Ailosod / Reset Argraffu / Print OPG102 10.13 Ffurflen Adroddiad Report Form Cyfeirnod yr Achos / Case reference number Datganiad y dirprwy Deputy’s declaration Gallaf gadarnhau fod yr wybodaeth rwyf wedi’i rhoi yn yr adroddiad hwn yn gywir hyd eithaf fy ngwybodaeth. Cadarnhaf fy mod wedi cyflawni fy nyletswyddau fel Dirprwy’n unol â gofynion y Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol a’r Cod Ymarfer. I confirm that the information that I have given in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I confirm that I have carried out my duties as a Deputy in accordance with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act and the Code of Practice. Llofnod y Dirprwy Deputy’s signature Dyddiad Date Gweler y nodiadau cyfarwyddyd ar Dudalennau 11 a 12 cyn cwblhau’r ffurflen hon. Please refer to the guidance notes on Pages 11 and 12 before completing this form. Enw’r dirprwy Deputy’s name Cyfeiriad y dirprwy Deputy’s address Cod post Postcode Rhifau ffôn Telephone numbers cartref home gwaith work ffôn symudol mobile cyfeiriad e-bost email address 1 Enw’r cleient Client’s name Cyfeiriad y cleient Client’s address Cod Post Postcode Rhif ffôn Telephone number Cyfnod yr Adroddiad Reporting Period O From Hyd To 2 ADRAN A - i’w chwblhau gan Ddirprwyon eiddo a materion a lles personol SECTION A - to be completed by property and affairs and personal welfare Deputies Penderfyniadau rydych wedi’u gwneud eleni yn eich rôl fel Dirprwy Decisions you have made this year in your role as Deputy Mae gwneud penderfyniadau’n rhan bwysig o Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005. Bydd y Gorchymyn a oedd yn eich penodi fel Dirprwy’n dangos pa benderfyniadau y gallwch eu gwneud. Dim ond sylwadau am y penderfyniadau hyn sy’n rhaid i chi eu gwneud. Gweler rhan 3 y Cod Ymarfer os nad ydych ^ r pwy ddylai fod yn gwneud penderfyniadau. yn siw Os oes angen mwy o ofod arnoch i ateb y cwestiynau hyn defnyddiwch ddalenni ychwanegol. Decision making forms an important part of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The Order appointing you as Deputy will show what decisions you may make. You need only comment about these decisions. Please see part 3 of the Code of Practice if you are unsure who should be making decisions. If you need more space to answer any of these questions please continue on separate sheets. ^ Gwnewch yn siw r bod pob rhan o’r adran hon wedi’u cwblhau. Os nad oes dim i’w nodi yn achos un neu fwy o rannau, rhowch “Dim”. Os gadewir rhan yn wag gellir dychwelyd eich adroddiad atoch. Please ensure that all parts of this section are completed. If you have nothing to report for one or more parts, please enter “N/A”. If a part is left blank your report may be returned. 1. Rhestrwch y penderfyniad (au) arwyddocaol a wnaethoch fel Dirprwy yn ystod y cyfnod adrodd. 1. List the significant decision(s) that you have made as Deputy during the reporting period. Nodyn Note Gallai enghreifftiau o benderfyniadau o’r fath gynnwys newid llety neu drefniadau byw, newid trefniadau ariannol Examples of such decisions might include a change of accommodation or living arrangements, or an alteration in financial arrangements. 3 2. I ba raddau oeddech chi’n gallu cynnwys ein client yn y broses benderfynu? Dim ond sylw am benderfyniadau a wnaethpwyd fel rhan o’r rôl fel Dirprwy sydd angen eu cynnwys. Dylech gynnwys unrhyw wybodaeth am benderfyniadau y gall y client eu gwneud e.e. unrhyw arian y gallant ei reoli drostynt eu hunain. 2. To what extent were you able to involve our client in the decision making process? You only need comment on decisions taken as part of your role as Deputy. Include here any information about decisions the client is able to make e.g. any funds they are able to manage themselves. Nodyn Note Gweler Pennod 3 y Cod Ymarfer am ragor o wybodaeth. Please see Chapter 3 of The Code of Practice for further information. 4 3. Rhowch enw a chyfeiriad yr holl bobl arwyddocaol yr ydych wedi cysylltu â hwy yn eich rôl fel Dirprwy, yn ogystal â’u perthynas â’r client (e.e. Teulu, Meddyg, Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Cyfreithiol). Os nad oeddech wedi ymgynghori ag eraill, dywedwch pam wrthym yn y gofod ar dudalen 10. 3. Please give the name and address of all the significant people you have contacted in your role as Deputy, as well as the relationship to the client (e.g. Family, Doctor, Social Services, Legal). If you did not consult others, please tell us why using the space on page 10. Nodyn Note Mae’r Cod Ymarfer yn enwi nifer o bobl y dylech siarad â hwy, os yn ymarferol a phriodol. Gweler Pennod 5 y Cod Ymarfer am ragor o wybodaeth. The Code of Practice sets out a number of people you should speak to, if practical and appropriate. See Chapter 5 of the Code of Practice for further information. Enw Name Cyfeiriad Address Cod post Postcode Rheswm dros y cyswllt Reason for contact Perthynas Relationship Enw Name Cyfeiriad Address Postcode Postcode Rheswm dros y cyswllt Reason for contact Perthynas Relationship 5 I’w chwblhau gan Ddirprwyon Eiddo a Materion To be completed by Property and Affairs Deputies ADRAN B SECTION B Rhestrwch yma unrhyw asedau cyfalaf (e.e. arian yn Swyddfa Cronfeydd y Llys, cynilion, eiddo, buddsoddiadau, stociau, cyfranddaliadau a / neu fondiau) sydd gan y Client, a’u gwerth. Os yw’r Client yn byw yn eu heiddo, nid oes angen i chi ei gynnwys fel ased. List here any capital assets (e.g. monies in Court Funds Office, savings, property, investments, stocks, shares and/or bonds) held by the Client and their values. If the Client is living in their property, you do not need to include it as an asset. Mae gwerth bras yn dderbyniol ar gyfer eiddo a buddsoddiadau. Dangoswch hefyd unrhyw forgeisi neu fenthyciadau heb eu talu sy’n gysylltiedig â’r asedau hyn. Approximate valuations are acceptable for property and investment holdings. Please also show any outstanding mortgages or loans in relation to these assets. SYLWER rydych chi’n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus yn cael ei hysbysu am unrhyw newidiadau yn asedau’r Client, oherwydd gall lefel yr asedau hynny effeithio ar lefel yr oruchwyliaeth fydd ei hangen. PLEASE NOTE it is your responsibility to ensure the Office of the Public Guardian is kept up to date with any changes to the assets of the Client, as the level of these assets may affect the level of supervision required. Nodyn Mae’r Cod Ymarfer yn nodi rôl a dyletswyddau Dirprwyon Eiddo a Materion a benodir gan orchmynion y Llys Gwarchod. Gweler Pennod 8 am ragor o wybodaeth Note The Code of Practice outlines the role and duties of Property and Affairs Deputies appointed by Court of Protection orders. See Chapter 8 for further information. Rhestr o asedau ym meddiant y client List of assets held by the client ^ Gwnewch yn siw r bod pob rhan o’r adran hon wedi’u cwblhau. Os nad oes gennych ddim i’w adrodd yn achos un neu fwy o rannau, rhowch “Dim”. Os bydd rhan wedi’i gadael yn wag gellir dychwelyd eich adroddiad atoch. Please ensure that all parts of this section are completed. If you have nothing to report for one or more parts, please enter “N/A”. If a part is left blank your report may be returned. 6 CYFRIF 1 ACCOUNT 1 Enw’r Banc / Cymdeithas Adeiladu Bank/Building Society name Pedwar digid olaf rhif cyfrif y Banc / Cymdeithas Adeiladu Last four digits of the Bank/Building Society account number Cod didoli’r gangen Branch sort code – – – – Datganiad cryno o incwm a gwariant: Summary statement of income and expenditure: Yn ôl telerau’r Gorchymyn sydd wedi eu penodi mae’n ofynnol bod Dirprwyon Eiddo a Materion yn cadw ac yn cyflwyno cyfrifon cywir i’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus yn flynyddol o’r holl drafodion ar ran ein client. Property and Affairs Deputies are required under the terms of the Order appointing them to keep and annually submit to the Public Guardian correct accounts of all dealings and transactions on our client’s behalf. Dylech gofnodi cyfanswm yr incwm a gafwyd a’r gwariant a dalwyd o’r cyfrif banc yn ystod y cyfnod adrodd. Please record the total income received and expenditure paid out of the bank account during the reporting period. PWYSIG – Os oes * wrth y pennawd rhaid i chi roi rhagor o fanylion ar dudalen 9. Os na roddir manylion pellach, bydd eich adroddiad yn cael ei ddychwelyd atoch. IMPORTANT - Where headings are noted with * you must provide further details on page 9. If further details are not provided, your report will be returned to you. Incwm (Talwyd i mewn/Credydau) Math 1. Income (Paid in/Credits) Cyfanswm Type Taliadau budd-daliadau – ticiwch bob un perthnasol a rhowch gyfanswm cyfunol Lwfans Byw i’r Anabl 1. Total amount Benefit payments - please tick all that apply and provide a combined total Disability Living Allowance Lwfans Gweini Attendance Allowance Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chymorth Employment Support Allowance Budd-dal Analluogrwydd Incapacity Benefit Lwfans Anabledd Difrifol Severe Disablement Allowance Cymhorthdal Incwm/ Credyd Pensiwn Budd-dal Tai Income Support/ Pension Credit Housing Benefit Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth State Pension Eraill (Rhowch Fanylion): Others (Please State): Is-gyfanswm Sub-total 7 Incwm arall Other income 2. Pensiwn/pensiynau galwedigaethol 2. Occupational pension(s) 3. Llog ar y cyfrif 3. Account interest 4. Incwm o fuddsoddiadau / eiddo 5. Gwerthu buddsoddiadau/eiddo/ asedau* 4. Income from investments/property 5. Sale of investments/property/ assets* 6. Trosglwyddo o gyfrifon eraill / Cronfeydd y Llys 6. Transfers from other accounts/ Court Funds 7. Ad-daliadau treth / Ad-daliadau eraill 7. Tax rebates/other refunds 8. Cymynroddion (e.e. etifeddiaethau, rhoddion a gafwyd) 8. Bequests (e.g. inheritance, gifts received) 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. Total Income Cyfanswm Gwariant Gwariant (Talwyd/Debydau) Math Expenditure (Paid out/Debits) Cyfanswm Type Total amount 12. Costau llety (e.e. rhent, morgais) 12. Accommodation costs (e.g. rent, mortgage) 13. Ffioedd gofal/Ffioedd gofal yr Awdurdod Lleol 13. Care fees/Local Authority charges for care 14. ^ Biliau’r cartref (e.e. dw r, nwy, trydan, teledu, ffôn, rhyngrwyd) 14. Household bills (e.g. water, gas, electric, TV, Phone, Internet) 15. Treth 15. Tax 16. Yswiriant 16. Insurance 17. Ffioedd Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus 17. Office of the Public Guardian fees 18. Premiwm bond sicrwydd y Dirprwy 19. 18. Deputy’s security bond premium Gwariant cyfalaf / pryniannau mawr* 19. Capital expenditure/major purchases* 20. Cynnal a chadw / gwella eiddo* 20. Property maintenance/improvement* 21. Buddsoddiadau a brynwyd* 21. Investments purchased* 22. Trosglwyddo i gyfrifon eraill/ Cronfeydd y Llys 22. Transfers to other accounts/ Court Funds 23. Gwyliau / teithiau 23. Holidays/excursions 24. Ffioedd proffesiynol 24. Professional fees 25. Treuliau’r Dirprwy* 25. Deputy’s expenses* 26. Arian gwario a roddir i’r Client 26. Spending money provided for Client 27. Costau byw o ddydd i ddydd (e.e. Bwyd, Ymolchi, Manion) 27. Day-to-day living costs (e.g. Food, Toiletries, Sundries) 28. Rhoddion * 28. Gifts* 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. Total Expenditure Cyfanswm Gwariant 8 Crynodeb o’r Cyfrif - Cyfrif 1 Balans agoriadol y cyfnod adrodd (fel sydd i’w weld ar y fantolen banc) Account Summary - Account 1 Opening balance for reporting period (as shown on bank statement) Blwch 1 Box 1 Blwch 2 Total Income (as previous page) Box 2 Blwch 3 Sub-Total 1 (box 1 and box 2 added together) Box 3 Cyfanswm gwariant (fel y dudalen flaenorol) Blwch 4 Total expenditure (as previous page) Box 4 Is-gyfanswm 2 (blwch 3 minws blwch 4) Blwch 5 Sub-total 2 (box 3 minus box 4) Box 5 Blwch 6 Closing balance for reporting period (as shown on bank statement) Cyfanswm Incwm (fel y dudalen flaenorol) Is-gyfanswm 1 (Adio blwch 1 a blwch 2) Balans ar ddiwedd y cyfnod adrodd (fel sydd i’w weld ar y fantolen banc) Dylai’r ffigur ym Mlwch 5 gyfateb i’r ffigur ym Mlwch 6. Os ydynt yn wahanol, a’ch bod yn gallu egluro’r gwahaniaeth, gwnewch hynny yma. Box 6 The figure in Box 5 should be the same as the figure in Box 6. If they differ, but you can explain the difference, then please do so here. 9 Os ydych chi wedi cymryd eich balans agoriadol a chau ar ddyddiad sy’n wahanol i ddyddiau cyntaf ac olaf eich cyfnod adrodd, nodwch hyn isod a rhowch reswm a’r union ddyddiadau a ddefnyddiwyd. If you have taken your opening or closing balances from a different date to the first and last days of your reporting period, please state this below and provide a reason and the actual dates used. 10 CYFRIF ACCOUNT Enw’r Banc / Cymdeithas Adeiladu Bank/Building Society name Pedwar digid olaf rhif cyfrif y Banc / Cymdeithas Adeiladu Last four digits of the Bank/Building Society account number Cod didoli’r gangen Branch sort code – – – – Os oes gennych fwy nag un cyfrif, copïwch a chwblhewch y tudalennau hyn gymaint o weithiau ag sydd angen – gan eu rhifo’n briodol. If you have more than one account, please copy and complete these pages as many times as required – numbering these as appropriate. Datganiad cryno o incwm a gwariant: Summary statement of income and expenditure: Cofnodwch gyfanswm yr incwm a gafwyd a’r gwariant a dalwyd o’r cyfrif banc yn ystod y cyfnod adrodd. Please record the total income received and expenditure paid out of the bank account during the reporting period. PWYSIG – Os oes * wrth y pennawd rhaid i chi roi rhagor o fanylion ar dudalen 9. Os na roddir manylion pellach, bydd eich adroddiad yn cael ei ddychwelyd atoch. IMPORTANT - Where headings are noted with * you must provide further details on page 9. If further details are not provided, your report will be returned to you. Incwm (Talwyd i mewn/Credydan Math 1. Income (Paid in/Credits) Cyfanswm Type Taliadau budd-daliadau – ticiwch bob un perthnasol a rhowch gyfanswm cyfunol 1. Total amount Benefit payments - please tick all that apply and provide a combined total Lwfans Byw i’r Anabl Disability Living Allowance Lwfans Gweini Attendance Allowance Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chymorth Employment Support Allowance Budd-dal Analluogrwydd Incapacity Benefit Lwfans Anabledd Difrifol Severe Disablement Allowance Cymhorthdal Incwm/Credyd Pensiwn Income Support/Pension Credit Budd-dal Tai Housing Benefit Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth State Pension Eraill (Rhowch Fanylion): Others (Please State): Sub-total Is-gyfanswm 11 Other income Incwm arall 2. Pensiwn/pensiynau galwedigaethol 2. Occupational pension(s) 3. Account interest from investments/ 4. Income property of investments/ 5. Sale property/assets* from other accounts/ 6. Transfers Court Funds 3. Llog ar y cyfrif o fuddsoddiadau / 4. Incwm eiddo buddsoddiadau / 5. Gwerthu eiddo / asedau* o gyfrifon eraill / 6. Trosglwyddo Cronfeydd y Llys 7. Ad-daliadau treth / Ad-daliadau eraill 7. Tax rebates/other refunds 8. Cymynroddion (e.e. etifeddiaethau, rhoddion a gafwyd) 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. Bequests (e.g. inheritance, gifts received) Total Income Cyfanswm Gwariant Gwariant (Talwyd allan/Debydan) Math Expenditure (Paid out/Debits) Cyfanswm Type llety 12. Costau (e.e. rhent, morgais) costs 12. Accommodation (e.g. rent, mortgage) gofal/Ffioedd gofal yr 13. Ffioedd Awdurdod Lleol ^ 14. Biliau’r cartref (e.e. dwr, nwy, fees/Local Authority 13. Care charges for care 14. Household bills (e.g. water, gas, 15. Treth 15. Tax 16. Yswiriant 16. Insurance Swyddfa’r 17. Ffioedd Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus of the Public Guardian 17. Office fees bond sicrwydd y 18. Premiwm Dirprwy security bond 18. Deputy’s premium cyfalaf/ pryniannau 19. Gwariant mawr* expenditure/major 19. Capital purchases* a chadw/ 20. Cynnal gwella eiddo* maintenance/ 20. Property improvement* 21. Buddsoddiadau a brynwyd* 21. Investments purchased* i gyfrifon eraill/ 22. Trosglwyddo Cronfeydd y Llys to other accounts/ 22. Transfers Court Funds 23. Gwyliau / teithiau 23. Holidays/excursions 24. Ffioedd proffesiynol 24. Professional fees 25. Treuliau’r Dirprwy* 25. Deputy’s expenses* gwario a roddir i’r 26. Arian Client money provided for 26. Spending Client byw o ddydd i ddydd 27. Costau (e.e. Bwyd, Ymolchi, Manion) living costs 27. Day-to-day (e.g. Food, Toiletries, Sundries) trydan, teledu, ffôn, rhyngrwyd) electric, TV, Phone, Internet) 12 Total amount 28. Rhoddion* 28. Gifts* 29. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 32. 32. Cyfanswm Gwariant Total Expenditure 13 Crynodeb o’r Cyfrif - Cyfrif Balans agoriadol y cyfnod adrodd (fel sydd i’w weld ar y fantolen banc) Cyfanswm Incwm (fel y dudalen flaenorol) Is-gyfanswm 1 (Adio blwch 1 a blwch 2) Account Summary - Account Opening balance for reporting period (as shown on bank statement) Blwch 1 Box 1 Blwch 2 Total Income (as previous page) Box 2 Blwch 3 Sub-Total 1 (box 1 and box 2 added together) Box 3 Cyfanswm gwariant (fel y dudalen flaenorol) Blwch 4 Total expenditure (as previous page) Box 4 Is-gyfanswm 2 (blwch 3 minws blwch 4) Blwch 5 Sub-total 2 (box 3 minus box 4) Box 5 Balans ar ddiwedd y cyfnod adrodd (fel sydd i’w weld ar y fantolen banc) Closing balance for reporting period (as shown on bank statement) Blwch 6 Box 6 Dylai’r ffigur ym Mlwch 5 gyfateb â’r ffigur ym Mlwch 6. Os ydynt yn wahanol, a’ch bod yn gallu egluro’r gwahaniaeth, gwnewch hynny yma. The figure in Box 5 should be the same as the figure in Box 6. If they differ, but you can explain the difference, then please do so here. Os ydych chi wedi cymryd eich balans agoriadol a chau ar ddyddiad sy’n wahanol i ddyddiau cyntaf ac olaf eich cyfnod adrodd, nodwch hyn isod a rhowch reswm a’r union ddyddiadau a ddefnyddiwyd. If you have taken your opening or closing balances from a different date to the first and last days of your reporting period, please state this below and provide a reason and the actual dates used. 14 Manylion trafodion ariannol/ eiddo pwysig Details of major financial/property transactions Rhowch fanylion am gostau / rhoddion pwysig yn ystod y cyfnod adrodd. Os oes angen mwy o ofod arnoch, defnyddiwch ddalen arall o bapur. Please give details of major costs/gifts over the reporting period. If you require more space, please continue on a separate sheet. 5. Gwerthu buddsoddiad / eiddo / asedau 5. Sale of investment/property/assets 19. Gwariant cyfalaf / pryniannau mawr 19. Capital expenditure/major purchases 20. Cynnal a chadw/Gwelliannau 20. Property maintenance/improvement 21. Buddsoddiadau a brynwyd 21. Investments purchased 25. Treuliau’r Dirprwy 25. Deputy’s expenses 15 28.Rhoddion 28.Gifts Manylion Pellach Further Details Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon ar gyfer unrhyw wybodaeth arall yr hoffech ei rhoi. Please use this page for any other information you wish to provide. 16 OPG102 10.13 Canllaw Guidance Diben adroddiad y dirprwy yw rhoi gwybodaeth i’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus am y penderfyniadau rydych wedi’u cymryd yn ystod y cyfnod adrodd yn eich rôl fel Dirprwy. The purpose of the deputyship report is to provide the Public Guardian with information about the decisions that you have made over the reporting period in your role as Deputy. Mae cwblhau adroddiad blynyddol dirprwy yn un o amodau’r Gorchymyn Llys sydd wedi’ch penodi fel Dirprwy. Completing an annual deputyship report is a condition of the Court Order appointing you as Deputy. Gall y Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus benderfynu edrych ymhellach ar y penderfyniadau a wnaethpwyd gennych fel Dirprwy. Gall y broses hon gynnwys gofyn i chi am ragor o wybodaeth, neu ofyn i Ymwelydd y Llys Gwarchod ymweld â chi a / neu eich client. Gall y Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus ofyn am ddogfennau fel mantolenni banc o dan reoliad 39 Rheoliadau Atwrneiaeth Arhosol, Atwrneiaeth Barhaus a Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus 2007. Mae’r rheoliad hwn yn rhoi pw^er i’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus i ofyn am wybodaeth neu ddogfennau penodol a all fod yn rhesymol iddo fod eu hangen i gadarnhau gwybodaeth a geir mewn adroddiadau a gyflwynir iddo o dan orchymyn Dirprwy, i weinyddu ei swyddogaeth yn briodol o dan Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005. The Public Guardian may decide to look further at the decisions you have made as Deputy. This process may include asking you for more information, or asking a Court of Protection Visitor to visit you and/or our client. Documents, such as bank statements, may be requested by the Public Guardian under regulation 39 of the Lasting Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Public Guardian Regulations 2007. This regulation empowers the Public Guardian to request specific information or documents he may reasonably require to verify information in reports that are being submitted to him under a deputyship order, to properly discharge his function under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Os na fyddwch wedi cyflwyno’ch adroddiad Dirprwy, neu os oes pryderon yn deillio ohono, gall y Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus benderfynu adolygu a newid lefel yr oruchwyliaeth. Neu, gall y Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus wneud cais i’r Llys Gwarchod i newid lefel y bond sicrwydd, neu yn y pen draw eich rhyddhau chi o’ch dyletswyddau fel y Dirprwy a phenodi Dirprwy newydd yn eich lle. Yn achos Dirprwy ariannol, os bydd y Llys yn canfod colledion yn ystâd y client gall y Llys gyfarwyddo’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus i ofyn i’r cwmni yswiriant a gyhoeddodd y bond sicrwydd i wneud iawn am y golled honno, ac i geisio cael addaliad oddi arnoch chi. If you fail to submit your deputyship report, or if there are concerns raised from it, the Public Guardian may decide to review and change the level of supervision. Alternatively, the Public Guardian may apply to the Court of Protection, to change the level of the security bond, or ultimately to discharge you as the Deputy and to appoint a new Deputy in your place. In the case of a financial Deputy, if the Court finds there has been a loss to the client’s estate the Court can direct the Public Guardian to ask the insurance company who issued the security bond to make good that loss, and to seek reimbursement from you. Ar ôl i chi gwblhau’r ffurflen, dylech ei dychwelyd i Public Guardian, PO Box 16185, Birmingham, B2 2WH neu DX 744240 Birmingham 79. Once completed, please return your form to Office of the Public Guardian, PO Box 16185, Birmingham, B2 2WH or DX 744240 Birmingham 79. Sylwer – Gwnewch yn siw^r bod pob rhan o’r ffurflen wedi’u cwblhau. Os nad oes gennych ddim i’w nodi am un neu ragor o’r rhannau, nodwch “Dim”. Os oes rhan wedi’i gadael yn wag, gall eich adroddiad gael ei ddychwelyd atoch. Note – Please ensure that all parts of the form are completed. If you have nothing to report for one or more parts, please enter “N/A”. If a part is left blank your report may be returned. TUDALEN 1 - Datganiad Dirprwy Dylai eich Cyfnod Adrodd ar gyfer eich adroddiad cyntaf ddechrau ar ddyddiad y Gorchymyn Llys. Dylai’r un dyddiad gael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer yr adroddiadau a fydd yn dilyn dros y blynyddoedd dilynol. Nodwch gyfeirnod eich achos ar frig y dudalen. PAGE 1 – Deputy’s Declaration The Reporting Period for your first return should be taken from the date of your Court Order. The Anniversary of that date should be taken for subsequent reports. Please note your case reference number at the top of the page. 17 TUDALEN 2 - (1.) rhai enghreifftiau o benderfyniadau arwyddocaol PAGE 2 – (1.) Some examples of significant decisions Cyfeiriad symud ein client h.y. symud i gartref nyrsio neu ofal, newid cartref nyrsio neu ofal neu’n dychwelyd adref Our client moving address i.e. moving into a nursing or care home, changing nursing or care home, or returning home Cyflogi gofalwyr neu newid y gofalwyr presennol Employing carers or changing existing carers Prynu neu werthu buddsoddiadau, cyfranddaliadau neu eiddo Buying or selling investments, shares or property TUDALEN 2 – (2.) i ba raddau yr oeddech yn gallu cynnwys ein cleient Os oes gan ein client beth galluedd a’ch bod yn gallu ymgynghori â hwy wrth wneud unrhyw rai o’r penderfyniadau a nodwyd uchod, dylech gynnwys manylion amdanynt yma. PAGE 2 – (2.) To what extent were you able to involve our client If our client has some capacity and you were able to consult them when making any of the decisions detailed above, please include details of that here. Os nad oes gan ein client alluedd nac ymwybyddiaeth ac nad oedd modd i chi ymgynghori â hwy, dylech ddangos hynny yma. If our client has no capacity or awareness and you were not able to consult them then again, please indicate that here. TUDALEN 3 -Rhai enghreifftiau o gysylltiadau arwyddocaol Cyfreithiwr / cyfrifydd i baratoi eich adroddiad blynyddol PAGE 3- (3.) some examples of significant contacts Solicitor/accountant to prepare your annual report Banc / cynghorydd ariannol am gyngor ar fuddsoddiadau Bank/financial advisor for investment advice Staff cartref gofal / gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ynghylch lles ein client Care home staff/social services regarding the welfare of our client TUDALEN 4 – Asedau Sicrhau bod manylion yr holl asedau sydd ym meddiant ein client wedi’u nodi yma; dylai hyn gynnwys manylion am unrhyw eiddo (gydag amcangyfrif o werth), arian a gedwir yng nghyfrifon unrhyw fanc neu gymdeithas adeiladu (gan gynnwys ISA), arian ym meddiant Swyddfa Cronfeydd y Llys, ac unrhyw fuddsoddiadau eraill. PAGE 4 – Assets Ensure details of all assets held by our client are detailed here, this should include details of any properties (with approximate values), monies held in any bank or building accounts (including ISAs), monies held in the Court Funds Office, and any other investments. Joint Accounts – If you manage a joint account for our client you may find it difficult to balance the report. In these circumstances please make it very clear on your report that the account is a joint account. Attempt to separate our client’s income/expenditure on the bank statements and transfer those figures to your report. We understand that this might be difficult and will not always be possible – please make the circumstances/ arrangements clear on your report. Cydgyfrifon – Os ydych chi’n rheoli cydgyfrif ar ran ein client gall fod yn anodd i chi fantoli’r adroddiad. Mewn amgylchiadau o’r fath dylech ddatgan yn eglur yn eich adroddiad bod y cyfrif yn gydgyfrif. Ceisiwch wahanu incwm / gwariant ein client ar y mantolenni banc a throsglwyddwch y ffigurau hynny i’ch adroddiad. Rydym yn sylweddoli y gall hyn fod yn anodd ac na fydd yn bosibl bob amser – cofiwch egluro’r amgylchiadau / trefniadau yn eich adroddiad. 18 TUDALEN 5 – Incwm a Gwariant PAGE 5 – Income and Expenditure ^ r eich bod yn PWYSIG – Gwnewch yn siw cynnwys holl incwm a gwariant y cyfrif, fel sy’n cael ei ddangos ar y mantolenni banc, am yr holl gyfnod adrodd. Defnyddiwch y blychau gwag ar waelod pob colofn i nodi unrhyw incwm / gwariant sydd heb eu cynnwys yn y rhestrau. IMPORTANT – Please ensure that you include all income and expenditure for the account, as shown on the bank statements, for the entire reporting period. Please use the empty boxes at the bottom of each column to note any income/ expenditure not included in the lists. Wrth gwblhau tudalen 5 yr adroddiad mae’n bwysig eich bod yn defnyddio’r mantolenni banc ar gyfer y cyfrif rydych yn adrodd arno. Rhowch enw’r banc ble mae’r cyfrif a math y cyfrif (er enghraifft “cyfredol Barclays”) yn y blychau ar frig y dudalen. When completing page 5 of the report it is important to use the bank statements for the account you are reporting on. Insert the name of the bank the account is with and what type of account (for example “Barclays current”) in the boxes at the top of the page. Y golofn ar ochr chwith y dudalen yw ble dylech gofnodi unrhyw incwm sydd wedi’i dalu i’r cyfrif am yr holl gyfnod adrodd. Y golofn ar ochr dde’r dudalen yw ble dylech gofnodi’r gwariant. The column on the left hand side of the page is where to record any income which has been received into the account for the entire reporting period. The column on the right hand side of the page is where to record the expenditure. Ar frig y golofn incwm byddwch yn sylwi ar restr o fudd-daliadau. Ticiwch y blwch wrth ymyl unrhyw rai o’r taliadau mae ein client yn eu cael. Defnyddiwch eich mantolenni banc i adio’r holl daliadau hyn a gafwyd drwy gydol y cyfnod adrodd a chofnodwch y cyfanswm yn y blwch wrth ochr y rhestr. At the top of the income column you will notice there is a list of benefit payments. Tick the box next to any of these payments that are received by our client. Use your bank statements to add up all of these payments received throughout the reporting period and enter the total in the box next to the list. Gwnewch yr un peth ar gyfer y categorïau incwm eraill isod. Do the same for the other income categories below. Rhaid i’r holl ffigurau a roddir fod yn gyfansymiau blynyddol yn hytrach na chyfrifon wythnosol/misol. All figures given must be annual totals rather than weekly/monthly amounts. Ar waelod y golofn rhowch gyfanswm yr incwm rydych yn adrodd arno. At the bottom of the column enter the total income you have reported for. Defnyddiwch yr un dull i gofnodi’r gwariant yn y golofn ar yr ochr dde. Follow the same method to record the expenditure in the right hand column. Mae’r symbol * i’w weld wrth ymyl rhai o’r categorïau yn y golofn hon. Os ydych yn cofnodi swm wrth ymyl unrhyw rai o’r categorïau hyn rhaid i chi roi manylion pellach ar dudalen 9 y ffurflen adrodd. Some of the categories in this column have this symbol * next to them. If you enter an amount next to any of these categories you must provide further details on page 9 of the report form. AWGRYM – chwiliwch am ddiwrnod cyntaf eich cyfnod adrodd ar y mantolenni banc a thynnwch linell o dan y diwrnod hwnnw, a gwnewch yr un peth o dan ddiwrnod olaf eich cyfnod adrodd. Rhaid cynnwys unrhyw drafodion rhwng y llinellau hyn yn eich adroddiad. Mae hyn yn cynnwys unrhyw drosglwyddiadau ac ad-daliadau. TIP – find the first day of your reporting period on your bank statements and draw a line under that day, and do the same for the last day of your reporting period. Any transactions between these lines must be included in your report. This includes any transfers and refunds. 19 TUDALEN 6 – Crynodeb o’r cyfrif PAGE 6 – Account summary Blwch 1: Balans agoriadol y cyfrif. Dylai hwn gyfateb i’r balans a ddangosir ar y mantolenni banc ar gyfer y cyfrif ar ddiwrnod cyntaf eich cyfnod adrodd. Os ydych chi wedi dilyn yr awgrym bydd hwn wedi’i danlinellu eisoes ar eich mantolenni banc. Box 1: The opening balance of the account. This should match the balance shown on the bank statements for the account at the first day of your reporting period. If you have followed the tip this will already be underlined on your bank statements. Blwch 2: Cyfanswm yr incwm i’r cyfrif yn y cyfnod adrodd. Cymerwch y ffigur hwn o’r blwch “Cyfanswm Incwm” ar dudalen 5. Box 2: The total income into the account for the reporting period. Take this figure from the “Total Income” box on page 5. Blwch 3: Adiwch y ffigurau ym Mlwch 1 a Blwch 2 at ei gilydd. Nodwch y ffigur hwn ym Mlwch 3. Box 3: Add the figures in Box 1 and Box 2 together. Note this figure in Box 3. Blwch 4: Cyfanswm y gwariant o’r cyfrif yn y cyfnod adrodd. Cymerwch y ffigur hwn o’r blwch “Cyfanswm Gwariant ar dudalen 5. Box 4: The total expenditure from the account for the reporting period. Take this figure from the “Total Expenditure” box on page 5. Blwch 5: Tynnwch y ffigur ym Mlwch 4 o’r ffigur ym Mlwch 3. Nodwch y ffigur hwn ym Mlwch 5. Box 5: Subtract the figure in Box 4 from the figure in Box 3. Note this figure in Box 5. Blwch 6: Balans cau’r cyfrif. Dylai hwn gyfateb i’r balans a ddangosir ar y mantolenni banc ar gyfer y cyfrif ar ddiwrnod olaf eich cyfnod adrodd. Os ydych chi wedi dilyn yr AWGRYM bydd hwn wedi’i danlinellu eisoes ar eich mantolenni banc. Box 6: The closing balance of the account. This should match the balance shown on the bank statements for the account at the last day of your reporting period. If you have followed the TIP this will already be underlined on your bank statements. Os yw’r ffigurau ym mlychau 5 a 6 yn wahanol, rhaid i chi roi esboniad am y gwahaniaeth yn y gofod a roddir. If the figures in boxes 5 and 6 are not the same, you must explain the difference in the space provided. Os ydych chi wedi cymryd eich balans agoriadol a chau ar ddyddiadau sy’n wahanol i ddiwrnod cyntaf ac olaf eich cyfnod adrodd, rhowch resymau am hyn yn y blwch ar waelod y dudalen. Dylech gynnwys y dyddiadau a ddefnyddiwyd i gymryd y balans. If you have taken your opening and closing balances from dates other than the first and last day of your reporting period, give reasons for this in the box at the bottom of the page. Include the dates that you have taken the balances from. TUDALEN 7 ac 8 – Crynodeb o gyfrif arall Os ydych chi’n rheoli mwy nag un cyfrif banc ar ran ein client, llungopïwch y dudalen nesaf gymaint o weithiau ag sydd angen. Er enghraifft, os ydych chi’n rheoli pedwar cyfrif ar ran ein client bydd angen tri chopi o tudalennau 7 ac 8 arnoch. Dilynwch yr un drefn ag a ddilynwyd ar gyfer y cyfrif cyntaf. PAGE 7 and 8 – Other account summary If you manage more than one bank account for our client, please photocopy the next page as many times as you need. For example, if you manage four accounts for our client you will need three copies of pages 7 and 8. Follow the same instructions as for the first account. TUDALEN 9 - Trafodion ariannol / eiddo pwysig Mae’r symbol * i’w weld wrth ymyl rhai o’r categorïau yn y golofn gwariant ar dudalen 5. Os ydych yn cofnodi swm wrth ymyl unrhyw rai o’r categorïau hyn rhaid i chi roi manylion pellach ar dudalen hon PAGE 9 – Major financial/property transactions Some of the categories in the expenditure column on page 5 have this symbol * next to them. If you entered an amount next to any of these categories you must provide further details on this page. TUDALEN 10 - Manylion pellach Defnyddiwch y dudalen hon os oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth bellach yr hoffech ei chynnwys. PAGE 10 – Further Details Please use this page for any further information you wish to provide. Os oes angen mwy o ofod arnoch ar gyfer unrhyw rai o’r adrannau blaenorol, gallwch ddefnyddio’r dudalen hon If you require any more space for any of the previous sections, you can use this page. 20
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