PREFACE Solid State lorries, a new btanch of Material Science, has recently become very popular and challenging duf' to its tremendous scope in solid state electrochemical device techuology. This branch of sci<'IH'e mainly d<·;tls with physics, dl<'lllist.ry and kdonologica.l aspects of fast ion conduction in solids. The research activit.y in this area ba.sically concentrates on : • to develop new solid state ionic which should appropriately support 1.1"' new<'!' tcclnoolof!,ica.l inventions; and • to understand the basic mechanism of fast ion conduction. The solids exhibiting fast. ion conduction are termed as, Superionic Solids or Solid Electrolytes or Fast Ion Conductors. Typically, the ionic conductivity is ~ 10- 1 -10- 4 1 at room temperature, which is comparable to the conductivity of liquid/aqueous electrolytes. Thus, the electrochemical devices based on these solids can overcome several major limitations of liquid electrolyte based devices. The miniaturization of these all solid state devices is also possible. Some important potential electrochemical devices are : solid state ba.t.teries, fuel cells, sensors, electrochromic disp 1ay devices (ECD's), biomedical devices etc. Aller the discovery of fast Ag+ and Na+ ion conductions in Mi\g4 l 5 and /3- alumina respectively in 1967, a large varicf.y of supcrioroic materials with various cation and anion species such a., Ag+, \u+, Li+, Na+, K+, H+, F-, o- 2 et.c. loavr been disco\'C·rcd in I loP last. lion·<· d .. cades. On l.loc basis of t.hrir microsl.ructurr and physical proprrtirs, these solids aoe presently classified int.o broad categories likr fram<'work rryst allinr/pol.wryst allinr solids. compositr or disprrsed elect.rolyt.cs. polynwr rlrct roJ.,· glassy/ amorphous rl<'cl rol,·trs rt c. Thr prrsrnt i m·<'st.igation roncrnlo;olr•s on :\p;+ ion <onductinp; solids in p;lasS\·(amorphous phase. Prior to Ill<' work r<'port<'d in this th<'sis. majorit)· of :\g+ ion mnduding glasses, <' high \.11 PREFACE VIII Ag+ iou condudion at room t.emperat.ur<', were Agl-ba.sed solids. Agl is well known for its cha.ractcrist.icsupcrionic o- af1.<•r ~ 147°C. Using Agl as a common host salt., superionic gla.sses were preparetl hy rapidly quenching t.he melt. of the salt wit.h the glass modifier ( Ag 2 0) and various network formers like B 2 0 3 , Cr0 3 etc. In a. recent investigation, we prepared a new compound : a quenched/o.nnea.led [0. 75Agl:0.25AgCl} mixed sysiem.jsolid solution, exhibiting several transport parameters superior to Agl, including identical transport characteristics viz. f3 --?a- like transition at a relatively low temperature. Thus, it was expected that Ag+ ion conducting glasses with higher conductivity would result when this alternate host compound is used in place of conventional salt Agi. Three new fast Ag+ ion conducting systems were prepared by melt-quenching this a.lkrnate host with a glass modifier (GM) Ag 2 0 and different glass formers (GF) vi%. B 2 0:1, MoO,~, Cr0:1 in dif!'cr<'nl. mol. wt .. (%) proport.ion. The cha.ra.ctcriza.tion of the t.r~.nsport. properties viz. the elect.rical conduct.ivit.y (a), io11ic nJohility (/'-), !Tiohik ion corwcrd,nltion (n), ionic 1.ransfcrc·rwP nurnh('t' (t.irnJ~ ionic drift. velocit.y ('nd) et.c. were done hy <'lllployillg various techniques. Structural and thermal characterization studies were carried out using XH.D and DTA techniques. The optimum conducting compositions, obtained in these studies, were used as electrolytes for the fabrication of solid state ba.t.teries. The battery discharge characteristics were studied under various load conditions. The work reported in the present thesis has been divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 gives an extensive overview of the field of solid state ionics incorporating the earlier developments and present classification of superionic materials. General theoretical aspects explaining the fast ion conduction in these solids are covered. However, the models/theories proposed for the fast ion conducting glasses are revi('wed in a greater detail because these systems concerned the work of the present thesis. A brief mention of various potential solid state electrochemical devices is given in the last of the chapter alongwith the scope of the present thesis. Chapter 2 describes various methods of sample preparation and the details of st.ruct.mal, thermal & t.ransport. property charact.erizat.ion techniques. The systems studied in t.he present. invest igaf.ion are : ( i\ ) X [0. /.'it\!!,1:0.2!; A!!,( 'II:( 1- X) [ A!!,,O: II,O,,j (B) D. 7[0. 7'JAgl :0.2.'i:\gC'IJ :o.:l[.dg,O:( 1-.v) B20:,j (:\) x[O. i'!i:\gi:0.2!i:\gCij:( 1-x }[:\g 2 0:Cr0 1] PREFACE IX System (B) was prepared to study the cf[ect of various GF/GM ratios on the conductivity of the optimum concluding composition of System (A). In order to prove that the new host is a. better alternate host t.ha.n the couvcutiona.l salt, Agl, systems similar to (A) & (C) were prepared in the identical manner using the conventional salt Agi and room temperature conductivity values were compared. Impedence Spectroscopy (IS), Transient Ionic Current (TIC) and Wagner's d.c. polarization techniques, used for the measurement of various ionic transport parameters viz. 'a', '!1', 'n', 't;on', 'v/, etc. are discussed in detail in this chapter. At the end of the chapter, the configuration of solid state battery and the method used for studying the discharge behaviour are given. The results of various experiment.aJ mca.surcment.s such as viz. compositional & temperature dependence of conductivity, X-ra.y dil!'raction, ionic mobility, mobile ion concentration, t.rans((,rem:e numlwr a.nd ionic drift velocity de., carried out on System (A), <1.1"<' dis< uss<·d ill CIH>ptn :1. TIH' COlllfHJSit.ioll : 0.7[1l.71iAgl:!l.2fJAgCIJ:O.:I[Ag10: B20 3 ] exhibited the optimum conductivity at. room temperature and the XRD studies revealed that it is in the complete glassy/amorphous phase. The observed transport behaviour is interprctated on the basis of existing models. As mentioned above, System (B) was prepared just to examine the effect of variation of GF jGM ratio on the conductivity of the optimum glass conducting composition of System (A). Tlw composition: 0.7[0.75Agl:0.25AgC1]:0.3[0.833Ag 2 0:0.167 Bz0 3 ] exhibited further improvement in the room temperature conductivity, however, the phase turned predominantly into crystalline/ polycrystalline phase with partial presence of amorphism. Results of different experimental studies similar to System (A) are discussed in Chapter 4 giving appropriate explanations. In Chapter 5 , we have' presented thr results of our experimental studies on Sysl.e111 (C). The glass flH 111<'1' ( 1! 2 0:.) of the Sysl.crn ( !\) has IH'<'I1 n·placed by another glass formrr (CrO,.). The composition: 0.75[0.75Agi:0.25AgCI]:0.2.5[Ag 2 0:Cr0 3 ] exhihit,·d i.IJ<• opl.innnn co11dndivil.y ;l1worn i.<'JIIj><'l'atttn· and the slructttral dmracl.erization studies revealed the presence of mixed phases (crystalline/polycrystalline plus arn01phous) in the system. In Chapi.Pr fi, thP fH'ITonnauc<' of th<· solid state hat.f<·ries, fabricated using the optimnm conducting compositions of S.l'st.<•ms (:\).(B) and (C) as electrolytes. are presented. :\g-metal was used as a anode. whil<' (C+I 2) in ratio (1:1) wa$ used as a cath()(k. The batfrorirs II'<'I<' rlischargt·d at room temprrature under differrnt load conditions. Fmilwr. ionic transfrrrnce rnunlwrs for tiH'se syslf'ms were also X PREFACE tletnmincd using !.he elecl.rocll<'rllica.l cell pol.cnl.ial rrrel.lrou and cornpared with t.he values obtained earlier using Wagner's d.c. polarization method. Fi11ally, Chapter 7 summarizes the total workdone of the present thesis once agam.
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