enarchhnolo goVkaiologo VhnproVtonqe onkaiqeoVhn Logos ologoVoutoV logoVoutoV hnenarchpro Vtonqeonpant adiautouege netokaicwriV CHURCHES TOGETHER IN NORTHAMPTON uniting Churches of varied traditions, sharing information, action and prayer Special Extra Edition January 2015 Churches Together Northampton MODERATOR Rev. David [email protected] 01604633254 DEPUTY MODERATOR Adina Curtis [email protected] SECRETARY Rev. Ted Hale [email protected] 01604 7625305 TREASURER Mrs. Lesley Goulbourne [email protected] LOGOS EDITOR Joe Story [email protected] 01604 580478 CTN WEBSITE Hilary Tunbridge Website address: www.churches-togethernorthampton.org.uk LOGOS IS PRODUCED TEN TIMES A YEAR It is sent out by email free of charge or by post at current subscription charges. Last date for copy is the 16th of the month preceding month of publication and anything for inclusion should be sent to the editor by that date, i.e. the 16th January for the February edition. LOGOS is the primary means of communication for Churches together Northampton. Requests to pass on information by email to churches instead of via LOGOS will only be considered in exceptional and urgent circumstances. Logos has not shrunk! The February edition will be out in ten days or so, but this is an interim special highlighting three ecumenical events that are coming up. During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity there will be a Celebration of Ecumenism at the Cathedral on Wednesday 21st January and this will be followed on Sunday 25th by Churches Together Northampton AGM and an ecumenical service. These will take place at the Abbey Centre. There is also advance notice of the AGM of Churches Together in Peterborough and Northamptonshire ~ Shire and Soke, in April. The theme of this will be 'Receptive Ecumenism' and the speaker will be Dame Mary Tanner. We will carry more information about this in a future Logos but encourage you to put the date in your diary now. Joe Story, Editor A Celebration of Ecumenism 50 years after Vatican II Wednesday 21st January 2015, 7.30 pm at Northampton Cathedral NN2 6AG. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Northampton Ecumenical Commission invites ecumenical guests and friends to join all parishes in the diocese at a 'Celebration of Ecumenism 50years after Vatican II. The invitation is from Rt. Rev. Peter Doyle and the preacher is Rt. Rev. Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham. www.northamptondiocese.org (follow links to The Diocese / Diocesan Departments / Ecumenism) Since the major gathering of bishops from across the world, commonly known as the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church has had a policy of ecumenical engagement with other Churches. The Catholic bishops re-affirmed the special claim of the Catholic Church to be the Church of Christ. They taught that only through Christ’s Catholic Church can the fullness of the means of salvation be obtained. A major development at the Council, however, was that the Catholic Church recognised the unity that is created by baptism, by faith, hope and love. The ecclesial character of other Christian communities was also recognised for the first time. There were many obstacles to perfect ecclesiastical communion but the Catholic Church felt impelled to dialogue with other Christians. In succeeding decades, the fruit of this dialogue has been impressive. More recently receptive ecumenism has been part of that fruitful dialogue. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN NORTHAMPTON AGM & ANNUAL SERVICE Sunday January 25th 2015 in The Abbey Centre Chapel, Overslade Close, East Hunsbury NN4 0RZ 4.30–5.30pm: The AGM 6.00pm: Service for the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity Preacher: Joe Story – minister of the ecumenical Church on the Heath. Kings Heath, Northampton Light refreshments will be served after the service Churches Together in Peterborough and Northamptonshire ~ Shire and Soke AGM 7:00 pm 21st April 2015 at Kairos Centre, Grange Park Northampton, NN4 5DW Speaker - Dame Mary Tanner, Theme - Receptive Ecumenism Dame Mary Tanner, is a former European President of the World Council of Churches. She has been a member of the WCC Faith and Order Commission since 1974, serving as its moderator from 1991–98. Dame Mary has been involved in various ecumenical conversations on behalf of her church, including the Anglican-Roman conversation. From 1982–98 she was active within the Church of England body which ultimately became the Council for Christian Unity. She became a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire In the 2008 New Year's Honours List for services to the worldwide Anglican Communion. Receptive Ecumenism In essence, receptive ecumenism is simple. As we engage with people who belong to Churches other than our own, we often focus on what gifts our own tradition can add to the ecumenical treasure trove. That's important. But receptive ecumenism goes further. Instead of looking at what we can bring, our strengths perhaps, it invites us to look at our weaknesses and the gifts and strengths of others, to notice what we can learn or receive from them.
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