Shiloh Mennonite Church -

Shiloh Mennonite Church
January 18, 2015
Today - 9:00 A.M.
Worship Leader
Emmanuel Mercado
Message Bearer
Arlin Horst
Next Sunday Message Bearer
Daryl Weaver
Today - District Minister's Love Offering
Next Sunday - Operating Fund
Sunday School - 11:00 A.M.
Adult Teachers Today: John Stauffer/Sheila Nolt
Adult Teacher Next Sunday: Arlin Horst/Sheila Nolt
Shiloh Activites
January 20 - Children's Club at 7:30 PM
January 21 - Cell Groups
January 22 - YBS at 7:30 PM
Future Announcements
January 27 - Children's Club at 7:30 PM
January Treat Schedule
18 Katrina Eberly/Sheila Burkholder
25 Mary Beth Good/Darla Hackman
January Birthdays
19 Collin Eberly
25 Hannah Martin
25 Lori Sensenig
January Host Family
25 John/Fannie Martin
Congratulations to Alex and Mary Beth on their engagament, a May wedding
is being plan.
Notice to Parents:
The youth pastor and youth advisors would like to invite the parents in the
Martindale District who have children 12 years or older, who are interested
in being a part of the Martindale District Youth Group, to an evening of
discussion regarding youth group for 2015 and beyond. This event will be
held at Martindale Church on Saturday, January 24th at 6:00 pm.
(Babysitting will not be provided, this evening is just for parents.) Like so
much of the rest of our world, the youth group landscape continues to be
ever-changing. The advisor team is blessed to be able to be a part of your
teenager’s lives. We want to serve them and you in the most effective and
efficient way possible. Please join us and offer your input. We will try to
address questions like... What should the role of the youth group be in your
family? What are the needs in your children’s lives you would most like to
see addressed by our youth group?? With so many activities now available
to our youth, how full should we make our schedule?? What areas do you
see as potential weaknesses within our youth group? We hope the evening
also serves as a spring board to other questions/topics faced by parents
within our District. We encourage you to come with your input and look
forward to your discussion. If you have any questions, you can email Nelson
& Christa Rutt at [email protected] or call them at (717) 738-1247.