HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LIVERMORE 3203 LEAHY WAY LIVERMORE CALIFORNIA 94550 LEAHY SQUARE LEAHY SQUARE (925) 447-3600 FAX (925) 447-0942 TDD/TTY (800) 545-1833 ext.917 THE PUBLIC HOUSING/LEAHY SQUARE APARTMENTS THREE-BEDROOM, FOUR-BEDROOM & 5-BEDROOM WAITLIST WILL BE OPEN ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015 AT 8:30 AM AND WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THIS IS NOT SECTION 8. THIS IS NOT SECTION 8. THIS IS NOT SECTION 8. THIS IS NOT SECTION 8 The Livermore Housing Authority (LHA) will be accepting applications from families eligible to occupy three, four and five-bedroom Livermore Public Housing units ONLY! Visit our website at www.livermorehousingauthority.com for more information about this program and to view pictures of the property. All eligible families will be placed on the waiting list by date and time that the application was received. Applications will be maintained and updated by the LHA. Families will be notified once their application comes to the top of the waiting list for Public Housing and units become available. This waitlist opening is not for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program or for one-bedroom, two-bedroom or larger than five-bedroom applicants. Public Housing (PH) subsidizes the rent of units owned by the LHA. The PH units, as they become vacant, will be filled with this waitlist: Leahy Square Apartments only. Property Leahy Square Apts. Leahy Square Apts. Leahy Square Apts. City Livermore Livermore Livermore Bedroom Size 3-bedroom 4-bedroom 5-bedroom Eligible families pay approximately 30% of their adjusted monthly income for their share of the rent for the Public Housing Program. Low-income families, including elderly and disabled families that are eligible to live in a three, four or five-bedroom unit are eligible to apply. All applicants must be 18 years of age or older, or be an emancipated youth, at the time of application. At least one household member must be a U.S. citizen, or eligible immigrant. Note: Public Housing subsidy is not transferable and stays with the unit. Bedroom Size Qualifications: LHA provides one bedroom for the head of household and their spouse/significant other, if applicable, and then one bedroom for each two additional household members regardless of gender, age or relationship. Disabled household members in need of their own bedroom due to their disability, if determined eligible, may have their own bedroom. Here are some examples (not all inclusive) of households eligible to apply for this waitlist opening: Three Disabled family members, each in need of their own bedroom Four Disabled family members, each in need of their own bedroom Five Disabled family members, each in need of their own bedroom Applicant without a spouse/ significant other and three to eight other family members (adults or members under 18 yrs. of age) Applicant and their spouse/significant other and three to eight other family members (adults or members under 18 yrs. of age) PAGE 1 OF 2 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LIVERMORE 3203 LEAHY WAY LIVERMORE CALIFORNIA 94550 LEAHY SQUARE LEAHY SQUARE (925) 447-3600 FAX (925) 447-0942 TDD/TTY (800) 545-1833 ext.917 Income Requirements: Total household income (including wages, Social Security benefits, pensions, child support, unemployment benefits, CalWin (TANF), General Assistance, etc.) must not exceed the following: Program Household Size Public Housing (low-income) 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons 60,850 67,600 73,050 78,450 83,850 89,250 Income limits are based on 50% of Area Median Income in Alameda County for Project-Based and 80% of Area Median Income in Alameda County for Public Housing. How to Apply: Request an application in writing by mail at 3203 Leahy Way, Livermore CA 94550, or by fax (925) 447-0942, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Include your full name, address, city, state, zip code and contact number. A fillable/printable application form can be found on line at www.livermorehousingauthority.com 1) 2) 3) 4) Mail: 3203 Leahy Way, Livermore, CA 94550 or Fax: (925) 447-0942 or E-mail: [email protected] A fillable/printable application and instructions will be available on the LHA website at www.livermorehousingauthority.com under “Leahy Square Waitlist” tab. An application will be mailed out to you once your request has been received. You will need to complete and return your application before the waitlist closes. Complete the application and return the original and include copies of birth certificates or verification of U.S. residency and social security cards for all household members, include driver’s license or picture ID for all adults to the: Livermore Housing Authority, 3203 Leahy Way, Livermore Ca 94550. FAXES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN COPIES. Public Housing waitlist information can be obtained by calling: (925) 447-3600 ext. 203. (You will not be able to leave a message; it is strictly an information line only.) Once your application has been received, the LHA will respond in writing. You will be advised if your application is complete and whether you have been placed on the waitlist or whether you are not eligible based on the criteria for 3-bedroom, 4-bedroom or 5-bedroom units. The opportunity to request an application for the Leahy Square Apartments 3, 4 and 5-bedrooms will remain open until further notice. The agency will post a 30-day notice if there is a need to close the waiting list for 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms. ATTENTION: THE WAITLIST MAY CLOSE AT ANYTIME! ** Requests for reasonable accommodation from persons with disabilities will be granted upon verification that they meet the need presented by the disability.** PAGE 2 OF 2
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