Schenectady Rotary Club J u ly 2 0 1 4 Sun Mon Tue Discuss Goals for 2014-15 Prepare for DG Visit Implement Bylaw changes Semi-annual Membership report (SAR) due to RI on 7/31 Grant applications due to Community Services Committee sign-ups; committees begin meeting Bottles & Cans every month on the 1st Thursday Wed Thu 1 MENU 7/10: 6 7 8 9 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA Shrimp with Pasta Stockade Salad Strawberry Shortcake 7/24: 7/31: Assorted Wraps Asian Chicken Salad Stockade Salad Cookies Meatloaf Roasted Potatoes Green Bean Salad Stockade Salad Berry Cobbler 13 14 15 Funding applications due to Community Service Committee 20 21 22 3 4 5 10 11 12 16 18 19 International Comm. Noon @ Merriam Insurance 23 25 26 Club Assembly: 2014-15 Goals, Budget 17 PROGRAM: Dave Hennel, District 7190 DG 24 PROGRAM: Brett Gatta, Morgan Stanley 27 28 29 Sat No Meeting Stockade Inn closed Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers Sausage & Peppers Cole Slaw/Greek Salad Brownies 7/17: 2 Semi-annual membership report due to RI Fri 30 31 New Member BBQ @ PROGRAM: Fred Daniels’ Dawn Abbuhl, Repeat Business Systems Schenectady Rotary Club MEMBERSHIP & EXTENSION Au g u s t 2 0 1 4 Sun MENU 8/7: Picnic - Sandwiches & Wraps 8/14: Grilled Chicken Tomato, Cucumber, & Mozzarella Salad Stockade Salad Brownies 8/21: Shrimp with Pasta & Summer Vegetables Cucumber & Red Onion Salad Stockade Salad Lemon Layered Cake 8/28: Mon 3 Tue Wed 4 5 11 SICM Lunch Schenectady Rotary Service project What do members want to do? Serve SICM lunches, Quackenbush Park, Week of 8/11 New member BBQ—(July 30) Fri 6 12 SICM Lunch Committee List/Roster Updates to members Thu Past Presidents’ Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 10 7 Sat 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 CLUB ASSEMBLY Picnic at Rotary Park 13 14 Board Meeting 8AM PROGRAM: YWCA Joint Meeting with Kiwanis/Siena Coach International Comm. Noon; Merriam Ins. SICM Lunch SICM Lunch SICM Lunch 17 18 19 20 21 PROGRAM: Dr. Stephen Ainlay, Union College Bring Your Own Lunch 24 25 26 27 28 JAZZ ON JAY Keith Pray’s Soul Jazz Band 31 Schenectady Rotary Club NEW GENERATIONS September 2014 Sun Mon Tue 1 9/11: 9/18: 9/25: Cheeseburger Sliders Sausage & Peppers Potato Salad Strawberry Shortcake Meatloaf Roasted Potatoes Green Beans Stockade Salad Chocolate Mousse Grilled Chicken Tomato, Cucumber, & Mozzarella Salad Stockade Salad Peach Cobbler Baked Ziti Meatballs Stockade Salad Cookies 7 8 Thu 2 3 9 10 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA 14 15 Fri Sat 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 Past Presidents’ PROGRAM: Lunch—Pinhead Oded Ben-Ami Susan’s Spiritual Teacher Deadline to submit nominations for RI “Service Above Self “award MENU 9/4: Wed RYLA Deposit Due? Rotoract/Interact activity? Foundation checks to be given out: 9/4—CDYMCA 9/11 9/18—Sunnyview 9/25—miSci 16 PROGRAM: Brian Merriam/Mike Himes Haiti 17 CLUB ASSEMBLY 21 22 23 24 PROGRAM: Dave Buicko, Galesi Group Mohawk Harbor 28 29 30 RYLA Opening Session Schenectady Rotary Club - VOCATIONAL SERVICES October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Assorted Wraps & Sandwiches Potato Salad Stockade Salad Cheesecake 10/16: Chicken Piccata Garlic Mashed Potatoes Stockade Salad Apple Crisp 10/23: Shrimp with Pasta & Veggies Stockade Salad Bread pudding 10/30: Asian Chicken Salad Butternut Squash Soup Stockade Salad Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Frosting tinted orange for Halloween Past Presidents’ Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 10/2: Foundation checks to be given out: 10/2—SCAP 10/16—SCCC Foundation 10/23—Girl Scouts 10/30—Jr. Achievement Thu Fri 1 MENU 5 6 7 13 8 14 20 21 15 27 28 3 4 9 10 11 RYLA event 16 17 CLUB ASSEMBLY 22 International Comm. Merriam Insurance BYO Brown bag 26 2 890 Clean Up Rotoract Mtg. 11:15 SCCC 19 Sat PROGRAM: Chad Putnam American Made Board Meeting 8AM YWCA 12 Members discuss careers at SCCC or SHS for Rotoract/Interact? Planning for Applebees New Member Orientation Possible Financial Audit 890 Clean-Up PETS training Haiti project? Pro-rated membership report to RI 10/1 29 23 24 30 31 PROGRAM: Judy Nocera Polio Plus PROGRAM: Terry Phillips and Elena Alvarez Paul Harris Society 18 Rotary Leadership Institute @ Siena 7:30 AM—3:30 OM 25 Schenectady Rotary Club - ROTARY FOUNDATION N ov e m b e r 2 0 1 4 RI Foundation Presentation at Club Assembly; Polio Pig kickoff? Auction? Recognize Paul Harris Fellows & Veterans @ Club Assembly Sell tickets/promote 12/14 Applebees Proposed slate for 2015-15 Board presented at 11/12 Board meeting Checks given to:11/6: Schenectady BPW; 11/13: Community Garden Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 UN Day MENU 11/6: 11/13: Salisbury Steak Steamed Broccoli Garlic Mashed Potatoes Stockade Salad Brownies 3 4 Interact 3:35 Schenectady HS Room E3 Turkey Stuffing Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Stockade Salad Pumpkin Pie 9 10 5 11 12 Finance Comm. Board Meeting Noon 8AM YWCA SCCC, Canalside Café 16 17 6 7 Past Presidents’ Membership Comm. Lunch—Pinhead Mtg. 11:15 Susan’s PROGRAM: Paul Jessup Corporate Chaplaincy Assorted Wraps & Sandwiches Potato Salad Stockade Salad Apple Crisp 11/20: 2 18 13 PROGRAM: Dr. Rob Fox Computer Vision Syndrome 19 RYLA Event 14 24 25 20 26 21 30 22 HOLIDAY PARADE Meet at 2:30 SCCC 27 THANKSGIVING No Meeting 15 7190 Foundation event @ Proctors CLUB ASSEMBLY 23 8 28 29 Schenectady Rotary Club - FAMILY December 2014 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Lemon Shrimp with Parmesan Rice Steamed Broccoli Greek Salad Brownies 12/11: Holiday Party 12:18: Chicken Parmesan Ziti with Marinara Caesar Salad Cookies Thu Fri 3 Sat 4 5 11 12 6 Past Presidents’ PROGRAM: Lunch—Pinhead Jeff Christiana & Susan’s Vince Kittle Ring of Hope MENU 12/4: Finalize plans for Applebees on 12/14 Nominations and Election of 2015-16 Board & Officers at 12/4 Club Meeting Schenectady Rotary Foundation election for 2015-16 officers Salvation Army Bell Ringing: Price Chopper 12/17,18,19,22,23: 9 AM—9PM Collect gifts for City Mission Invite family members to Holiday Party Dues notices to members 7 8 9 10 Interact Holiday Party Finance Comm. Board Meeting 3:45 Room E3, Noon 8AM YWCA Schenectady High SCCC, Canalside Café 14 15 16 Breakfast with Santa at International Comm. Applebees Noon Merriam Insurance Brown bag 21 22 BELL RINGING 28 17 BELL RINGING 18 CLUB ASSEMBLY 13 RYLA Event 19 20 BELL RINGING BELL RINGING 23 24 30 25 CHRISTMAS No Meeting BELL RINGING 29 HOLIDAY PARTY 31 26 27 Schenectady Rotary Club ROTARY AWARENESS J a n u a ry 2 0 1 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed New Member Orientation Promote Rotary in the community Secure Karaoke Sponsors Semi-annual Membership report due to RI on 1/1 Schenectady Rotary Foundation elections will occur Thu Fri 1 MENU January 8, 2015 Greek Salad with Chicken Baked Potato Soup Stockade Salad Peach Cobbler January 15, 2015 Meatloaf with tomato glaze Roasted Potatoes Green Beans Stockade Salad Chocolate Mousse January 22, 2015 Assorted Wraps & Sandwiches Potato Salad Caesar Salad Apple Crisp Sat 2 3 9 10 HAPPY NEW YEAR! No Meeting POLIO PLUNGE! Bowl over Polio @ Boulevard Bowl 1-4 PM 4 5 6 7 8 Finance Comm. PROGRAM: Noon Joint meeting with KiVisiting Nurses wanis 108 Erie 11 12 13 14 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA January 22, 2015 Grilled Chicken Macaroni & Cheese Apple Walnut Salad Cookies 18 January 29, 2015 Shrimp & Rice Stir Fry Green Beans Stockade Salad Bread Pudding 25 19 20 15 RYLA Event 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 CLUB ASSEMBLY Interact Club CoPresidents to join us 21 PROGRAM: Dr. William Vacca Palliative Care 26 27 28 Past Presidents’ PROGRAM: Lunch—Pinhead Dr. Larry Spring Susan’s Schenectady Schools Update Schenectady Rotary Club WORLD UNDERSTANDING Begin selling Karaoke tickets/promote event Grant Requests due to Community Services Committee F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 5 Sun MENU February 5, 2015 Pulled Pork Sandwiches Baked Beans Cole Slaw Caesar Salad Cornbread Ambrosia Fruit Salad February 12, 2015 Asian Chicken Salad Butternut Squash Soup Stockade Salad Berry Cobbler February 19, 2015 Chicken and Dumplings Spinach or Greens Caesar Salad Carrot Cake February 22, 2015 Grilled Cheese Tomato Bisque Potato Chips Apple Walnut Salad Cookies February 26, 2015 Beef Chili with topping options of Shredded Cheddar Cheese and Sour Cream Macaroni and Cheese Stockade Salad Corn Bread Brownies : Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 PROGRAM: Andre Lake Solar & Energy Efficiency 8 9 10 11 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA 15 16 17 22 RYLA event 12 13 14 19 20 21 27 28 PROGRAM: 18 Grant Requests Due to Community Services Committee 7 CLUB ASSEMBLY 23 Rotary Anniversary 24 25 Past Presidents’ PROGRAM: Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 26 Schenectady Rotary Club - LITERACY Solicit Nominations for Awards (due 4/15) Paul Harris Birthday; induct at Assembly? M a rc h 2 0 1 5 Sun MENU March 5, 2015 Roast Pork with Apples Wild Rice Green Beans Stockade Salad Chocolate Mousse March 12, 2015 Corned Beef & Cabbage Glazed Carrots Mashed Potatoes Apple Walnut Salad Irish Soda Bread Rice Pudding March 19, 2015 Shrimp Scampi with Pasta Steamed Broccoli Caesar Salad Cheesecake March 26, 2015 Chicken Tetrazzini Green Beans Stockade Salad Cookies Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu Fri 4 5 Sat 6 PROGRAM: 8 9 10 11 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA 15 16 17 12 KARAOKE 5:30 - 9 PM Van Dyck No Meeting 18 7 RYLA Event 13 14 Multi-district Multi-district PETS—Syracuse PETS 19 20 21 27 28 CLUB ASSEMBLY 22 23 24 25 Past Presidents’ PROGRAM: Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 29 30 31 26 Schenectady Rotary Club - ROTARY MAGAZINE April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Club Award Nominations due 4/15 Pro-rated membership report to RI 4/1 Onion sales begin/solicit @ other Clubs Rotary Magazine project? Volunteer Week: Service Project? Submit qualifications for Presidential Citation to DG Thu Fri 1 MENU Sat 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 PROGRAM: 4/2: 4/9: 5 6 7 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA 4/16: 4/23: 8 12 13 14 PROGRAM: Chris Hunter, miSci Steinmetz birthday 15 Club Award Nominations CLUB ASSEMBLY Due 4/30: 19 20 21 22 23 PROGRAM: 26 27 28 29 Past Presidents’ Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 30 PROGRAM: RYLA event 24 25 Schenectady Rotary Club M ay 2 0 1 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed 890 Clean-Up Prepare 2015-16 Budget for presentation to Board New Member Orientation Plan Club Changeover event/solicit reservations Onion sales/delivery/money collection Service Opportunities @ District Conference Thu Fri Sat 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 MENU 5/7: 3 4 5 6 PROGRAM: 5/14: 5/21: 10 11 12 13 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA 5/28: 17 18 19 20 District Conference 24 21 22 23 29 30 CLUB ASSEMBLY 25 26 27 Past Presidents’ PROGRAM: Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 31 District Conference District Conference Schoharie County PROGRAM: 28 Schenectady Rotary Club - ROTARY FELLOWSHIP June 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 MENU Wed 2 Club Changeover Committee List for 2015-16 developed Board approval of 2015-16 Budget President’s year-end report at Assembly RI Convention in Sao Paolo 6/7-10 Include $$ for roster printing in 2014-15 budget. Roster to printer in August 2015 Thu Fri 3 Sat 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 26 27 PROGRAM: 6/4 6/11: 7 8 9 10 Board Meeting 8AM YWCA PROGRAM: 6/18: 6/25: 14 15 16 17 CLUB ASSEMBLY 21 22 23 24 25 Past Presidents’ CLUB CHANGEOVER Lunch—Pinhead Susan’s 28 29 30
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