Discovery of multiple sites of intra-molecular protonation and different fragmentation patterns within the fluoroquinolones using ion mobility mass spectrometry Sara Stead*1; Michael McCullagh1; Davor Turkovic2 1 Waters Corporation, Atlas Park, Simonsway, Manchester M22 5PP, UK ; 2 Waters GmbH, Helfmann-Park 10, 65760 Eschborn, Germany *Corresponding author: sara _ [email protected] RESULTS & DISCUSSION INTRODUCTION Fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics have been administered to livestock for different purposes, (a) prevention and control of infections and (b) growth promotion. The use of antibiotic growth promoting agents in animal husbandry has been forbidden in the EU since 2006. Tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry has gained widespread acceptance for quantitative analysis in terms of selectivity and sensitivity. The selection of the MRM transitions is critical and must be performed and validated in accordance with CD 2002/657/EC. Ciprofloxacin elutes at retention time 2.19 mins using the gradient conditions described. Figure 2 shows the BPI chromatogram and the component plot summary for 9 FQ compounds. If the data is reviewed using the component drift plot summary, 18 mobility resolved FQ species are observed (Figure 3). Each FQ compound was found to be comprised of two protomers, i.e. protonation occurring at either the acidic or basic region of the molecule. Estimated CCS values of 108.7 Ǻ2 and 119.1 Ǻ2 were determined for ciprofloxacin protomers (Figure 4). In this study, High Definition Mass Spectrometry (HDMS) is explored as a tool for method development to support the unequivocal identification of FQ residues in complex matrices. HDMS uses a combination of high resolution MS and high efficiency ion mobility based measurements and separations (Figure 1). Compounds can be differentiated based on size, shape and charge. In addition, both precursor ion and fragment ion information can be acquired in a single injection in an HDMS experiment (HDMSE). Figure 5. Ciprofloxacin acid and basic group protomer MSE fragmentation spectra generated using an IMS screening workflow in UNIFI. Ion mobility differentiates molecules as they tumble through a buffer gas and their progress is related to the average rotational collision cross section (CCS). Ion mobility drift time can be used to determine the CCS of a molecule. Figure 2. UPLC HDMSE precursor base peak ion chromatogram for a solvent standard containing 25 antibiotic compounds (top) and the component plot summary view (bottom) for the 9 fluoroquinolone compounds detected between 2.0 - 2.6 mins. Figure 6. Illustration of identification of two protomers of danofloxacin identified in porcine muscle extract without ion mobility spectral clean up Figure 1. A schematic representation of a SYNAPT G2-S HDMS and illustration of the mechanism of travelling wave ion mobility separations. METHODS Ciprofloxacin; enrofloxacin; danofloxacin; sarafloxacin; norfloxacin; marbofloxacin; enoxacin; perfloxacin and ofloxacin Sample Preparation The extracts of blank and fortified porcine muscle tissue were kindly provided by RnAssays for the purpose of this study. MS Conditions MS system: Waters SYNAPT® G2-S HDMS Ionization mode: ESI+ Acquisition Mode: HDMSE Mass range: m/z 50 – 1200 Acquisition Rate: 4 spectra/s Capillary voltage: 2.0 kV Cone Voltage: 25 V Source temp: 120oC Desolvation temp: 550oC Drift Gases: N2 E Figure 3. Component plot summary for the 9 identified fluoroquinolones and the observation of 18 ion mobility resolved (0.5 ms) species in solvent. Figure 7. Illustration of the identification of two protomers of danofloxacin in spiked porcine muscle extract with ion mobility spectral clean up MS High energy: 15.0 — 45.0 V (ramped) IMS Wave Velocity: 900 m/s IMS Wave Height: 40 V Resolution: 20000 (FWHM) This data confirms that further consideration should be given to method development since the ratio and formation of the protomers was seen to vary with eluent flow rate, capillary voltage, cone voltage and extract composition. The extent of the protonation multiplicity and CONCLUSIONS UPLC Conditions LC system: ACQUITY UPLC® System Column: ACQUITY BEH C18, 1.7 µM, 2.1 x 50 mm, @ 45oC Mobile phase A: Water (0.1% formic acid) Mobile phase B: Acetonitrile (0.1% formic acid) Gradient Table: Injection Volume:10µL Gradient: Time (min) Flow Rate %A %B Initial 0.600 95.0 5.0 1.00 0.600 95.0 5.0 8.00 0.600 5.0 95.0 9.00 0.600 95.0 5.0 Data Acquisition and Processing Software Data were acquired using MassLynx and processed using UNIFI v 1.6.5 Research Edition software. FQ solvent standard mixtures were used to generate a scientific library containing retention times, fragment ion elemental compositions and CCS values. This permitted non-targeted data acquisition with a targeted screen to be performed using HDMSE data. Figure 4. Intensity vs drift time for the protomers of ciprofloxacin with the hypothesised respective sites of acid/basic group protonation highlighted and the observed CCS values. The fragments at m/z 288 & 245 (Figure 5) are believed to arise from a species where ionisation occurs on the basic group. Protonation occurring on the acidic group results in the formation of fragment ions at m/z 314 & 231. A series of porcine extracts were screened for the presence of fluoroquinolones using the parameters optimised in solvent standard. Figures 6 & 7 show the identification of two protomers of danofloxacin (with and without the application of ion mobility spectral clean-up). In this example, ion mobility has been used to resolve the matrix derived interferences from the identified component of interest, danofloxacin. It can also be seen that for both protomers the following performance was obtained; mass accuracy < 1ppm and %CCS error is within 2% of the expected values. In addition, the individual protomer precursor ion/fragmentation spectra were generated. Based on the observations of the characteristic ionisation for the fluoroquinolone compounds included in this study the use of UPLC HDMSE for method development purposes is warranted. The elucidation of different sites of intra-molecular protonated species has been shown using ion mobility MS and have been determined from the different single component fragmentation spectra. Single component precursor ion MS and MSE fragmentation spectra are generated for all components simultaneously. The HDMSE observations have the potential to explain the differences sometimes observed in interlaboratory studies where participants report results obtained from monitoring specific MRM transitions. CCS values can provide addition confidence along with retention time, precursor ion accurate mass and accurate mass fragmentation spectra in non-targeted screening experiments. Ion mobility separations can be effectively utilised to resolve analyte peaks from matrix interferences and reduce the need for complex sample clean-up and chromatographic separations. ©2010 Waters Corporation TO DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS POSTER, VISIT WWW.WATERS.COM/POSTERS
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