www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com Tuesday, December 23, 2014 | The Herald-Tribune 1B Holiday Greetings and Letters to Santa The following letters to Santa were submitted by area first-grade students. They are being published as we received them so they retain their character and uniqueness. Thank you to all the students, teachers and administrators for helping make this special section possible. Batesville Primary School Ashley Boyce’s Class will machrd you cookes. Marey Crismis! Love, Alissa Dear Santa, How are the red nose render? Are you feeling rested? I would love to have a Ipod. I would like a specl snow toy. Love, Makyla Dear Santa, How are the elves? Are you feeling rested? I will leev cookees. I wat a Elsa doll. It sings. Love, Ginger Dear Santa, How are the randeer? How is Mrs. Cloz? I would like a craze car. I would like a trachter. I will leve Dear Santa, the carits. I will leve the How are the elves? Are cookes. I can’t wat to see you rete for Crismis? I you! Love, would love to have a miyZach inkraft book. I would like a new wii game. I will set out cookes. Mere Crismis Dear Santa, Santa! How are you? How are Love, the deirs? I would love Jason legos. I would love a new room. I will give you a preDear Santa, sit. How are the rander? Are From, Oliver you eksidid? I would love to have Barbe. I would love stuft anmls. I will give the Dear Santa, rander karits. I love you! How are you? Are you From, happy? I would love new Annabelle close. I would like a new pupe. I will help you. I will Dear Santa, help the elfs. Mary CrisHow is ever bodey? I mis! Love, would love a little Babe Paisley hos. I will make shur the elves do wut there spost to do. I thank you. Hav a good Dear Santa, crismis! How are the elves? Are Love, you feeling ok? I would Addison love a lava lamp. I would love borbe drem haws. I Dear Santa, will leve carits for the randHow are you doing? Are ere. I hope you have a good you feeling rested? I would Crismis! Love, love to have a Else. I would Josie love a Dsi game. I will make sure to decrate the tree. Dear Santa, Love, How is Miss Clos? And Addi the rander? And the elves? How are you? I would like Dear Santa, a Ipad tuch and Frozen How are your elfs? Are people. I will leve the lites you happy for Chrismis? I on so you can see. And I will leve some carits out for would like a rabitt. I would the rander. And some cook- like a book. I will give you some kooces and milk. I ces for you. I hope you will give your randeers cerhave a good Crismis! Love, its. I love you! Love, Grace Nikiya Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you? Are you How are the rendeers? feeling ok? I would like a Are you retey for this Crishors. I would like hise. I OBERMEYER’S MARATHON Great Friendly Service Oldenburg • 934-2334 mis? I would like a babe Dear Santa, weinr dog. I would like a How is Mrs Clos? I like wii. I will feed the rendr scilandr trap teem. How tral mix. Mary Chrismis! ubut a big montr hro facLove, tre? Sydney Love, Cole Dear Santa, How are your randear? I Dear Santa, want a stuft rander. I want How are you and Mis it to be big. And I want a Clos? I would like a Frozn stuft whale and I want it to cupudr. I would like a be big too. I would like a Frozn jamis. Mare Crimis! Elsa doll that sings. I will Love, leave cookes and carits for Evalyne your randear. Have a good Chrismas! Love, Becky Brown’s Class Alliya Dear Santa, Haw is yoer randere? Dear Santa, How are the ranedeears? Haw ar you? Haw is yoer mom? I wunt a dol that I Are you feeling good? I would love to have sum big had las yer that ate and tractrs from rolr king. I will dranc and talk but I wunt it leeve milk and coocees out to be a boe. I wud like a frosin toe and I wud like a for you. Love, te rex toe. I wil lef you Liam cuces and melk and I wil lef your rander karits. Love, Dear Santa, Libby How are your randeer? Are you happy for ChrisDear Santa, mis? I would love to have How is Rudof? Is his nos monstr doll girl. I would shining? I wunt the qrx love a new borne baby. I magusort and the rpm am excdid to see you! Love, magusort. I wunt a rpm Ava morfr that cams with a sole numbr on it. Hav a mry crismis. Dear Santa, Love, How are your randear? Carson How are your elves? I would love a craze car. And Dear Santa, I would like a WiiU. I will Is Roodolfs nose still put carrits for the randear. shinie and bright? Is Mrs. Mary Crismis! Love, Clos still makeing you Kolvin coockies? I want 3 things for Crismis. I want fast shoos and a xbox 360 and a Dear Santa, zoomer dinow. Santa Clas I How are you doing? I would love to have a ifon. I will leave some coockies for you and caruts for the will leve you cookes for rainder. you. I will leve you carits Love, for randers. Mathias Love, Owen Dear Santa, How is roodolf dooing? Dear Santa, How are you? Are you Is it snoweng in the nrth redey? I would love a math pl? I wont a nu bike and I book. I would love to have wont a transfurmr and I a minecraft book. I will wont a pla do set. Mare make shur to unlock the krismis. door for you. Have a grate Love, Chrismis! Keegan Love, Mar y Dear Santa, How is Rudof doing? Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clas doing? I How are the raneder? I want a for welr. I want a big would like a bike for Krisbox of Lago. I want some mis. I would like a wresler. huntn clos. Have a Mare I will lev karits for roodof! Cismis. Love, Love, Brady Owen Happy Holidays 321 North Walnut St. Batesville, IN 47006 Cell (812) 212-4701 • Office (812) 934-6191 [email protected] • www.countrysideRE.com Chuck Peters Broker Dear Santa, How have you ben? How many toys have you made? I want a amaracan girl dall with close. I want sew coll and make up. I’ll leav you cookis. Have a mary crismis santa and the raindeers to. Love, Jadah Dear Santa, Are you haveing a good day? Haw is Roodof dooing? I want a gogo pet and a Amercin girlu dol. I want a frozn elsu dol and Anna. I will leve karites aoot for you. Love, Katelyn Dear Santa, Is Reodfs nos stil shining? Haow is Koopid? I went a truck that kan pol 200 ponds. I wunt dolls and doll kloz. I will breing you kookez and some mlk. Hav a nise krisms. Love, Adalynn Dear Santa, Asc the elfs if theay can make a Barbe Dram hows. Is Rodofs nos stil red? Is Anya on the notty list and am I on the notty list? I want a dog. I want a choklit bar. Have a good Crismus. Love, Roxie Dear Santa, How is the randers? Is rudofs nos stil shine? I wunt a rander and evrething that a techr has. I wunt a zebru. I will lev you summer sosij. Love, Laney Dear Santa, I wundr wot can you see wen it is sumr? I wundr wot do you do on Crisms? Cold you ples giv me a green mshen and toy dinosr and a toy bot. I mit lev you cucez. Mre Crisms. Love, Michael Dear Santa, Haw are you doweng Santa? Haw is Roudof? Is his nos stll shinin? Santa I wunt a zoomr dinow and a star wrs rebl set. Hav a marey kissmiss. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, How is Rudolf doweng today? Is Rudolfs nos shine? I wot a mermad and a elf. I wll lev you mik and keukes. I love you. Love, Belle Dear Santa, Haw or you Santa? Haw is Dear Santa, Rudof? I wut Legos. I wut barHow are you today? Wat bes. I wut a game. Santa I will are you doowing today? giv you cukes and milk. Love, Are you doowing the wrk? I Layney wont toes and horeses for crismis and aples and a sla. I will lev cokees aut for Dear Santa, you. Is Rodolfs nose stil brit Love, and shine? Are you ok Loren Santa Clos? I wish to have a woch and a remot cntrwl Dear Santa, motr sicl with a scop. I am Is Roodofs nos stil glogoang to lev you sum ing? Is Crismis sperit stil kukes! I am goang to lev up? I wat a gutr and a srfsum stuf for Rodolf! Love, bord and a pupe. I will lev Noah the randers mrshmelos and you couces. Mere Crismis. Love, Dear Santa, Anya Is ure slae rate? Haw ar you in the norf ple? Is your Dear Santa, alfs doing thar wrk? Are you Tel the Elfs this out laod. taken good kar of Lee? Is he doing his wrck? Is Lee bene Elfs thank you for making all of the toys for all of us. I good? Haw is Mis Clos? I wunt a truk wut pols 200 wod like a Baglls Jrses. I wod like a Basckt Ball goll. I paonds and a cd and his will make you choclit coces. I name is Ed Sheldin. I wunt another cd and his name is will git the ran deer some Gasun Arden. I will giv you ckarits and I will make your 18 coces. Have a mare krisalfs coces to. Have a mare mis. crismis santa. Love, Love, Quinten Brayden Warm Holiday Wishes From Our Family To Yours! Fine Woodworking Since 1992 1646 Lammers Pike, Batesville www.heartwoodmfg.com 2B Dear Santa, I wus wondreng if the elfs are wrocking on toys? Haw is it going? I wut a spider-man. I wut a ds3 and I wut a ds1 and I wut a ds2. I will leef mick and cookes. Love, Tyler Tuesday, December 23, 2014 | The Herald-Tribune Dear Santa, How is the family? I’v ben a good gril this year. This year my teacher wants some new smelly markers. I want some frozen toys. I want some stuf. Love, Katie Dear Santa, Dear Santa Is Roodofs nos stil sinie? I like my fod. How do Is your sla rede? Can you you make toy? I like you! I git me a transfrmr four wut a doll. krisms? Can you git me a I like miss clos. Ds3 gam? Can you git me Love cande? I will lef you som Kim mek and cukes. Love, Dear Santa Peyton I love you. I love miss clalls to. Dear Santa, And I want frozen toys How is Mrs. Close? How to. I want mackrs to. are you? I want a Brbie Love Drem Huose. I want a Baby Kylie Dall. I want a kitty cat that meowes. I will give you Dear Santa, cucies and milke. Have a Santa I want a doc mick merrey Crismes. Love, stufins that sing docmickCorrine stufins for my sister Maci. Santa, what do you want Dear Santa, for crismis. Santa, I want a How are your deer? Is cooking set. Santa, I want rudofs noz shine? I wut a a mearkin girl doll. game and I wut a dinosor. I Love, wut a dinosor game and Mia mario party 7. I will leev you milk and kucees. Dear Santa Love, How do you get rader? Tanner How do you get elfs? How do you get toys? I love Santa? Lora Eckstein’s Class Love Dear Santa, Noah How do you make the toys? How do reindeer pull Dear Santa the sled? I want a bed for I want a new tablet thank my umercin doll. I want you for the gift last year. I school hoom wock. I do not want some legos an books. no if I wel gev you cookies. Love I love you! Samuel Your friend, Abigail Dear Santa, How are the smurfs. I Dear Santa hav ben a gud blu. How do you get in if I dot I wut a chiwawa. How have a chimhne. How do you make toys? How do the rein- are you Santa. Love deer pull the sled? I want Takoda baby dolls. I want a fish. Love, Dear santa, Cora Haw have you bin? I Dear Santa, wont a robot for chismis. I How long have you lived will give you cookies and ther? Can you get me a milk. Doc Micsuffens cit. How is I wont a woch. Roudof doing? How is his Love red nos? How is miss clos? Wyatt Love, Ryanna Dear Santa, How are the elfes doing? Der Santa, I wata a rabit. Haov are you Santa? I wata a spider-man-3 haov are the elvs? play set. Can you git me a ipod. I I wata a now bed. wut a cat. I wata a hipopdmis. Santa my mom wus a het I wata a ten now swisorblacit. menifs. Santa I wut a fish. Love Yor Frin Gabe Adr yanna Dear Santa For cresms I want a xbox one . Santa and I want a xbox fee 6d. Do you like toys? Do you love Oliver? I want Lego morbls. I want to giv you cukes and milc . From, Oliver Barb Hartman’s Class Dear Sant Nick, How are the randeer? plese may I have a mini/ ipad with a bump armor case, a ipod with a camoeflg case, and Bengals scarf. Have a safe flight Love, Lawrence Dear Santa Hi how are you? do you Dear Santa, no what I want. I would I wut a monky pet. And I like big legos. How are the wut a book. raindeer? I wish I could And I wut a batman see you. I like your toys game. And I wut a penguin every year even win I was a pet. And I wut legos. And I baby. Me and my brother wut toys and I wut a would like too see you cas ra-man game. How do the my brother and I would rander fly? How is Mrs. like to be one of your elvs. Clos doing? How do you My mom and dad have make the toys? I was cookies for you. How is beeyng good. Ms. Claus. From, Love, Ricky Cayden Dear Santa If we don’t have a chimney and you walk thru the door how do you be qwiet? I want a pink sweter for my dog What kind of cookies do you want? Can I have a dog bed for my dog? I want a deer phone case for my mom. What do you want for chrismas? How do you turn invisible? How do your elfs make toys? How is your family doing? Love, Lauren Dear Santa I wunt for crismas is a big bon for my dog. I bin a good booy. Haw do the randing fliy. I wunt for crismisis is a frin sip brislit. I will make cookes. I wunt for crismis is a swop firs irn man. Love Grant Dear Santa Claus, Merry Christmas! How are doing? Are you ready for Christmas? One thing I want is a Disne lan tikit LOVE Abigail Dear Santa, How are the elfs doing? I want a wiiU. Good Luck you are epic Santa! I Love you Santa! what is your favrit food? Love Johnny Dear Santa Claus, Hi. Good Luck. Be safe. How are you doing? how do you make toys? wat is your fraorit toy? I want Jobbu the hut Legos. have a safe trip. Love Eli Dear Santa, How are your elf’s ding? How are your randeer ding? Are you rede to go. Is Misis Claus ding. I hop your not sike. Is your favrit food cookes! Have a saf trip. I want a ipod, and a pant ball gun. Love, Austin Dear Santa I wuz good boy For santa this yer. Santa set a note. It side I will be good For mom. Dear Santa, Love How is Rootof doing? Zach good? Ok? Can you pleace get Me an inden head band Dear Santa, and inden vest, and a pilI will make milk and grim kastoom, HoHoHo. cookies. Love, How are the randere? Ashdyn How do the randere pull the sled ? Dear Santa, I whunt a tadlit. How are you? I want a Love Frozan Cristol cingdom Megan Bantey. I liked The supris you lefted me last year. I Der Santa clos allso want a crala Marker How rae the fse? Haw is maker. Did you like my Dear Santa, miss sat clos? cookeis last year? What Dear Santa I want a som legos. My Wut do the rad ete? Haw hapens when you are sick? How r you doing. miss dad want to play cards. My rae the efs? Sat clos can Love, clos how r you doing. how mom want mony. I help my cuo git me a bebe gun. I Anna r the reindeer. how r the dad make a sno man. My wut the modr I wut the elfs doing? santa I will like babe wants little cars. cran box. I luve santa clos. a snow glowb plees santa. Dear Santa, Love, Luve love Hi You are cool. How Cristian Imogen Hunter are the reander? Merry ‘TIS THE SEASON – TO SAY THANKS! www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com christmas! I want the lagos Dear Santa Claus, I want a Hide away pets. How is the raindeers good luck. doing? for Crismas I want a Kayden marker case, Ezy Bake Ovin Food, and a hola hoop. Good Luck Santa Dear Santa, claus? Merry Christmas? How Claus. Love, are the elvs? How is Madison Rudof? How are you doing? I want a ezl please. Dear Santa Claus, I want some Books please. How are you doing. and Have a safe trip. Love, How are yore rain deer Jayne doing. I whold like a Lego set, dirt bike and a game. I hope you will not be sick. I Dear Santa Claus, Merry Christmas! Be hope you Have a good safe. I want a hide away Trip. and how are yhor elfs pets. I want a swetr. I doing. want Elsa doll. How are Love, the riandeer? How are Brennan you? Love, Dear Santa, Lauren Hi how are you? Can I please have a new SkyDear santa, lander giant? Can I please How is Rudolph? Is his have Mario Kart for the nose working fine? Is Mrs. wii. I also want a toy T-Rex. Claus making cookies? Have a safe flight. Good May I have Suxtion cups, luck. some that are very stickey. Love, I want a remote control car Tyler please. I hope you have a jolly winter. Dear Santa, Love, hi how are you? I would Grace like two miny control space ships. I hope your not sick. Dear Santa, have a nice trip santa Merry Christmas. How Love, are things? Did you have a Fenix good year? How is Rodoff? I want a play station2. p.s. Dear Santa Claus, can you bring Madin 12? I Hi Santa Claus. I want want a nother Score board. big grim lock. Is Vixin I want a city sciway. Good sick? I want a wwe game, luck! wresalen game. Is Roodof a Love, good flier? Do you want Lincoln cookies insted of deer metie? Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, Love, Marry Christmas Santa! Jaxon Are you happy? Is Roodof ok? Plese I want a Roodof Dear Sanet Nic. Nose, remot cantrl T-rex, Witch ranedr is your and a pink hero costom. faverit? Can I have a play Bye Santa! stayeshon 4. A Batman Love, game. Have a good ChristMadelyn mas. Love, Dear Santa Clacs, Damien merry christmas. How are you. Wot are you doing? I Hope your feeling Lori Moore’s Class good on christmas. I want Dear Santa, a fake motrisikl. I want a I toy jep and a pet cat RCbat bot. How are your and a pretty scrff. riandeer doing. thank you Love, for all the presints Last Cheyenne yere Santa. How is Misis claes? wote is Misis clacs Dear Santa, real name? Have a Merry I ningue costoom and a Christmas love, Big Batman set and a reaRobert mot control car and a spy lite. Love, Dear Santa Clows, Winston I hope your feeling well. I want a xbox 3-60, the Dear Santa, Alien invashan lego set, For Christmas I want a and bongos. Hows Mrs 30s, 20s a ipad, a tablit, a Clows. I hope you have a safe way around the world. ipad. A lock Dood Dairy book. How are the raindeer? Love, Love, Ethan Owen Greetings, Friends! Just a note of thanks for your loyal patronage this past year! We couldn’t have done it without your support. Koch Auto Parts & Service, Inc. COMPLETE AUTO PARTS STORE & RADIATOR REPAIR 286 Central Ave., Batesville • (812) 934-5066 www.kochautoparts.com Happy Holidays! Whether you spend Christmas at home or away, may the true Spirit of the Season be with you. Serving all faiths... 151 W. George St., Batesville 935-3201 • www.weigelfh.com Mon. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. • Sat. & Sun. 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 121 Depot St., Batesville • (812) 932-3687 www.bigfourcafe.com www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com Tuesday, December 23, 2014 | The Herald-Tribune I want a 3DS weth a pen. dairy, A stufd pig, A stufd Dear Santa, For me a fla skeren and a I want a trane and tracs yoonu kitty, A pac of gum, and a ipad miny. Barbey and a preses and A pac of Har stuf. Love, Love, Eelse and onan. Brady Love, Annie Kelli Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, gum Dear Santa, I want a utkon, I want and a Dog, cat bride doll. A yoonu kitty. I want a hos I wut a vest, xbox, Fbol. Kitshin ice creem book. A A basebol, sokr bol, tenis with a hon. I want a erens. cookes moster hide doll, a bol, tele gernal. I wut min I want a dog. cotton candy maker. A Love, krft buks. diery lip stick. A playdol, a Love, Violet watch, a skinye genes, a Joaquin pretty boots. Dear Santa, Love, Dear Santa, I Lik spi guer. I wut it fur Isabela crismus. I want a book, a dolphin and a fak pup and that is it. Love, Dear Santa, Love, Charlotte I want the big teenage Haley mutinn, the cotton candy maker, big hero six toys, wii u, punching bag, snowpants, bodybag, uFc gloves, ps4, rollx. Love, Corbin Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want mr tratrs and kitte I want a telewskop for zoomra stuffed anamrll Krismis. tigre and anew tigre pencrll Love, and a chrte and a shrt and Madison pance and a pop gun. Love, Dear Santa, Dakota Dear Santa, Legunss, mrbls, hcastik. I want a stuff anol that has Love, Dear Santa, bag eyes so he can see me. Kain I want a big Dathaws and Love, Katie a BorBe and hot pink pants. Dear Santa, Love, I wunt a robote. I wunt a Baylee sling shot ples can I have Dear Santa, this stuf. I love you Santa. I Dear Santa, I ben good. I want A FICE wunt a spiger. I wunt a pet pupe. I wunt a cucing set that cucs relefoad. I wunt a ar hockey. Love, Noah Dear Santa, I wud like a chapstr and I wut a nostrhoebo the mumegrl. Love, Katelynn 3B Dear Santa, thanks for all you done I want to know if rudogh is real. I was wondering if you could Bring Skylanders trap team I wish chrismis was today have a safe trip santa Love, Jeffr y R. Dear Santa, I hope you and your elves are working on the presit’s good. Are you Cathy Ollier’s Class pracksting flying your rainDear Santa, deer’s? Are you feleing I think it’s very nice of you good? For Chismis I want a to fly in the sky all night on crazy cart. But if you can’t Christmas eve. I bet you and give it to me then I will just your elves have been worktake a new jugle Budle. ing very hard each year. Love, How many elves do you Reesa have? I was wondering if you could get me some stuffed Dear Santa, animals with big sparcly are you bisy in the north eyes. And if you cant get that poll. For Cristmis I wun’t a I understand because I could snoe bord. also use some more ecsessoLove, ries for my (my life doll). Landon And I still understand if you can’t bring that. Mabey I just Dear Santa, need some charms for my I hop you and your bracelet. Have a safe trip. rander are safe in the cold Love, wether I am iksidid abot Adria C. the snoow do you love it STAMPING TOOLING Fore crichmic I want a cat. I hop you have a saf trip Love, Kennedy Dear Santa, Thank you for your hard work. I love Chrismas. Could you give me a Dino zoomer. and a airhoks hellacopter. I would like a zoomer. Love, William K Dear Santa, thak you for giving me pres Haw are your raneder doing? Sant can you bring me a stuff chic? can I have ball cop? have a sauf trip Love, Ben K Dear Santa, I hope you bring a Ipad, I undrston if you can’t bring a Ipad it is ok if you don’t bring one. I want to have appls to appls kis if you don’t bring that its ok I undrstan Santa. I hope you randers are ok I hope you have a marer chrismis at home. Love, Sebastian WELD MACHINE We owe our success to the faith and support of our good friends here in the community. y We are grateful to share another year with you! Merry Christmas! From Batesville Tool & Die 4B Tuesday, December 23, 2014 | The Herald-Tribune Dear Santa, When is elf Jingils going to come to my house? How is roodoph? For Christmas I want my password jarnal, Amaracain Girl books, and Amaracain Girl bike. Love, Emily Dear Santa, I love Christmas because its all about Jesus. I hope the elvs are working hard. Can you bring me a Bengals jersy and football but if not I asked my grandma too. Have a safe trip. Love, Simon B Dear Santa, how are your raindeers how do your raindeer having magic? All I want this year is a crazy cart, toy mashen gun and a wu plees. Love, Kalem Dear Santa, Thank you for all your hard work. How is the North Pole going? I hope you and your reindeer are ready for the big night. I love Cristmas becase everyone is hapy thanks to you. Thank you for the gifts you gave me last year. This year I was thinking about a robe. But if you can’t I could use a pair of slippers. I would also like an Amarican girle doll . I would also like a TMNT ackchin figer. have a safe trip. Love, Emma Dear Santa, How are Dasher, Danser, Pranser, Viksind, Comid, Cyopid, Doner,Blitsin, and Rudoph? How are your Elfs? Last years Crismis was asom. I rily wold like a darway if you can. Or if you cant can you get me a amarikin girl doll it would be great if you could. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Ava Dear Santa, I loved crismas last year. Thak you for all the gifts. I got a lot of gifts last year. I hope you and your randeer are redy for crismas. This year I want a Amaracan girl that’s named Isabell and sage and caraline. I just love crismas. Love, Alexa B looting roodoff? Last year’es you camo chare was good. Can you pleas get me a puching bag? Love, Trenton Becky Rauch’s Class Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are your elfs? Are they working hard? Is your sled Dear Santa, working? I wish I want a I hope That your elves Dear Santa, stuff animal fire Mario. I are working a lot cus I Is your elvf being fin? I want a 3ds smash brother don’t want chrimiss bad. I wis I had Dinobot Kane, game. Plees tell Mrs. Clos I How to cran your Jragns hope you have safe and sed hi! good trip and I hope That toys. I mis you Santa! Love, you don’t git poost back to Love, Liam the northPole then we want Zoey have chrismis. we only Dear Santa, have 4 5 or 6 weeks left. All Dear Santa, Haw r the randere? Haw I can ask for is 3 tings an How are you? How is is mis Clos? Can I git a tay are a Macks toe truck, mrs. Cosv? I cant wat to IPot five? I wish I can hov Brockos pennit, Jack see you! I like a brbey a exbok. Haw ar the elvs? Annay Number 17. merry plesy. I like a xbox plesy. I Thake you for mie prests. chreimiss. like my ona bed plesy. Love, Have a safe trip! Love, Owen Jonathan M Love, Makayla Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I wish I could have a Are you going to have a Dear Santa, boomrag. I wish I caould good trip to erey ones How are you? Are you houses in time and can you have the moov Smooke and wrcking hord. Can I get a get me a nrf gun for crimis the Bedit. I wished for a lap top, bed for my AmeriWeii u Pamen the ivly 2. I can gril, tent for my Ameriand a pake uv socks. Love, wil lev you some kookies can gril. Do you want sum Brandon H and milk. ckoockes. Wish kined of Love, ckoockes do you want? Tucker Dear Santa, Love, How is rodof and the Valentina Dear Santa, other rain deer doing? And Can I ples hav a ipd 5. how is elfe doing? Will you Dear Santa, How are you rander. I hop try to get me a kindle for I like a dees. Is Mrs. Cos thay will fiy to dlivr the Crismis? If you can’t get good? Santa I like a sifu pesints. Can I ples hav a 3 Rodof. Merwe Crismis. me a kindl try to get me a DeS. I hop I will beabl to rollo costr or a tv. Love, Love, see you. Kenna Lov, Noah Kaiden Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How old are you? How Dear Santa, I wording if you could manny elfs are there? Are Are you ok? Is Mrs. Clos eney elfs sicke? I wish I tell stev that you a sind at ok? I wish I could have a my hosu to stop writeing had a toy cat. I wish I had ipad and a cat and a weu on the bathroom mirror. toy dog. I wish I had a toy game. Maree Crismis! Santa, I want a sled that fish? I cant waht to give Love, you milke and cookse. will not break ok. I want a Boden amrakin gril doll and some Love, Junie B Jons books that’s Amelia Dear Santa, all. What are your elfs doing Love, Dear Santa, Aubrey G at the workshop? Is Mrs. Are you doing good in Klos sik? I wish I could hav a puppy, iPad, and a Dear Santa, kumouth. How are your reindeer Love, and you. I like the messege Brayden you sent me. I hope you Dear Santa clals, So how are youre elfs doing. is roodoff doing good. reley Santa I so badle had save trip I wat a go Dear Santa, cart, pant set, and Xbox wanta laptop. How are your elvs. I 360. Love, wish I have Ds and a ipad Love, Leo Ruger and a chrack. I hope your are good. Dear Santa, Love, Dear Santa, How is roodof and the Br yce How are your raiders incother randeer and elfse. Santa can you git some transformrs and some lagos? Have a safe trip. Love, Clay Merry Christmas Dear Santa, How are the raindeer’s Are you redy for the big night? How are you doing today and how are your raindeer too today? I want legos becuse I like bilding. Love, Carter Providing Insurance and Financial Services Paul Ehrman 1750 St. Rd. 46E. Suite B, Bateville, IN 812-934-5795 Member FDIC Season’s Greetings From: The Town Stitchery 620 E. Pearl Street Batesville • 9 34 53 934-5383 We Appreciate Your Patronage. 11 E. George St. 812-934-2116 117 N. Main 812-934-3145 the wrc chop? Are the elvs doing good too? I wish I could hav a bunee plees and sumpthing that me and my familee can hav a tran set. Love, Kailey Dear Santa, Hal is your ulsvs? Are there on the notae list? I wut anee toye you givne me? Have a good good day! Love, Blayden Dear Santa, I hope you are getting a nuf sleep. I whod like a chransfrmre that chrans frmrs in to a rodot. And I whod like a ples car. Mare Csmis Santa. Love, Devin Dear Santa, I wish I could have a ipad. I wish I could have a toy cat. I wish I wish I had a cat. How is the elft? Are thay good or bad? How is Mrs. Close? How are you? Mare Chresmis Sante! Love, Ashlee Dear Santa, Are your elfs natee or nice? Are your raindeer black or brown? How is Mrs. Clos? I wish I had a Sunman Elementary flutrshie with big wings School and her wings sparkle. Snata for my sister she can have a pony. My cat can Bonni Cline’s Class have a toy mouse. Mery Dearsanta, Crestmis Santa! For crismas I ould I wont Love, Julianne a borbedoll for crist Love, Dear Santa, Anastatia W. How are you? How is Miss Clos dooing? How Dear Santa, are the elfes dooing? My For Christmas I would sistr Addison wants a cafee like a lot of Patriots stuff cup. I wans a Gtr 50. I and a NFL Foot BALL. love you Santa! I would also like Patriots Love, stuff. Macy Love, Brady B. Dear Santa, How good are you? Is Dear Santa, your raindear good? I wish For Christmas I would I can get a Barbie. I wish I like a mockth car. I would can get a boll house. I like mockth Mostrock. wish I can get just dance Love, 2015! Marry Chrismis Braylon C. Santa! Love, Dear Santa, Alice For Christmas Ruber bands and a cat and a bird. Dear Santa, Love, How are you! How the Brilynn F. wrking doing? How are the elvs? Are day bad or Dear Santa, good? I wish I can have a toy nite ferey. Have a good For Christmas I would day. like to hav a Ipade, I would Love, also like to hav dragins. Bethany Cade With Wishes Merry & Bright At the start of the holiday season, we’d like to extend our warm wishes to all our patients, family and friends along with our gratitude for your continued support. It’s been a privilege serving folks like you and, as always, we look forward to seeing you again soon. SCHEELE ORTHODONTICS, INC. Call 812-932-4040 for your free orthodontic consultation. 374 Northside Drive, Suite I Molls Crossing Batesville, IN 47006 Call me for global expertise with local connections. 321 N. Walnut St. Batesville Have A Blessed Christmas. Dear Santa, How are you How are your elzf? Are the being good? I wish I can I have the super star collection of the wwe. I wish I can have the Mincraft animals, and a ipad nabi and a dinisor transformor. Do you like some cookie or milke? I hope you have a good trip. Love, Alvaro www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com Rheadawn Young 812-498-9332 ECKSTEIN & SHANE INC. 14241 N. Morris East St. Batesville, IN 47006 Sewer & Drain Cleaning Plumbing Repairs Heating and Cooling Service & Installation Digging Services Grinder Pump Maintenance & Repair Rick “Bubba” Shane Owner Phone: (812) 934-3549 Fax: (812) 934-3745 Cell Phone - Rick: (812) 525-0773 www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com Tuesday, December 23, 2014 | The Herald-Tribune I would also like a Dear Santa, bike. I will see you soon. For Can I pleas have it ? Christmas I would like a Love brbe I will give you a big Tyler hug. Charlee Dear Santa, I would like babdows Dear Santa, weth cares. For Christmas I would I am Allyson Frazier like a zipe and I would aiso Merr y Christmas! like umarcingarldol. And a dol. Dear Santa, Love, For Christmas I would Cheyenne B. like mariotoys For Christmas.I would Dear Santa also like mariogames. For Christmas I would And a Mario hat. Santa like computer. I would also how do you make stuff? like TV. Merry Christmas Love, love Cody R. Anthony. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas I would I would like a easybakelike 3dds with games. I would also like anmal toys. oven for Christmas. I would also like frozen Love, David H. baribes. Santa how Did you get magic powers? Dear Santa, Merr y Christmas For Christmas I would Ava like cat close. I woud also like new Petshops. Dear Santa, Love, I would like a lotuv stuft Emma H. anumals for Christmas. I wunt a blac and blue Dear Santa, bic. I wunt a atv Kwod. For Christmas I would Merry Christmas, like a pup pless. Thobd/ Love, Peno. Beckett Love, Jacob M. Dear Santa, I would like mune for Dear Santa, chmistmas. I would ost like For Christmas I would bir bak book. like a X box 360. I would Merry Christmas! also like a remote ctrl Love, robot. brian Jacob S. Dear Santa wate do you wunt for Christmas? Wute shod I get my sister? Dear Santa am I on the good or the bad list? Have you seen me do mud rasis? Christmas is a very funholaday. Please give me snacycup. Please call me like you did last Christmas. Dear santa, Iwude like a stufft I would like skyjlanrs wopswopsworfors. anamli. Merry Christmas Happy cristmas. kagen Love, Alex Dear Santa, I would like a Elsa tollrDear Santa, doll for Christmas. For Christmas I would I would like a Anna tollr- like a kitty and a new shirt. doll for Christmas. I would also like new I would like a Sven stufft pants and a toy. ainmell. I would like an ipod. Merry Christmas How many raindeir do Love, you have? Leah hutson. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, I would like a Pogo stick Dear Santa, for Christmas. I would also For Christmas I would like a bath robe. Merry like I wiuld like a go cort Christmas. but I know you can not get Love, me a go cort. me and my Luke Wilhelm bruthr wiuld like a paoor weel can you at leest get Dear Santa, that paoor weel. Can I get a I would like a ipod5 for tablit. Christmas. Luve, I would also like a book. Braxton How do you sleep? Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, Love, For Chritmas I would Maddie rayne noel. like a borbey and a doll. I would also like mom Dear Santa, doll and a baby doll. I would like skylanrssDus mrs.clos go with wopfors. I would also like a you? xbox and a tv. How do your Nise sning uran evey randers fly. Love bodeys hawsis. Love, Nathan Cherokee Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a frosin set For Chrismas I would for Christmas. I would also like a pupy. like Bafstuf fo my Baf. I I would also like a book luve satu of pierits. Merry Christmas satu! 2 hot wels. Summer 1 hat. A new bookbag. A xbox 1. Susan Sandman’s Class Can I have a ipad. Dear Santa, Love, For Cristmas I would like Colton a streryors legos and a would x box 360 game and Dear Santa, a wod set and a x box 360 For Christmas I want to ckchrol and a ipepy and a ride with you and I want a plool and sum bled blaeds pupey. I want a scilander and a bled blaed stadeeum. vido Game and sum mare Stat is it. And have a mare bablades. I want a Ipad and Cristmas. I want a supris. Love, Love, Aaron Colton Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas I woud I would like play doh sets like chatsters. I woud also and I would like you to like the new lalaloopsy bring me lost of presents. Keaton bakeing oven. How do you wach us for deckads and not get cot? Dear santa Merry chrismas For CHRISTMAS I love WOLB LIKE I WOULB ciara w. Love, Layal B. Dear Santa, I would like skilandre Dear santa trap teme and some lego’s I WILL LIKE aesebaand one hors. cavin and a tishinbirt and Can I have a elechrik legos and a bookshelf and skootr? a my own computer and a Love pet duk and a flag. George Love. Lexi Dear Santa, I would like Skylanders swap fores,and more video games. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Do you have an elf that’s really short? Love Jonas T. DEAR SANTA, I WOULD LIKE A DES AND SKYLANDERS TRAP TEAM WITH THE THREE TRAPS IN IT. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, love For Christmas I would hayden. like a pepey s 7 and a I popi Dear Santa, For Christmas I would I would also like a coops Dear Santa, like bike I would also like a and a some pupe and a doll I would like a drtbick. I Lego cit sets. and a dog and a plool. Seth would like a forwilr. I Love, would like soms Abby mijatrdools toys. I would Dear Santa, want a sckooder. I would For Christmas I would Dear Santa, wunt a otmis prim and bublike a book shef and a For Christmas I would ble for Christmas. quad. like a trumpt. I love you Santa. Love, Love, Isaiah Wyatt B. Adam Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like remote for our TV a new bike a toy car. I would also like a toy horse and a toy cow. Lucas Ann Marie Rogers’ Class Dear Santa, I would like stufanimals for Christmas. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a Drt bik for For Christmas I would like a frozen blanckete and christmas. I woyld Also like lechtc hel cobtv. a frozen purs. Hal cnd yl rader fi? Merry Christmas! Isaias Three Cheers To You! Wishing you and yours much joy and laughter, at Christmastime and forever, after! Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a ulechike scoodr. I would also like a umerucin grl doll. I wold like a now bike. I would also like sum sckats. I rele wouldlike a hors. I woud like the fens that kums whithit. I wold like tow gocrts. Love, Onika Dear Santa, I wood like a peanow. I wood like a motr bick. Sarif car and ckes. Tob and a bad. I wunt you to give me a pupey. I wunt a ship. I wunt a hat. I like a bran shos. I wunt a brad now back pack. I wunt sum thred. I wood like red vest. Love, Quinn Marilyn Amberger’s Class Dear Santa, How are the toys going? Thanks for going urond the citiy and giving toys. I wode like a remot contrle plane and a xbox 1. Merr y Christmas! Matthew Dear Santa, Thank-you for everythig and I rily like all the raindeer! How is Rudolph? Is his nose stile red? I want a serprise please. Merry Christmas! I live you! Love, Paige Dear Santa, How do you make the toys? Thank-you for the toys! Ples bring me a ipode. Santa is the best prsen ever! Merry Christmas! Love, Noah Please bring me a toy rainderu. Thank-you for ereyThing! Win did you ixst? Merry Christmas, Santa! From, Aya With warm wishes to our patients and friends this holiday season. A Stitch In Time 25 E. George St., Batesville 932-0174 or 932-3145 David J. Welsh, M.D. FACS Board Certified General Surgeon General & Vascular Surgery Member of American Society of Breast Surgeons St. Louis Catholic School Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like quot ipod. And los and los of obe,s spos. Dear Santa, And a threds. Please bring me a ipad. And a kidol. haw mend how is Rudolp doing? elfs do you hav? Thank-you for my toys! Love, Merry Christmas! Ryan Love, Vincent Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a razr blad bike. Hal do you fly. Love, Trenton Merry Christmas! ENNEKING AUTO BODY www.ennekingautobody.com Dear Santa, For Chistmas I would like a pet kitin. I would also like a like a pet puppy. Love, Kennedy Janet, Elaine, Cheryl, Amber & Carol Wishing you a healthy & upbeat holiday season! It’s been a pleasure caring for you this past year! Dear Santa, For Christmas I would kike two giny pigs and a dyese that dis plays wwe. Santa, whut dus your randeers eat. Santa,I am gowing to give you a happe Christmas. Love, Tristen Dear Santa, For Christmas I would I would like a shopkins. Like a book and Elsa Dear Santa, doll. For Christmas I would I would like a babie. like a new bat that is blue. I would also like a bike. Love, Love, Winston Kaitlyn We know you’re on the list of people we’d like to thank this holiday season. Your kind patronage has made it all worthwhile. Surgical Associates of Southeastern Indiana, P.C. 1667 N. Michigan Ave. Greensburg, IN 47240 Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm phone: (812) 663-3015 Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Nitendo DS 2 and a X box And how did you make Magic? Love, Jamison Dear Santa, For Chiristmas I would like 7 tede baers that look the same I would also like clozue for them. I wold also like a craft sener. Can I osuoe have a marckin girl doll that looks like me. Can I have a book fo Forzn. Can I have a sun hat. Can I have sume new tites. Can you git will a baby doll. Love, Emily With thanks for your valued business the past 60 years, from all of us. 4909 St Rd 46 E Batesville, IN 47006 Monday-Friday 7am-5pm phone: (812) 934-3358 5B We value your trust and thank you for seeing us this past year. From Gregory Wilson, O.D. And Staff 1055 Tekulve Ave., Batesville 934-5347 800-676-5347 551390 Season’s Greetings g From Schmidt's Bakery Open Christmas Eve Dec. 24th 4 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Stop by today and get your last minute Christmas Cookies, Holiday Stollens & Coffee Cakes Schmidt’s Bakery 812-934-4262 125 Batesville Shopping Village • 934-4501 Offices: conveniently located in Greensburg, Osgood, and Rushville. Expect Great Things! We hope your holiday season invites family, friendship, good fortune and goodwill. 235 W. 2nd • Rushville 765-932-3236 Wishing you boundless joy during this special season. Thank you for making this a wonderful year. To all the customers who have come through our door this year, thank you for choosing us. We appreciate your patronage, and we wish you all the best at the holidays and always. NOBBE MOWER SHOP 419 W. Mill St. • Greensburg 812-663-3065 (812) 934-4258 www.hoeingsupply.com 287 State Rd. 129 Batesville, IN Wishing you all things bright and beautiful this holiday season. We appreciate your patronage and look forward to seeing you soon. H&R BLOCK ® 4 Village Dr., Batesville 4 Village Dr., Batesville 934-3209 934-4626 551424 6B Tuesday, December 23, 2014 | The Herald-Tribune www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com are you? Elf on the shelf she was acting like a ornament. From Gabe Dear Santa, Wich cooky do you like best? I rily apresheat that you travel all urownd the werld just to give us toys! Can I please have Barbys and a ruberband kit and one supris? Merry Christmas! Love, Karsyn Dear Santa, I want a conputr and a I pad and a Nerf gun. My elf on the shelf was silly Today From Nathan Dear Santa, Please bring toys to my hose. Santa, how do you make Rudloph fli? Thank you far all my toys! Merry Christmas! Love, Felicity Dear Santa, I want some paints and a ipod 3 Elektrik Skooter. I love you Santa. How are you? im good. And there is one more thing for x-mas an Elf on the shelf. I want it to be a girl. From Aliyah Dear Santa, Please bring me lego frends and lego city and I woud like a new barbe to! Do you like the cookes that me and my mom and Joseph and Sarah and Dad made? Is Rudolphs noos stil shining? Thank-you for last yers preses! Merry Christmas santa! Love, Rachel Dear Santa, I want ipad and a BB gun. Have a nice Christmas. from, Caleb Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? Thank-you for the toys you brot me last year. Please bing me a ipad. toys. Santa you are the best Merry Christmas! Love, prsin ever! Do you have a Olivia fevorit raindeer? Merry Christmas! Love, Dear Santa, Caleb Can I haf a xbox and Mincraft toys? How are the Dear Santa, toys doing? Thank-you for Thank-you for all of the your gifts the uther yer! toys that you bring me! Merry Christmas! From, Please bring me a ipod and Donovan a lap top! How is Rudolph doing? Love, Dear Santa, Tyler Why is your name Santa Claus? Thank you for my toys. I wuld like mycromots Andi McKee’s Class and rmot kuntrol toys. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Thaks for making the Love, gardian anjols wake me up. Leo Can you please bring all nick ninja terlterls, shark Dear Santa, manya, a romot gttroll helaI love you varee much! Thank-you for my leep pad copter and NFL steelers last yer. Dear Santa, I wont guys? From, a pink bik? Dear Santa, Aiden how is Rudolph doing now? Love, Dear Santa, Meg Thank-you for your elf. Santa how is Rudolph Dear Santa, Can you not give me any- doing. Santa can you bring thing? Thank-you for all the me sum nerf guns? Merry Christmas toys last yere. How are the Thomas toys now? Merry Christmas Santa! Dear Santa, From, Will you bring me a footAmaia ball? Thanyou for the toys. What are you doing now? Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Can you please get me a Brady kindl? Thank-you for my Dear Santa, I want a baskitball, and a Helicoptr. Are you and Mrs. Claus very good? Love Nolan Merry Christmas Dear Santa, Katelyn How are the randers. Are thay good are thay bad? I Dear Santa wunt toys santa. Thank-you Please bring me a snow santa. From bord for Christmas and Aaron how is Rudolph? Merry Christmas Santa claus. Thank-you for everything! Dear Santa, From Thank you for the toys Ben last yer. I luvd them and the elf and you santa! Dear Santa From Please bring me a elf on Jack the shelf gril and a ipod and a makup set and a pupDear Santa pei. Thank-you santa. Please bring me a tablet Love and a motorbike and capCate guns and a wish to go to the NFL! Dear Santa From, Please bring me sume Jaiden mincraft blind boxis and the lego frends new stuff Dear Santa and playdow. Santa how is Please bring me lotsa and lotsa toys. How is Rud- elvey doing. I hope that he is good and if he is not loph. Thank-you Santa! then please send me a note Merry Christmas Isabel so I can no. Love, Bridget Dear Santa Please santa bring me a Dear Santa fon and a ipod. Is Rudolph Please bring me a hairdoing okay? Merry Christloom and a toy netivide set. mas Love Thank-you santa. Merry Kalli Christmas. From Sophia Dear Santa Please bring me a big Dear Santa stuft anamol and a nuthr Please bring me nerfstuft anamol for my cusan. guns and armee stuff and Please bring a bakpak. Dear Santa, I want Pez and a ball. granades and a tincan and How are you? My Elf Jina gun that macks sownds. gles is very funny. Merry Christmas santa Love From Peyton Br ycen Dear Santa, Dear Santa I want a I pad and a paint How is Rudolph doin? Will you please bring me a set. I like my Elf on the Shelf. amarikin girl doll nameed Love Saije. Kailey thank you santa. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, Ashley I want a new book bad and new books about aniSt. Nicholas School mals. Dus Rudolf have a grifren!! Love Jona Dierckman’s Class Lauren Dear Santa, I want a Mp4 player and Dear Santa, scarf. What is your fonubor I want new cars and Frum transformrs. How fast duz Macey your sleigh? Love Dear Santa, Dane I want a cinchin set and a new baby. Dos Rudolf have Dear Santa, a red nose? I want some new Justise Love Bonnie stuff. I want the new Amiercan Gril doll. Do you have any Brothers or SisDear Santa, ters? I want a Amiercan Girl Love, doll can I have a Barbe Paxten doll. Is roodoff actually has a red nose? Dear Santa, Love I want a new bik. I wish I Bayleigh had a reel lif pupee. Do you hav tall elfs? Dear Santa, Love, I want a new football and some football cards. How Lindsey Wishing you a Safe, Healthy & Blessed Holiday! Happy Holidays! the waters Widener Automotive, Inc. of Batesville 958 E. Hwy 46, Batesville 934-2436 Everyone here is hoping your Christmas delivers in every way. We appreciate your choosing us. Bedel’s Marathon 102 N. Smith St., Batesville 551426 628 E. Pearl St. Batesville, IN 934-2910 1-800-274-0256 Having customers like you fills us up... with cheer! We really appreciate your stopping here. 934-3901 In a time when everything changes so quickly, it’s good to know we can count on the goodwill of our neighbors and friends. For your continued patronage we are undeniably grateful, and wish you and your family the best holiday season, ever! 8 N. Depot Batesville, IN 47006 (812) 934-0218 426828 bedelsmarathon.com We thank you for your valued business, and wish you and your loved ones a bounty of glad tidings this holiday season. 118 SR 46E, Batesville, IN 47006 (812) 932-8000 or (800) 544-5776 www.tudorsquare.com ...and to all a Good Holiday! With exceeding great joy, we wish you and your family a truly miraculous holiday season. It’s been a privilege for us to serve people like you. Thanks! With thanks for your business this year from our entire team. Open daily 10:30am – 10:00pm Op 1088 St. Rd. 229, I-74, Batesville • 812-934-6262 551422 912 N. St. Rd. 229 • Batesville
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