
Services at All Saints:
Sunday 11 January – Baptism of Christ
Holy Communion
Speaker: Ian Godlington
Family Worship
Speaker: Ian Godlington
Bereavement Commemoration Service
Wednesday 14th January
Holy Communion
Midday Prayers
Sunday 18 January
Holy Communion
Speaker: Helen Walley
Family Worship
Led by: Peter and Helen Walley
Please note that items for the bulletin must be e-mailed, telephoned or left in the
envelope on the corner table in the link by 9.30am on Thursday.
Other contacts:
E-mail: [email protected]
Revd Peter Walley
[email protected]
All Saints Vicarage
[email protected]
Etwall Road, Mickleover
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel 01332 513 793
[email protected]
[email protected]
Revd Alun Rowlands
Tel: 01332 517 964
Revd Phyllis Bainbridge
Tel: 0777 643 4792
Revd Paul Pritchard
Tel: 01332 512 530
Revd Ian Godlington
Tel: 07788 471 819
St John's Church, Devonshire Drive,
Mickleover, Derby DE3 9HD
Hall Bookings:
Joy and Andrew Templer Tel 515 293
Welcome to St John's and to our services today. You are invited to stay for
refreshments in the hall after the 10.00 am service. If you are here as a visitor
please make yourself known to any regular member of the congregation who will
be pleased to tell you more about the life of St John's.
Sunday – 11th January – Baptism of Christ
Acts 19. 1-7, Mark 1. 4-11
Holy Communion
Peter Walley
Parish Communion
Peter Walley
Holy Communion with Prayer for healing
Led by:
Michael Huggett
Collect for Baptism of Christ
Heavenly Father,
at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son:
may we recognize him as our Lord
and know ourselves to be your beloved children;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.Amen
Next Sunday – 18th January
Revelation 5. 1-10, John 1. 43 - end
Holy Communion
Alun Rowlands
Informal Communion
Alun Rowlands
Praise and Prayer
Led by:
Joy Andrews
Other Meetings and Events this week
Monday (12th)
Internet Café / Computer Support group
Café – Link - including
Knit and Natter (with God)
Wednesday (14 ) 2pm
Friday (16th)
Friendship Club – Hall
Exploring the N. T. – 12 Murray Rd.
St. John's Tots
Café – Link
Derby Churches Night Shelter are very grateful for all your donations of
clothing and now have a plentiful supply of everything. The Night Shelter
now have sufficient warm socks gloves and hats. Thankyou for your
support and please continue to pray for this work. Elaine
Church Family Christmas Cards. Thank you for your donations given in lieu
of sending individual cards, amounting to £160.30, which has been added
to the FKC Education Fund for Austin. (Copies of the latest FKC Newsletter
can be found in the Link, although this was printed before Austin’s year
end report was available). Elaine
Helen Innes – Helen is settling in her new home and making friends. We
would like to send her a gift from her St. John's family, and there will be a
bowl for donations at the back of church. Terry Thompson
Saturday January 24th 2015. Sean will be holding a Church Army
fundraiser at St Johns Church Hall. It will be an evening of starters and
puddings, where you can come along and eat a mixture of starters and
puddings, or just puddings or for the more savoury palate just starters, the
choice is yours. If you would like to come please let Sean Know as soon as
possible. Space will be limited. Cost is donation and a suggested minimum
of £10 (The first time we experienced this type of evening the meal cost
£29.95). Please come along, have some fun, socialise and help support the
work of Church Army UK and Ireland in the vital work that we do. Thanks.
Sean Andrews
Correction - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 th - 25th Jan Next week is
the week of prayer for Christian unity. St. John's will be hosting a service at
9.15am on Thursday 22nd January. Please mark this week in your diary and
support the event.
Half Term Activity Days 10, 11 & 12 February
Volunteers are requested to attend preparation/training events for this
year's Activity Days on 27 January at either 2pm or 7pm at MMC. Lana.
Knit And Natter (with God) will next meet on Monday 12 th Jan 2015 in the
Café from 2pm. Now led by Lesley.
Exploring the New Testament – This course resumes on Wed 14 th January
at 12 Murray Rd. at 7.30pm Margaret
Advance notice – Visit by Canon Dr Simon Taylor to St Johns and All
Saints – weekend of 21st / 22nd February 2015 Simon as well as being a
Canon of the Cathedral leads Continuing Ministerial Development for the
diocese. He has a particular regard for Mickleover as he is responsible for
the training of Curates! The overall theme will be ‘Praying in the Spirit for
the modern world (from Romans 8)’. He has been asked to speak at an
evening event on the Saturday at St Johns, preach at the joint benefice
(old “MMA”) service at 10am at St Johns and then at All Saints service at
6.30pm. Please be praying for his visit and for our own spiritual journeys
together. Peter Walley
Advance notice – visit by Bishop Alistair to All Saints 1 st February 6.30pm.
Bishop Alistair will give an address on the theme of modern day slavery.
There will be opportunity for discussion afterwards. The Diocesan Lent
Course examines slavery in our own lives through the lens of Jane Austen’s
novel Mansfield Park. +Alistair is involved in the crafting of the Modern
Slavery Bill in Parliament, and in helping the Church to discern how best to
contribute locally in the fight against this appalling crime. This event will
be advertised through Churches Together and the Deanery. Peter Walley
Becky Shore's Travels - As many of you will know, Beccy Shore is now
travelling for 6 months. While travelling, she is writing a Blog about her
experiences. For those who are interested, you can find it at
‘’. There will be something on the blog
page asking if you want to ‘follow’ the blog. If you do that, you will receive
an e-mail each time she updates it Adrian & Claire
B.U.G.S. – “Bringing Us God on Saturday” Will next meet on Saturday the
31st January at 10.30am - 12.15pm at MMC. An activity morning for 611year olds. All are welcome to explore God’s world and share in the fun.