Atonement ! e v i l A Atonement Lutheran Church 4601 S. University Drive Fargo, ND 58104 Ph. (701) 237-9651 December 28, 2014—January 3, 2015 Holiday Roller Coaster In this issue… Join in the Daniel Plan in 2015 Youth Bible Studies and Passion Conference Children’s Ministry Dates ...and more! By Mark Solhjem Well, we made it. All the shopping is done. All the baking and cooking is done. All the parties are over. The carols have been sung and the presents have been opened. The mess is (hopefully) cleaned up. Each year December grows ever busier as it progresses and then peaks with the crazy frenzy of Christmas. Every year I look forward to it, and every year I enjoy the season. However, every year—after it is all said and done—I am somewhat relieved to return to a normal schedule. And traditionally, now that Christmas is in the rear view mirror, it seems that it is time to make some New Year’s resolutions. So I resolve to exercise more, lose a few pounds, be nicer, save more money, keep the house cleaner, learn a new language, finish the projects around the house, spend more time with loved ones, read more, and get myself organized. Is your list similar? According to one study, most resolutions are broken by the end of January! Why? Well, real change is hard. Atonement has seen a lot of change in the past year and at times it was hard. God revealed our sins to us. We had pride about ourselves and what we had done. Paul writes in Philippians 2, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. It is in this train of thought that our congregation has been reminded that we are here not to make the name of Atonement great, but to make the name of Jesus great. Lord, we pray that we might be less so you will be more. Lord forgive us, renew us and lead us! This year let us resolve to make ourselves less important. Let us resolve to know God more, and to make Him known to the world. My resolution this year is to surrender my selfish ambition. My dreams are selfish and too small. Instead I pray that I will come to know God more. I pray that He will use me and use our congregation to make His name great. Feed My Starving Children Event Atonement Lutheran Church is proud to host a FMSC Event in the FM area. We are working with several churches and service groups to help pack 200,000 meals—in one day! FMSC is a global Christian hunger charity that donates nutritious, dehydrated MannaPack meals to missions running orphanages, school, clinics, and feeding programs in nearly 70 countries. It’s easy & fun for all ages, so grab your friends and family and sign up to volunteer or donate at, under the FMSC link. Remember the date: Saturday, January 24, 2015. Announcements & Events Men’s Morning Invitation Are we as dedicated to our Christian faith as we are to our occupations? Paul compares our Christian commitment with that of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer in 2 Timothy 2:113. Please join us on Wednesday (yes, that’s right— Wednesday, Jan. 31st) morning at 6:45 in the Fireside Room as we discuss this passage and enjoy Christian fellowship, coffee, and treats. The switch to Wednesday is only for this week and results from the plans many have for New Year’s Day. Questions? Please contact Dwayne Presler or any of the Men’s Morning Regulars. Volunteer Needs Each week a large team of volunteers serve to ensure the Atonement family and visitors feel welcome. Our volunteers are vital to our Sunday’s services running smoothly. Our current needs are below: EASY WORSHIP FOR THE TRADITIONAL 11 A.M. SERVICE: Help run the computer program to display songs, prayers, and other information on the screens for the worship services held in the sanctuary. VAN DRIVERS: Each Sunday one of our eight volunteer van drivers go to Riverview Place and Touchmark to pick up residents and bring them to worship. Many faithful worshippers are able to attend services thanks to this ministry. If you would like to help us meet our volunteer needs, please contact Lisa Hanson at: [email protected] Church Contribution for 2014 Reminder Just a friendly reminder that end of the year statement of contributions will be mailed out in January. To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, please do not file your 2014 income tax return until you have received this written acknowledgement of your contributions from the church. December 28th December 31st January 4th January 7th January 11th January 11th No Sunday School No Faithbook (Adults & Children) No Sunday School Faithbook Resumes (Adults & Children) Sunday School Resumes 3rd Grade Bible Class Holiday Devotionals This year’s advent devotionals through December 31st are at the Connection Center and is also available online. Each day is written by a member of the staff. Each week you can pick up your weekly reading. Health Ministry Team Meeting The Health Ministry Team will be meeting again on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium where we will be discussing possible upcoming health programs, including the idea of a church-wide fitness challenge. If you are interested in health ministry, please join us! Contact Denise Thiner, Faith Community Nurse, if you know you will be able to come or if you have any questions at 701-2379651 or email: [email protected] Sr. High Ministry Break Merry Christmas to all Sr. High youth and families. AYM and Imago Dei are off for break through January 5th. Small groups will continue to meet on Monday nights. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and pray you glory in the gift of God’s love that came down to us at Christmas. Jr. High Ministry Break Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! We hope you have a tremendous day celebrating the birth of our Savior and celebration of a new year! Looking for Childcare? Children’s Weekday Ministries (CWM) is dedicated to providing quality early childhood experiences for all children in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. The qualified and dedicated teachers provide environments in which children will learn about the good news of Jesus Christ as well as develop socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. If you have any questions about our childcare, preschool, or school age programs, please feel free to contact Kim VanCamp at: [email protected] But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children. — Galatians 4:4-5 Remember to join us in reading Daily Texts! The Watchword for this Week is Galatians 4:4-5 Daily Devotionals Our devotional plan for 2015 is a mixture of outside resources and devotionals written by our staff. We will offer “Our Daily Bread” daily devotionals, which will be available at either Connection Center. This upcoming Lent we will also offer devotions written by members of the congregation. If you have further questions, please speak to Mark Solhjem. The Daniel Plan Do you desire to improve your health? Join me in adapting the Daniel Plan. The Daniel Plan is framed around The Essentials: Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends—life areas that all work together to restore and sustain your long -term health. Faith is the foundation with God as the source of the power and the energy behind all transformational change. As you follow The Daniel Plan, you will discover that you have a part to play in getting healthier, and God will energize your efforts. We have learned that doing the Daniel Plan in community, with a group of friends, is the “secret sauce”. Scan the above QR code with your smart phone or tablet to donate to Atonement quickly and securely. We will meet for seven weeks on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium starting on January 5th. Come and join us! Passion Prayers This Thursday morning, six college age and high school women will depart for the “Passion Conference” in Atlanta. Please keep this team in your prayers as they travel. Pray that God would speak boldly through the speakers and worship. Pray that God would set their hearts on fire for Him. Pray they would be fed and fueled to continue to grow in faith and share the message of Jesus with others. Members of the Passion Team are: Abbie Siirila, Katie Anderson, Rachel Larson, Abbie Christiansen, Brianna Lawrence and Paige Leier. Revelation Study All youth are encouraged to join us Wednesday, January 7th as we begin a study on the book of Revelation. Revelation is a book surrounded by misunderstanding and mystery. But as we read and pray, we discover beauty, glory and promise found in Christ alone. We will meet at 8:00 p.m. for food and hanging out, followed by Bible study and prayer. Please remember your Bibles and bring a pen and paper if you want to take notes. Jesus + Nothing = Everything Are you looking for more Jesus, more everything? Do you crave hard questions, deep conversation and convicting relationships with others? If so, consider joining our Small Group. This group is for youth grades 10-12 and early college age. We meet Monday nights at Jeff and Andrea Paulson's home. January 12, 2015 we will begin a new study based on Tullian Tchvidjian's bestselling book. Join us and experience authentic community, life affirming conversation and life-changing relationship with Jesus. Contact Jeff Paulson for more details. We proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and commit to a life of Discipleship, Service and Community for all. Prayers Each week we print a list of prayer requests. We have an ongoing list of prayer concerns printed on blue paper available at the connection center. Healing Sympathy for the family of: Hadley Anderson (Daughter-in-Law of Shirley Anderson) Catherine Adraktas (Friend of Jim Stai) Barbara Cleland (Relative of Julie Heuer) Bonnie Clarys Orel Cossette (Father of Cindy Quibell) Please pray for Pastor Becky Lee as she shares the message on January 4th. Please read John 1:10-18 in preparation for the message. Sunday, December 28 8:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Contemporary Worship Service—Ark Traditional Worship Service—Sanctuary Coffee House—Fireside Room Contemporary Worship Service—Ark Traditional Worship Service—Sanctuary ALC on TV—Channel 99 Monday, December 29 8:15 p.m. Shift (Gr. 10-12 study)—Paulson’s Tuesday, December 30 6:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Band of Brothers—Atrium ALC on TV—Channel 99 Prayer Time—Atrium Wednesday, December 31—New Year’s Eve 6:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Men’s Morning—Fireside Room Piecemakers—Atrium Attendance Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:45 Contemporary Worship Service 8:45 Traditional Service 11:00 Contemporary Worship Service 11:00 Traditional Service 142 147 215 75 Musical, “One Quiet Night” December 18 at 7:00 p.m. 173 December 20 at 7:00 p.m. 153 December 21 at 3:00 p.m. 151 Offering Received December 21, 2014 General Fund $21,579.41 Women’s ministries $3,363.98 Quilts of Valor $500.00 FMSC $225.42 Youth mission $200.00 Christmas Musical $105.00 Missionary Support $40.00 Chapter Next $20.00 Poinsettias $20.00 Thursday, January 1—New Year’s Day Happy New Years! — Church Office is Closed Friday, January 2 2:30 p.m. Folding Friends—Fireside Room Offerings YTD as of 12/22/2014* Budgeted Actual Income $1,156,294.30 $1,002,248.09 Expenses $1,156,293.53 $1,059,061.24 +/87% 92% *includes estimate of 12/31/2014 payroll Atonement Staff • Becky Lee • Mark Solhjem • Gayle Carlson • Denise Thiner • Billie Sue Ellingson • Darrel Olson • Jarl Iverson • Andrea Paulson • Brandon Foster • Lisa Larson • Amy Okeson • Lisa Hanson • Kim VanCamp • Nicole Chaput Pastor Director of Ministry Director of Operations Faith Community Nurse Pastoral Care/Counselor Pastoral Care Worship/Creative Ministry Sr. High Youth Ministry Jr. High Youth Ministry Children’s Ministry Children’s Ministry Assistant Family Ministry Children’s Weekday Ministry Dir. Children’s Weekday Preschool Dir. • Administration Team: Sandy Dalburg, Samantha Lund, Jennifer Kruize • Facilities Team: David Zaeske, Dennis Lund, Justin Ward, Andrew Ness To email any Atonement staff, use the first letter of their first name and full last name followed by:
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