ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] Contents (Click on the topic) 1. Chana (Gram) recap 2. Market Rates 3. Weather 4. Spread and Forward curves 5. Chart and outlook 6. Disclaimer 1 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] Chana (Gram) Recap Chana Previous Close Open High 10 MT Jan-15 3697 3550 3730 3745 Feb-15 3670 3550 3698 3700 Apr-15 3730 3624 3735 3740 May-15 3762 3658 3744 3744 Low 3550 3533 3611 3650 Net Chg. -147 -120 -106 -104 % Volume Chg. -3.98 144020 -3.27 103130 -2.84 25800 -2.76 4800 % Vol. Chg. 8.58 3.28 19.67 -4.19 OI 62320 59050 29040 5940 OI Chg. -11490 10400 950 -20 Volume Net change = 18690, OI Net change = -160 Spread Jan-15 Feb-15 Apr-15 Feb-15 - Chana Previous Close Open High 2 MT Jan-15 3702 3554 3724 3724 Feb-15 3662 3554 3662 3662 Apr-15 3730 3624 - Low 3554 3554 - Apr-15 -74 -74 Net Chg. -148 -108 -106 May-15 -108 -108 -34 % Chg. -4.00 -2.95 -2.84 Volume 550 156 - % Vol. Chg. 42.49 143.75 -100.00 OI Chg. 126 -60 74 18 16 Unch OI Volume Net change = 252, OI Net change = -42 Spread Jan-15 Feb-15 Feb-15 - Apr-15 -70 -70 Chana futures witnessed profit booking on Wednesday after the recent upside rally. Total volumes increased, but OI declined on Wednesday compared to previous trading day. According to the ministry of Agriculture, the area under sowing of Gram is at 7.781 million hectares this year while the last year’s figure was 9.066 million hectares. Area coverage under Total Pulses is at 12.416 million hectares while the last year’s sowing area coverage was 13.472 million hectares. The area under sowing of Gram in Andhra Pradesh is at 2.87 lakh hectares, Karnataka is at 9.40 lakh hectares, Madhya Pradesh is at 28.02 lakh hectares, Maharashtra is at 9.16 lakh hectares, Rajasthan is at 14.97 lakh hectares and Uttar Pradesh is at 5.89 lakh hectares this year. Acreage of mentioned states is all below compared to last year, according to official data. NCDEX Chana Indore – NCDEX Mumbai Yellow Peas Spot spread is trading at Rs. 947/100 Kg. As per the 1st Advance Estimates from Ministry of Agriculture production of Kharif Pulses is forecasted to be 5.20 million MT in 2014-15 compared to 6.02 million MT (4th Advance estimates) and 5.91 million MT in 2012-13. They added that production of Tur is forecasted to be 2.74 million MT compared to 3.29 million MT (4th Advance estimates) and 3.02 million MT in 2012-13. Production of Urad is forecasted to be 1.15 million MT compared to 1.07 million MT (4th Advance estimates) and 1.43 million MT in 2012-13. Pulses Rabi target is 12.50 million MT in 2014.15. According to Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCIS), Indian imports of Pulses were 1,796,513 MT during April - September 2014. This is higher compared 1,476,860 MT during April - September 2013. Imports were 341,008 MT in September 2014 compared to 157,673 MT in September 2013. 2 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) December estimate, Canadian Dry Edible beans production this year will total 278,000 MT from 126,000 hectares, lower than the November estimate. So, imports are forecast to increase to 80,000 MT from the November estimate at 70,000 MT. Dry Pea production this year will total 3.45 million MT from 1.53 million hectares, lower than November estimate of 3.52 million MT from 1.59 million hectares. Lentil production this year will total 1.83 million MT from 1.25 million hectares, higher than November estimate of 1.75 million MT from 1.26 million hectares. Chickpea production this year will total 131,000 MT from 70,000 hectares, lower than November estimate of 141,000 MT from 71,000 hectares. Stock position of Chana at NCDEX approved warehouses in MT Location 30-Dec-14 29-Dec-14 Net Chg. % Chg. Bikaner 16,832 17,226 -394 -2.29 Delhi 16,515 17,439 -924 -5.30 Indore 4,862 4,862 Unch Total 38,209 39,527 -1,318 -3.33 Physical Market Rates of Pulses in Market Date 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 Commodity Chana Indore Chana Ganjbasoda Chana Dewas Chana Vidisha Chana Ujjain Chana Jhansi Chana Kanpur Chana Bikaner Chana Dollar Indore Chana Dollar Dewas Tur Kanpur Urad Kanpur Moong Indore Gram Desi Delhi NCDEX Spot Gram Kantawala Indore NCDEX Spot Gram Desi Bikaner NCDEX Spot Masoor Indore NCDEX Spot Yellow Peas Kanpur NCDEX Spot Yellow Peas Mumbai NCDEX Spot Lemon Tur Myanmar Lemon Tur Myanmar New FAQ Urad Myanmar SQ Urad Myanmar Lemon Tur CNF Mumbai FAQ Urad CNF Mumbai SQ Urad CNF Mumbai Annasheva Mung CNF Mumbai Pokako Mung CNF Mumbai Rate 3250 3211 3230 3251 3232 3350 3220 3325 5000 4700 4750 5800 7340 3674 3433 3455 6200 2850 2486 760 790 880 980 780 910 990 1200 1160 Units INR/100 Kg US/MT 3 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] Weather Source: IMD Source: IMD 4 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] Spreads and Forward Curves NCDEX Chana Spreads Source: Reuters Historical c2-c3 Spread Seasonality Source: Reuters Comments: - The January – February (c1 – c2) spread settled at Nil. The February – April (c2 – c3) spread settled at -74. The April – May (c3 – c4) spread settled at -34. 5 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] NCDEX Chana Forward Curves Source: Reuters Historical c1 Seasonality Chart Source: Reuters 6 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] Charts & Outlook Source: Reuters Source: Reuters NCDEX Chana February 10 MT (3522) Trade Recommendation: - None Comments: - Supports are at 3488 and 3425. Resistances are at 3567 and 3641. Outlook: Slow sowing progress and unfavourable weather continues to support prices. Imposition of 10% import duty could also support prices. However, weekly charts suggest that markets are still overbought and could witness profit booking. 7 ADMISI Commodity Research January 01, 2015 Sriram V. Iyer: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: This document is not for public distribution and has been furnished to you solely for your information and must not be reproduced or redistributed to any other person. Persons into whose possession this document may come are required to observe these restrictions. This material is for the personal information of the authorized recipient, and we are not soliciting any action based upon it. This report is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any commodity or commodity derivative in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal. It is for the general information of clients of ADMISI Commodities Private Limited. It does not constitute a personal recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situations, or needs of individual clients. We have reviewed the report, and in so far as it includes current or historical information, it is believed to be reliable though its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. Neither Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), ADM Investor Services International Limited (U.K) nor ADMISI Commodities Private Limited, nor any person/entity connected with it, accepts any liability arising from the use of this document. The recipients of this material should rely on their own investigations and take their own professional advice. Price and value of the investments referred to in this material may go up or down. Past performance is not a guide for future performance. Certain transactions including those involving futures, options and other derivatives as well as non-investment grade securities involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Reports based on technical analysis centers on studying charts of a stock's price movement and trading volume, as opposed to focusing on a commodity’s fundamentals and as such, may not match with a report on a commodity's fundamentals. Opinions expressed are our current opinions as of the date appearing on this material only. While we endeavor to update on a reasonable basis the information discussed in this material, there may be regulatory, compliance, or other reasons that prevent us from doing so. Prospective investors and others are cautioned that any forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. Our investment businesses may make investment decisions that are inconsistent with the recommendations expressed herein. No part of this material may be duplicated in any form and/or redistributed without ADMISI Commodities Private Limited prior written consent. 8
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