Where will you be in five years? It depends on - Career

Where will you be in five years?
It depends on where you start
Deloitte’s scholarship programme provides bright young
Caymanians with the opportunity to receive a first-rate
education and gain professional experience in the process.
The programme offers the opportunity to work for some of
the world’s best professionals who will inspire the best from
you. Due to the breadth of our business, Deloitte also offers
an unmatched variety of career paths and options.
Application deadline for submission is 1st May.
Platinum Scholarship
The Deloitte Platinum Scholarship will be awarded to a
successful student upon graduation from high school, and
will be for a Bachelor’s degree in a subject that will allow the
candidate to pursue a career with Deloitte in the Cayman
The following academic criteria will be used:
• SAT score of 1000 or above
• High School GPA of 3.2 or above, or at least six
GCSE/CXE passes, including English and math
• Acceptance to a University approved by Deloitte
Gold Scholarship
The Deloitte Gold Scholarship will be awarded to a successful
high school or college student who wishes to pursue an
Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree at either the University
College of the Cayman Islands or the International College of
the Cayman Islands. The degree must be in accounting or a
discipline that allows the candidate to pursue a career with
Deloitte in the Cayman Islands.
The following academic criteria will be used:
• College GPA of 3.2 or above
• Acceptance to a University approved by Deloitte
A Deloitte Grant will be awarded to a successful student
upon graduation with a Bachelor's degree who wishes to
pursue a Master's in a subject that will allow the candidate to
pursue a career with Deloitte in the Cayman Islands. The Gold
Scholarship academic criteria will be used.
Coverage & Requirements
Deloitte’s scholarships are awarded for a maximum period
of five years and up to a monetary amount of US$40,000 per
academic year. Students may be awarded partial scholarships
at the Scholarship Committee’s discretion. Scholarships are
intended to cover the cost of tuition, other mandatory student
fees, books and supplies, room and board, and airfare (if applicable) in accordance with our contract terms and conditions.
Scholarship recipients are required to work as a summer intern
at least once during the course of their studies. Scholarships
are awarded on a competitive basis and proven intellectual
achievement at a high standard is a prerequisite. Students
will also be required to show integrity, the ability to lead and
participation in the community or participation in extra-curricular activities.
Learn more about the scholarships available
at: http://mycareer.deloitte.com/ky/en/
Scholarship Application Form
Full Name
Current Cayman Mailing Address
Home Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number
Email Address
Date of Birth
Name of Parent/Guardian
Parent/Guardian Home and Mobile Numbers
High School(s) Attended with Dates
Graduation Date
College/University Attended (if applicable)
Major/Degree/Master's Graduation Date
Current GPA
SAT Scores (if applicable)
Proposed Field of Study
Proposed University/College
Program Cost per Year in US$ or CI$
Scholarship Interest: Platinum
Other Scholarships Awarded
Applicant Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please enclose the following with your application
 One full face passport sized photograph
 CV/resumé, along with any certificates
 Essay on your career aspirations and why you should be awarded our scholarship
 Final cumulative high school and/or university transcript(s) which include your GPA and SAT score if applicable
 Birth Certificate and/or certificate of Caymanian status or adoption documents for parents and applicant
 Institution’s letter of acceptance or provisional letter of acceptance
 Two current character reference letters, one academic and one from a non-relative
How to submit your application
Submit your completed application form with accompanying documentation by 1st May, 2015 to:
Human Resources
Deloitte Scholarship Committee
Citrus Grove, 106 Goring Ave
PO Box 1787
Grand Cayman KY1-1109
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Deloitte & Touche is an affiliate of DCB Holding Ltd., a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
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