) 271-3680 Website: TOO Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964 VOLUME XXXIV, Number 51, December 18, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Page No. a. List of Notices of Proposed Rule NN 2014-182 b. Notice of Proposed Rule 1 c. Request for Advance Public Comment on Subject Matter of Possible Rulemaking for: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Puc 2100 - Affiliate Transactions Rules 4 -1- NOTE: POSSIBLE RULE EXTENSION If the proposed rules contain existing, regular rules being readopted or readopted with amendments, and are not adopted and effective until after the expiration date(s) of the existing rules(s), then the existing rules will nevertheless continue in effect pursuant to RSA 541-A: 14-a until the proposed rules are adopted and effective. 2. COMMITTEE OLCAR) REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:00 a.m. Rooms 305/307, Legislative Office Building Under Committee rule 102.04(a) adopted pursuant to RSA 541-A:2, II, the regular monthly meeting for January shall be the third Friday ofthe month, that is January 16, 2015 unless amended by the Committee. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Rulemaking Register Publication Dates Thursday, December 25 th is a state holiday therefore the Register that week will be published on Wednesday, December 241h. The deadline for filing rulemaking notices for the following week's Register (December 31 SI) will still be Friday, December 26 th • Thursday, January 1st is a state holiday therefore the Register that week will be published on Wednesday, December 31 sl• The deadline for filing rulemaking notices for the following week's Register nd (January 81h) will still be Friday, January 2 • NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER Notices of Proposed Rules Notice Number Rule Number Agency and Short Title of Rule 2014-182 Saf-C 2800 Department of Safety, Commissioner Readoption of Administrative License Suspension Rules. -i- Page No. 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER Notice Number 2014-182 1. Agency Name & Address: December 18,2014 Rule Number Saf-C 2800 2. RSA Authority: 21-P:14,IVCr) 3. Federal Authority: Department of Safety 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 Page 1 N/A 4. Type of Action: Adoption Amendment Repeal Readoption Readoption w/amendment 5. Short Title: 6. (a) X Readoption of Administrative License Suspension Rules Summary of what the rule says and of any proposed amendments: The proposed rules are being readopted because the existing rules will expire on January 1, 2015, but are subject to extension pursuant to RSA 54 I-A: 14-a. The rules set forth the procedures for the administrative license suspension for persons arrested for driving, operating or attempting to operate an OHRV, driving or attempting to drive a vehicle upon the ways of this state, or operating or attempting to operate a boat upon the public waters of tbjs state und er the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled drugs, prescription drugs, over-the-counter dru gs or any chemical substances, natural or synthetic or any combination of intoxicating li.quol' and drugs and who have r.efused a test or examination for the purposes of determining whether the person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled drugs, prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, or any other chemical substances, natural or synthetic, which impair a person's ability to drive. Changes to the existing rules include recognizing sworn reports that are signed by a commissioner of deed in Saf-C 2802.08; incorporating OHRV ALS throughout the body of the rules, instead of as a separate part; replacing references to "district court" with "cireu it court' ; add iog • crim inalist" after "certifying scientist" in Saf-C 2804.02(g) and Saf-C 2804.07(b )(2)c.; corrected cross-references to other applicable administrative rules; and changes to the text of the rules to conform wi th the language of the implementing statutes, RSA 265-A. 6. (b) Brief description of the groups affected: Those groups affected by the rules include drivers subject to ALS and their counsel; law enforcement officers; and, the Department of Safety, Bureau of Hearings. NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER December 18,2014 Page 2 NN 2014-182 Continued 6. (c) Specific section or sections of state statute or federal statute or regulation which the rule is intended to implement: RULE NUMBER STATUTE IMPLEMENTED Saf-C 2801 RSA 541-A:7 Saf-C 2802 RSA 541-A:7 Saf-C 2803.01(a)-(b) Saf'-C 2803.01(c) Saf-C 2803.01(d)-(f) Saf-C 2803.02 Saf-C 2803.03 - 2803.04 Saf-C 2803.05 Saf-C 2803.06 Saf-C 2803.07 RSA 265-A:31, III RSA 541-A:7 RSA 265-A:31 , III RSA 265-A:31 , III RSA 265-A:31 . IV RSA 265-A:31, V RSA 265-A:31 Saf-C 2804.01 Saf-C 2804.02 Saf-C 2804.03 -2804.08 Saf-C 2804.09 - 2804.13 Saf-C 2804.14 RSA 265-A:32, lea); 541-A:16, I(b)(2) RSA 265-A:32, l(c); 541-A:16, I(b)(2) RSA 265-A:32; 541-A:16, 1(b)(2) RSA 265-A:33 ; 541-A:16, I(b)(2) RSA 541-A:16, l(b)(2) 7. Contact person for copies and questions including requests to accommodate persons with disabilities: Name: Marta Modigliani, Esq. Title: Attorney Address: 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 Phone #: 603-271-2791 Fax#: 603271-3903 E-mail: [email protected] TTY/TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-7352964 or dial 711 (in NH) 8. Deadline for submission of materials in writing or, if practicable for the agency, in the electronic format specified: Friday, January 16,2015 at 4:15 p.m. ~Fax 9. ~E-mail Public hearing scheduled for: Date and Time: - Friday, January 9, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. Place: Second Floor Conference Room NH Department of Safety 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 DOther format (specify): NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER December 18,2014 Page 3 NN 2014-1 82 Continued 10. Fiscal Impact Statement (Prepared by Legislative Budget Assistant) FIS # 14:185 , dated December 8, 2014 1. Comparison of the costs of the proposed rule(s) to the exlsti.;tg rule(s): There is no difference in cost when comparing the proposed rules to the existing rules. 2. Cite the Federal mandate. Identify the impact on state funds: No federal mandate, no impact on state funds . 3. Cost and benefits of the proposed rule(s): A. To State general or State special funds: None. B. To State citizens and political subdivisions: None. C. To Independently owned businesses: None. 11 . Statement Relative to Part I, Article 28-a of the N.H. Constitution: 1. The proposed rules do not create a new program or responsibility, or expand or modify an existing program or responsibility, to any political subdivision. 2. The proposed rules do not mandate or assign a program or responsibility to any political subdivision of the state in such a way as to increase the costs the political subdivision must pay. 3. No state funding is necessary because the proposed rules do not mandate or assign a program or responsibility to any political subdivision so as to increase the costs the political subdivision must pay. NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER Page 4 December 18,2014 REQUEST FOR ADVANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON SUBJECT MATTER OF POSSIBLE RULEMAKING 1. Agency Name & Address: Rule Number Puc 2100 2. RSA Authority: RSA 365:8, VIII 3. Federal Authority: Public Utilities Commission 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10 Concord, NH 03301 NA 4. Type of Action: Adoption Amendment Repeal Readoption Readoption w/amendment 5. Short Title: X Affiliate Transactions Rules IN ACCORDANCE WITH RSA 54 I-A: 11, VIII THIS AGENCY IS SOLICITING PUBLIC COMMENT ON A SUBJECT MATTER OF POSSmLE RULEMAKING UNDER ACTIVE CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO FORMALLY PROPOSING RULES IN THE RULEMAKING PROCESS. WHERE, WHEN, AND HOW PERSONS MAY PROVIDE COMMENT ARE INDICATED BELOW. 6. (a) Summary of the subject matter, or summary of the rule if drafted, and the effect on those regulated: The Commission granted the request of the New England Power Generators Association (NEPGA) to open a rulemaking, Docket No. DRM 14-234. NEPGA's proposed rule, the Commission's order, and comments received to date may be reviewed in Docketbook at the Commission's website, The Commission is considering whether to incorporate into the Puc 2100 affiliate transactions rules a new type of affiliate that may be called an "energy project development affiliate," and the Commission is considering the rules that may apply to such an affiliate. 6. (b) Brief description of the groups affected: The groups affected could be utilities and their affiliates that seek to develop generation, transmission, or distribution projects, and entities that may complete with such utilities and their affiliates. December 18,2014 NEW HAMPSHIRE RULEMAKING REGISTER Page 5 7. Contact person for copies, questions, and receipt of comment including requests to accommodate persons with disabilities: Name: Michael Sheehan Title: Staff Attorney Address: 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10 Concord, NH 03301, Phone #: 603-271-6028 Fax#: 603-271-3878 E-mail: [email protected] TTY/TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735- 2964 or dial 711 (in NH) 8. Deadline for submission of comment in writing or, if practicable for the agency, in the electronic format specified: January 5,2015 ~Fax 9. Public hearing scheduled for: ~E-mail NA DOther format (specify):
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