BUXTON METHODIST CHURCH The Church in the Market Place Rev Andrew Parker Tel: 01298 23556 Church Office: Tel: 01298 27065 Email: [email protected] and [email protected] website: www.buxtonmethodistchurch.org.uk CCL licence no. 1176263 Sunday 18th January 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP and SUNDAY CLUB Rev Andrew Parker Please join us for coffee/tea after the morning service 6.00pm CtiB Service at the Community Church, London Road for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – see notice inside Sunday 25th January 2015 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP and SUNDAY CLUB Mrs Janet Evans Please join us for coffee/tea after the morning service 6.00pm TAIZE SERVICE Rev Andrew Parker Choir Practice each week on Sunday at 10 am MESSY CHURCH The next Messy Church will be Tuesday 20th January, from 3.30pm. WEEKLY NOTICE SHEET – Notices please to the office by email, phone or note by 9 am on Fridays TUESDAY COMMUNION AND PRAYERS Communion and Prayers, a quiet 20-30 minute service, is held in the Church on Tuesday mornings at 10.30 am CHURCH CAFÉ Please continue to support the Tuesday and Saturday Cafés when you can. Tuesdays 10.00 - 12 noon and Saturdays 10.00 to 12.30pm. Fairly-traded tea & coffee, toast, tea cakes, cookies, soup. All welcome CAFÉ ROTAS We would welcome new people onto our Saturday and Tuesday morning Café rotas. This is NOT a weekly commitment and can be as little as ONCE EVERY THREE MONTHS. It is the best way of getting to know everyone and making new friends. Don’t worry about the jobs – we teach you how to burn the teacakes and operate our highly efficient commercial dish washer by using one simple hand movement! So – come and join us – or find out more from Shirley Ellis (Tuesday co-ordinator) and Mary Davies (Saturday co-ordinator). Notice Sheet: some members now have the Notice Sheet emailed weekly. If you wish to subscribe, please speak to Ruth Hayter. Alternatively, you can access the notice sheet on the Church Website www. buxtonmethodistchurch.org.uk We would love more people to join our team of DOOR STEWARDS. We usually have three people meeting and greeting every Sunday – and stewards normally do a month a year. However, dates are negotiable! Please do think about whether you would like to do this. Visitors always comment on the warm welcome they receive at our Church and the Door Stewards play a vital role in this. Mary Davies 78336 ♫ ♪♫ ♪♫ ♪♫ ♪♫ ♪ Sunday 18th January brings a special opportunity to sing your heart out or bang some drums – whatever takes your fancy to mark the Week for Christian Unity. We’re in the hands of Buxton Community Church for the Churches Together service at 6pm. It will be an opportunity to share in a different form of worship for some of us, and for all of us to meet friends old and new and celebrate what we have in common. Please come along at 4.30 pm on Sunday 18th January, bringing your voice and any portable instruments, to join in an informal rehearsal. We’ve no idea what we’ll be singing, but Andy Tooze will provide copies of the songs when we get there. (Buxton Community Church is the one near the Fiveways junction, on the London Road way out of Buxton.) Kate MacLean and Christine Hodkinson. Russ Baker manages our website and he usually has a seasonal photo in a prominent place. The last one was Monyash Church Tree Festival. Has anyone a suitable image they could email to Russ? No prizes! And if more than one he can use them all. [email protected] NATIONAL METHODIST YOUTH BAND We are delighted that the band is coming for a weekend visit to Buxton. Their visit will include a concert on Saturday 7th February 7.30 pm (tickets £5) and also playing in the morning service on Sunday 8th February. Last time the band visited us at Buxton many people commented about their enthusiasm and quality of the music, this is another great opportunity to hear them and to invite your friends to hear them. Please take your notice sheet home with you, for your own use or to pass on to someone else who might be interested. Financial review: It’s that time of year when we count the cost of Christmas excesses and re-budget for the coming year. If you are a regular giver to Buxton Methodist Church, please consider increasing the amount of your standing order or envelope donation. The Finance Committee reports that the Church running costs go up by approximately 4% every year…. Thank you. Kate MacLean, Chair of the Finance Committee Advance notice: The next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday 27 January, at 7.45 pm at the Manse. Agenda items and apologies to [email protected] or phone 01298 78276 by Thursday 22 January, please. Kate MacLean, Chair of the Finance Committee NETWORK Network starts again on Wednesday 21st January at 2.30 pm, when our speaker will be Brian Lawrence, and his subject will be “Everyday Behaviour in Thailand”. We look forward to welcoming him to the meeting and benefitting from the many years he has spent working in Thailand. Network is for men and women and we meet in the Lower Room. Disabled access is from Fountain Street – please let us know if you need this door opening. Ruth Hayter 77810 CHRIST AND METHODISM – 50 years on This is a new book which is due to be published in the spring by Rev Robert Davies as one of the “Church in the Market Place” publications. It is a book by John J Vincent, who traces what has happened to his ground-breaking book in 1965. He asks the questions – What is Christ? What is a Christian? What is Christianity? What is the Church for us today? Copies are £8.00 + £2.00 p & p. If you are interested, please see Ruth Hayter to order with your cheque. FOOD BANK – News One problem that clients regularly face is getting the support they need over the internet. They often don’t have access and sometimes don’t know how to use it. The Food Bank would like to be able to offer internet access plus the support of our workers to help people resolve their issues, by buying a laptop and printer for use at the food bank. This month, instead of asking for specific food donations, if you are able to give, the food bank hopes you will consider making a contribution to their laptop appeal. You can donate by visiting website www.highpeakfoodbank.co.uk and clicking on ‘mydonate’ on the home page. Or you can send or drop in a cheque made payable to ‘High Peak Nightstop’ to Laptop Appeal HPNS, United Reformed Church, Hardwick Square East, Buxton, SK17 6PT. The target is £500. If you prefer to give in other ways, then the following are currently in short supply – toothpaste for children - under 5’s, coffee, shampoo, men’s deodorant. NIGHTSTOP EMERGENCY PROVISION - News As well as providing emergency accommodation, High Peak Nightstop has opened cold weather provision over the winter months. Whenever bad weather is predicted, supervised refuge is available for people with nowhere else to go, at the United Reformed Church in Buxton. People who need this help also receive hot drinks and blankets. Make referrals by ringing 07973 670 595 HERBERT WILLIAMS We were sorry to hear the news that Herbert passed away in the early hours of Sunday 11th January. His funeral service will take place in Buxton Methodist Church on Monday 26th January at 1 pm followed by the act of committal at Macclesfield Crematorium at 2.40 pm. Please remember Herbert’s daughter Paula in your prayers And we give thanks for Herbert’s life and commend him into God’s love and care. Chapter and Verse – your Christian Bookshop on the Market Place – for cards for all occasions, gifts, CD’s, books, fair trade goods. Please take this notice sheet home with you, for your own use, or to pass on to someone else who might be interested.
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