Weekly Discipler - Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Mardi Gras Bunko is Coming!
Calendar of Events
February 13, 7 pm, Hiller Hall
Sunday, January 11
8:00 A.M. Classic Celebration Worship
9:00 A.M. Pancake Breakfast—Hiller Hall
9:30 A.M. Majestic Praise Worship with Communion
9:30 A.M. Adult, Youth & Children’s Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Praise Alive! Worship
11:00 A.M. Adult Bible Study
Monday, January 12
11:45 A.M. Lifetree Café—Room 120
Tuesday, January 13
11:45 A.M. Lifetree Café—Room 120
6:00 P.M. Stephen Ministry Supervision—Room 120
6:30 P.M. Praise Alive! Worship Team Rehearsal
6:30 P.M. Joint Board of Directors/Lay Ministry—Fireside Room
Wednesday, January 14
4:30 P.M. Children’s Choir—Choir Loft
4:45 P.M. Together Meal—Hiller Hall
5:55 P.M. Pioneer Clubs—Education Wing
6:00 P.M. Adult Bible Studies, Confirmation, Senior High Youth
6:00 P.M. Lifetree Café—Room 120
7:00 P.M. Holy Cross Brass Rehearsal
7:30 P.M. Woodwinds Rehearsal
Thursday, January 15
6:00 A.M. Men’s Bible Breakfast—Wade’s Cafe
6:00 A.M. Pastor’s Bible Break.—Village Inn, Austin Bluffs/Acad.
6:30 A.M. Women’s Bible Breakfast—Village Inn, Palmer Park
9:00 A.M. Rachel Circle—Fireside Room
9:30 A.M. Women of the Word—Room 102
6:00 P.M. JuBELLation Choir—Choir Loft
7:15 P.M. Celebration Choir—Choir Loft
Friday, January 16
Saturday, January 17
6:00 P.M. Trivia Night Fundraiser—Hiller Hall
Sunday, January 18
8:00 A.M. Classic Celebration Worship with Communion
9:30 A.M. Majestic Praise Worship
9:30 A.M. Adult, Youth & Children’s Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Praise Alive! Worship with Communion
11:00 A.M. Adult Bible Study
12:15 P.M. Honduras Team Meeting—Fireside Room
“Throw me something!” That’s a common phrase
you will hear during Mardi Gras Bunko. About 40 of
us gather for snacks, laughter, and prizes at this
annual FREE event. Child care is available if you sign
up in advance. Bring a snack to share if you’d like.
Caring & Outreach Ministries
Entering the Hospital or Need Prayer? Would you
like us to pray for you on Sunday mornings or lift
you up through our prayer chain? Are you entering
the hospital? Contact Marcy at 596-0661 or fill out
the information on the pew card. Note that prayers
on pew cards are lifted up by the staff every week.
Prayer shawls, quilts, and squares are available at
the Ministry Center and in the church office. For a
tangible reminder of God’s power through prayer,
please record your name and to whom the shawl
is given so that we may pray for them.
Counseling Holy Cross has two Christian counselors
who minister to people in need. The fees are
based on a sliding scale. The phone numbers are
listed on the back of the bulletin.
Stephen Ministry Are you going through a rough
time in your life? If you need someone to talk with,
please call Pastor Doug to be connected with a
caring listener.
Bread of Life Food Pantry We take donations every
week in the bins located by our doors and serve
ZIP codes 80909, 80915, 80951 and 80916 three
days per week. Members in need, please call the
Together Meal
Taco Bar, Salad Bar, Beverages, Desserts
Attendance—Week of January 4
Sunday Worship—536
Altar Flowers?
If you would like to purchase flowers for the altar
to commemorate a special day, please write your
name and the celebration on the flower chart on
the bulletin board across from the office. Cost $25.
Next Week’s Worship Theme:
“Words of Epiphany: Come”
based on John 1:43-51; Add’l Readings:
Ps. 139:1-10; I Sam. 3:1-10; I Cor. 6:12-20
Holy Cross Weekly News
The week of January 11, 2015
Are You Studying the Word?
It’s a great way to start 2015!
The Honduras Mission Team is hosting a free-will
donation pancake breakfast TODAY from 9 am to
New Classes Begin
12 noon in Hiller Hall. Come fill up on some great
pancakes while supporting a great cause! Drinks
St. Paul’s Prison Epistles began last week at 9:30 and sausage also included. We will offer gluten
free pancakes along with all the toppings to add to
am. Join us as we dive deeply into Paul’s letters
about God’s grace and peace to believers in Philippi, your pancakes.
Ephesus, and Colossae written from St. Paul’s prison
Youth Trivia Night—Our annual trivia night is
cell in Rome. Leader, Tim Rader; Fireside Room.
Saturday, January 17 at 6 pm in Hiller Hall. Fill a
Caring Evangelism: This course teaches you how to table of 8 people to represent your ministry at $40
care and share the love of Jesus Christ for others
per table or $5 per person. Everyone is welcome—
by providing you with the skills to help others
even if you are not connected with a ministry.
understand their need for a Savior and how to
Contact Jeffrey or Kathy to express your interest
gently and carefully show others that Jesus Christ in playing. Child care will be available for a free
loves them and is waiting for them. All materials will donation. Proceeds defray the costs of youth
and books will be provided and are yours to keep events.
for easy reference. Leader, Carol Darby; Room 120.
Firewood $200/cord, delivered and stacked. Please
call Doug Karges at 322-6359. Proceeds defray the
Financial Peace University - Dave Ramsey's FPU
course is a biblically-based, 9-week series for adults costs of youth events.
using a step-by-step guide to restoring your family’s
Shoes for Honduras We are continuing to take ALL
financial health. FPU will be offered on Sundays
from 2 - 3:30 pm beginning January 25 and running shoes through the end of January as a fundraiser
through March 22. If you would like to attend or for the Honduras Mission Team. Our goal is 7,500
shoes. Please drop them off at the Ministry Center.
receive more information, please sign up at the
Ministry Center and register for the Holy Cross
class online at www.daveramsey.com/fpu. Leaders, Community Garden Stepping Stones Commemorate
a special day or memorialize a loved one. The stone
Elda & Neil Ridenour; Fireside Room.
will be displayed at the garden. Costs: 1 for $25, 2
for $45, 3 for $65, 4 for $85. Pick up an order form
from the Ministry Center and see our sample.
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage is a new
Together class that starts THIS Wednesday. The
class—welcome to everyone, couples and singles
alike—includes 12 hilarious video sessions.
Thank You for Christmas Gifts
Thank you so much for your generous contributions
to the staff. We are honored to work among you in
service to our Lord.
The Staff of Holy Cross
The Memory Minute
Thank You from Pastor Meinz
Lifetree Café Three Days Every Week
Older Adult Seminar
Psalm 119:11 states: “I have hidden your word in
my heart that I might not sin against you.” It is
important for us to memorize scripture. The Memory
Minute is a new program for our congregation to
be nourished by God’s word through memorization.
This is the same memory verse our children are
memorizing in Sunday school. We encourage you
to participate by memorizing the following verse:
Dear Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
Thank you so much for the amazing communion
set! How wonderful. I love it. I can’t thank you
enough for your generosity. I couldn't be more
Love, Jeffrey Meinz
January 12,13, 14 Topic:
What Your Black Friend Wants You to Know
Lifetree Café is a time to explore life and faith in
an atmosphere that encourages conversations
and questions. You will also have an opportunity to
share Jesus with others who may not have met him.
February 21, Bethlehem Lutheran, Lakewood
Cost $10/person, includes program and lunch
"And this is eternal life, that they may know you
the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you
sent." John 17:3
Sharing the Caring Christ Banners
You may have noticed when you entered worship
that our Sharing the Caring Christ banners have
been taken down. Margaret Zimmerman made
these banners years ago and had expressed her
desire for them to be taken down before she passed
away last March. We have an opportunity for
something new to take their place. If you have
ideas for what you could do with this space, talk to
Pastor Dave.
Annual Pinewood Derby
Our annual Pinewood Derby race will be February
21, and we have some exciting changes this year
that we believe will make the race run even
smoother! The cost is $8 per participant (covers
car kit, participant awards, and morning refreshments). The deadline for registration is February
8, but if you register by January 25, the cost is only $6. Forms are at the Ministry Center, and all are
welcome to participate.
50th Anniversary FAQs
50th Anniversary Booklets Available Booklets
with details about our year of celebration are
available at the Ministry Center or the rack next to
our bulletin board across from the office. In the
booklets, you will find info about:
50th Anniversary Shirts You may purchase 50th
Anniversary shirts in a variety of colors (navy,
sapphire, sand, forest green, dark gray and gold) at
the Ministry Center. Cost $18 each or two for $34.
Please pay for your shirts when you place your order.
Thank Offering It is customary to have a “thank
offering” for special celebrations. Contributions to
our thank offering will go toward our mortgage
debt reduction.
FIFTY 50 Challenge During all of 2015 we will offer
several games and personal challenges. The booklet contains complete details.
Creative Walking Ken and Charlotte Mock will lead
a mile walk around the INSIDE of Holy Cross every
Friday at 10 am beginning January 16. You may
walk at your own pace—and walk whatever distance you are comfortable with. Your goal is to
walk 50 miles in 2015.
Optional workday (with power tools, materials,
Planning to Get Married in 2015?
and weigh-in scale) is February 7. Contact Jon Bock If you are planning to get married at Holy Cross or
at [email protected] or 440-0642 with questions. have a Holy Cross pastor officiate at your wedding,
please call Marcy to discuss pre-marriage counseling.
We hope to offer a group session in February.
This year’s theme is “Enhancing One’s Quality of
Life;” and topics to be discussed are brain health,
living under Nazi occupation, and Lutheran immigration to America. Please call (303) 665-4289 or
Lifetree Café is offered on Mondays and Tuesdays (303) 666-9218 with questions. The registration
deadline is February 14.
from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm and on Wednesdays
from 6 to 7 pm in Room 120. Would you like to
LWML Baby Shower
join us in conversation?
Everyone is invited to join the LWML on Saturday,
January 31, from 9:30 to 11 am in the Fireside Room
Junior High Confirmation Retreat
for a baby shower to support the Colorado Springs
January 23-25 at LVR. Cost $70
Registration and payment deadline is January 19. Pregnancy Center. If you cannot attend but would
Drivers and adult male and female chaperones (up still like to donate, please bring your unwrapped
to date on child protection training) are also needed. gifts to the box at the Ministry Center. Contact
Debbie Koster or Eulalia Dory with questions.
Adult cost $35. Sign up at the Ministry Center.
Activity participation packets are available by the (Note that the 31st is the CORRECT date.)
youth bulletin board. For more info contact Pastor
Jeffrey or Kathy in the church office.
LWML Bible Study Circles
Rachel Circle 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9 am, Fireside
Want to go to Peru?
Room. Child care is provided. Let It Go by Karen
There are still spots left for anyone who would like Ehman. Contact Christy Brown.
to participate in our 2015 Peru mission trip from
June 13-20. Please call Kathy at 596-0661 or Doug Deborah Circle 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7 pm,
Fireside Room. Becoming a Vessel God Can Use.
Karges at 32-6359 ASAP for details.
Contact Deb Decker.
Music Ministry Needs YOU!
If you are like to sing or play an instrument, or if
you’d like to play handbells or dance, we would
LOVE for you to join our music ministry team. Our
Children’s Choir always loves new voices as well.
Please call the church office to get connected.
Internet Radio Broadcast
Pastor Doug is now hosting “Praying With the Eyes,”
an internet radio broadcast. Find him at ibnetwork.us
on Sundays at 8:00 and 11:30 am and 1:00 and
8:30 pm or go to www.holycrosscs.org and scroll
down to “Pastor Doug’s Corner” for all broadcasts.
1/11—Broken Peace, Co-host: Pastor Dave Hall
JOY Circle 3rd Tuesday of each month, 9:15 am at
various homes. LWML Quarterly Bible Study. Contact
Debbie Koster.
Sarah Circle 3rd Monday of each month at 6 pm in
the Fireside Room. Child care provided upon request.
Twelve Extraordinary Women. Contact Bev Smith.
Have Your Kids Joined Pioneer Clubs Yet?
We would LOVE to spend an hour with them every
Wednesday night singing, playing games, making
crafts and exploring God’s word. Call Kelly Carter
or Marcy Serby if you have questions.