2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T HOLY FAMILY Birth Center “WHERE BIRTH IS A BLESSED EVENT” Board of Directors Mary DeHoyos Board President Frank DeHoyos Vice President Dr. Stanley Fisch Board Secretary Leona Diener Board Treasurer Dr. Uvaldo Cantu Maria Balli Teresa Gallegos Cynthia Rivas Claudia Sander Out Going Members: Raquel Oliva Patty Tamez Staff Heather Swanson, DNP, CNM, FNP Clinical Director/Administrator Gina Cardona MSN, CNM Staff/Senior Midwife Shawn Pompa MSN, CNM Staff Midwife Crystal Stewart, BSN, RN Nurse Crystal Hernandez Admin Assistant/Bookkeeper Maria Pena & Damiana Becerra Housekeeping Laura Bonilla, Marylu Romero, & Jessica Rojo Front Office & Medical Assistants Senor Epifanio Garcia Groundskeeper NEW YEAR’S BABY & 7,000 BIRTHS! Holy Family Services, Inc is a non-profit 501(c)(3) clinic and free standing birth center that has provided compassionate and affordable maternal and infant healthcare to families in the Rio Grande Valley for over thirty years. In 2014 we celebrated the first baby born in Hidalgo County on New Year’s and our 7,000th baby born in November! 30 YEAR TERM ENDS: BOARD MEMBER RETIRING Holy Family continues to be a birth center well known across the U.S. and abroad, serving healthcare needs of families in the Rio Grade Valley as well as being a unique clinical practice location for health care professionals. Legacies like that of Holy Family’s are fostered by committed founders, community members, staff, volunteers, financial supporters, and especially board members. After a 30+ year term, Stan Fisch, a beloved Holy Family board member and area pediatrician, will be stepping down from our board. Stan, and is wife Nivia who retired from the board 2 years ago, have been long time friends and supporters of Holy Family. Prior to the founding of Holy Family they were involved with Su Clinica, where Sister Angela Murdaugh previously worked. Their commitment to maternal and newborn health in the area and to the mission of Holy Family is greatly appreciated. They are pictured here with Gina Cardona, one of our nurse-midwives, after she had her first baby with us this December. Stan’s departure from the board marks an end of an era for Holy Family. Despite the absence of our founders and original board members, the legacy of Holy Family continues along with our commitment to the mission. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR HISTORY AND TO SEE THIS NEWSLETTER IN COLOR, PLEASE VISIT OUR NEWLY UPDATED WEBSITE. WWW.HOLYFAMILYBIRTHCENTER.ORG Celebrating Birth “I love Holy Family. What Holy Family has meant in my life has deepened over the years. I began working at the birth center nearly ten years ago, first as a medical assistant student and now working full time in the front office and as a biller. I love the flexibility it allows me as I care for my family, and being able to interact with all the women and their families that come here has been a joy over the years. Speaking of family, Holy Family has contributed to mine in more ways than simply employment. After fifteen years of trying, I was thrilled to discover that I was pregnant for the first time almost five years ago. Since then I have had three beautiful babies at Holy Family. The birth center staff was very patient with me and answered all the questions that I had. I felt I had all their attention and was not another number to them. I was a person. My nurse-midwives and the nurses took time to explain things to me for all my pregnancies. When I was in an exam room with the midwife, I knew that I was in good hands and felt that I was very loved by all of them. When the time came to have my babies, I arrived at the birth center and my midwife Heather was already waiting for me. I had a lot of support from my husband Edgardo, family and dear friend and co-worker Marylu Romero. I felt as if I was in my own home having my babies, and enjoyed having water births. Holy Family Birth Center is a very peaceful place to have your babies and I would never try to birth anywhere else or change a thing. When I asked Edgardo how he felt about us having our first baby at Holy Family Birth Center he was a little scared, but after he saw how we got treated and the experience we went through he was very thankful to all. He also told me that he loved the way our nurse for our second child, Crystal Stewart, would pray every time I had a contraction. We are pleased and grateful for all that Holy Family has done for us and does for the community.” ~Laura Bonilla, RMA Annual Report 2014 - CLINICAL DIRECTOR’S VOICE: This year marked my 5th year with Holy Family. After volunteering over two years, I became the Director in 2011. It has been an honor to be part of the stewardship of Holy Family. This past year has been a reminder of how faithful the Lord has been, and the importance of relationships, being joyful in service, taking time to consider the needs of others, and prayer. Our staff, aka our ‘family’ here have grown to appreciate more the value of using people for their strengths and allowing each other to prioritize our personal lives and families, so we can more joyfully serve and help sustain the mission and purpose of Holy Family. We have welcomed three new babies of staff members, have stood beside and listened to each other during joys and sorrows, and have simply allowed ourselves to be known well by one another. This is indeed the most rewarding work I have done. It’s not due to the number of babies I’ve caught as a nurse-midwife, but the relationships built with staff, volunteers, and the families we serve. Some we spend years getting to know, and others just weeks. The opportunity to serve and to be served has been a great blessing. We continue to see how the Lord meets our immediate needs, answers prayer, and blesses us at unexpected times. This is often best noticed when we remember our history. The purpose and mission of the Sisters who founded Holy Family continues to be affirmed by underserved and low-income families seeking affordable prenatal care. In 2014 80% of our clients are considered low income and are uninsured paying cash for care, or are on CHIP or Medicaid. In 2013 it was 78%, and in 2012 75%. Over the last several years our proportion of uninsured clients paying cash has been consistent around 39-40%. Many of these are Hispanic women who don’t qualify for state or federal assistance and are otherwise unable to afford prenatal and birth care elsewhere, but a significant number are the wives of famers or pastors, missionaries, and missionary students who are choosing to pay out of pocket for their care. Some families come to us because they have an outstanding bill at other offices that must be paid before prenatal care will be provided. We offer sliding scale rates based on income, which most can afford and turn no one away due to ability to pay. We are committed to women receiving prenatal care, and learning more about preconception health. We do care for families on private health insurance, which helps to offset the low revenue seen from the majority we serve. We continue to note families coming not only because our care is affordable, but who are purposefully seeking out nurse-midwifery care and water birth. Care that supports “Normal Physiologic Birth” and uses Evidence Based Practice techniques that we have utilized for years. Others we serve come with spiritual burdens or simply want healthcare professionals who will involve their families at visits, and take time to listen and express compassion. The needs of our clients continues to be evident. Many struggle not only with getting a ride to the center, but in keeping their families fed, clothed, and safe. Border violence continues to impacts the lives of many, among other safety concerns. We have a garden and partner with the area food bank, which allow us to assist families with food. Though most women are appropriate for out-of-hospital births, not all that seek care here intend to deliver with us, or due to health concerns will be able to. For those women we are grateful for the physicians who consult, collaborate, and accept our patients when needed. We are pleased that women are seeking out prenatal care and we continue to maintain our policy that no one is turned away for care based on an inability to pay. With this in mind, we continue need your help to keep our doors open. Donations and client payments may be mailed or made online on our website. SUSTAINABILITY: The sustainability of Holy Family is continuously at the forefront of our efforts. Our financial standing and practices has improved over the last five years, though 2013 and 2014 have required more attentiveness to the budget. Holy Family. is unique and will continue to rely on volunteer clinical staff, in addition to grants and generous donors. That is becoming more and more evident. My hope a few years ago was that we could meet our basic operational expenses solely with client revenue, and then other funds would go towards significant sustainability efforts including new buildings. That hope isn’t feasible at this point. We care for too high of a proportion of low income families paying out of pocket or on Medicaid or CHIP. We could raise our rates or stop offering the sliding scale, but that isn’t going to increase how Medicaid and CHIP reimburse us. And I’ve been in the homes of some of our families paying cash -they have greater needs to pay for. Other clients are involved with ministry and raising support themselves, so asking more doesn’t mean they will be able to pay it and we risk pricing our care too high and keep people from coming to care. Providing care to those often most vulnerable proves a challenge to sustainability. Many birth centers in Texas and profitable ones across the U.S. limit how many clients they take on CHIP or Medicaid, if they take them at all. We are though serving those we were founded to serve, likewise we are providing opportunities for people to serve and extend acts of mercy. Our greatest needs include facility improvements and to replace vehicles used for home visits . Our 30 year old buildings are in need of replacing or refurbishing. We have plenty of land to build on, and we have two sheds full of generously donated items from Home Depot that can be utilized for this effort. We need resources and assistance. We will continue to apply for grants, ask for donations, survey those in our various communities served (clients and volunteers) to identify where we can make meaningful changes, and will continue to review stats and maternal health data from the area and other birth centers across the U.S. We are committed to figuring out a way to ensure the long-term stability of Holy Family in this health care system. CLINICAL STATISTICS AND SERVICES: Total client volume declined slightly in 2014. Client payment source for all care provided in the past two years remains largely cash/self pay (40% in 2013, 39.3% in 2014) and Medicaid and CHIPs d (38% in 2013, 41% in 2014). Women seeking care who have third party insurance and (21% in 2013, 19% in 2014). Thus far in 2014 we have provided prenatal care for 234 women and attended 96 births (5 still due this Dec). Our birth numbers are lower than in past years. On initial review on unfinalized data, our transfer rate was a bit higher this past year and we have a slightly higher pre-admission transfer rate. A table summarizing basic stats for 2012 and 2013 can be located on the last page of this newsletter. 2014 Stats will be reported on our Facebook page after data analysis is complete in early 2015. To date Holy Family has attended 7,014 births. Surpassing 7,000 births is a great achievement for any birth center, and is one that few achieve with the client payor/reimbursement base that Holy Family has. The longevity of Holy Family is truly a testament to the needs and desires of women being met by service minded staff and volunteers and generous supporters. We provided free pregnancy testing and counseling to over 400 women, and our nurses and nurse-midwives continued to be involved with YoungLives (YoungLife Ministry for teen parents). With needs obvious we continue to provide material (clothing and other items) and food assistance to many families, as well as connecting those in need with area community and social services as indicated. Thank you to those who have partnered with us as we assist in meeting the needs of our community. It is only possibly by the generous contributions of volunteers and donors who value the mission and work of Holy Family. CURRENT PROJECTS/HAPPENINGS: Preterm Birth Prevention Efforts: We have continued participation in the Strong Start Program in partnership with the American Association of Birth Centers (AABC). It is a federal demonstration project focused on reducing preterm birth. We continue to be a recipient of March of Dimes funding which supports our client/family educational efforts. “Comenzando Bien” prenatal education grant, the “Strong Start” grant helps us to optimize patient centered care for those at risk. Thank you for your time spent reading our newsletter/report for this year. As always your prayers are appreciated, and we are willing to take prayer requests. I hope this finds you all well and enjoying this Christmas season. -Thank you & Merry Christmas, Heather Swanson, DNP, CNM, FNP, IBCLC Commitment to Education Holy Family Resumes Precepting Advanced Practice RN Students in 2014 After a few years of focusing on our Certified Nurse-Midwifery (CNM) Fellowship program we resumed having nurse-midwifery students this year with two from the University of New Mexico. Additionally, this December we began precepting Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) students again. Three bilingual FNP students from the local area will be completing their maternal health clinicals with us this winter. We are excited to have local APRN students learning more about Holy Family and the model of care we provide. We continue to regularly have students from area Medical Assistant and RN programs, and remain partners with UTSA medical program. Our Own Two of our staff continued their graduate nurse-midwifery work via distance with Frontier Nursing University (FNU) -Crystal Stewart, BSN, RN and Cassie Alevalo, BSN, RN. Anna White, BSN, RN began graduate nurse-midwifery school this summer at the University of New Mexico. Pictured to the right are Crystal and Sister Angela who met up in Maine where Crystal spent the summer for clinicals. Holy Family Scholarship One way to foster sustainability is to develop/equip those in your community. With that in mind, this year the Holy Family Board of Directors began a scholarship program. Recipients must be employees and currently enrolled in an education program with the intent to remain working at Holy Family after graduation. Donations to this scholarship fund are being accepted. There are no admin costs, 100% goes directly to students. Upcoming Events APRIL 10, 2015 ALUMNI REUNION Former Holy Family Volunteers and Staff are invited back ‘home’ for a potluck and fellowship on the patio. Supper starts @ 6p. Check online or call for more information. APRIL 11, 2015 @ 4PM Annual Birthday Party This celebration is free for all of our patients and their families thanks to our generous donors. ON GOING CLASSES Prenatal & Breastfeeding Every 1st and 3rd Thursday @ 9am Every 4th Tuesday @ 6pm Yoga Every Thursday 1pm Classes offered in partnership with the March of Dimes Nurse-Midwifery Fellowship Program Fellowships, also known as Residencies, for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are growing in popularity across the U.S.. Holy Family has offered Fellowships for decades, and has influenced the practice of nurse-midwives across the U.S. working in various settings. This program is open for application to new graduates or experienced nursemidwives. During their fellowship they receive mentorship in their role as an out-of-hospital nurse-midwife. Fellowships give back to the profession and preserve the midwifery model of care at Holy Family. They ensure those seeking care are not turned away and that time is available for education, longer appointments as needed, and continuous labor support. Since 2011 58% of our CNM Fellows have gone on to work in home or birth center practices across the US. Fellow Voices "My experience of Holy Family continues to mature even as I’m away in distance and time. As I grow to understand the reality of midwifery practice outside of Holy Family, I’m grateful that a place like Holy Family exists! The model of care provided there -long office visits, compassionate and constant labor support, and postpartum home visits is a dream. It’s the kind of care that made me want to become a midwife. The work I did at Holy Family was often difficult and almost always exhausting, but it was also beautiful and sacred and powering. I’m grateful for my time there!” Elizabeth Bodner, MSN, CNM Fellow, AmeriCorps Member 2014 “After being trained exclusively in busy hospital based practices, Holy Family Servivces was a holistic and patient centered gem. The entire staff had huge hearts and overflowing passion to support their patients through pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. The clientele were an enormous joy to work with, amazing women with such an undying faith in birth it was overwhelmingly contagious. These women, both staff and clients, had a huge impact on me as a person and health care provider and were instrumental in my transition from student to independent midwife. I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to be NurseMidwife Fellow at Holy Family.” Sara Van Acker, MSN, CNM Fellow, AmeriCorps Member 2013-2014 • 2014 Nurse-Midwife Fellows Shawn Thaxton Hannah Epstein Sara Van Acker Elizabeth Bodner Jennifer Bishop Anna Bacsik Anna Shields Sarah Proett Emily Siemer “In the year since leaving Holy Family I have thought back on my time there every single day. Of the clinical wisdom and skills I gained that help me be a better midwife to my patients, and of the spirit, friendship, and mission that inspire me to do this work and do it well. I am so grateful to Holy Family for helping to lay the groundwork for a career of true midwifery.” Hannah Epstein MSN, CNM Fellow AmeriCorps Member 2013-2014 Lindsey The Spirit of Service: Volunteer I will always cherish my time at Holy Family and look back on the memories I made there with fondness in my heart. I made some incredible friendships while having some pretty unique adventures living 15 minutes north of the border. It was really fun to experience a new culture while learning a new language and being outside my comfort zone helped me grow as a person. I will always hold the patients at Holy Family near to my heart -‐ they were all very special women who taught me how strong we as women really can be. I’m truly thankful for my time at Holy Family and can’t wait to visit again for the reunion! Lindsey Pepin, BSN, RN Volunteer & AmeriCorps Member 2013-2014 Kelsi My experience at Holy Family provided instrumental growth personally and professionally. I learned valuable lessons and made lifelong friends. I am so blessed by my experience at Holy Family. Kelsi Waling, BSN, RN, Volunteer AmeriCorps Member 2013-2014 Volunteer Recognition: We have many generous volunteers that come throughout the year to assist with specific needs for amounts of time ranging from a few days to over a year. The following individuals have made significant contributions to Holy Family in 2014: Juana Barerra, MA Andrea Cuevas Mary de Hoyos, Doula Frank Butzen Edward Garcia, IT Cassie Arevalo, RN Ellen Hoppe, RN Lindsey Pepin, RN Kelsi Waling, RN Anna White, RN Kelly Loney, RN Brandi Craig, RN Sydney Tyson, RN Lydia Lochner Leah Harbordt, BSW Corie Wilson Brianna Carlson Gail Raymon, CNM Kate Laymen, CNM Kate Kissner, CNM Lisa Davis, CNM Heather Sevcik, CNM And many others that helped with our annual Birthday Party and during various work days. Thank you! Staying in Contact We are working to improve our communication with supporters, alumni, and former clients. • Now using Constant Contact for emailed newsletters. Sign up on our website homepage. • Revised Website: Check it out! We can update this one with greater ease. • Facebook: “Friend” us if you haven’t already! (see last page or our website for address) • Update your address books: • Email: Transitioning to [email protected] and retiring info@holyfamily... • Our zipcode changed to 78599 In efforts to minimize costs associated with the newsletter this year we: • Printed it at the office in black and white • Emailed it to 50% of our contacts, many of which previously informed us they would like to receive it electronically. • If you have a preference to continue receiving this via mail let us know. Otherwise, if we have your email address, we’ll email it to you. If you would like to view it in color, this newsletter and past years are on our website under the history tab. Scroll to the bottom. “As each one has received a spe cial gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10 Recruitment: Employment & Volunteers Check out our website and the American Association of Birth Centers website www.birthcenters.org for current information and openings. Holy Family has a team of regular employees, but relies on volunteers for a variety of needs. Everything from clinical work by CNMs, NPs, and RNs, to non-clinical needs like cleaning, community outreach and PR, to building and ground maintenance. We are a health care practice/business with a variety of buildings to maintain on a modest budget. Thus our needs are great and we are pleased to be a location where people can volunteer their time and talents. We have hosted volunteers and work groups for a day and some for a week or more from out-of-state. Depending on the size we can often host groups overnight. Applications for RNs, Doulas, general volunteers, and CNMs for the CNM Fellowship program year round. Applications can be be emailed, faxed, or mailed upon request and will be available on the website in 2015. We offer onsite housing to most of our volunteers. Clinical: Current needs are for additional Registered Nurses. If you know of any new graduates or of someone looking for a ministry/service opportunity we would love to hear from them! We are also looking for an experienced CNM interested in sharing administrative responsibilities. Non-Clinical Needs: Plumbing, general home remodel including tile work, tree trimming....etc..... For employment and volunteer inquiries, please email [email protected] or contact the office. view from the inside of chapel THANK YOU TO ALL OUR DONORS AND PARTNERS ! Amber Acker Norman & Kateline Acker Christina & Basilio Alvear Eleanora Ambrose Joseph Ammirato Marian &erson Theresa & Richard Arizmendi Nora J. Balderrama Pedro & Faith Ballesteros Maria Balli Patricia Barnes-Light Louise Barsotti Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Chris Baumgartner Tiffany Baumgartner Anthony Bell Ruth Berggren, MD Sally Berry Abd & Susan Bibi Janice Boucher Doris Bourret Michael & Hannah Bracklin Marah Brooks Mary Bruan Edward & Helen Burckley Frank Butzen Margaret Camarca Uvalo Cantu, MD Ann S. Carton Catholic Volunteer Network Ruthann & William Cazalas James Cherian Carl & Margaret Christensen Benjamin & Amanda Christensen Katherine & Patrick Cole Adriane Collett Audrey Cooper Joe & Elena Cortez Patricia Crabtree Betty Csoma John Darcy James Diaz Darrel & Leona Diener Mary Alice Dooley Kieth & Edna Dunger Donald J. Dziadosz Earth Angels Reunion Group Sonja Eddleman Audrey Eoff Patricia Egan-Meyers Donna M. England Ann Marie Ersland Jesus Esquierdo Erin Evans Exxon Mobil Foundation First Christian Church Stanley & Nivia Fisch Nathan J. Fisch Daniel & Alice Flaherty Flax, Merrill & Anderson Family Martha Garcia Nelly & Carlos Garcia Garcia & Pena Maribelle Garza, MD Jorge Gomez Christina Gonzales Richard A. Gonzalez Rachel Gonzalez Christina Gonzalez Richard A. Gonzalez Margie Graf Terry & Loma Gray Daniel & Ena Grzelecki Paula Guajardo Charles Guenat Pamela Haskins Shawn A. Heinzen Alena Henderson Kristin Higgs Home Birth Works LLC Hon. Ruben Hinojosa Joanna Imperial Douglas & Cynthia Iverson David Jennings Jeremy & Diana Jolles Gerry & Mike Jorissen Diane M. Justusson Robert & Susan Kadlec Elizabeth Keller Judith M. Koch Pamela Koch Mary Koenen Eric Lambeth Nicole T. Lassiter Meggan Leal Wally Lentz Mary & Charles Lewis Donna Lideke Judith Livingston Latisha Lochabay Katherine Loney Cynthia Lopez Rivas Theresa Luginbuhl Joan Lum Kevin & Monica Lynch W.R. & N.J. MacMorris-Adix Molly MacMorris-Adix John Manganilla Bethany Maranowicz Elena Marin, MD Bob & Gracie Martin Eugene & Lorraine Mason John & Marion McCartney Mary P. Miller Arlene Mita Michael H. Mork J. Phillip Moyer, MD Abigail Moyer David & Joanna Moyer-Diener Kenneth & Katlin Mulsoff Sister Angela Murdaugh Heather Murphy Patricia A. MyNaugh Nativiti Women’s Health & Birth Center Brent & Jane Niemeier Pamela & Thomas Nye Carleen O’Brien Frederick & Elizabeth O'Connor Blake & Elizabeth O'Lavin Patricia Olenick Raquel Oliva Glenn & Kristy Ollila Online Resources Corporation Mary Ann & Thomas Ordelt Debra Ornelas Kent & Rene Otte Thomas & Carol Ann Ottley Outreach to Mexico Robert & Linda Peasky Migdalia Penaloza Kori Pienovi Judy Ploch Frank & Valerie Pompa Michael Prestigiacomo Dave & Melissa Radoe Ranchero Knitters Elizabeth R&elman Julia Rasch Robert & Rose Rawlings Roger & Dorothy Reilly Donna Reinardy ReMax Heart Robert & Madeline Ricklis Rio Grande Valley Quilt Guild Carmen Rocco, MD Kerry Ryan Mayra Saenz-Garcia Suley Salinas Erwin D. Sanchez, MD Sandy Sanchez Silvia Sanchez Claudia Sander Karen & John Sanders Gertrude Schimmel Terria Schmidt Kathryn Schrag Glenda Schrick Jose & Maria Schroeder Hazel D. Schwellenbach Southern Comfort RV Park Ann Seacrest Scott & Mary Sexton Robert Shimek Don & Mary Simmons Kirsten Sippel Sisters of Saint Dominic Kristi Skrobarczyk Ruben Solis Kris & Rita Spertad Tabor & Susie Stamper St. Pius X Church St. Vincent de Paul Jim & Patricia Stegall Christina Stewart Floyd L. Stopack David Stryker Success Leadership Academy David Sullivan Robin B. Supplee Heather Swanson Maureen Turner United Way of Asheville Adela Valdez, MD Henry & Shirley Valo Sister Jean Verber Village Circle Club Jim Voermoa Sister Kristine Vorenkamp David & Rebecca Weaver Catherine A. Welton Hunter & Courtney Wilde Tricia Williams Maureen Wolfe Jan Workman Barbara Woster Brandie Yeutter Shana Zalinsky Asim Zamir, MD Many Thanks to Our Generous Grant Donors! • • • • • Racine Dominican: The Mission Fund Kenedy Memorial Foundation March of Dimes: “Comenzando Bien” Education Grant AABC & CMS “Strong Start” Initiative Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation Note: The Kenedy Memorial Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable purposes. Founded in 1961 by Sarita Kenedy East, granddaughter of Mifflin Kenedy and Petra Vela Kenedy, the Foundation has donated more than 200 million dollars to charitable causes and organizations in Texas. In South Texas, where the majority of its contributions have been made, the Foundation is one of the major charity contributors. Holy Family has been a recipient of this grant in the past and is grateful to be continuing this partnership. Interested in donating a specific item Holy Family is in need of ? We accept a variety of donations, which can be sent or dropped off. If we or our clients/families are unable to use them we will pass them along to someone who can. We also have an Amazon Wish list. Go to www.amazon.com, click the wish list link at the top right of the page, type in “Holy Family Birth Center” to find our list. Other significant needs are vehicles to replace the ones currently used to make home visits. Please contact our office for questions. Thank you!! 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS AND FRIENDS: W I T H O U T YO U, O U R W O R K W O U L D N O T B E P O S S I B L E M AY G O D B L E S S YO U ~ M E R RY C H R I S T M A S F RO M A L L O F U S AT H F S ! Holy Family Services 5819 N FM 88 Weslaco, TX 78599 Phone: 956-969-2538 Fax 956-969-5884 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the Web! www.holyfamilybirthcenter.org or Friend us! www.facebook.com/holyfamily.birthcenter Holy Family is a clinic and free standing birth center near Weslaco, TX. If you are interested in volunteering please send us an email! If you would like to make a donation, you can send a check, payable to Holy Family Services, or you can use the PayPal link on our webpage. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all financial and in-kind donations are tax-deductible. CARE STATISTICS: BASIC 2012 2013 TOTAL RECEIVING PRENATAL CARE 260 249 TOTAL DUE IN YEAR 215 192 TOTAL BIRTHS 128 126 INTRAPARTUM @ HFS 144 145 (66% of those due in year) (75% of those due in year) INTRAPATUM TRANSFER AFTER ADMISSION 11% 13.1% ALL TRANSFERS: INTENDED TO DELIVER AT HFS AT ONSET OF LABOR 16% 16.9% C/S RATE OF IP TRANSFERS 3.5% 4.1% C/S RATE OF ALL TRANSFERS 7.2% 8.8% ADMITTED FOR LABOR 2014* 234* (IP ADMISSIONS & TRANSFERRED + PRE-ADMIT TRANSFERS + INDUCTION FOR POSTDATES OR OTHER MEDICAL REASON) *2014 STATS PENDING END OF YEAR & ANALYSIS. CHECK WEBSITE IN 2015 FOR STATS.
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