2013-2014 ANNUAL REPORT AFP fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession. Serving members from Summit, Stark, Ashland, Cuyahoga, Jefferson, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Tuscarawas, and Wayne Counties Receive email announcements about meetings, networking opportunities, job openings, and more: www.AFPncoh.org 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Pamela J. Webb Akron Zoo President-Elect Sandy Turner Akron Area YMCA Past President Mella A. Castner Akron Rotary Camp Secretary Hannah E. Paulin Invent Now, Inc. Treasurer Shelley Koch Message From the President The AFP North Central Ohio Chapter is recognized as the premiere resource for development and fundraising professionals, providing outstanding educational programs for those seeking professional development and career advancement opportunities. As we wrap up a very productive 2013 and look forward to a great year in 2014, I am pleased to share the accomplishments of our chapter that are furthering work in fundraising. For the seventh consecutive year, we received AFP ,QWHUQDWLRQDO·V7HQ6WDU$ZDUGIRUSHUIRUPLQJVSHFLÀFDFWLYLWLHV that increase professionalism within fundraising and growing public awareness of the importance of philanthropy. We earned the Friends of Diversity Award, which recognizes our efforts to become a more inclusive chapter and meet the needs of our diverse community. Kent State University Our membership increased from 120 members in January to 134 in December. Suzanne T. Allen, PhD In 2013, more than 280 development professionals, consultants, allied professionals, and fundraising volunteers attended our superb educational programs and QHWZRUNLQJDFWLYLWLHV$OORIWKHVHSURJUDPVZHUHDSSURYHGIRU&)5(FHUWLÀFDWLRQ The year closed with 11 mentor/mentee relationships. Feedback has been very positive and we will continue to expand the program. The Chapter offered more than $3,500 in scholarships to assist individuals to become AFP members, attend local educational programs, and register for the AFP International Conference of Fundraising. The Career Success Institute featured experts in diverse areas in fundraising, including internationally recognized author Simone Joyeaux, who shared her expertise in fund development and capital campaigns. National Philanthropy Day, our signature event, recognized six distinguished KRQRUHHVIRUWKHLUVLJQLÀFDQWDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVLQORFDOSKLODQWKURS\ Victim Assistance Program VP - Professional Development Margaret Jordan, JD SS&G, CPAs and Advisers VP - Membership Lisa M. Mastriano VP - Communications Danielle Hupp, MPA Philanthropy Ohio Gina Campbell, CFRE Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Barbara A. Greene CommonGood Consulting Debra K. Hagarty OPRS Foundation Carol E. Hawk Stark Community Foundation Laura Jo Hawk Mercy Medical Center Bonnie Lass Wojno Walsh Jesuit High School Laura K. Shank PAWSibilities®, Humane Society of Greater Akron Michael Solosky Haven of Rest Ministries Jon T. Trainor, CFRE Kristie Woods St. Luke Lutheran Community John Zoilo Akron Children’s Hospital In closing, I would like to thank all the board members and members of our AFP chapter who help make this chapter a success. If you are not currently a member, we invite you to review our activities and accomplishments and see how together we can work to advance ethical and effective fundraising in North Central Ohio. Pamela J. Webb, Director of Development, Akron Zoo 2013 President PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2013 was an outstanding year of professional development for AFPNCOH members, made possible by the volunteer leadership of our Board and committees. Below is a recap of the topics and presenters: January | Fuel Up on AFP! How AFP Can Impact Your Career AFPNCOH Board of Directors )HEUXDU\_&UHDWLYH)XQGUDLVLQJ,GHDVIRU1RQSURÀWVRI$//6L]HV Susan Flowers, Community Volunteer Carol Lewis, Children’s Concert Society Board of Trustees Sue Miller, Victory Gallop Machelle Syx, Akron Zoo Laura Jo Hawk, Mercy Medical Center - Moderator May | Understanding the Power of Endowments John Grafton, Gay Community Endowment Fund Laura Fink, Akron Community Foundation Greta Foster, Jewish Community Board of Akron John Zoilo, Akron Children’s Hospital - Moderator June | The Savvy Fundraiser: How Your Peers are Using New Technologies Jacquie Skrzypiec, Jacq Connect September | What Happens to Your Grant Request: Four Perspectives Presenting sponsor: Huntington Bank Theresa Carter, OMNOVA Solutions Foundation John Garafalo, Akron Community Foundation; Erika J. May, Mary S. and David C. Corbin Foundation Roger T. Read, Community Volunteer and Donor Vivian Hairston, Huntington National Bank - Moderator October | Annual Fund and Major Gifts Partnerships: Pipeline Management (Webinar) Michael Delzotti, CFRE Chris Kasavich, MBA, CFRE December | Interactive Etiquette Dinner for Fundraising Professionals Bob Pacanovsky, Robert J. - Training & Design Margaret Jordan, JD, Marketing Associate, SS&G, Inc. – CPAs and Advisers 2013 Vice President, Professional Development &)5(FHUWLÀFDWLRQVHUYHVDVDQLPSDUWLDOWKLUGSDUW\HQGRUVHPHQWRI\RXU knowledge and experience of international standards in philanthropy. It adds to your credibility as a fundraiser and sets you apart from other professionals as a veritable steward of the public trust. Our educational programs are approved for CFRE credit, and documentation is posted on our website. For more information DERXWWKHFHUWLÀFDWLRQSURFHVVYLVLWwww.afpncoh.org. CAREER SUCCESS INSTITUTE A total of 140 people registered for the 2013 CSI. The event drew a full house of vendors and sponsors. AFP 1RUWK&HQWUDO2KLR&KDSWHUZRXOGOLNHWRJLYHDÀQDO thanks to each of them for their support. Keynote speaker, nationally recognized expert and author on strategic fundraising, Simone Joyaux, ACFRE, President of Joyaux Associates (pictured at right), had everyone reaching for the stars and energized with her dynamic message on developing the four relationships critical to effective fund development. Attendees also participated in a variety of breakout sessions that featured nine speakers who shared their expertise on Career Advancement for the Fundraising Professional, Preparing for a Capital Campaign, Don’t Panic! The Fundraisers Guide to Ethical Crisis Management, Grantwriting Basics and Principles of Fund Development. 7\SLFDOO\KHOGHDFKVSULQJWKH&DUHHU6XFFHVV,QVWLWXWHRIIHUVWKHQRQSURÀWFRPPXQLW\D high-quality local professional development opportunity. Development professionals, both AFP members and non-members, are welcome to join us to learn, network, and share. On behalf of the CSI Planning Committee, thank you to all of the attendees, speakers, and sponsors who helped us “reach for the stars” in fundraising! Laura K. Shank, Director of Development, PAWSibilities®, Humane Society of Greater Akron Kristie L. Woods, Director of Development & Community Relations, St. Luke Lutheran Community Co-Chairs, 2013 Career Success Institute PRESENTING & GALAXY SPONSORS NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY DAY Small Business Leadership Award PPI Graphics nominated by Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health and Stark County District Library pictured: Kevin Smith Corporate Leadership Award Medical Mutual and Mutual Health Services nominated by Victim Assistance Program pictured: Doug Kuczynski Outstanding Philanthropist Award Dr. Milton Cooper and Mr. Bob Cooper Presenting Sponsor: Summa Foundation nominated by Summa Foundation Children in Philanthropy Award Anthony Solari Presenting Sponsor: Akron Children’s Hospital nominated by Akron Children’s Hospital Special Recognition Award Portage Lakes Polar Bear Club nominated by Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Pictured: Heather & Kelly Pariso Foundation Leadership Award Robert O. & Annamae Orr Family Foundation Presenting Sponsor: The Lehner Family Foundation nominated by Akron Zoo pictured: Kate Baker, Mary Stark, Mike Stark, & Karen Stevens Photos by Scott Horstman Photography (http://horstmanphotography.zenfolio.com) PRESENTING SPONSORS EXCLUSIVE MEDIA SPONSOR Akron Beacon Journal/Ohio.Com ³,KDYHIRXQGWKDWDPRQJLWVRWKHUEHQH¿WV giving liberates the soul of the giver.” - Maya Angelou H O M E TO W N H E R O S P O N S O R S Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank Akron Community Foundation FirstMerit Bank - Charitable Advisory Group The 2013 National Philanthropy Day The Maynard Family Foundation event was truly a celebration of giving. Medical Mutual On Friday, November 8, the chapter welcomed more than 350 guests VA N G U A R D S P O N S O R S representing 133 organizations to The Akron Area YMCA celebrate with us as we presented six Akron Zoo awards to well-deserving honorees. BCG & Company AFP’s National Philanthropy Day is our Mercy Medical Center local fundraising profession’s opportunity Rockynol/OPRS Foundation to highlight those community members, United Way of Summit County corporations and foundations that go above and beyond to support the many needs in our community. TA B L E S P O N S O R CBRE CommonGood Consulting, Inc. Attendees and honorees proved a good FirstMerit Bank H[DPSOHRISKLODQWKURS\ZKHQWKH\ÀOOHG Robert O. & Annamae Orr Family Foundation each table’s “piggy bank” on behalf PPI Graphics of our Children in Philanthropy award Stark County District Library Foundation winner, Anthony Solari. The “piggy bank” donations coupled with the sale of our table arrangements raised $2,090.25 for Anthony’s charity of choice, Akron Children’s Hospital - a new record. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success! Please save the date for the 2014 AFPNCOH’s National University of Akron Research Foundation Welty Building Company DONOR Amerimar Realty Company IN-KIND SPONSORS Philanthropy Day luncheon, which will take place Friday, 91.3 The Summit November 14, at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn. Horstman Photography Danielle Hupp, Asst. Director of Annual Giving, Kent State University Sandy Turner, VP of Development, Akron Area YMCA Jacq Connect North Coast Litho Reilly’s Originals To download event materials—the program, photos, advertisements, and more— —visit www.afpncoh.org/npd.htm Streets of Manhattan MEMBER BENEFITS Mentoring Program Continues to Grow and Improve $)31&2+HVWDEOLVKHGLWVÀUVW0HQWRULQJ3URJUDPLQ7KH0HQWRULQJ 3URJUDPLVDQLQYDOXDEOHPHPEHUEHQHÀWWKDWPDWFKHVH[SHULHQFHG fundraising professionals with newer development professionals or those who have recently assumed new responsibilities. Participants are matched based RQVWDWHGJRDOVDQGWKHW\SHVRIQRQSURÀWVWKH\VHUYH,QWKHUHZHUH 22 participants of the Mentoring Program who met on a one-on-one basis throughout the year, as well as at social functions held by the Mentoring Program Committee or AFPNCOH. To date more than 30 Mentor/Mentee relationships have been formed. Many of these have thrived into lasting friendships based on professional needs and common interests. Barb Greene, Principal, CommonGood Consulting, Inc. Chair, 2013 Mentoring Program Continued Focus on Diversity A After achieving the “Friends of Diversity” designation in 2012, our chapter ccontinued to integrate the concepts of diversity throughout all programs a and activities in 2013. We worked to recruit new board members working w with diverse constituencies, provide mentorship to generationally diverse p participants, offer professional development programming in more g geographical locations, spotlight the diversity of our membership through cchapter communications and engage in membership outreach to diverse p professionals. The chapter also made a charitable gift to AFP International’s Diversity Scholarship fund and encouraged new and prospective members to D cconsider application. 'LYHUVLW\DQGLQFOXVLRQWRSLFVLVVXHVDQGVSHFLÀFODQJXDJH were considered and discussed throughout the year, from the Board Retreat and Board meetings, to Professional Development offerings, throughout the Mentoring program, with chapter Membership, Communications and more. With these initiatives, the AFPNCOH chapter continues to proactively seek and achieve a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, opinions and cultures while promoting inclusiveness as an essential source of vitality and strength for our mission. Laura Jo Hawk, Director, Mercy Development Foundation of Mercy Medical Center Chair, 2013 Diversity Program AFPNCOH Invests in its Members The AFP North Central Ohio Chapter fosters the professional development of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession. In line with our mission, the Chapter uses a portion of our net assets to provide scholarships for fundraising professionals in the ten counties we serve to increase their professionalism, knowledge, and skills by attending professional development meetings and conferences. In 2013, Laura Shank was awarded the Chamberlain Scholarship. The following individuals received membership scholarships: Mark Fairhurst, Dennis O’Connell, Diana Orender, Jason Ruegg, Susan Schweitzer, Olivia Wakeling, Cheryl Ward, and Amy Weisbrod. These members attended the 2013 Career Success Institute via scholarship: Cindy Baker, Eliza Williams, and Dina Younis. Hannah Paulin, VP, Business Development, Invent Now John Zoilo, Executive Director, Foundation & Vice President of Development, Akron Children’s Hospital Co-Chairs, 2013 Scholarships ACCOUNTABILITY 7KDQNVWRRXURIÀFHUVDQG committee chairs, our 2013 ÀQDQFLDOVWDELOLW\FRQWLQXHVWREH transparent and strong. One of our AFP Board priorities this year was to invest in our membership through increasing membership scholarships, hosting a free webinar, and engaging top-notch professionals for our educational programs. 2013 Income & Expenses INCOME Other accomplishments in 2013: The Finance Committee updated the chapter’s Internal Control Policies governing the collection, disbursement, and accounting of funds. Additionally, the travel and fund balance policies were revised. Including more accounting details in our QuickBooks accounting program increased clarity in our income and expenses. 2XUÀQDQFHVZHUHUHYLHZHGDQGWKHSUHSDUHG E\WKHÀUPRI/HYLQ6ZHGOHU&UXP0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQ was provided for more in-depth understanding of our chapter. EXPENSES Shelley Koch, Director of Development, Victim Assistance Program, 2013 Treasurer GET INVOLVED Our Chapter is driven by its members. Our thanks to everyone who helped our Chapter grow through their committee involvement. Membership Nominating National Philanthropy Day Lisa M. Mastriano, Chair Gina Campbell Mella A. Castner Tracy Schlemmer Michael Solosky Pamela J. Webb Mella A. Castner, Chair Sandy Turner Pamela J. Webb Danielle Hupp, Co-Chair Sandy Turner, Co-Chair Bonnie Lass Wojno, Sponsorship Chair Diane Orender, Logistics Chair Hannah Paulin, Nominations Chair Eliza Williams, Communications Chair Laura Brelin Mella A. Castner Barbara Currence Vi Leggett Leslie Letner Kat Pestian Laura Purdy Susan Schweitzer Vondea Sheaffer Cynthia Sheeks Barb Vitcosky Richelle Wardell Pamela J. Webb Dina Younis Scholarships Hannah Paulin, Co-Chair John Zoilo, Co-Chair Pamela J. Webb Mella Castner Professional Development Margaret Jordan, JD, Chair Gina Campbell Rachel D’Attoma Laura Fink Barb Greene Laura Jo Hawk Shelley Koch Laura Shank Pamela J. Webb Mentoring Barb Greene, Chair Mella A. Castner Laura Jo Hawk Danielle Hupp John Zoilo Career Success Institute Laura Shank, Co-Chair Kristie Woods, Co-Chair Larry Becker Shelly Brown Mella A. Castner Laura Jo Hawk Kimberly Hutson Shelley Koch Vi Leggett Kathy Mariani Patricia Roy Pamela J. Webb Association of Fundraising Professionals North Central Ohio Chapter PO Box 1286 Bath OH 44210 PRESORT STANDARD US POSTAGE PAI D Akron, Ohio Permit No. 870 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ASSOCIATION OF FUNDRAISING PROFESSIONALS NORTH CENTRAL OHIO CHAPTER 330-329-2472 Phone 330-315-0399 Fax WWW.AFPNCOH.ORG [email protected] Designed by Jacq Connect www.JacqConnect.us 2013 EVERY MEMBER CAMPAIGN For more than 25 years, the Association of Fundraising Professionals of North Central Ohio has supported development professionals through educational programs and initiatives, scholarships for AFP membership and conferences, diversity in the fundraising profession, promoted a Universal Code of Ethics and much more. These opportunities would not be possible without the annual support of our chapter membership through the Every Member Campaign (EMC). We are grateful to our board, members and friends who supported our annual Campaign. With their generosity, we were successful in securing both 100% board participation and exceeding our campaign goal by 73% raising a total of $3,900. The success of our Chapter’s Every Member Campaign demonstrates how we as fundraisers are committed to “giving back” to help advance our profession locally along with supporting the AFP International Foundation. Again, many thanks to everyone who participated in our 2013 EMC. Mella A. Castner, Director of Development, Akron Rotary Camp Debra K. Hagarty, Gift Planning Director, OPRS Foundation Sterling Medalist Giving Club ($250 - $499) Barbara A. Greene Mella A. Castner Shelley Koch Debra K. Hagarty Bonnie Lass Wojno Pamela J. Webb Silver Medalist Giving Club ($100 - $249) Danielle Hupp Vivian Leggett Wendy Merkert, CFRE Hannah Paulin Chris Short, MA Dr. Suzanne Allen Jon Trainor, CFRE Cynthia M. Baker Sandy Turner Gina Campbell, CFRE Amy Wong John and Carole Fay John Zoilo Bronze Medalist Giving Club ($50 - $99) Larry Becker, CFRE Rachel D’Attoma Mark Ford Laura Jo Hawk Patricia Roy Angela Sass Susan Schweitzer Tammy Seikel Laura K. Shank Vondea Sheaffer Michael Solosky Kristie Woods Blue Ribbon Contributors Kelli Beckler Kathy Bergh Barbara Boyce Constance M. Clark Christine Dodd Jean Duncan McFarren Deborah Foster Elizabeth H. Ganocy Brian Hartzell Carol Hawk Michelle Jamieson Margaret Jordan Tracy Keenan Meg Laubacher Lisa Mastriano Diane L. Orender Carol Risaliti Tracy Schlemmer Monica Stevens Barb Vitcosky Eliza R. Williams Dorothy Wiseman
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