Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 SHOOTING STAR NEWS Canyon View Elementary | | @cjgiguiere Front Office Update Thank you to all of the children and parents for welcoming us to Canyon View. We are excited to be here and are looking forward to a great year! If you need to drop off water bottles, lunches, homework, jackets or instruments please leave them in the cubbies that are right outside of the front office. There is a cubbie for each teacher; put your child’s name on the item and place it in their teacher’s cubbie. Students are reminded by staff to check the cubbies during recess and lunch. Don’t forget to call the Attendance Line at 949-936-6901. If your child is out for more than 5 consecutive days they will require a doctor’s note to return to school. Highlights for Mrs. Giguiere -Students learning in the classrooms! -Harvest Cup -PTA meetings & parent interactions -Serving shakes at Red Ribbon night at Ruby’s -Reading at Barnes & Noble -Picnic with the students & parents -Walk to School day -STAR lunches with students -Pumpkin carving at Pavillon Park -Pajama Day -Staff development with teachers 1 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Meet the TOSA PBIS & STAR PBIS (Posi*ve Behavioral Interven*on and Supports) is thriving at Canyon View! The students know that “S” stands for Safety First, “ T” stands for Take Responsibility, “A” stands for Act RespecHully and “R” for Reach for Personal Best. During the first week of school we hosted a PBIS Implementa*on Day. Each child rotated through 4 sta*ons and prac*ced what STAR behavior looked like in each area. Each teacher also has created a STAR bulle*n board in their classroom and periodically changes the informa*on to reflect STAR behavior in the classroom as well as on the playground. There is a new position at Canyon View – the TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment). Mrs. Nancy Collins is no longer in the classroom, but instead she is part of the administrative and office team. The job of the TOSA is to provide support to the principal, teachers, staff, students, and parents. Mrs. Collins says, “I am invigorated and re-energized by this job. It is such a pleasure to have so many children know my name.” Kool Kindergartners Kindergarten is off to a great start this fall! We have enjoyed learning all of the names and signals for our “Alphafriends” and we write in our journals every day. We are learning to compare numbers to ten and are using the math language “greater than, less than, and equal to.” We celebrated Thanksgiving on November 21 with a short performance for our families in the amphitheater in the front of the school. We shared a few poems and songs with families and friends. Thank you again to PTA for the wonderful kindergarten bikes! STAR *ckets are earned by students for showing STAR behavior. Students turn in their *ckets and have the opportunity to be recognized at the Monday Morning Mee*ng and by Mrs. Collins & Mrs. Giguiere each month in their classrooms. Students love when the STAR Cart is rolling around. Teachers rockin’ pajama day 2 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Fantastic First Graders Shining in Second Thrilling Third Graders We are off to a great start in Our second graders are settling into their RTI reading groups. We are currently exploring the Theme 2 stories that all revolve around nature. Students are working on how to closely read nonfiction and fiction text. The comprehension strategies we are working on are comparing and contrasting and fact vs. opinion. We will finish out the calendar with a unit on fables. After finishing our informative unit on rocks and minerals, we began a social The third grade classes presented their version of the popular fairy tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes, in November. It is a fairy tale by Danish author, Hans Christian Anderson, about an emperor who agrees to hire swindlers to create a new suit of clothes for him. The story was first published in 1837. We were very proud of how hard the students worked to learn the songs and motions to accompany the musical. We hope you all enjoyed the performance! First Grade! In Language Arts, we have reviewed all of the letter sounds and are now working on words with short vowels. Students will work on many comprehension skills: sequence events, compare and contrast, learn about cause and effect, noting details, fantasy and realism, and story structure. Students will also focus on the main idea of a story, making predictions about a story, and categorizing and classifying information from a story. In December, students will hear many different gingerbread stories and compare the story elements. In writing, students will focus on narrative writing during the first trimester. Our first grade mathematicians are working to add and subtract focusing on a variety of ways to solve addition and subtraction problems. Students are also working on developing important math vocabulary: sum, equals (is the same as), difference, in all, are left. First grade scientists continue to learn about matter: solids and liquids. studies unit on Farm to Market. The students will learn how resources get to the market. The unit will culminate in a field trip to Pavilions. We are practicing our paragraph writing skills and learning a variety of problem solving strategies in math. Second graders are enjoying aerobic activities in PE. In Social Studies, students will be learning the history of the American Indian nations in our state. Indians developed cultures in which they used the land to meet their needs. We will focus on how geography affected the way they lived. This unit will culminate with our visit from Jacque Nunez, a tribal descendent of the Acjachemen Nation from San Juan Capistrano on February 4. Many volunteers will be needed for the basket weaving portion of this event. 3 Trimester One Newsletter Safety First! Our first priority at Canyon View is the safety of your children. This year we will prac*ce lock-‐down drills, earthquake preparedness drills, and fire drills. Research shows that we respond best when we have prac*ced first. Your children may have come home and talked about our safety drills. Canyon View has a commitment to be safe and prepared. We will have monthly drills to prac*ce. Please help your children follow guidelines and rules set up for their safety. Children should not arrive at school more than 15 minutes before their school day starts. Aaer school we ask that all children and adults observe “safety first.” We want children to find their grown up or leave for home as soon as the dismissal bell has rung. Walk to the nearest crosswalk prior to crossing the street with your child. Our parking lot is full of busy people –teach your children to make eye contact with drivers to be sure they are seen. In addi*on, walk up and onto our front sidewalk to collect your child (do not let them cross unacended). December 18, 2014 Principal for the Day Miss Marie Burcher won Principal for the Day by selling over 20 items in the Fall Fundraiser and being picked out of the raffle. Miss Burcher started the morning by leading Monday Morning Meeting. She spent the day supervising students during recess and lunch, running errands with Mrs. Giguiere, and hanging out with the best teachers in the world! Miss Burcher shared, “I really enjoyed seeing the primary students during STAR cart with Mrs. Collins.” Miss Burcher had the privilege of eating lunch in the teacher’s lounge with 5th and 6th grade teachers and Mr. Mendoza too! One of her favorite part of being principal is carrying the walking talkie. Miss Marie Burcher said, “I wish this day could last forever!” Science Lab Students have been experimen*ng, analyzing, collec*ng data and drawing conclusions in the science labs. The fourth graders jump started the year by learning about metric measurement and by making scien*fic observa*ons. They ventured on to the study of seeds and plants culmina*ng with a hibiscus flower dissec*on. Many students also planted their own lima bean plants -‐ amazing! Recently, the 4th graders have been studying about animals. They've looked at food webs, bird adapta*ons, and just completed an owl pellet dissec*on. Next up -‐ the study of rocks and minerals! The fiah graders started the year looking at and learning about the differences in cells: plant, animal, bacteria, fungi and pro*st. For many students, this was the first *me they got to use microscopes! Students learned about the plant processes of photosynthesis and cellular respira*on. This month, we are studying cells, *ssues, organs and organ systems in the human body. We will culminate our study by dissec*ng a frog. In December, students will learn about the water cycle, local water and ways to conserve water. The sixth grade students have been concentra*ng on prepara*on for their science fair projects. Students have selected either a Science Inquiry Project or a Rube Goldberg Project. The sixth graders have experienced comple*ng sample projects in class. Please refer to the suggested *me line to be able to complete the required projects by the date of December 15. Projects will be on display the last week before vaca*on. If you have any ques*ons or concerns please email [email protected]. Next up -‐ the study of earth and earthquakes. 4 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Fourth is Fabulous Fired up in Fifth This trimester, fourth grade students are focusing on Native Californians. In our novel study, Island of the Blue Dolphins, students are captivated by Karana’s perseverance to survive alone. In addition, students are examining how she utilizes the resources in her environment to overcome obstacles. Working within a small group, students will be researching California’s regions and creating presentations to demonstrate their understanding of the differences and similarities between the regions. We are looking forward to our next unit of study on the California missions. The Fifth Grade Team has been very busy and enjoying school. We have PE twice a week for stretches, exercises, running and sports/games. We have been learning and practicing the rules and skills of Soccer, Kickball, Handball, and Basketball. In Math, we finished our first unit on Number Sense, and our second unit on Division of Whole Numbers. The next unit of Common Core Standards is the understanding of Decimals; Writing, Reading, Comparing, Rounding, Adding and Subtracting. Our students did great research on the Native Americans living in different regions. They learned how different climate, geography and resources can be responsible for different customs and ways of life. Now, we are just about to finish our study of the European Explorers who helped settle America. Then we will begin to learn about our Colonial History. Classroom Science instruction has been coordinated with the Science Lab program. We began by studying Plants and Animals with a focus on the respiration cycle. Now we have been discussing the Human Body Systems. One of the new favorite words is the Integumentary System which is how the human body gets rid of excess water through sweat. And there is our Language Arts program. We studied and enjoyed the novel, Sign of the Beaver, which allowed us to learn summary skills, character analysis, and new vocabulary. In addition, we learned more about Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands from a fictional source. We have begun our RTI groups; teaching Reading skills at different instructional levels. This allows us to provide appropriate challenges and support as needed. Finally, we are grateful for the Goal Setting Conferences, which gave us a chance to learn more about our students and the support of their parents. It was a time to create a team support for student goals. We want to thank our Room Moms and parent volunteers! 5 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Sixth Grade STARS! This year is soaring by! We have seen so much growth in our students since the beginning of the year; we have seen the passions and curiosi*es of our students sprout as we embrace Albert Einstein’s words, “I have no special talents; I am only passionately curious.” In sixth grade, we have six wonderful points that we would like to share with you. Outdoor Ed is quickly approaching, and the students are eager to go. We will be acending Irvine Regional Park from January 13-‐16. Students have the opportunity to stay in cabins and explore the area we are staying at, all within an educa*onally based experience. The students are excited to learn about the na*ve plants, pan for gold in the gold mine, travel down the zip line, go on various hikes, and learn how to use a bow and arrow. The science fair and Rube Goldberg projects with Mr. Hillman are underway! The annual science fair projects allow for students to come up with a ques*on to conduct an experiment or build a simple machine. This is our first year doing Rube Goldberg projects. All of the students will have different projects that they will present with the opportunity to move on at the district level. The students have the opportuni*es to experience class with a different sixth grade teacher one *me a week in our Power Hour groupings. Each of the 6th grade teachers teaches a different Power Hour subject from: writers workshop, problem solving, P.E., technology and health. We have just finished reading our first novel Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. The students were highly engaged and enjoyed reading about the life of Jeffrey “Maniac” Magee. We are finishing up the novel with the students, watching the movie and looking at the similari*es and differences between the movie and the novel. We are transi*oning into our Egypt unit with Social Studies which goes hand in hand with our next novel. The book is The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder. Speaking of Social Studies, we have wrapped up our unit on Early Man and Civiliza*ons by comple*ng an archeology dig project at the sand volleyball courts. Students had the opportunity to uncover and explore the process behind crea*ng and decoding a different language. Can you spell D.A.R.E.? Our students are currently par*cipa*ng in the DARE program with Officer Mendoza from the Irvine Police Department. He visits once a week to each of the 6th grade classrooms to talk about how to resist drugs and violence in school and in life. We are excited to see how the 6th graders impress us and grow throughout the school year. Keep up the great work class of 2015! 6 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Con$nuous Improvement Survey Please take just a few minutes to complete our Irvine Unified School District Con*nuous Improvement Survey. This survey was developed by our Con*nuous Improvement Council, a group of teachers, parents, students and administrators that convenes annually to discuss our instruc*onal program and to iden*fy where we need to focus our future efforts. The mission of the Council is to ensure that we provide the highest quality educa*onal experience we can envision by employing the guiding principles and prac*ces outlined in our Con*nuous Improvement Document. To understand how effec*vely we are implemen*ng our Con*nuous Improvement Efforts, we are asking for your feedback, so that we can reflect on our strengths and our con*nued areas for growth. We are including two links below one to our parent survey and one to our student survey. While some of our students may have an opportunity in class to complete the survey, not all will be able to take it during the school day. (*We are only asking that our students in the upper elementary grades, middle and high school complete the survey.) If your child has not taken the survey, please ask him or her to click on the student link and take this opportunity to share a student perspec*ve. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes and needs to be submiced by Friday, January 9, 2015. While we will be looking at trends and themes surfaced by this data, individual responses to this survey are anonymous and will be kept strictly confiden$al. Thank you for providing feedback that will help to guide our district forward. Parents: hcp://*nuous-‐Improvement-‐ Parent-‐Survey-‐Irvine-‐USD Students: hcp://*nuous-‐Improvement-‐ Student-‐Survey-‐Irvine-‐USD 7 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 PTA Update! Letter from PTA President, Jennifer King Hello, fellow Canyon View parents! On behalf of the Canyon View PTA, I am so happy to of<icially welcome you to the 2014-‐15 school year here at Canyon View. As your PTA president, I am so proud to oversee the many programs the PTA sponsors in order to enhance our children’s education, from technology to art to after-‐school enrichment, and so much more. With the many challenges facing public schools in California, the level of education at Canyon View is even more remarkable. It’s important that you know that one of the main reasons that our school is remarkable is YOU, our parent community. So far this year, more than 500 of you have joined our PTA, and our pledge drive has resulted in almost $30,000 to date. Those funds will go directly to increasing the quality of education our Canyon View Shooting Stars receive, which makes all the work we do on the PTA worthwhile. We have had some other incredible success stories this year, such as Red Ribbon Week. The kids were excited about each day’s activities regarding making healthy choices, and were so energetic with their penny collection, helping us to surpass our 1,500-‐pound goal! That success means that Canyon View will be receiving much-‐needed playground equipment. Thanks to all the students, teachers, and parent volunteers for all they did to contribute to the week’s success. I invite you to join us for our next PTA meeting on Monday, January 26, at 8:30am in the IRC. It’s an amazing way to <ind out what’s going on at our school, and to get involved because every little bit helps! Most of all, thank you for everything you do for our school. From supporting your children directly, to helping their teachers in the classroom, to volunteering any amount of time for any of our events or programs, you make a difference! Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, comments or suggestions. I truly look forward to working with you and sharing this academic year with you. I wish each and every one of you a safe and joyous winter break and a very happy 2015! Sincerely, Jennifer King PTA President 714-‐336-‐8863 [email protected] 8 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Reading Counts Awards One of the many programs PTA oversees is our wonderful Reading Counts program, which encourages our students to read. By reading books and taking the corresponding quizzes, students can earn points, which add up to get them to award levels. Our top recipients also have the honor of being included in our newsletter. Congratulations to these truly stellar readers! 500 points 4th Grade: Lindsey Kung, Daniel Park, Allyson Wong 5th Grade: Allen Cai, Ian Kim 6th Grade: Ria Chawla, Sidney Choi, Aaron Do, Jake Compton, Lizzie Muir, Cody Nakatsukasa, Chelsea Olivares, Ben Sklar-‐Parnes, Annika Weinberg 700 points 3rd Grade: Ryan Abaye, Tyler Kim 4th Grade: Mia Park, Kai Sun 6th Grade: Evan Cheng, Sidney Choi, Sean Kawanami, Rylee Kim 900 points 3rd Grade: Ryan Abaye 4th Grade: Ingrid Luo, Brandon Tung 5th Grade: Brandi Lam, Diya Nadig 6th Grade: Tim Chang, Rylee Kim 1000 points 3rd Grade: Ramon Jiang 4th Grade: Brandon Tung 5th Grade: Vivian Zhou 1500 points 4th Grade: Alyssa Tang 5th Grade: Yenna Kim, Ashley Lee 6th Grade: Audrey Landis 100 Mile Club Milestones The 100 Mile Club offers students the chance to strive for something all year long: running (or walking) a total of 100 miles. They have the ability to run three times per week during lunchtime, as well as during P.E., at designated local 5Ks, and at our Jog-‐a-‐Thon in the spring. As they build up those miles, students are recognized at 25, 50, and 75 miles. As of the end of November, CV students have run over 8,300 miles, which is the equivalent of running from here to the North Pole and back! Here’s a list of students who have already made some of those milestones. Please be sure that if your student is working toward 100 Mile Club milestones, he or she is of<icially enrolled in the program, which you can do through the PTA website. We need to be sure every participating student has a signed waiver, and that we know their t-‐shirt size. 9 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 25 miles 1st Grade: Ishaan Kedia, Mary Lee 2nd Grade: Jay Ananth, Daniel Chai, Anthony Cui, Cole Haydon, Grant Haydon, Dylan Huang, Brett Khang, Andrew Liu, Caleigh Nystrom, Eugene Ong, Balin Orme, Elliott Son, Rachel Sun, Tao Sun, Morgan Toulmin, Jacob Tran, Ethan Wang, Jaehyung Yoo, Iris Yu 3rd Grade: Madeline Huang, Andy Kim, Minchan Kim, Will King, Tia Nguyen, Samuel Qu, Tyler Troung, Ethan Wu 4th Grade: Ian Choi, Tanvi Garneni, TaeJun Gu, Trevor Jiang, Jonathan Kang, Ryan Kim, Michael Konte, Riyaz Mehta, Allison Nguyen, Daniel Park, Madison Savage, Vibha Srinivas, Daniel Irwan, Darlene Yazan 5th Grade: Andrew Harper 6th Grade: Matthew Bowman, Luke Li, Cody Nakatsukasa, Amaar Nbdulahi, Camille Sexton, Ben Sklar-‐Parnes, Ananya Sundararajan, Kareem Touni 50 miles 2nd Grade: Elliott Son 4th Grade: Ryan Kim, Jonathan Kang Communities for Cause If you’re looking for another easy way to contribute to Canyon View, there’s an exciting new app you can use from your phone: Communities for Cause! IPSF has partnered with this program that connects local businesses with schools to raise funds for them whenever customers show the app when they’re shopping or dining there. It’s like having Restaurant Night any night you choose! Simply download the free app and select Canyon View as your recipient of choice, then every time you show your phone at those retailers, Canyon View will bene<it! What could be easier? Box Tops for Education Canyon View is excited to be able to continue last year’s amazing renewal of the Box Tops for Education program. With the simple act of cutting out and turning in Box Tops from products like General Mills cereals, Ziploc bags, Kleenex, Pillsbury products and so many more, we are shooting to earn $2,000 this year, one dime at a time. Please help us in our efforts! Teachers collect the Box Tops each Wednesday, and for every 10 that your child turns in, he or she will receive an entry in that month’s drawing for cool prizes: a win-‐win for everyone! It’s Not Too Late to Pledge! If you haven’t made your pledge to the Canyon View PTA, it’s never too late! We’re about $10,000 away from our goal of $40,000, so we’d welcome any amount your family could offer, large or small. Every dollar you contribute goes directly to support the fantastic programs the PTA provides at Canyon View. And of course, your contribution is tax-‐deductible. If your company has a matching gift program, please remember to take advantage of it. 10 Trimester One Newsletter December 18, 2014 Stay Informed About PTA Happenings! There are many ways to keep informed about all that’s happening with the PTA at Canyon View this year. First, make sure to register on the PTA website (‐ if you haven’t already. Not only is there information there, but registering also gets you on our email list for our regular email newsletters as well as important PTA alerts. We’re also on Facebook at, so take a minute and “like” us! Have a Say in the Direction of our PTA! In January, we will begin the nomination process for the 2015-‐2016 PTA Executive Board. If you’d like to learn more about our Board positions and how to be considered for next year’s slate, go to our PTA website to <ind out more. We are always looking for fresh ideas! Canyon View PTA Executive Board 2014-‐2015 President Jennifer King Executive Vice President Arezoo Abaye Vice President – Fundraising Beth Foley Vice Presdient – Programs Deanna Ikehara Vice President – Membership Sangeeta Rajpal Treasurer Niraj Parikh Financial Secretary Preeti Gulati Recording Secretary Vicky Feeko Auditor Linda Li Historian Marisa Blam Assistant to Fundraising Anita Yokota Corresponding Secretary OPEN Legislative Geetha Echambadi Parliamentarian Mike Nystrom PTA Volunteer Committee Chairs 2014-‐2015 Af<inity/Box Tops Mike & Julie Daniels Art Masters Katy Kiso Book Fair Kelly Gash/Susan Tung Dinner at Your Doorstep Shannon King Directory Frances Kung/Ann Visan English Language Coordinator Klara Noh Express Valet Isabelle Mah Fall Fundraiser Traci Henderson Family Fun Night – Activities OPEN Family Fun Night – Silent Auction OPEN IPSF Liaison OPEN IRC John Chomin Jog-‐a-‐Thon Patty Arnold Mother-‐Daughter Tea Mari Fassett Of<ice Relief Jul Cha Reading Counts Barbara Smith/Gloria Tang Red Ribbon Week Klara Noh/EK Kim 11 Trimester One Newsletter Re<lections Restaurant Night Room Rep Coordinator School Supply Packs Spirit Wear Taste of Canyon View Teacher Appreciation Week Welcome Committee Yearbook 100 Mile Club 6th Grade Promotion December 18, 2014 Yue Wu/Linda Li Joyce Inouye Jennifer Tolkachev Sara Adams Shirley Wheat Sadaf Anwar/Shehnaz Gosla Allison Hal<hill Charlene Sun/Patty Arnold Andrea Kesler/Allison Hal<hill Kim Konte/Michelle Toulmin/Delphine Weber Anita Vuyyuru Why should I visit the Canyon View website? • See what is going on each week at school • Find out about upcoming events • Get contact informa*on for staff • Learn more about the PTA • Join the 100 Mile Club • Common Core Resources Picnic with the Parents Mr. King’s Birthday 12
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