GHG Emissions Inventory Certification

Report on the verification of
greenhouse gas emission
Enviromental Management
Bancolombia Group
March, 2015
Content Index
Verification Letter ............................................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Project Description ........................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
1. Verification letter
March 18, 2015
Inventory Verification of Greenhouse Gas Year 2014 Grupo Bancolombia
Bancolombia has requested Deloitte the verification of the Inventory of Greenhouse Gases of the
Group Company (Bancolombia and Banco Agricola Banitsmo) for the period January to
December 2014.
The information was provided by the environmental management department of Bancolombia,
and it takes into account information on the fuel consumption of its operations, electricity
consumption, air transportation of persons of the company and paper consumption.
The calculation of emissions was conducted by staff of Bancolombia, under the methodology of
the WBCSD, WRI. Protocol greenhouse gas GHG Protocol: Standard Corporate Accounting and
Reporting. Revised edition 2005.
The emissions accounted for in the period of January to December 2014 correspond to 24,802
tons of CO2 equivalent.
We conducted our work in accordance with ISAE 3000 - International Standard on Assurance
Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information issued by the
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the International Federation of
Accounts (IFAC). Note that this verification does not constitute an audit and, accordingly, do not
express an audit opinion on this statement.
Our review process considered the official reception of information in addition to verification
activities by applying analytical procedures and review testing by sampling described below:
Meetings with staff members of Bancolombia and Sodexo
Analysis of the organizational boundaries of measuring the carbon footprint, including
analysis of outcomes 1, 2 and 3 associated with the quantification of emissions of
greenhouse gases.
Review of the calculation of the methodology, including the analysis of emission sources.
Checking through verification testing based on the selection of representative samples of
quantitative and qualitative information, the information used in the calculation process
associated with the Inventory of Greenhouse Gases.
There is no evidence in any way that makes us believe that the quantification of carbon footprint has not
been prepared in accordance with the methodology of the GHG Protocol and ISO 14064-1.
There is no evidence in any way that makes us believe that the information provided about the carbon
footprint during the period from January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, contain significant errors.
© Deloitte 2015
Informe de Verificación de Inventario de GEI
Responsibilities of Bancolombia and Deloitte &Touche
The GHG inventory preparation and the content is the responsibility of Bancolombia, which is
also the responsible for defining, adapting and maintaining management systems and internal
control from where information is obtained.
Our responsibility is to issue an independent report based on our review procedures applied.
This report has been prepared exclusively on the interest of Bancolombia, in accordance with the
terms established on the letter of commitment.
The Scope of a Limited security revision is substantially lower that an audit of a reasonable
security revision. Therefore, we don’t provide an audit opinion about the inventory of the
greenhouse gasses.
We suggest to contemplate an action plan for working with the air conditioning maintenance
providers, to collect the information related with refrigerants gasses and to have the data of these
We suggest that Bancolombia defines the methodology of collection and / or measurement of
emissions from air transport for different providers that include group companies to ensure
reliability of information.
Best regards,
Jorge Enrique Munera Durango
© Deloitte 2015
Informe de Verificación de Inventario de GEI
2. Project description
Verification of the Corporate Carbon Footprint of 2014 –
Bancolombia Group
January to December of 2014
The inventory verification of greenhouse gases considers the
following organizational boundaries:
Business operations of Grupo Bancolombia for the
countries of Colombia, Panama and El Salvador.
Organizational Boundaries
Air transport to workers of the Group companies.
Electric energy consumption of the different branches
and business operations of Grupo Bancolombia.
Paper consumption of the different companies of the
1, 2, 3
Verification level
Limited Verification
Materiality limit
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Informe de Verificación de Inventario de GEI
Inventory verification of greenhouse gases
Deloitte did not found any mistake of omission superior of 5% of the reported value on the inventory of
greenhouse gases of the Bancolombia Group.
Now the unbundled emissions of Greenhouse Gases verified are presented.
Verified emissions
Tons of CO2e
Consumption of fuels (natural gas, biodiesel , diesel )
Consumption of electric energy (Colombia, Panamá and El Salvador)
Paper Consumption (Colombia, Panamá and El Salvador)
Air transportation hired (Colombia, Panamá and El Salvador)
* An approximation of decimals is made.
© Deloitte 2015
Informe de Verificación de Inventario de GEI
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© Deloitte 2015
Informe de Verificación de Inventario de GEI