— plf 24 BUFFALO CGURIEBEXPBESS, Saturday, Jane 23, 1962 DEPEW NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH $13,500 Wast $12,750 TL Seneca 675 Emerson Dr. $ 1 4 ,990 * ur TX At Sweet Home 5-9789 Built b y Erb Const. Modal Home* A Off SALES, W. S. PNEYEN, Inc. St. Broadway 105 REDWOOD TER. W M . C . ROTT A S O N S SALES-W, S. PREYER lac. n i-ssu .v.i NT 3-04*a Off Clearfield Dr. (off Maple Rd.) 3 and 4 SPLIT BEDROOM COLONIAL BEDROOM LEVELS 61 MAHOGANY $22,400 «.-« $23,550 DRIVE CLARENCE 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL • 1620 So, Ft of LIVING AREA Valley, off Creiner Garoge DIRECTIONS $29,900 '24,900 Other Split Levels To Chaos* Built by JOS. P. BATTAGLIA NF 2-7351 LEVELS $16,475 O f f Union Rd., opposite Cheektowaga High School KIDD-KOTT CONSTRUCTION CO. TX 6-6160 SALES BY jiGGS LEWIN & BARONE TF 9-0150 POP TAIT I DEOORATSAWHAT HAVE MY BICYCLE 7VOU DOME? 4-2114 HARTFORD ESTATES SPLIT LEVELS «™ $20,800 WE HAVE CIRCLED THIS AD JUST FOR YOU! 3 and 4 BEDROOM IT'S TOO EGGERTSVILLE Featuring 3 .nd 4 BEDROOM RANCHES *™ $18,500 3 0*4 4 BEDROOM JV TWO STORIES i ™ $21,500 Talco Sweet Home (aft S h e r i d a n Dr., 1 block west of Millersport Huru.) at Sweet Home School, 2 blocks to Sew gate turn right. Open Sun. 2-7 Dairy 9-5 Choice o f $ * For Our Tremendous Sales Record MISS! ONLY ABOUT Y~ 1HOUSMQ BOOM OP [ A POkM? PM0'UP»'ANP,tfV£ 6M'>'1UAflr\&ASI$ ,?V0U6PiNf440OW* COUII&, ¥OW9 H ^W080«MsPWf. BUT i f f ? £ K\U B#TT \ ' THAT POUCV IN T I M I ton IMfUHlRfii.. SUM WPMAKE/T. ssssas-i • ' - ' LIVING ROOM if DINING R O O M if BIRCH KTTCHEN if 26' RECREATION if 4 LOVELY BEDROOMS if 2 fULL BATHS WITH TUB AND SHOWER Optional—All Improvements c *W i4,940 Garage ROOM In and Paid For s B. Mackler R. Scaalaa W Sckifarla F. C. Sommerfelt f. Semwerfelt, Jr. R Sommerfelt C. Soerl F. Sattner R. Turner iSSacj AS LOW AS 400 DOWN! DRIVE OUT T O D A Y - T a k e Genesee St. to Dick Rd., turn right on Dick Rd. to George Urban Blvd . then east on George Urban Blvd. to Model Home or take Genesee St. to Transit Rd., turn right on Transit, drive one mile to French Rd., turn right and proceed to George Urban Blvd , and left to = 2 8 0 0 . OPEN DAILY .. JU5T A5 THEY WONT SE ABLE TO PROVE THAT YOUR PEATH WASNT ACCIPENTAJ. 12-9, SUN. 1-9, SAT. 9-S HOWARD BUILDERS F. C. Sommerfelt Offices: 3143 WALDEN NT 3-0010 SALES — NT 4-2525 Inc., REALTORS COMMERCIAL 1312 Genesee St. TO Poa HWETV-TTVO 18 REASONS RESIDENTIAL IMPORTANT Elevations '12,500 N. Brain S. fireatru S. Kidsai B. Hattai J. limy N. Meek OVA, I'M GONNA HAVE A FLOAT IKJTWE PARAPE/ Choice o f Floor Plans JUETTE BUILDERS, Inc. TF 4-1205 W Bofulski A. Sroef 0. Burrows -i' *A I 1 i 604H, JOB/, MW «URS PTTCHmf A GUm 6At**l YOV'P HAVE rVON IT IF WB HAOrfTtOOTWTTAWAY! LOBRUTTO BLORS. NF Starr * OPEN TODAY 1 to 6 . . . OPEN SUN. 1-9 and Ranches From OPEN S U N . 1-7, D A I L Y 1-5 OPEN SON. T DARK. DAILY 9 5 RANCHES, SPLIT AVAILABLE from 19,475 Featuring iVz ceramic baths, woodburning fireplace, family room, 1st level laundry area, 100' lota. Mahogany Dr. i t in Clearfield Subdivision (off Maple Rd. b t t w M * North Fo'oit and Nopkmi Rd.} r'£*t**< r Rd. 4-BED ROOM COLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL family Room • Waodburning Fireplace Mfony Other Features THAVS ABOUT IT, MARIA. TO BE MUCHHELP. BECAUSE I'M OH HER $I0E. IF SHE WORKED THAT HARP TO WIN THE HOUOROP BEIU6 YOUe LABORATORY ASSISTANT, SHE MUST BEAW0HDERRJL6IRL AHP JUST WHAT MY PANW-BOY NEEDS IN WS LIFE ~A NEW WIFE I pBBBBBBl' • V/z CAR GARA6E Attractive large living room with panelled w a l l , separate colonial decorated dining room, extra large kitchen with ceramic counter top and ventilating f a n , and built-in w a l l desk, 4 spacious bedrooms, ceramic tile bath with built-in vanity, 1st floor lavatory, built-in electronc T.V. antenna. 5324 MAYF1ELD CT. Its- Green Brenta MODEL A T 176 Z 0 E R B AVE., CHEEKTOWAGA Complete with family room, hot water baseboard beat, 2-car garage, large dining room, many other features, including built-in oven and range, includes itorau or screens, A fVl n t n s T ONLY TL 3-5588 C-E Want Ads—TL 2-5550 AMHERST O w n Daily 2-Car WHY WU'RE HERE!.. TO AMOU? MARIA WHAT TO QOABOUT A Y0LW6 CQEDWHCK IMLOVE WITH yoai Model 4 B E A U T I F U L MODELS . . . from 3-5588 somxrs $12,300 Out Union Rd., turn East on Center Rd., i j Mile to Duchess Heights. Built b y John Hucul S a l t s , W . S. Prayer, I n c . New 2 Bedroom Capo Cod ^ N e w Capo Cod Directions— off W a l d . n Kanth. full cellar, built-tns. I f f AMHERST DUCHESS HEIGHTS LANCASTER SINECA PLACE TX 4-7206 0 / K\ Record of Buffalo 2 Minutes from Exit 57 Peter C. Knooren, Sowles Rd., Hamburg, Bob Burns Inc $6,519.08 to Climate London $25 76, all to S'ate Tax Comm sRobert J . Kamman, 239 Werkley, Tona- Equipment & Supply Co., Inc. s>on. wanda; Samuel Battagifa, 23 West; James Henry F London $3' 36. Mary E L. Thomas Tucker $128.77 to Hauser's Inc June 22 V Merlette, 1034 West; Laura R. TruckDonald R. Lewis $554.13 to Buffaio Maszczak $54 83. Dav d Maclln $3^ 58. City Judge Joseph J . SedL enbrod, 112 Wingate; Otto P. Schmitt, 9 Incandescent Light Co. Inc. Russell D Miller $77 95, Edwa^a A Speeding-Mi Idred J . Qpilarco, 262 Woodward, Angola. .Miller $125 07. Roland Meister $29 C?, Vicksburg, Town of Tonaipanda, $50, William and Althea Davis $208 62. Mary Floyd Marshall $46 07, Nellie M. PatSpeeding-Roosevelt Bittles, 42 Camp, Lukachovsky (Swoger) and Clark Swoger terson $27 92. Percy Pasternak $1,000, Ronald J . Adamek, 646 Hertpi, $30. Ray- $10. mond T . Walter Jr., 66 Layhjn, Amherst, Illegal turn, $ 2 5 - W i l l i a m R. Mackey, $221.26, all to superintendent of Meyer Harper W ;iiams $236.28 Cnaries T a"d $30. 1602 M a i n ; William P. Hyde, 152 E. Memorial Hospital. J e a i M W! damson $63 33 Sidney WilSpeeding, $25 fines-Frederick P. M e n , Ufica. Marjorie M. and Charles A Mosier liams $74 73. Bruce R. W.lson $5<" 55. 352 U t h ; Joseph C. ZemanelQ 243 Burch. Red light, $10—Vance Essaunce, Oak- $1,293.36 to Marine Trust Co. of Western Everett Z.glar $68 62. Stanley Zaiferf Rudolf G. Hug, 76 G i r a r i l Sylvester ville, Ont.; Robert C. Broker, 1324 Sen- New York $79 55 and John R, Zito $30C, all to State Page, 577 Spring; Wallace ; Hayes, 227 eca. Tax Commiss.on. City Tire Co., Inc $1,191.44 to Dunlop Waverly; Frank B. Todaro, 14 York. Street m a r k i n g s - D o r i s M . Bonney, 199 Tire & Rubber Corp. Speeding, $20 fines—Joseptl S. Chmiei- Claremonf, $10. Jack Moriock $54.71 to Cleveland Hill owiec, 313 Amherst; Steveri Patti. 4281 No weight markings —Raymond N. Mar- Plumbing Co. Inc. Busti; Richard Wolfram, 139 Helen. telli, Niagara Falls, $10. George Schred $221.20 to Weather-Seal, No f l a r e s - G e r a l d H. Armstrong, 314 Inc. George W . Andrews, 182 AMMten; Ruth June 22 H. Aronson, Nehercresf, lM, Orchard Carolina, $10. Paul Rehac $133 05 to D. W Moor Co " Wall-Crete, 721 M t Vernon Rd , CneekVehicle over weight limits —John M . Park. R'Chard L. Stackwick $195.67 to Sachs towaqa — Daniel Scurci, *ame addre's Pat's Texaco, 3650 Clinton St West Speeding, $15 fines—Euainio Rivas, Zakrozewski, Bircr>*ood Dr., Lake View. & Co Textile Products Inc P Kowaiski. 180 G i l 468 4th; Ronald Miller, 111 Barnard, $100. <ully L. Cook $38055 to P. F. Co'lier Seneca-Harry bert St , Cheektowaaa Inadequate muffler, $10-Archie L. Car Inc. Charles Cullens, 481 Broadwfy; Bernice' Barbara's Studio. 71 Bennett Rd CtieekS. Fallon, 242 Bryant; Edmonjf J. Kaiser, ter, 7 Daisy; Anthony Valvo, 58 Days ueorge Shred $60.82 to Conewango towaqa-Baerbel P e r k n * . same add r e<s Park; Henry L. James. 531 Masten. 164 Buffalo, Hampurg; Joseplffi Guncsaga. Valley G.L.F. Co-Operative Inc. Schrader's Delicatessen. 953 F DHa186 W. Chippewa; Adam P j B o z e k , 170 Robert J . Thomas, 533 Northland. Donald Robert Davis $45 91, Robert J . Baker van Ave - A l v i n G. Scnrader. 173 Ga'es A. Ciark, 22 West; Terrance D. Batsford, Clark, Frederick Field, 34 Q p i a r d . $1,180.41 and Emery C. Cooley Jr $975 67. Ave . floan Charles M . Kohier, 695 ii Delaware; 29 Wick. all to Manufacturers and Traders Trust Murray's Home Outfitting, Co 291 Insufficient lights-Joel Voeiker, 1931 Co. Barry M . Bender, 51 Fairmont, Kenmore Nassau A v e , K e n m o r e - M u r r a y Bio&m, II M a r y Catania, 604 W. FerrM! Ethel J . Como Park, Lancaster. $20; Frank BatJohn H Crimes $79 09, Industrial Metal same address. Swader, 547 Franklin; Lawrence Metzler, taglia Jr., 135 Park, $20, Juanita Miller, Works Corp. $753.75, Rogers Carting & Mineo and SanFiMppo Food Warket. 145 78 Harrington, Tonawanda; JfTRose M , 323 Glenwood, $15 Storage Co $468 37. Norman J , Cox Jr No Inspection slicker, $10—Curtis Hen- $942, Angelo Dantino, Arthur Newton, Grant S t . - C a r l M.neo. 309 Bedford Ave . Gruskiewicz, 30 W. Hazeltine, 1 ! Kenmore Gaetano SanFiMppo. 155 Claremont St. derson, Rome, N Y ; Hugh E. Mac- Philip A. Fetto, Peter and Jack Fundaro Herbert P. Roth, 112 Hazel' Grocery. Sherman Ave , Donald A. Basehart, 205 H i t m a n ; Ed- Arthur, 15 Delaney; Tommi L. Brown, 34 and Reeds Nassau Shop $215 35, Leonard! Campise's North Collins —Vincent and Isabella win A. Jost, 516 High; ShirleyliA. Taylor, George; Gregory A. Martin, 9 Lenox. J. Ortolano $240.3', all to U.S. Treasury Campise, same address 138 Hughes; Henry F i t z p a t r w J r . , 498 West Seneca; Richard A. Zielinski, 345 Dept. Buz & John Kendall Station, Orchard Jefferson; George F. H e r o l d , | P 7 Jeffer- Longnecker; Barbara J . Loveland, 78 Robert Kelly $10 25, Deioss Krause Park Rd. and Southwestern Blvd , Town son; Joseph Welch, 42 Kelvin,!:fCenmore. Tracy. $10.25, Ann J . Kelier $10 25. Jesse B of Orchard P a r k - R a y m o n d R Soefky, Beatrice Warner, 639 Lafayftte; RayKeith $10.25, Howard Jackson $10.25, 5036 Electric A v e , John E Moore. 163 mond J . Hoban, 242 Linwi Sanford L. Jackson $10 25, James F Dartmouth Rd , both of Town of HamM a r y E. Sullivan, 90 MadiaBt; Alfred! Jacobs $10 25, Perry Johnson $10.25, burg A. Cooley, 89 Middlesex; E v a j C . Nute-I Ethel Jones $10.25, Frank Jones $10 25, vvoods Restaurant. 7546 Niagara Falls June 22 fall, 405 Niagara Falls, A m h t B t ; OlymOtis Jones $10.25, James T. Ivory $10.25, Blvd , Tonawanda-John J . Woods, same pia J . Pappas, 139 Richmond;'Frederick ' (First name is that of debtor) Harold W Johnson $10.23, Gloria Jonnson address. Floss, 20 Rugby; Vincent Lovdjhe. 74 St. IN SUPREME COURT: $10.23, George A. Kaetzel $10.20, Fr a -?k L & V.. Personnel and Placement James; Alnoy Home, 15 ifHumway; George Strager $251.95 to Jenss Dept. Gulczynski Jr. $10 18, Walter G. Jones Service, 1177 Walbr dge Bldg —Dorothy Joseph Prszczynski, 994 Smith. Jr. $10.28, James Ingails $12 30. Herman K Collins, 745 McKmley Fky. Carlson Perkins, 492 South 111 Division; Stores Inc. Dinette Uc*»o'«!erinq S*op. 781 PadrrThomas H. Mast $62 72 to George L. C. Jones $12 30, Jose G Gusman $U.2B, Adam Kazmierski $'5 80. William A ewski D r . - M a t t h e w Zajac 68 Arls A v e , Schnell & Sons Inc. Cheektowaga, Joseph Orhkowski, 3* Alfred H . Jesseph $53 75 to M . H Keefe $31. Haloid B Kelly $25 75, Russell Payne Ave. C. Kleinsm.th $12.27, Ernest Ki<2cak Wifkop Carl Crisel $295.60 to J . Connelly and $12 33. 63-65 Swan Inc. $169 50, all to County Sales Tax Dept Gordon. The Municipal HousingJlAuthor- W.Robert Sophie A Liszka $56 48, A n t a Lindenau Ranyer $45 05 to The Island $25 80, Clarence Lindenau $29 35, Edward ity Friday awarded a contract for Dispatch Inc. June 22 F. $52 55. Ruthven B LawBison Iron 8, S'ep C o r p , lienor, vt. 500,000 gallons of fuel oil t o r Ma- Joseph and Vincent Ortolani $5,523.88 son Litchkowski $82 56 and $50 87, Albert Leaver Claude W. Bruette. Arthur B and Wanda Pudlewski, owners; 1 rine Dr. Apartments to Spiulding- to Richard H. Swan $323.50 to Newtrend $3133, John L L.ebig $31 18, James E Donald Mass* / & Massey Construction Lackey Jr $35 97, George Lantz $94 56 C o , Inc., contractor, $435 31. Yates Inc. at its low bid «Y $.0709 Furniture Inc. and $9(199, Ronald W. LaVerne $120 47, A. Amo. lienor, vs. Waldemar per gallon delivered. The author- Inc.Ruth L. Cook $38055 to P. F. Collier Addie E. Lawson $38 86, Rita Litchkow- J . James Schultze, owner, DiPirro Construction ity also approved purchase of a Daniel Maybee $641.78 to Bank of ski $6521, Regis F Lay $5) 75, Florence Co . Inc., contractor, $475. jeep from Jerge Motors at its low Buffalo. Century Home Products Inc. $513.87 to bid of $2,276. 6 Printer's RCA Victor Distributing Corp 32 Large spoon Traffic THE NEW 'GrtGtf this charming newest section of Hamburg Village beckons you... come see how easily you can lose your heart! Court Business Names Mechanics Liens Judgments MHA Orders Oi * • 0 By George Clark THE NEIGHBOR af V'<:A ' * & $ * * & • ' • « • • • ;? 1$p! • ""•-':•"''' Fine new homes on spacious landscaped lots built for a lifetime of happy living . . . in the Pearce 6- Pearce quality tradition! Furnished SHOW HOMES OPEN Mon. thru Fri. 2 to 8 P. M . Sat. 12 to 6 P . M . Sun. 12 to a P . M . . . . or b y appointment Phone N H 9 - 8 0 3 0 Imagine, you turn off the Thruway at Exit 57 and in 2 minutes you're home in beautiful Forest Glen, or you follow Route 5 to 75. In either case less than 20 minutes from Downtown—only minutes to any place on the Niagara Frontier. Accessible? You bet! But that's only part of it. Forest Glen with its clean fresh air, its delightful n e w homes, offers y o u a lifetime of happy living . . . with all Village of Hamburg cultural, educational and recreational advantages! PEARCE & PEARCE G e n e r a l Offices, 9 0 0 N i a g a r a Falls B l v d . , Ph. TF 3-6600 Forest Glen O f f i c e Ph. N H 9-8030 NMOMM TOOTH POSSSt 20 Minutes to Downtown via Route 75 to 5 and High Level Bridge, or via 53*** ru*A «J"t e?t>< S Thruway! «? ZZ&ZU£ If I <>-& "Her eyes sparkle whei she meets me. Anything I say she thinks is witty antf wise. She acts just like she's been reading a'bool on how to land a husband." •jaKjajQrfjjL i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Obstruct 4 Beef animal 9 Base 12 The self 13 Lone Ranger's pal 14 Reverence 15 Pantry 17 Knocked 19 Scottish cap 20 Underworld 21 Wire nail 23 Greek letter 24 Winter vehicles 27 Paddle 28 Small factory 30 Kind of cheese 31 Chinese mile 32 Soothing 34 A state (abbr. > 35 A continent 37 Affection 38 Soak 39 Dispatches 41 Symbol for cerium 42 Mine vein 43 Herd 45 Dine 46 Country of Europe 48 Musical instruments 51 Ventilate 52 Is cognizant of 54 Afternoon party 55 Genus of cattle 5fi Gravestone 57 Newt DOWN1 1 A state 'abbr. > 2 Mohammedan commander 3 Building material 4 Stalk 5 Rocky hill measure 7 Girl's name 8 Highways 9 Fell into disuse 10 Be in debt 11 Marry 16 Parent (colloq.) 18 Man's name 20 Small hill 21 Missile weapon 22 Lift 23 Pellet 25 Challenged 2fi Strike 28 Greek letter 29 Animated 33 Compass point 36 Indicates 38 Spin 40 Footwear 42 Fall behind 44 Coin 45 Gaelic 46 Idle chatter 47 Spanish for river 48 Bird 4ft Ship's clock 50 Posed for portrait 53 Faroe Islands whirlwind .9 10 n 1 jQQi ia 13 16 15 17 19 m 27 31 33 36 39 18 20 1 21 22 U 5«8 43 29 1 25 24 :•:33 26 30 ^57 ^ 3 8 37 40 }. 23 41 ix4 42 rr-TT 44 46 47 49 50 51 52 55 56 53 54 57 Today's Solution on Preceding Page
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