RiverView News LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MARINETTE LODGE 2327 PO BOX 863 MARINETTE, WI. 54143 VOL. 26 JANUARY 2015 ISSUE 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR Moose On The Menominee Radar Run Lodge 26th Anniversary Party Saturday January 24th Come out and celebrate our 26th anniversary on Saturday January 24th. Social hour will be at 5:00 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m. The dinner will be a buffet style cheese stuffed meatballs, stuffed pork chop, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, tea rolls, salad bar and dessert. Advance dinner tickets are available at the Lodge for $12.50 adult and includes a drink ticket good for one $2.50 drink, $6.00 for the children ages 12 and under. Cut off date for tickets is on Sunday, January 18th. After dinner there will be a meat raffle. Bring your family out and help us celebrate! There will be a Radar Run on Saturday January 10th (ice conditions permitting, make up date February 21st). The event will be from 7 a.m. to approx. 5 p.m. A portion of the proceeds to benefit the DAR boys and girls club. 7 - 9 a.m., breakfast in the Lodge. 8 a.m., registration begins. 9:30 a.m., race begins. Last call 3 p.m. Bring your toys, lots of classes. Runs will be 3 for $10.00. Cash award for top speed of the day. Trophies for 1st place in each class. Concessions in Moose Lodge Awards in the Lodge at 4 p.m. For more information contact Randy Belanger. [email protected]. VISIT THIS MOOSE WEB SITE TO PAY YOUR DUES ON LINE www.mooseintl.org (the password is 2014) PUBLISHED MONTHLY FOR MARINETTE LODGE 2327 subscription paid by membership dues Editor Judy Ethington ========= BOARD OF OFFICERS LODGE 2327 GOVERNOR, DENNIS ETHINGTON JR. PAST GOVERNOR, ED SCHLAUD JR. GOVERNOR, JOHN STEPNIAK SR. PRELATE, ROBERT BRITZ TREASURER, GARY ELAND ADMINISTRATOR, LARRY LILJESTRAND 3 YR. TRUSTEE, 2 YR. TRUSTEE, BRAD BOIVIN 1 YR. TRUSTEE, FRED STEPPKE SGT. AT ARMS, TOM TECHMEIER Meetings 1st & 3rd Tuesdays (meeting times on calendar) BOARD OF OFFICERS CHAPTER 1900 SENIOR REGENT, HOLLY SCHLAUD JR. GRADUATE REGENT, CONNIE VOJCIHOSKI JUNIOR REGENT, AMY BOIVIN CHAPLAIN, CHRIS SZEPANSKI SEC/TREASURER, KRISTI DENOWSKI RECORDER, CINDY DESCHAINE Meetings 1st & 3rd Mondays (meeting times on calendar) LODGE HOURS: Thurs. 4 p.m., Fri. 4 p.m., Sat. 4 p.m., Sunday noon-6 p.m. THURSDAY BURGERS/LIMITED MENU, 5-8 p.m. From The Governor Dear members, We will start the year off with a bang. The Radar Run for snowmobiles is first up. This is open to the public. Bring your families and enjoy. What a great idea for a family outing for the new year. Our anniversary dinner is January 24th and it is always a good time for family and fun. The very last day of January is a Moose Riders Casino night which includes a dinner. Wow, what a month...smear on the 11th and cribbage tournaments will start. Consider running for an office and be on the board. Hands on training is available. See the Governor for details. Remember, success is not what you gain or attain in life but is measured by what you do for others. Thanks to all the bell ringers. Plus one…..sign up a new member. Enjoy life. Fraternally, FISH FRY, OPEN MENU - FRIDAYS, 5-9 p.m. LODGE PHONE #, 715-732-4677 Loyal Order of Moose Marinette Lodge 2327 P.O. Box 863 Marinette, Wi., 54143 Women of the Moose Chapter 1900 P.O. Box 354 Marinette, Wi., 54143 Deadline for news items is no later than the 15th CAMPGROUND MANAGER Dennis Ethington, Governor Happy New Year! Our sympathy to the family of Bruce Borgen who passed away December 5th. LANA BERO, SITE #3. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 715-732-2023 or 715-732-8920. All sites rented to Moose members only. IF A MEMBER IS IN THE HOSPITAL OR THERE IS A DEATH IN THE IMMEDIATE FAMILY, PHONE CHRIS SZEPANSKI, 715-789-3078 FOR THE WOMEN. ROBERT BRITZ, 715-582-3845/715-923-1790 FOR THE MEN. Get well Rosalie VanZandt, Renee Miller, Dennis Ethington Our sympathy to Kristi Denowski on the loss of her father Dale Vanderfin. We extend our sympathy to all other family members and friends. Our sympathy to Marilyn and family members of Doug Capouch who passed away in December. Our sympathy to Larry Liljestrand and other family members of Dano Anderson who passed away in November. CHAPTER 1900 WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Dear members, Time for our monthly newsletter already. Sure hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Time for family, friends and Jesus. Everyone did an awesome job decorating the Lodge. It is very festive. Thanks to all the ladies who came out to assist Santa decorating packages for the Christmas party, it went really fast. A good time was had by all at breakfast with Santa and our annual Christmas party. Around 80 children attended. Our “Moosette of the Month” is Donna Stepniak, Santa’s little elf. Thank you Donna, who always enjoys helping out. Happy New Year to everyone, you make me proud to be a Moosette. Sincerely, Holly Schlaud, Senior Regent We need bartenders. If you are interested, contact Administrator Larry Liljestrand or bar manager Lori Hoheneder. Next smear game Sunday January 11th, noon. $5.00 each, Moose members only. Congratulations to our “Moosette of the Month” Donna Stepniak. Donna does such a great job helping Santa out by shopping for gifts for the kids Christmas party and helping to wrap everything. She volunteers for many of the other projects we have going on also. Thank you Donna, we really appreciate everything you do! Lodge Decorating Thank you so much to all who came out to help decorate the Lodge for Christmas, it really looks nice. We enjoyed some delicious food brought out by the volunteers before we got down to work. Thank you also to Fran and Brad Boivin for setting up and lighting the Nativity set in front of the Lodge. Sunshine Child Our Sunshine Child from Mooseheart is Diamond Winston, and she is 16 years old and lives in the South Carolina Home. Her birth date is August 19th. She would love to hear from you, so if you want, send cards or letters to her at: Diamond Winston % Sunshine Department 115 James J. Davis Dr. Mooseheart, IL, 60539. Hat, Scarf and Mitten Tree Cribbage Tournaments Thank you to all who hung these items on our tree again this year, you’ve made many people happy and they really appreciate your generosity. Cribbage dates set so far are on Sundays, January 4th and 18th, February 1st and 15th, and March 1st and 15th and start at 1:00 p.m. We hope to see a lot of you, it’s a fun time. Chicken Buffet Saturday January 17th, 5:30 p.m. $8.00 Taco Salad in edible bowl Saturday January 3rd, 5:30 p.m., $7.00 Coming Events for February 1..cribbage...7..potato sausage...8..smear, 14..sweetheart dinner..15..cribbage, 18..perch...28..winter family fun day. Moose Riders The Moose Riders committee will have a fun night on January 31st 2015 with a Casino night, and there will be food served. Pulled Pork sandwiches, potato salad, chips and beans. Everything starts at 6:00 p.m. and winds up by 10:00 p.m., so come out and enjoy yourself. Any proceeds made will go to the Moose Rider project of supplying lap top computers to graduating students at Mooseheart. Don't be surprised if you are ask to join the Moose Riders Committee. Secretary Darrell Ethington Please turn the bottom form in at the Lodge so we can have an up dated list of your phone number, email and home address. Name…………………………………………………………… Address……………………………………………………….. Phone number…………………………………………….. Email address………………………………………………. JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 01. Benard Corbeillie 02. Glen McCarty Kevin Nelezen 03. Harry Brown Dave Francour 04. Gary Edwards 05. Larry Liljestrand 06. John Kehoe Todd Niemojuski 07. Michael Jagielski 08. Christopher Alwin 09. Kenneth Gille Johnathan Erickson 10. Peter Christensen Patrick Ethington 12. James Nitka 13. Fred Wilch 15. Kevin Cegelski Timothy Saunier 16. Sean Fernstrum Mike Techmeier 18. James Burmeister Tom Techmeier 20. Roy Charles John Johnston Wayne Perkett 21. James Kartheiser 22. Richard Burns Dennis Draska Michael Furton Jim Vanidestine 23. Kenneth Brissette James Van Beek 24. Jim Kostura Richard Kubash 25. Mike Hubert Jr. Peter Nichols Dean Thomson Sr. 29. Randy Hoheneder Jr. 31. ustin Wozniak Enrolled Sunday December 14th. James Carpenter sponsored by Jon Knope, Jonathan Erickson sponsored by Randy Belanger, David Koertge sponsored by Chris Alwin, William Martin Sponsored by Darrell Ethington, Randy Belanger sponsored by Matt Anderson, re-enrolled David Buechler. Welcome Brothers. Next enrollment Sunday January 25th, 5:30 p.m. Web Site For Our Newsletter ============================ To Log on to website type in www.marinettemoose.com Click on Members only. Enter ID 2327 The password is riverview Moose on the Menominee T-Shirts For Sale Blue, Black and Pink Sizes Small To XXX Large, $15.00 Christmas Party Volunteers Our “Moose of the Month” is Santa Claus. Many thanks go out to Jim Shampo and Al Mans for making sure Santa finds his way to the Lodge every year for the children’s party and breakfast. They make sure his Reindeer are fed and rested before they leave. Thank you Jim and Al!! The kids Christmas party was a big hit again this year. Our thanks to Kay Nelson, Sharon Beyer, Irene Heimbuch, Sherry Grandaw, Lori Hoheneder, Donna Stepniak and Jennifer Thomas for doing the lunch and setting everything up before Santa came to give everyone their gifts. Thank you also to all the members who brought cookies and other goodies to share. All who attended said it was a great time! Bell Ringers Our thanks to Pat Johnson, Nancy Lukszys, Fran and Diane Boivin, Kay Nelson, Sharon Beyer, Dennis and Rosie Draska, Darrell and Judy Ethington, Dennis Ethington, Dave and Kathy Orth, Mason and Sherry Boivin, Fay Bromund and Carissa Kempka, Jerry and Bonnie Haines, Chris and Kira Klimek and Donna Stepniak for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. This is a great community service project. Breakfast With Santa A big thank you to Darrell and Dennis Ethington and John Stepniak for the great breakfast. We had a really good turnout and the kids sure loved talking with Santa Claus! New Years Eve Dinner On Wednesday December 31st we will have a steak or shrimp and steak dinner. You will have a choice of Tenderloin or New York Strip for $15.00. Steak and shrimp will be $18.00. This includes potato and salad bar plus one free drink ticket. Social hour is from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. You must purchase tickets for this before hand so we know how many steaks to order. The cut off date for this is December 26th. Winter Family Fun Day Saturday February 28 Plans are being made for a day of activities. At approximately 10:00 a.m. it starts with snowmobile rides, a bon fire to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, hot chocolate, etc. There will be fun inside the Lodge too with games, cookie decorating, a Chili cook off with trophies awarded. We will need a lot of volunteers for this including those who have snowmobiles. There will be a signup sheet posted in February. Chicken buffet Saturday December 27th 5:30 p.m. $8.00. JANUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 If your address has changed call 715732-4677 and leave the information. The Post Office does not forward newsletters. Your number for the Friday night drawing will be purged after 8 p.m. January 2nd. Sign the master book for a new one along with your Moose ID number. 4 open noon-6 p.m. 5 11 Checking cards is John Stepniak. 6 Women officers Men officers 6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Members 7 p.m. Members 6:00 p.m. open 11:30-6 12 13 7 Cribbage 1:00 p.m. open at noon Men’s enrollment 5:30 p.m. open 4 p.m. Food, 5-7 p.m. Checking cards is Fran Boivin. 14 15 open 4 p.m. Checking cards is Dennis Ethington. Women meet 6:00 p.m. Business meeting. 20 21 26 22 open 4 p.m. Men officers 6 p.m. Food, 5-7 p.m. Members 7 p.m. Checking cards is Dale McDonald. Legion meeting. 25 8 Food, 5-7 p.m. 19 open 4 p.m. 3 open 4 p.m. Fish fry - open menu, 5-8 p.m. Taco Salad 5:30 p.m. $7.00. Happy New Year! Cribbage 1:00 p.m. open noon-6 2 Sat Food, 5-7 p.m. Smear game at noon, $5 ea. Must be a Moose member to play. 18 open 4 p.m. Fri 27 9 open 4 p.m. Fish fry - open menu, 5-8 p.m. 16 open 4 p.m. 10 Radar Run, story inside. District meeting in Clintonville. 17 Fish fry - open menu, 5-8 p.m. 23 open 4 p.m. Fish fry - open menu, 5-8 p.m. open open 4 p.m. Chicken buffet 5:30 p.m. $8.00. 24 open 4 p.m. Lodge 2327 26th anniversary party Details inside. 28 29 open 4 p.m. Food, 5-7 p.m. Checking cards is Rick Peterson. 30 open 4 p.m. Fish fry - open menu, 5-8 p.m. 31 open 4 p.m. Moose Riders fun night 6:00 p.m. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MARINETTE LODGE 2327 P.O. BOX 863 MARINETTE, WI. 54143 DATED MATERIAL– DELIVER PROMPTLY NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID MARINETTE, WI. PERMIT NO. 70 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED YOUR VOLUNTEER HOURS COUNT Volunteer time may help your Lodge and Chapter maintain their non-profit status. Information is recorded and placed in a file. The time and money given to worthwhile, charitable organizations is compiled and submitted to International through Community Service Reports filed by your Lodge and Chapter. Use this form and return to your Lodge or Chapter. Thank you. COMMUNITY SERVICE REPORT NAME……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………PHONE#.................................................. DATE DESCRIPTION DONATIONS HOURS MILES MONETARY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………........................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
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