WISCONSIN PTA GOVERNANCE PROVISIONS A. A board member: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Assumes a role of leadership and responsibility Is discreet and tactful Uses good judgment Devotes sufficient time to the role Represents WI PTA in such a manner as to reflect credit to the organization Actively participates in respective committees and commissions Participates in all Board of Directors meetings Submits a written plan of work to the executive committee by the specified date prior to the Fall board meeting Submits activity reports by the specified date prior to all Board meetings Submits an annual report by the specified date prior to convention Uses discretion in reporting discussions at Board meetings Communicates plans for action to the president for endorsement Promotes and assists PTAs in the local area where he/she resides Reports the status of prospective PTAs to the president and State Office utilizing a field service report form Disseminates pertinent information to regions, councils, local units, and individual members Prepares articles with president’s approval for the bulletin and supplies information pertinent to their position on the board for the WI PTA website Promotes PTA projects, programs and materials Must be a member of a local PTA unit or WALU (Wisconsin At Large Unit) Will keep up to date procedure and board books to pass on to their successor Will promptly respond to all correspondence Will submit receipts and itemized vouchers within thirty (30) days of expenditures Will not accept personal pay for any work done on behalf of WI PTA Will deposit honorariums/stipends into WI PTA general funds account immediately upon receipt Will fulfill assigned duties promptly Will return to Wisconsin PTA all materials within fifteen (15) days of completion of term or when vacating the position. Will not incur expenses to a committee or commission without prior knowledge of said chair Whenever possible, will make arrangements for direct billing to WI PTA for expenses greater than $200.00 Will perform all duties and be governed by the WI PTA bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised Will send copies of all official PTA communication or correspondence to the president Will seek president’s approval prior to any publicity releases Will seek president’s approval prior to any field service activities Will oversee and direct the Endowment Fund as stated in Policy and Procedures B. Plan of Work 1. The plan of work should: a reflect goals for the year/term b. substantiate any budget requests c identify the responsible parties for each activity/goal d. identify the expected outcome of activities e. reflect how plans meet the objects and mission of the WI PTA f. identify how the activities/plan will be evaluated g. include timeline 2. Plans of work are to be done by all committee and commission chairs and special project coordinators and region advisors C. Activity/Travel Report 1. a. b. c. d 2. The activity report should: reflect activities board member has participated in on behalf of WI PTA reflect purpose of activity as it relates to the mission and Objects of WI PTA reflect outcomes achieved by involvement in said activity reflect how WI PTA is represented throughout the state Activity reports are to be submitted to the WI PTA office by the specified dates D. Annual Report 1. 2. 3. The annual report is made available to the entire membership to reflect the work done by each Board member throughout the year/term that they have served. It should reflect a compilation of activity reports. It is due to the WI PTA office by date specified before convention. E. Business Cards 1. 2. All board members shall be supplied with business cards to use when representing WI PTA. Personalized cards are provided for all board members. F. A Board member who fails to meet the above expectations and/or fails to attend two consecutive meetings without reasonable cause will: 1. Receive a letter from the president after consultations with the Executive Committee stating the lack of participation and requesting a letter of resignation. 2. Be required to respond within thirty (30) days or the position will be declared vacant by the Executive Committee. WISCONSIN PTA LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES 2 2.1 PRESIDENT – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability this position: A. B. C. D. Shall perform specific duties as stated in the WI PTA bylaws Article IX: Duties of Officers. Shall supervise the State Office and perform administrative duties. Shall update the Employee Handbook as needed with approval from the Executive Committee. Shall conduct annual employee reviews with Wisconsin PTA employees following the adoption st E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. of the annual budget prior to August 1 . Shall assume general supervision of the work of the WI PTA. Shall carry on all necessary correspondence and keep a file of all official Communications. Shall sign all official contracts authorized by the Board of Directors and shall co-sign all charters with the treasurer. Shall approve and sign vouchers for all authorized WI PTA expenditures. Shall approve all items being distributed in any medium by WI PTA. Shall prepare an agenda with the office personnel to be presented to each Board member thirty (30) days prior to the opening of each State Board meeting. Shall represent the WI PTA at educational and child welfare meetings or appoint members of the Board of Directors to represent WI PTA at such meetings. Shall make the following appointments with the Board of Directors’ approval: a. A PTA representative to other organizations and agencies or special project groups. b. Standing committee chairs who are not elected. c. Those special committees or chairmanships necessary to the effective operation of the WI PTA. d. Region Advisors. e. Up to four (4) Special Project Coordinators. f. Up to eight (8) Liaison members of cooperating agencies and organizations to serve on the WI PTA Board of Directors. g. PTA Partners or cooperating agencies and organizations. h. Board members to serve on specific commissions and committees. *Appointments shall terminate upon completion of that administration during which the appointment was made. Shall make arrangements for a parliamentarian for WI PTA when necessary. Shall write articles for each edition of the Wisconsin Parent Teacher. Shall submit reports of the activities and business of the WI PTA as specified in the state bylaws. Shall perform such duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. Shall determine additional duties of the immediate past president and other WI PTA Board Members. Shall designate the president-elect to act in the absence or inability of the president to perform the duties of said office. Shall assign Board members any additional responsibilities, including field service and extension, necessary to carry out the work of the WI PTA. Shall be responsible for WI PTA publicity to the news media. Shall vote as a Board member in the interests of the National PTA as a whole rather than solely in the interests of the WI PTA. Shall serve as a member ex-officio of all committees except the committee to nominate officers. 3 W. X. Y. Z. AA. BB. CC. DD. EE. FF. Shall make decisions on mailings that would support any resolutions that have been adopted by the convention delegates. Shall be authorized to retain an attorney, at WI PTA expense, in whom the president has confidence to consult on PTA legal matters. Shall be empowered to sign warrants on the treasury. Shall appoint a State Board member attending the National PTA Convention as coordinator as stated in 2.0. Shall notify Board members of election or appointments to a new position Shall secure a letter of acceptance from the candidates for state offices along with a black Shall secure a letter of acceptance from the candidates for state offices along with a black and white glossy print photograph of the candidate and biographical data for the Wisconsin Parent Teacher and shall forward this information as appropriate by stated deadlines. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. Shall coordinate the development of a Board training program consisting of two (2) components: Region Advisor training and full Board training to be presented at the summer board meeting at the beginning of each new term. Shall work in concert with the President-Elect to guide the President-Elect in the basic responsibilities of the President. Shall be encouraged to have their immediate family attend the State Convention at PTA’s expense for their room and planned convention meals as budget permits 2.2 President Elect - Duties In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Shall perform specific duties as stated in the WI PTA Bylaws; Article IX: Duties of Officers. Shall serve as the chair of Region Advisors. Shall serve as the chair of the Leadership Committee. Shall be a member of the Legislative Committee. Shall act in the absence or inability of the president to perform the duties of said office. Shall serve as an aide to the president. Shall perform any additional duties and accept areas of responsibility as requested by the president. Shall be a member of the Convention Site Selection Committee. Shall update and distribute resource binders to all Board members on a yearly basis. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. Shall succeed the current President. Shall become familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the President by working collaboratively with the President. Shall be prepared to present their introduction speech at convention for their term as president to include: Theme;. Request for volunteers; 4 N. O. P. Q. Thank you to outgoing president Shall be encouraged to have their immediate family attend the portion of convention at which their induction will take place, this would include a minimum of one (1) night’s lodging and the cost of family meals, if any, for the induction ceremony, as budget permits. Will meet with the Region Advisors and the President-Elect at the Summer Board meeting to distribute information on local units without current Officer Lists in the State Office. Work with delinquent PTAs that receive Letters A & B Present motions to withdraw charters of PTAs not in good standing or who have chosen to disband. 2.3 VICE PRESIDENT – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. Shall perform specific duties as stated in the WI PTA Bylaws; Article IX: Duties of Officers. Shall serve as the chair of the Policy and Procedures Committee. Shall serve as chair of the Resolutions Committee. Shall serve as an aide to the president. Shall perform any additional duties and accept areas of responsibility as requested by the president. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. 2.4 SECRETARY – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Shall keep attendance at State Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Shall keep minutes of the convention, Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Shall submit a typewritten copy to the office supervisor and president within thirty (30) days following each meeting. Shall prepare a statement of any unfinished business for the president. Shall keep an accurate, up-to-date list of members of all committees. Shall conduct correspondence at the direction of the president. Shall keep original copies of all motions made during Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings until approval of minutes and then discard actual motion sheets. Shall serve as a custodian of all historical documents not in the custody of other officials. Shall supply all motions to the appropriate Board member within thirty (30) days of the Board meeting. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the date specified prior to each Board meeting. Shall oversee the work of the Award committee and the Bylaws Committee. Shall perform additional responsibilities as may be assigned by the president. 2.5 TREASURER – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability this position: 5 A. Shall oversee the financial business of the WI PTA: 1. Review and reconcile checks, deposit slips, vouchers, time sheets, bank statements, transfers of funds, etc to each other and to the transaction report monthly. 2. Verify that the president has authorized and signed all vouchers. 3. Verify that amounts have been coded to the correct budget accounts. 4. Prepare the books for audit and ensure audit of books is done at the beginning of each treasurer’s term and a compilation done in alternate years. 5. Ensure that a summary of the accountant’s financial report appears in the bulletin following the report. 6. Maintain copies of all financial records for two (2) years. Permanent copies will be maintained by staff in office. 7. Present financial reports at each Board of Directors meeting. 8. Maintain chart of accounts and review annually with Executive Committee. 9. Sign checks. 10. Serve as chair of Budget Committee and provide budget worksheets to committee chair. 11. Set dates for budget meeting, budget requests deadline and budget proposal due date to be announced at spring Board of Directors meeting. 12. Present the proposed budget at July Board of Directors meeting. B. Shall ensure that the office staff performs assigned duties as related to accounting: 1. Quarterly financial reports are prepared and distributed at Board of Directors meetings. 2. Monthly financial reports are sent to Executive Committee members and monthly transaction reports to appropriate committee chairs. 3. Payment of payroll liabilities (state, federal, unemployment). 4. Payments of bills/leases are made in a timely manner. 5. Ensure that the executive administrator has informational access to Wisconsin PTA bank accounts. 6. Bank statements are reconciled. 7. New budget is entered into the computer. 8. Form 990 and schedule A are filed with the IRS by November 15. 9. Form 941 is filed quarterly (Jan 15, Apr 15, July 15, Oct 15). 10. Non stock corporation report filed annually (June 30). 11. Review insurance coverage and insure payments are up-to-date. 12. Maintain permanent copies of all financial records for at least seven (7) years (includes checks, vouchers, IRS reports, WI Department of Revenue reports, membership reports, National PTA reports, monthly budget comparison reports, transaction reports, etc.) 13. Maintain permanent records such as incorporation papers. 14. To count and record proceeds with another designated Board member or employee before and after sales dates. 15. Responsible for oversight of WI PTA store: a. Maintain inventory database for store items. b. Maintain items needed to facilitate store such as cash boxes, signs, etc. c. Arrange for store set-up and takedown. d. In cooperation with the president plan for and purchase inventory. C. Shall submit a profit and loss report and budget comparison report at each Board of Directors meeting. D. Shall file reports from the Brookmire Hastings Fund trustees. E. Shall perform additional responsibilities as may be assigned by the president. COMMITTEE CHAIRS: 6 2.7 FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE CHAIR – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. Shall be elected by the board of directors and shall serve for a term concurrently with the administration which the election was made and may be reelected to future terms. Shall keep the PTA membership informed of pertinent and up-to-date federal legislative activities on a regular basis with the approval of the president. Shall assist the State President in increasing the visibility of PTA’s federal legislative priorities among PTA members and the general public by contacting local and state media outlets and building coalitions with like-minded organizations. Shall have a firm understanding of National PTA’s annual public policy agenda and communicate priorities to PTA members within the state. Shall stay abreast of National PTA’s priorities moving through Congress and shall educate the membership on the importance of PTA legislative activity at the national level. Shall lobby elected officials on behalf of PTA. Shall manage and maintain a working relationship with members of Congress. Shall meet with federal legislators and/or participate in teleconference calls with members of Congress. Shall attend National PTA’s Legislative Conference and schedule and coordinate Hill visits for the Wisconsin delegation at the National Legislative Conference. Shall participate in regularly scheduled conference calls. Shall recruit advocates to join PTA Takes Action Network. Shall coordinate the response to PTA Action Alerts and encourage responses from PTA members in the state. Shall build and maintain a base of key advocates that can effectively and rapidly respond to Action Alerts. Shall provide members with resources, training and support to maximize Action Alert response rates and provide feedback to National PTA on communications. Shall work closely with Member-to-Member Network. This network consisting of at least one person from each congressional district shall act as a link between the Legislative Liaison and the local units. Shall submit written reports of current legislative activities and priority issues to the State Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. Shall carry out the directives of national resolutions and the national legislative programs as adopted by the national convention delegates. Shall provide information on current legislative issues and concerns through articles submitted to the Wisconsin Parent Teacher. Shall serve as a member of the Resolutions Committee in an advisory capacity. Shall be a co-chair of the Legislative Committee along with the state Legislative chair. Shall make recommendations with rationale to the Executive Committee as to which coalitions to join. Recommendations will be given by the WI PTA Executive Committee to the Board of Directors who will have final approval. Shall be responsible for making sure the National PTA Resolutions and historical books are updated when National PTA supplies updated information. 7 W. Shall submit a budget with the state legislative chair to the Budget Committee by date specified by the Budget Committee. X. Shall report to the Board of Directors and the delegates at the state convention and/or Legislative Conference any action taken on all resolutions. Y. Shall train and deliver workshops that engage PTA members and other child advocate in the state on advocating for PTA’s federal legislative priorities. Z. Shall submit for approval to the president all dates, fees, publications, and notification information being sent to local units. 2.8 STATE LEGISLATIVE CHAIR – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. Shall be elected by the board of directors and shall serve for a term concurrently with the administration which the election was made and may be reelected to future terms. Shall keep the PTA membership informed of pertinent and up-to-date state legislative activities on a regular basis with the approval of the president. Shall be a visible and active force at the state Capitol representing PTA and all children and youth in Wisconsin. Shall attend legislative hearings, meetings, conferences, etc., of the state legislature, informing and presenting to the legislators the approved stands of PTA on issues pertaining to the health, education and welfare of all children and youth. Shall alert the membership through “Calls to Action” with approval of the president. Shall educate the membership on the importance of PTA legislative activity at the local and state levels. Shall submit for approval all dates, fees, publications, and notification information being sent to local units to the president for approval. Shall submit written reports of current legislative activities and priority issues to the State Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. Shall carry out the directives of state resolutions and the state legislative programs as adopted by the state convention delegates. Shall provide information on current legislative issues and concerns through articles submitted to the Wisconsin Parent Teacher. Shall serve as a member of the Resolutions Committee in an advisory capacity. Shall be co-chair of the Legislative Committee along with the Federal Legislative chair. Shall make recommendations with rationale to the Executive Committee as to which coalitions to join and why or why not. Recommendations will be given by the WI PTA Executive Committee to the Board of Directors who will have final approval. Shall submit a budget with the federal legislative chair to the Budget Committee by date specified by the Budget Committee. Shall report to the Board of Directors and the delegates at the state convention and/or Legislative Conference any action taken on all resolutions. 8 P. Shall conduct a State Legislative Conference once a year preferably while the Legislation is in session. 13.0 EDUCATION COMMISSION CHAIR – DUTIEs In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Shall be elected by the board of directors and shall serve for a term concurrently with the administration which the election was made and may be reelected to future terms. Shall oversee the duties of the commission as stated in 12.0 – Commissions. Shall chair commission meetings at each State Board meeting and oversee the work of the Commission. Submits a written plan of work to the President by the specified date prior to the fall board meeting. Shall submit a budget annually to the Budget Committee by date specified by the Budget Committee. May request, with the approval of the president, assistance of an individual with the necessary expertise in a specified area to aid, assist, and consult with members of the commission. Shall work with and request necessary assistance and information from the Legislative chairs. Shall perform such duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. Shall keep current on educational changes, i.e., DPI and report such changes to WI PTA Board of Directors. Shall submit for approval all dates, fees and notification information being sent to local units to the Executive Committee or, in the case of a limited time line, to the President for approval. Shall support the efforts of the Reflections and Brookmire Hastings committees and all other appropriate special project coordinators. 14.0 MEMBERSHIP COMMISSION CHAIR – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. Shall be elected by the board of directors shall serve for a term concurrently with the administration which the election was made and may be reelected to future terms. Shall oversee the duties of the commission as stated in 12.0 – Commissions. Shall provide membership techniques to recruit more members and organize more units. Shall explain the advantages of membership in the National PTA and Wisconsin PTA upon request. Shall assist with the formation and distribution of the membership packet in the summer and include promotional and informational leaflets. Shall oversee office staff as the tabulation and recording of membership totals are completed. Membership tabulation by region and copies of those reports are given to each member of the 9 G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. Executive Committee, Bylaws Chair and each region advisor. The report shall include membership totals for all local units listed by region and a total membership comparison from the previous year. Shall confirm with the office that the National PTA monthly membership reports have been submitted. Shall be responsible for membership awards for which local units and councils may compete by: 1. supplying information in Summer Packet 2. informing local and council units about awards whenever possible 3. tabulate the results and notify the winners of awards 4. overseeing the awards presentation at the convention Shall oversee and coordinate the work of the Extension, Diversity, and State and Local Relations Committees. Shall serve on the Extension Committee. Shall inform the president and Leadership Chair with regard to membership totals and all membership activities. Shall encourage and train units to use online membership recording. Shall be responsible for having charters and other membership awards lettered. Shall be responsible for membership banquet (event) at annual convention. Shall be responsible to see that all local units not in attendance at the convention receive their awards. Shall submit a budget annually to the Budget Committee by date specified by the Budget Committee. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified prior to each Board meeting. Submits a written plan of work to the President by the specified date prior to the fall board meeting. Shall perform other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president. 17.0 BYLAWS COMMITTEE CHAIR – DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position A. B. C. D. Shall be elected by the board of directors and serve for a term concurrently with the administration which the election was made and may be reelected to future terms. Shall keep an accurate and up-to-date file of the bylaws of local units and councils. Shall notify units and councils of the need to review and/or revise their bylaws, as needed in accordance with the three (3) year bylaws requirement. 1. Shall maintain the suggested bylaw fill-ins revising them when necessary to include the most current articles and sections of the National PTA and those with number symbols as required by the WI PTA. 2. Shall send reminder letter or email to constituent organizations which are approaching the three (3) year due date which coincides with their last date of bylaws approval. 3. Office staff will include in the summer packet a link on where to find the bylaws fill-in forms on the state website. Review bylaws as outlined in Wisconsin bylaws. 10 E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Shall send quarterly reports to President, President-Elect, State and Local Relations Chair, Council Presidents and Region Advisors. Shall submit a plan of work by the fall Board meeting. Shall submit a budget annually to the Budget Committee by date specified by the Budget Committee. Shall perform other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president. Shall send a written report to the Membership chair within five (5) days of the March 1 deadline for award applications to indicate constituent organizations in good standing. The Bylaws Chair shall: 1. Submit the proposed amendment(s) to the Bulletin Editor for publication in the Wisconsin Parent Teacher convention issue meeting the deadline defined by the Bulletin Editor which will be at least thirty (30) days prior to the state convention. 2. Submit the approved amendment(s) for publication in the Wisconsin Parent Teacher issue following the state convention. 3. Submit to the National PTA Bylaws Committee a copy of the approved WI PTA Bylaws into which amendment(s) was/were enrolled. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. 21.0 REFLECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR– DUTIES In addition to the duties and responsibilities described in 1.1 Board of Directors General Responsibilities/Accountability, this position: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Shall be elected by the Board and shall serve for a term concurrently with the administration which the election was made and may be reelected to future terms. Shall assume general supervision of the work of the Reflections Committee. Shall promote and implement the National PTA Reflections project. Shall submit a written plan of work to the Education Commission Chair by the fall meeting. Shall submit a Reflections budget annually to the Budget Committee by date specified by the Budget Committee. Shall submit written reports on current actions, activities and programs to the Board of Directors by the specified date prior to each Board meeting. Shall assist local units and councils in developing their Reflections programs. Shall follow state chair responsibilities as described by National PTA 11
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