January 2015 Pastor’s Perspective Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Happy New Year! I hope you are reading this over a cup of coffee or tea or even freshly-squeezed juice. If you’re not, why don’t you pause and go get yourself some - I’ll wait. I hope you’re enjoying some peace, now that the clu(er and the guests are gone, the traveling and wrapping are over, the decora)ng and baking are done. What I really hope is that you can recall and reclaim the sense of peace that comes when singing Silent Night in a darkened church with candles aglow and the people near you singing boldly the words they know and joining their voices with yours, making song together. Or the peace that accompanies relief a.er finishing a big task or ge0ng good news instead of bad or even clearing out the garage before the first snowfall. Or the peace that can be found on a wooded trail or in a grassy field or even in a movie theater. We o.en equate peace with happiness but the “peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you - I do not give as the world gives” kind of peace that Christ offers isn’t a promise of happiness. His peace is a peace of well-being that comes not because all around us is going well but because we trust that God will be with us through it all, good or bad. That’s in part why we share this reading from John 14 so frequently when we celebrate someone’s life. I like to think and dare to hope that the Silent Night kind of peace, that feeling, is a window onto the fullness of the peace which Christ offers. And so, I hope you are experiencing that peace now and I especially hope that you receive more than just glimpses of it in 2015. That makes my wish to you more aptly “Peace-filled New Year!” We can’t know what the year ahead will hold for any of us - and I’m not sure I would want that knowledge - but through it all, God will be with us and so, too, I hope peace. Peace to you and yours! Nicole First Presbyterian Church of Waukesha 810 North East Avenue, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 (262) 542-4243 [email protected] www.firstpreswaukesha.org January Calendar January 1 - New Year’s Day Office closed January 4 - Second Sunday a er Christmas Epiphany Communion Sunday 10:00 AM Children’s Sunday School [upstairs] 10:00 AM Middle School Sunday School* [H.S. Room] 11:00 AM Removing the greenery* 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] January 7 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] 5:30 PM Session [office] January 11 - Bap&sm of the Lord 10:15 AM Children’s Sunday School [upstairs] 10:15 AM Middle School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM New elder and deacon training [office] 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] January 12 9:00 AM Rebekah Circle* [Oak Room] January 14 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] January 15 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast [Dady-Oh’s] January 18 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Ordina&on and installa&on of elders and deacons 10:15 AM Children’s Sunday School [upstairs] 10:15 AM Middle School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] January 21 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] January 25 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:15 AM Middle School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM Soup Showdown* [dining room] and then Sundae Sunday* [dining room] January 28 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] *see ar)cle Soup “Showdown” & Seminary Send-off Please join us in the dining room a.er worship on January 25 for a soup compe))on and a send-off to seminary for Ka)e Ebel. All are invited to submit a soup entry into the friendly compe))on. If you’re more of a taster than a chef, please come and cast your vote and wish Ka)e well as she heads to the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in Iowa. The Congrega)onal Life Commi(ee will provide the needed utensils and bowls, drinks, and soup accompaniments. Soup is, of course, welcome, as are desserts. Future fellowship events: February 15: Chocolate dessert contest March 15: Chili cook-off April 5: Easter breakfast May 3: An a.ernoon of appe)zers Mark your calendars! Caring Place Laundry Needed: Volunteers for washing January and February Caring Place laundry. It may be picked up in the lower hall a.er noon on Friday or twice a week, Wednesday a.ernoon and Friday a.ernoon. Washing and drying required only; usually two large loads per week. Clients fold items as part of their ac)vi)es. Please contact Gladys Manke at 262-542-7853 or [email protected] if you can help. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a Joyous Christmas Season. Thanks, Gladys Sermons up to Ash Wednesday January 4 - Second Sunday a er Christmas / Epiphany Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ma(hew 2:1-12 King of Kings January 11 - Bap&sm of the Lord Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 Into What Were You Bap'zed? January 18 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Samuel 3:1-20; John 1:43-51 Then the Lord Called January 25 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 This World Is Passing Away February 1 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Mark 1:21-28 Raise up a Prophet February 8 - Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 40:21-31; Mark 1:29-39 And He Went Throughout February 15 - Transfigura&on of the Lord 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 The Face of Christ Removing the Greenery Just as the tree must come down in your home, so must the tree (and garland and poinse0as and wreaths and pew decora)ons) in the sanctuary. Please join us a.er worship on Sunday, January 4 as we ready the church again for Ordinary Time. Sundae Sunday Sundae Sunday is January 25, a.er our church soup contest. Sundae Sunday is a chance for Pastor Nicole and the kids to enjoy casual conversa)on over ice cream. We gather in the dining room, shortly a.er worship ends, over mint chocolate chip and vanilla. All kids are welcome! January Birthdays 1/13 1/17 1/1 9 1/29 1/29 1/30 1/30 Derek Noska Sue Root Kaelyn Van Essen Karen Schmidt Logan Heider Linda Volmar Mackenzie Van Essen - Happy 1st! Session Recap The session met on Wednesday, December 10, first with the deacons, as we do each year, and then on their own. We examined the newly elected officers and welcomed them all into the calls to which they had been elected. We also began as to how to faithfully spend the funds gi.ed to us by Marjorie Williams and we began discussing improvements to each staff member’s job descrip)on. Change of Address Please note a new address for Joe Beringer below. 222 Park Place # 431 Waukesha, WI 53186 Prayer Request We’ve learned that Corinne Ellis’ mother has suffered some strokes recently so we offer our prayers for healing to her. Have something for the February newsle6er? Please send it to [email protected] or drop it in Jody’s mailbox by Monday, January 26 to have it included. Any items received a er the 26th will be included in the March newsle6er. Counters Needed A.er 25 faithful years, Rosemary is preparing to re)re from coun)ng. Be0e, who has served faithfully alongside her in recent years will also be re)ring. Therefore, we are seeking two (unrelated) people to count, record, and deposit contribu)ons receive by the church. Please talk to Nicole by Sunday, January, 4, if you are interested. Training will be available. Deacons’ Closet The following items are available for use from the Deacons’ “Closet.” If you or someone close to you has need of something, please contact any Deacon, the church office, or Patrick Price. Dona)ons of items are also accepted. • from Kelly Talley I am wri)ng with a request. Your congrega)on has had a significant rela)onship with Dee and his ministry. On January 2, we are having a small family surprise celebra)on for his re)rement. We would love to have cards, email gree)ngs, ‘roas)ng’ stories from anyone who would be interested in the congrega)ons where he spent significant )me. Would you be willing to share this request with the appropriate people in your congrega)on? We would love to share these with him as his family celebrates with him. And hopefully he will actually be relaxing in 2015, when he finishes major projects on our house! It is a SURPRISE, so please send emails to Kelly’s work email address: [email protected] and cards/paper gree)ngs to our daughter’s address: Kirsten Colson, 1680 Indian Hill Dr, Gra.on, WI 53024 We will be collec)ng everything to share with Dee (much to his chagrin and embarrassment, I am sure). I know this is a very busy )me of year, and appreciate any communica)on you can ini)ate! May you all have a blessed Christmas, Kelly Rebekah Circle Rebekah Circle meets on Monday,January 12 at 9:00 AM in the Oak Room. Presen)ng: Rosemary Duwel • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 bath benches with backs 1 bath bench without back 1 extended bath bench 1 bath rail for tub 4 elevated toilet seats 2 foldable toilet safety rails 1 4-point cane 1 sets of forearm crutches 3 sets of regular crutches 5 walkers with wheels 1 walker without wheels 2 walker extensions for height 1 wheelchair with leg rests Thank You! From Julie Stover: Dear FPC, Thank you to everyone who contributed to the care package. It means a lot to me! The candy, gi. cards and notes were all very thoughUul. I really appreciate receiving them, thank you all again! Sincerely, Julie From Jim Farley: Dear First Pres., Thank you very much for the care package! It will come in handy for finals week without a doubt! Thanks again, Jim Farley Spiritual Exercise Program 12/28/14 AEROBIC Matthew 1:18-25 memorize a verse 1/4/15 AEROBIC John 6:41-47 memorize a verse 1/11/15 AEROBIC memorize a verse 1/18/15 AEROBIC John 4:27-42 memorize a verse 12/29/14 BALANCE Psalm 96 meditate 1/5/15 BALANCE Psalm 99 meditate 1/12/15 BALANCE Psalm 145 meditate 1/19/15 BALANCE Psalm 80 meditate 12/30/14 STRENGTH Revelation 1:19-20 Lectio Divina 1/6/15 STRENGTH Revelation 21:22-27 Lectio Divina 1/13/15 STRENGTH Ephesians 1:15-23 Lectio Divina 1/20/15 STRENGTH Ephesians 4:17-32 Lectio Divina 12/31/14 REST Psalm 96 journal 1/7/15 REST Psalm 93 journal 1/14/15 REST Psalm 1 journal 1/21/15 REST Psalm 4 journal 1/1/15 FLEXIBILITY Gen 17:1-12a, 15-16 John 16:23b-30 look for similarities & differences in readings 1/8/15 FLEXIBILITY Isaiah 59:15b-21 John 4:46-54 look for similarities & differences in readings 1/15/15 FLEXIBILITY Isaiah 41:17-29 Mark 2:1-12 look for similarities & differences in readings 1/22/15 FLEXIBILITY Isaiah 45:5-17 Mark 4:21-34 look for similarities & differences in readings 1/2/15 AEROBIC Genesis 12:1-7 memorize a verse 1/9/15 AEROBIC Isaiah 63:1-5 memorize a verse 1/16/15 AEROBIC Isaiah 42:1-17 memorize a verse 1/23/15 AEROBIC Ephesians 6:1-9 memorize a verse 1/3/15 FREESTYLE Hebrews 11:13-22 your preferred exercise 1/10/15 FREESTYLE Revelation 3:1-6 your preferred exercise 1/17/15 FREESTYLE Ephesians 3:14-21 your preferred exercise 1/24/15 FREESTYLE Mark 5:1-20 your preferred exercise John 1:1-7,19-20,29-34 Middle School Spiritual Exercise Sunday School Program, cont’d This month, a new Sunday School class is star)ng up, focused on ques)ons about faith. The class will be taught by Sco( Farley, and will use a curriculum from Sparkhouse Publishing called “Re:Form”, which looks at founda)onal theology in some really engaging, unconven)onal ways. Topics include: • • • • • • Why does God let bad things happen? Why should I follow Jesus; can’t I just say I believe in him? Did Jesus know he was God? Is the Holy Spirit a person or wind or fire or what? Who wrote the Bible, God or humans? If there is only one God, why are there so many different religions? The class will take a look at a range of faith topics for our youth in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Addi)onally, we’ll use this class as a springboard into Confirma)on for eighth graders who feel they’re ready. If you’re interested in learning more, or in helping to teach the class, please contact Sco( at sco([email protected]. Treasurer’s Note First Church maintains a permanent endowment fund that allows members to express their faith and provide a perpetual stream of support for the congrega)on’s ministry today, tomorrow, and in the future. Gi.s received from our members are now suppor)ng the Church’s opera)ng, plant and equipment, mission, Chris)an educa)on, and music funds. Future gi.s can be used for these and other donor-designated purposes. Past and present members have demonstrated their permanent stewardship through gi.s to the endowment fund. Please prayerfully consider this means of furthering the work of our congrega)on. Contact Treasurer Dick Seeling with any ques)ons. 1/25/15 AEROBIC John 5:2-18 memorize a verse 1/26/15 BALANCE Psalm 85 meditate 1/27/15 STRENGTH Galatians 1:18-2:10 Lectio Divina 1/28/15 REST Psalm 65 journal 1/29/15 FLEXIBILITY Isaiah 49:13-26 Mark 6:30-46 look for similarities & differences in readings 1/30/15 AEROBIC Galatians 3:15-22 memorize a verse 1/31/15 FREESTYLE Mark 7:1-23 your preferred exercise Common Mission Offering The 2015 Discovery Day Common Mission Offering will support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance gi.s of the heart kits - specifically, the School Kits. Four bags have already been made! Now we need help filling them we can save you the trouble of shopping for them if it’s easier to make a contribu)on of $15, the approximate amount needed to fill a bag. Items needed for each kit include: 1 - pair of blunt scissors (rounded )p) 3 - 70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks (total 200-210 pages; no loose-leaf or filler paper) 1 - 30-cen)meter ruler (12") 1 - hand-held pencil sharpener 6 - new pencils with erasers 1 - large eraser 1 - box of 24 crayons 1 - cloth bag, 12" x 14" to 14" x 17" finished size, co(on or lightweight canvas, cloth handles INSTRUCTIONS FOLLOW All items must be packed into the cloth bag. The value of the kit is approximately $15. Cash dona)ons will also be accepted. If you would be interested in crea)ng kits (buying components or making bags or both) for our church to contribute on Discovery Day, please let Nicole know by Sunday, January 4. High School Mission Trip We are excited to be going to serve in the Appalachian region, Williamson (Mingo County) West Virginia. Below are the details you need to get you started: Sunday, July 19 - Friday, July 24 approximate cost $350.00 • Since the trip is the farthest we’ve taken and we need to arrive there by 6:00 PM, we will be leaving at 6:00 AM on Sunday, and will be commissioned the week before in worship. • We’ll do two fundraisers and three pre-trip mee)ngs, dates TBD once we know who is going. • We must commit to the number of people going by Sunday, January 11. Commi0ng by this date is firm - a.er that date, we are s)ll charged for any people who cancel. • The three payment dates will be: Sunday, March 8 $100 Sunday, April 26 $100 Sunday, June 14 TBD a.er fundraisers Interfaith Snow Removal A neighbor in your community needs a volunteer to help with snow removal this winter. Adopt a home nearby, or sign up as a “snow sub” to fill in for another volunteer while they’re away. Volunteer as a family, school group, congrega)on, business or community group. Snow is on the way and we want all of our Waukesha County neighbors to remain safe this winter. For more informa)on or to volunteer, visit InterfaithWaukesha.org or contact Hannah at (262) 549-3348 x2405 or [email protected] Interfaith Drivers Interfaith is always looking for volunteer drivers to help get seniors and adults with disabili)es get to medical appointments and shop for groceries. If you would be interested and able, please contact Kris Lombardi at (262) 522-2402 or [email protected]. Mission Prayer List Please consider praying for the mission sites, including presbyteries and synods across the na)on, associated with the dates for this month. Should you want more informa)on on any of the mission sites, you can: • look at the office copy of the book, located in the rack in the Oak Room, or • go to presbyterianmission.org/yearbook January 1: Synod of the Rocky Mountains 2: Presbytery of Denver 3: Presbytery of Glacier 4: Univ. of Dubuque Theo. Sem. 5: Presbytery of Plains and Peaks 6: Presbytery of Pueblo 7: Presbytery of Utah 8: Presbytery of Western Colorado 9: Presbytery of Wyoming 10:Yellowstone Presbytery 11: Human Trafficking Awareness 12: Synod of South Atlan)c 13:Central Florida Presbytery 14: Charleston Atlan)c Presbytery 15:Cherokee Presbytery 16: Flint River Presbytery 17:Presbytery of Florida 18: Race Rela)ons 19: Chris)an Unity 20: Foothills Presbytery 21: Presbytery of Greater Atlanta 22:Presbytery of New Harmony 23:Northeast Georgia Presbytery 24:Peace River Presbytery 25: Criminal Jus)ce 26:Providence Presbytery 27:Savannah Presbytery 28:Presbytery of St. Augus)ne 29:Presbytery of Tampa Bay 30:Trinity Presbytery 31:Presbytery of Tropical Florida
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