Riverview High School Exam Schedule – June 2009

Riverview High School Final Assessment Schedule – January 2015
Thursday, Jan 15
Friday, Jan 16
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Monday, Jan 19
Period 3
Writing 1
(60 Minutes)
Writing 2
(60 Minutes)
ELPA/ELPR Reading 1
(90-180 minutes)
English 10
English 121, 122, 123
Cdn. History 122
F.I. Science 10
F.I.L.A 9
Ind. Family Dyn. 120
Science 10
F.I Modern History 112
Info Tech 120
Modern History 112
Modern History 113
SLC-PM Students
Period 4
Period 5
Friday, Jan 23
Biology 112
Biology 122
F.I. Mathematics 9
F.I. Social Studies 10
Mathematics 9
Social Studies 10
Visual Arts 120
F.I. Foundation Math 11
F.I. Social Studies 9
F.I.L.A. 10
Foundation Math 11
Intro to Account. 120
Social Studies 9
Theatre Arts 120
AP Psychology 120
Bio 111
Chemistry 112
Chemistry 122
Early Child Serv. 110
F.I. Science 9
Science 9
Visual Arts 10
FILA 120
Fin & Workplace Math11
SLC-AM Students
Yoga 110
F.I. Geo, Meas &Fin 10
F.I.L.A. 110
Geo, Meas & Fin 10
Intro Env. Science 120
Pre Calc. B 120
SLC-PM Students
Leadership 120
Outdoor Pursuits 110
Physics 112
SLC-All Students
Spanish 110
Media Studies 120
Sport Theory 110
Music 10/11/12
All Conflicts
Session 3
1:15 pm – 3:15 pm
English 112, 113
Period 5
Thursday, Jan 22
Session 2
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Students requiring
NO D.S.B. or
more time
delivered to the student movement
Period 4
Wednesday, Jan 21
Session 1
8:45 am – 10:45 am
P.E. Leadership 120
SLC-AM Students
Period 3
Tuesday, Jan 20
Law 120
Pre Calc. A 120
Wellness 110
Philosophy 120
Entrepreneurship 110
Marketing 120
Please note that students are restricted to writing a maximum of 2 RHS assessments each day. Students who have a conflict are to make arrangements with
their teacher to write their exam during the CONFLICT block or at a mutually agreed upon time.
Any courses italicized and bold indicate a time block to complete the course (unfinished work, essential learnings, presentations, unsubmitted assignments, etc.). They are not an exam.