News Letter - Guildhall Fun Flyers

The Official Newsletter of the Guildhall Fun Flyers
AMA Chartered Club #3325
GFF Web Page:
January 2015
GFF: Getting Frozen Fingers
PRESIDENT Dennis Ullery
VICE PRES Brian Bigelow, Sr
Paul Herman
Pete Forlenza
Issue #241
802 673-8434c
802 393-9697c
603 730-4762c
802 535-3596
Jim Avery
Jerry Gagne
Don Sanders
John Brooks
802 328-2904
603 636-2324
603 837-3109
603 788-3222
*Every Friday, 6pm to 9pm, Indoor Flying at
Lancaster Elementary School gym on Bridge
Street. Info: Don Sanders 603 837-3109.
*Feb 7th, Sat. 10am, Feb GFF Club Meeting at
the Weeks Library in Lancaster. Set up GFF
Events for 2015.
**Every Sunday, 10am to noon, Indoor Flying
Rte. US 302 at Bartlett, NH, Josiah Bartlett
Elementary School gym (enter from rear of
school). Hosted by Mount Washington Valley
RC Club. Info: Chairman
Olof Ekbergh 603 387-4921 or Don Sanders
603 837-3109.
(* = GFF Event
**Jan 17, Sat. 10am, 14th Annual Central NH
RC Auction, Bow, NH. Doors open 8am,
Auction starts 10am. INFO: Dick Smith: 603
224-2078 or [email protected]
** = Non GFF Event)
Marcelle L’Heuruex
Roger Roberge
Dick Chevarie
Frank Fulginiti
Dennis Ullery
**Feb 20-22, 47 Annual WRAM Show,
Meadowlands Expo. Center, Secaucus, NJ.
Info: AMA - Model Aviation magazine Jan
’15, Page 130 or
Alan Jackson
Happy Birthday ! ! !
handicap accessible port-a-pottie and Dennis
will get more information in regards to that
10:05am - The GFF January 3rd meeting was
called to order by president Dennis Ullery
with 14 members present.
10:19am - Sam Crosby brought in an example
of a wing pin that may be purchased online
that will be awarded to persons that complete
the GFF club pilot training program and are
signed off and certified to fly by their
instructor. Sam stated that this example was
the style for glider pilots and that the feathered
wing type for airmen was also available. Club
members discussed and decided that the club
should purchase the feathered wing style. A
motion was made, seconded, and passed for
the club to purchase 10 pins. Sam will take
care of purchasing the pins for the club.
Dennis also noted that perhaps any club
member that would want a wing pin for
themselves could pay Sam for the pin and he
can order it.
Thank you Sam.
10:06am - Dennis called for the treasurer’s
report. The report was read by Treasurer Pete
Forlenza. Dennis called for any discussion on
the report and none was made. A motion was
made to accept the report as read, seconded,
and passed.
10:09am - Dennis called for the secretary's
report. The report was read by secretary Paul
Herman. Dennis called for any discussion on
the report and none was made. A motion was
made to accept the report as read, seconded,
and passed.
10:14am - Dennis called for any old business.
Dennis called for any more nominations for
club officers for 2015 and no new nominations
were made. A motion was made, seconded,
and passed to vote on the people that were
nominated for office at the December 6th
2014 club meeting. All nominees were
unanimously elected for office with no nay
votes. The following people are GFF's 2015
club officers.
President: Dennis Ullery,
Vice-President: Brian Bigelow,
Treasurer: Pete Forlenza,
Secretary: Paul Herman,
Safety Officer: Jerry Gagne,
Field Marshal: Jim Avery,
Web Master: John Brooks,
News Letter Editor: Don Sanders.
Congratulations to all.
10:28am - Dennis started a discussion on
changing the name of the GFF Warbirds event
by adding the words "Fun Fly" to the event so
that pilots would not be restricted to flying
strictly a warbirds type aircraft. A motion was
made, seconded, and passed to add the words
to the name. The event will now be called the
GFF Fun Fly Warbirds event.
10:31am - Dennis called for any new
business. Dennis started a discussion with the
members and asked if any member would be
interested in becoming an AMA sanctioned
Contest Director (CD). Dennis explained the
process one has to go through with the AMA
in order to achieve CD status and that it is not
difficult. Dennis is hoping someone would be
willing to become a second CD so that the
club has a backup person in the event that
Dennis would not be available. Anyone
interested in becoming a CD can obtain
information from this AMA website:
10:17am - Dennis informed the club members
that he is still in touch with a company on
possibly obtaining a new port-a-pottie for the
flying field to replace the old one but was told
that none are available at this time. A
suggestion was made to possibly obtain a
Note: The AMA Contest Director application
states that: Only Open AMA members, 19
years or older, who have been an AMA
member for three years prior to
application, are eligible.) No motion on this
issue was needed.
interested in seeing the flyer for this event can
go to this link:
10:43am - A discussion was started about this
years event calendar and the members decided
that the Advisory Committee should hold a
meeting after the regular club meeting
adjourns in order to come up with a proposed
event calendar. The calendar will be presented
to the club members to be voted on at next
month's club meeting. No motion was needed
on this issue.
10:58am - A motion was made, seconded, and
passed to adjourn the meeting.
10:54am - Don informed the club members
that the WRAM show will be coming up in
Respectfully submitted by
Paul Herman, GFF Secretary
The GFF Club Dues are due January 15th,
so kindly send yours in soon to Pete Forlenza,
1014 Calendar Brook Drive, Lyndonville, VT
05851. There is a renewal form under
MEMBERSHIP on our web site.
10:48am - Dennis informed the club members
that Skip Miller's wife volunteered to make
new windsocks for the club. This was
according to an email that was received by
Vice-President Brian Bigelow. Brian is Skip's
training instructor. Thank you Mrs. Miller.
10:49am - Don Sanders informed the club
members that there are no conflicts so far this
month for the club's Friday evening indoor
flying at the Lancaster Elementary School
gym from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. He stated that
the flying sessions are going well and the club
has had numerous new people attend and try
flying one of the club's Vapors. Three new
people that attended have also joined the club.
Welcome our new GFF club members: Chris
Hodge, Jim Cote, and Tom Bronson.
The 14th Annual Central NH RC Auction
will be held as usual at the Bow Community
Center / Fire Station, 2 Knox Road, Bow, NH
on Saturday, January 17th. New for this year
the doors open at 8am and the rc auction
begins at 10am sharp. Everything will go!
Cash and Credit Cards accepted. No Sellers
Premium, 10% Buyers Premium. Also Flea
Market for items $40 and under. Raffles and
Food & Drink available.
10:51am - Don Sanders informed the club
members that the annual Bow RC Auction
will be held at the same location this year. The
event will take place on Saturday, January
17th at the Bow Community Center and Fire 2 Knox Rd, Bow, NH. Doors open at
8:00am and the auction will start at10:00am.
There is a $2.00 entrance fee. Anyone
This has always been an event that GFF
members have enjoyed in years past. Pete
Forlenza plans to drive down again this year,
weather permitting, so if you would like a
ride, call Pete at 802 535- 3596 or email him
at [email protected] to reserve your seat.
Be sure to go to Bow for some great deals
and/or enjoy a great day of entertainment
This year the 47th Annual WRAM Show
will be held on Feb. 20th to 22nd in Secaucus,
NJ at the Meadowlands Exposition Center.
This a trade show where you can meet many
top company representatives and see all the
latest items coming on the market. Check out
the information on page 130 of the Jan. AMA
Model Aviation magazine or on line .
The next monthly GFF Club meeting is
scheduled to be held on Saturday, February 7th
at 10:00am at the Weeks Memorial Library in
Lancaster, NH. Note: Approval of the 2015
GFF Events is on the agenda.
Editor: Don Sanders [email protected]