EXPERIMENTAL WORK PART II Chapter 9 Model implementation and evaluation in a passenger car The final machine learning models derived at the concluding part of Chapter 8 are implemented on to a passenger vehicle. Misfire detection in passenger car is analysed in Section 9.2 followed by model extension to accommodate VFD in Section 9.3 and Section 9.4 presents the concluding remarks on model performance in a passenger car. 169 CHAPTER 9 MODEL IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION IN A PASSENGER CAR 9.1 INTRODUCTION The models DT-CFS-KD and RF-CFS-KD developed and extensively analysed in part I was designed for implementation in a passenger car. The misfire detection model has to be implemented in a passenger car operating on actual road conditions and the results have to be thoroughly analysed before adapting the system for real world applications. The capabilities of the model to accommodate model extension for detecting simultaneous misfire and performance at varied speed and load conditions were encouraging, referring to the results presented in Chapter 8. However, the interaction of multiple systems in an automobile running on actual road conditions could induce vibration components that have not been encountered in the stand-alone test bench based misfire detection model. These new components in the signal could interfere with the learning process of the developed model and cause errors since they were developed using signals acquired from the engine test bed operating at no load, a condition in which misfire detection is very difficult. But while implementing in a passenger car, this condition is not feasible since the dead weight of the vehicle is always available as a constant load and is multiple times higher than the payload in a passenger car. All these system changes might alter the model sensitivity and could lead to necessary retuning of the model. The addition of new class (or event) to be detected is also evaluated by incorporating air filter chocking, gear knock, engine over speed (indicating a need to change to a higher gear) and low tyre inflation pressure in addition to misfire. This will enable the vehicle management system to be developed over the existing misfire detection model. The experimental set up in the passenger car for misfire simulation and other fault simulations are as described in Section 5.3.2. The model implementation results are discussed in the following section. The two distinct models developed using statistical and histogram based features need to be analysed for their adaptability to work under diversified conditions when incorporating additional classes. The performance of histogram based model was observed to be a little 170 lower than the expected value and it could be reassessed for inclusion or exclusion based on the performance in the real time situation. 9.2 MODEL IMPLEMENTATION FOR MISFIRE DETECTION The misfire simulation is as mentioned in Section 5.3.2 and was simulated at 40 Kilometers per hour (Kmph). The statistical and histogram features were extracted from the time series vibration signature of the engine block measured on top of the engine block. The model implementation results are analysed in the following sections. A vibration signature plot of no-misfire and misfire conditions recorded from the Suzuki passenger car Vibration amplitude operating at 40 Kmph is presented in Figures 9.1 and 9.2 respectively. 3.E-01 2.E-01 1.E-01 0.E+00 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -3.E-01 -4.E-01 -5.E-01 Good (No misfire) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 7000 8000 Sample number Figure 9.1 No misfire plot for Suzuki passenger car Vibration amplitude 2.E-01 Misfire 2.E-01 1.E-01 5.E-02 0.E+00 -5.E-02 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -2.E-01 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Sample number Figure 9.2 Misfire in cylinder 3 of Suzuki passenger car A visual inspection of the plots above indicates that they are not comparable to the plots obtained from the engine test rig using Ambassador engine. The disturbance due to misfire 171 in one cylinder is noticeable as a change in pattern in Figure 9.2 when compared to that of the no misfire signal in Figure 9.1. The ability of the developed models to be sensitive to these patterns of signals has to be evaluated. 9.2.1 Model analysis using statistical features The evolved model chosen for implementation from Chapter 6 was CFS based FSS using decision tree for secondary optimisation in which standard deviation, standard error, skewness and range were selected as prominent features, followed by Konenenko discretisation of data. But this decision was revised, when the results in Chapter 8 indicated that the secondary optimisation of the FSS was not effective in all cases. Hence the DT-CFS-KD model based on statistical features using CFS based FSS followed by Konenenko discretisation of data becomes the model of choice. Though decision tree was identified as the first choice from the results presented in Chapter 6, it was replaced with random forest, after reviewing the results presented in Chapter 8, where RF-CFS-KD using random forest established itself as the most significant model of choice followed by decision tree. Hence both the algorithms are taken for implementation study in the passenger car. Table 9.1 Classifier parameters for model in the passenger car Parameters for evaluation Decision tree Random forest Model performance evaluation 10-fold stratified cross-validation 10-fold stratified cross-validation Model building time 0.01 s 0.01 s Total Number of Instances 400 400 Correctly Classified Instances 400 400 Incorrectly Classified Instances 0 0 Classification accuracy 100 % 100 % Mean absolute error 0 0 Root mean squared error 0 0 MDL correction Incorporated Incorporated Number of leaves 2 - Size of the tree 3 levels 10 trees 172 The performance parameters of the models using random forest and decision tree presented in Table 9.1. The results are impressive for both the classifiers, reaching 100% classification accuracy. A plot of statistical features using the two class data presented in Figure 9.3 below depicts that the data are easily distinguishable in to two classes, most often with a wide margin between the values of the two classes. 0.0004 Standard deviation 0.0003 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0 0 0 100 200 300 0 400 0.4 0.2 500 0 0 100 200 300 0.8 0.2 0 0 200 300 100 200 400 300 400 Median 0.001 0.0005 100 300 0.0015 0.4 0 200 Kurtosis 0 400 Range 0.6 100 1000 Maximum 0 Variance 0.0003 -0.0005 400 0 10 100 200 300 400 0.002 0 0 -10 -20 Skewness -30 0 100 200 300 -0.002 Mode -0.004 400 0 173 100 200 300 400 4.00E-04 0 2.00E-04 -0.2 0.00E+00 -0.4 -2.00E-04 Mean -4.00E-04 0 100 200 300 Minimum -0.6 0 400 100 200 300 400 Figure 9.3 Plot of statistical features (Passenger car) The features, standard deviation, variance, kurtosis, range, median, skewness and minimum show a sharp change in values after 200 signals indicating easy classification between the two classes. This also indicates that any one of these features will be sufficient to detect misfire. The CFS algorithm did not offer any subset; instead it recommended the use of all features. This is due to the fact that cross correlation was not established within the features considered. The feature plot revealed that a single feature was sufficient. The challenge arises when multiple classes or instances have to be detected using the same signal feature and when the difference in vibration pattern between cases closely match. Both random forest and decision tree, with any one of the features discussed above or all the features, returns a classification accuracy of 100%. A representative confusion matrix is presented in Table 9.2. Table 9.2 Confusion matrix for statistical features Good Misfire 200 0 Good 0 200 Misfire These results prove that the developed model is capable of identifying misfire in a passenger car. However the model has to be tested for its capabilities as a multi-class vehicle management system using the single accelerometer input. 174 9.2.2 Model analysis using histogram features The histogram models validated in Chapter 7 could not hold the test of diversification and had to be removed from active consideration. But from the feature plots presented in Figure 9.3, it is clearly evident that histogram could also perform satisfactorily for detecting misfire in two class modes in a passenger car. The evaluation result proves that DT-EWB with 10 bins record a peak performance of 100% classification accuracy using decision tree and random forest. But DT-EFB5, EFB with five bins returned 94.5% and 95% classification accuracy for decision tree and random forest respectively. The model using EWB with 10 bins could be considered for further evaluation. The parameters and confusion matrix are not presented since they do not contain additional information for evaluating the model. 9.3 ANALYSIS ON MODEL EXTENSION IN A PASSENGER CAR The misfire model is extended to accommodate various other fault conditions and its performance using statistical and histogram features are evaluated. The focus here is to evaluate a single sensor based vehicle management system capable of identifying the following faults: Misfire (Mis1) Air filter chocking (Choke) Gear knock (GnoK) Engine over speed (indicating a change to higher gear) (GrHiRpm) Low tyre inflation pressure (20Psi) 3.E-01 2.E-01 1.E-01 0.E+00 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -3.E-01 -4.E-01 -5.E-01 -6.E-01 Good Vibration amplitude Vibration amplitude The vibration signature of all the simulated faults are presented in Figure 9.4 0 2000 4000 6000 2.E-01 2.E-01 1.E-01 5.E-02 0.E+00 -5.E-02 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -2.E-01 Misfire 0 8000 2000 4000 6000 Sample number Sample number 175 8000 Gear knock 1.E-01 Vibration amplitude Vibration amplitude 2.E-01 0.E+00 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -3.E-01 -4.E-01 -5.E-01 0 2000 4000 6000 4.E-01 3.E-01 2.E-01 1.E-01 0.E+00 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -3.E-01 -4.E-01 -5.E-01 -6.E-01 8000 High engine rpm 0 Sample number Choking 2.E-01 1.E-01 0.E+00 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -3.E-01 -4.E-01 0 2000 4000 4000 6000 8000 Sample number Vibration amplitude Vibration amplitude 3.E-01 2000 6000 8000 3.E-01 2.E-01 1.E-01 0.E+00 -1.E-01 -2.E-01 -3.E-01 -4.E-01 -5.E-01 Low tyre pressure 0 Sample number 2000 4000 6000 8000 Sample number Figure 9.4 Signal plots for various simulated faults in the Suzuki passenger car 9.3.1 Model extension analysis in a passenger car using statistical features The performance of the model, when all the above mentioned conditions or classes are implemented into the model, need to be thoroughly evaluated with a focus to maintain 100% misfire detection followed by maximum possible classification accuracy in all the other classes, 100% being the ideal target. The statistical features coupled with CFS based FSS followed by Konenenko discretisation when applied to misfire detection was capable of identifying the misfire with a single feature as mentioned in Section 9.2. The model extension study is performed at a vehicle speed of 40 Kmph and the conditions are simulated as mentioned in Section 4.5.2. The results presented in Table 9.3 are encouraging since an overall classification accuracy of 92.8% and 94.6% were recorded for the model using decision tree and random forest as a base classifier respectively. However, DT-CFS-KD based on decision tree records 99% 176 for misfire detection as compared to random forest model RF-CFS-KD which outperforms with 100% classification accuracy. Based on this criterion random forest has an edge over decision tree. Analysing the results presented in Table 9.4 for random forest based RF-CFS-KD, it is clearly evident that misclassification among good and misfire is zero considering first two rows and first two columns. The misclassification of 17 good condition as choking and 8 as low tyre pressure is undesirable, but not critical. Misfire and engine running at low gear high speed (GrHiRpm) are classified with an accuracy of 100% followed by gear knock with 99% and low tyre pressure at 96.5% accuracy. The choking of air filter gets classified with 84.5%, which is the least among all conditions. An important observation made here is that none of these classes are misclassified as misfire or vice versa which increases the confidence on the model capability. Table 9.3 Classifier performance parameters for model extension in Suzuki car Parameters for evaluation Decision tree Random forest 10-fold stratified 10-fold stratified cross-validation cross-validation Model building time 0.2 s 0.3 s Total Number of Instances 1200 1200 Correctly Classified Instances 1114 1135 86 65 Classification accuracy - Multi class 92.8 % 94.6 % Classification accuracy - Two class 99 % 100 % Mean absolute error 0.0328 0.0251 Root mean squared error 0.1401 0.1168 MDL correction Incorporated Incorporated Number of leaves 139 - 155 levels 10 trees Model performance evaluation Incorrectly Classified Instances Size of the tree 177 Table 9.4 Random forest confusion matrix for model extension in Suzuki car Good Mis1 GnoK Choke GrHiRpm 20Psi 175 0 0 17 0 8 Good 0 200 0 0 0 0 Mis1 0 1 198 0 0 1 GnoK 22 0 0 169 0 9 Choke 0 0 0 0 200 0 GrHiRpm 3 0 2 2 0 193 20Psi The confusion matrix of DT-CFS-KD using decision tree as a base classifier, presented in Table 9.5 performs a notch below that of the random forest with an additional challenge of not being able to classify misfire with 100% accuracy, a mandatory requirement for the design to be acceptable for real time implementation. Hence DT-CFS-KD could only be recommended as a second choice. Table 9.5 Decision tree confusion matrix for model extension in Suzuki car Good Mis1 GnoK Choke GrHiRpm 20Psi 168 0 1 21 0 10 Good 0 198 2 0 0 0 Mis1 0 1 197 1 0 1 GnoK 25 0 1 159 0 15 Choke 0 0 0 0 200 0 GrHiRpm 4 0 2 2 0 192 20Psi All other inferences stated for RF-CFS-KD results presented in Table 9.4 holds good for decision tree with corresponding change in values. The performances in all classes except low gear high speed (GrHiRpm) is a little lower than the performance of random forest. 178 9.3.2 Model extension analysis in a passenger car using histogram features The model using histogram based on 10 bin EWB was found to perform acceptably in two class mode of the Suzuki car misfire detection, whereas the 5 bin EFB is not considered due to poor performance. The result of the model using random forest is presented in Table 9.6. From the evaluation, it is evident that the misfire detection is done with an accuracy of 99.5%, but the results of predicting other classes are far from encouraging. Table 9.6 Random forest confusion matrix with EWB for model extension in Suzuki car Good Mis1 GnoK Choke GrHiRpm 20Psi 142 0 18 29 5 6 Good 0 199 0 0 1 0 Mis1 19 0 83 27 4 67 GnoK 31 0 22 96 30 21 Choke 7 2 6 37 147 1 GrHiRpm 21 0 71 32 0 76 20Psi Based on these results, it can be safely concluded that histogram based models are not suitable for misfire and multiple fault detection in an automobile. 9.4 CONCLUSION The analyses of implementing the developed models in a Suzuki passenger car, using statistical and histogram features were done. The decision tree and random forest were used as the base classifiers. The results can be summarised as follows: a) Two-class mode: The RF-CFS-KD model using statistical features performs misfire detection at 100% accuracy with both the classifiers, proving that the developed model is capable of identifying misfire in a passenger car. 179 The model using DT- EWB10 histogram features record a peak performance of 100% with both decision tree and random forest, whereas DT-EFB5 returned around 95% for both the classifiers. Hence the model using EWB with 10 bins alone is considered for further evaluation. b) Multi-class mode: The decision tree performance was not comparable with random forest and hence it is not considered. The histogram features returned very poor performance and hence, histogram in any format is not recommended. The model extension analysis reveals that RF-CFS-KD i.e. statistical feature based model using random forest classifier, performs with 100% misfire detection and was also able to classify most of the conditions with a good level of accuracy ranging between 100% and 96.5%, except for choking of air filter which gets classified with 84.5% accuracy. A major advantage observed is that none of these classes are misclassified as misfire or vice versa, which increases the reliability of the model. 180
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