Professional Summary - Bureau of Economic Geology

Martin P A. Jackson
Professional Summary
January 20, 2015
Business address:
E-mail address:
The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology
University Station, Box X
Austin, TX 78713-8924
(512) 471-9548
[email protected]
Professional Preparation
Academic Background
Ph.D. Geology, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1976
B.S., Special Honors First Class, Geology, University of London, United Kingdom, 1969
B.S. Geology, University of London, United Kingdom, 1968
Professional Appointments
Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of
Texas at Austin (September 1987 - present).Director and Principal Investigator, Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory (1988-present): establish facilities; direct and carry out research for
physical and mathematical modeling of the development of hydrocarbon structural traps in
regimes of salt tectonics, extension, and contraction; carry out mapping or structural
interpretation of salt and shale tectonics in Gabon, Angola, Colorado Plateau, Gulf of Mexico,
Red Sea, Iran, Arctic Canada, and Central Africa; manage consortium of Industrial Associates
(1988-present); Principal Investigator for research on salt tectonics on continental slope of Gulf
of Mexico (1988-1990); Principal Investigator on experimental modeling of rollover structures in
growth faults (1990-1992).
Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (September
1981 - August 1987).Principal Investigator for international generic study of diapir mechanics
based on salt diapirs exposed in Central Iran with emphasis on remote-sensing mapping,
structural geology, centrifuge modeling, and analytical modeling (1985-1988); Principal
Investigator of program of experimental centrifuge modeling of salt diapirism (1984-1987);
Principal Investigator for regional tectonics and salt mobilization in East Texas Basin with regard
to suitability of salt domes as nuclear-waste repositories (1980-1983); research based on
subsurface data such as seismic sections, residual gravity, electric logs, and core studied in
terms of lithology, microstructure, geochemistry, fluid inclusions, finite strain, and structural
geometry; evaluate interplay between sedimentary infilling of the basin and flow of salt; analyze
lineaments on aerial photographs and Landsat imagery to elucidate the roles of folding,
fracturing, and faulting in basin tectonics; jointly compile new Tectonic Map of Texas.
Research Scientist Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
(January 1980 - September 1981).Principal Investigator for regional tectonics and salt
mobilization in East Texas Basin with regard to suitability of salt domes as nuclear-waste
repositories (1980-1983); research based on subsurface data such as seismic sections, residual
gravity, electric logs, and core studied in terms of lithology, microstructure, geochemistry, fluid
inclusions, finite strain, and structural geometry; evaluate interplay between sedimentary infilling
of the basin and flow of salt; analyze lineaments on aerial photographs and Landsat imagery to
elucidate the roles of folding, fracturing, and faulting in basin tectonics; jointly compile new
Tectonic Map of Texas.
Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (April 1976
- December 1979).Devise and teach graduate courses in structural geology, metamorphic
petrology, and Precambrian crustal evolution; undergraduate courses in structural geology,
metamorphic petrology, optical mineralogy, plate tectonics, and Precambrian stratigraphy;
organize and lead senior field class in mapping techniques and structural analysis; supervise
research of numerous graduate students; initiate and organize weekly research colloquia in
Geology Department; conduct own research in early-Precambrian gneiss tectonics (Swaziland),
late-Precambrian structural studies in gneisses, and syndepositional Quaternary deformation in
Zululand (South Africa).
Research Associate, Precambrian Research Unit, University of Cape Town (March 1972 March 1976).Map a 10,000-km2 area of highly complex mid-Precambrian gneiss terrane in
Namib Desert (previously unexplored) and a late-Precambrian thrust belt along the Namibian
coast; compile the first regional map of the Precambrian geology of southern Namibia; study
metamorphism, migmatization, and polyphase deformation history; consult part-time for Anglo
American Corporation in Namibian Diamond Area and for Moly-Copper Mining and Exploration
Company in adjacent area; teaching assistant at University of Cape Town in undergraduate
structural geology, igneous petrology, and metamorphic petrology.
Project Geologist, Cominco (Canada), South Africa (January 1970 - February 1972).Direct
base-metal exploration; organize and carry out exploration programs by mapping, geochemistry,
and geophysics for Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Pt, and F in early-Precambrian gneisses and greenstone
belts, in mid-Precambrian platform sequences and the Bushveld Complex in South Africa, and in
late-Precambrian metasediments in Namibia; carry out exploration for Au and U in
mid-Precambrian sediments.
Student Member, Joint University of Rhodesia/Queen Victoria Museum Expeditions, Rhodesia
(1967 - 1968).Find and excavate Mesozoic dinosaurs.
Student Geological Assistant, Anglo American Corporation (Rhodesia) (Summers 1966 1968).Base-metal exploration involving geologic mapping and photogeology, core logging, and
geochemical prospecting.
Structures and processes on the lunar surface: Salisbury, Rhodesia, University of London, B.Sc.
Special Honours thesis, 136 p., 1969
High-grade metamorphism and migmatization of the Namaqua Metamorphic Complex around
Aus in the southern Namib desert, South West Africa: Cape Town, South Africa, University of
Cape Town, Ph.D. dissertation, 343 p., 1976
Areas of Expertise
Areas of Expertise
Experimental modeling of salt tectonics
Salt tectonics, halokinesis, thin-skinned deformation
Structural analysis and seismic interpretation of basins and sedimentary tectonics
Awards and Honorary Societies
William Smith Medal (for outstanding research in applied geology), The Geological Society of
London, 2013
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, in
recognition of outstanding innovation in petroleum geoscience research, 2010
Keynote speaker, 7th Petroleum Geology Conference, Geological Society of London and the
Energy Institute, London, United Kingdom, 2009
A. I. Levorsen Memorial Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2008
Jules Braunstein Memorial Award for best poster at AAPG Annual Convention, Dismembered
Sutures Formed during Asymmetric Salt-Sheet Collision, 2008
Keynote speaker, Plenary Session, American Association of Petroleum Geologists International
Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, 2008
Outstanding Service Award, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin,
Publication Award, Bureau of Economic Geology (exemplary publication of scientific or
economic impact), 2008
Senior Research Fellowship, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at
Austin, 2002 - 2007
Featured in Episode 1, "Building the Planet," in the television series Faces of Earth on
Discovery's Science Channel, first broadcast on July 23, 2007
Joseph C. Walter Excellence Award, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas
at Austin, 2006
Co-author of awardee, George C. Matson Award to M. R. Hudec, American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, 2005
Keynote speaker, First Marrakech International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition,
Marrakech, Morocco, 2002
Robert Sheriff Lecturer, University of Houston and Houston Geological Society, 2002
Robert H. Dott, Sr., Memorial Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (for Best
Special Publication Published by AAPG): M. P. A. Jackson, D. G. Roberts, and S. Snelson
(eds.) 1995, Salt Tectonics: A Global Perspective: Memoir 65, 454 p, 1998
Don R. and Patricia Kidd Boyd Distinguished Lecturer in Petroleum Geology, Department of
Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1996
Keynote speaker, Petroleum Group of Geological Society of London, England, 1994
Honorable Mention, Society for Sedimentary Geology, 1993
Distinguished Lecturer, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1991 - 1992
George C. Matson Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists for best oral
presentation at Annual Convention, 1990
Shell Distinguished Lecturer, 1986
J. C. Sproule Memorial Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, (for best paper
published by authors aged under 35), 1985
Best Paper Award, Precambrian Geology Session, Geological Society of America, 1981
Ph.D. Scholarship, University of Cape Town, 1975
Ph.D. Scholarship, Moly-Copper Mining and Exploration Company (Namibia), 1974
Ph.D. Scholarship, Moly-Copper Mining and Exploration Company (Namibia), 1973
Ph.D. Scholarship, Moly-Copper Mining and Exploration Company (Namibia), 1972
Macgregor Medal for Outstanding Achievement, University of Rhodesia, 1969
Special Honours Scholarship, University of Rhodesia, 1969
American Men and Women of Science
Who's Who in the World
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Who's Who in the South and Southwest
External Committees Participation
Chair, Passive Margins: Sediments and Structures, 7th Petroleum Geology Conference,
Geological Society of London and the Energy Institute, London, United Kingdom, 2009
Chair, Energy and Geosciences Search Committee, Jackson School of Geosciences, The
University of Texas at Austin, 2007 - 2009
Member, Strategic Planning Council, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas
at Austin, 2007 - 2009
Co-Chair, Salt Tectonics at Passive and Active Margins, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April, 2008
Chair, Search Committee for Energy Geoscience, Jackson School of Geosciences, The
University of Texas at Austin, 2007 - 2008
Vice-Chair, Strategic Planning Council, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of
Texas at Austin, 2005 - 2008
Member, External Appointments Committee, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of
Texas at Austin, 2006
Member, Search Committee for Dean, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas
at Austin, 2006
Chair, External Appointments Committee, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of
Texas at Austin, 2004 - 2005
Member, Program Advisory Committee for 25th Annual GCSSEPM Research Conference:
Petroleum Systems of Divergent Continental Margin Basins, Gulf Coast Section-SEPM, 2003 2005
Member, Steering Committee, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, Texas, 2003 - 2005
Co-Chair, Session IV--Salt, Hydrocarbons, and Brines, 24th Annual GCSSEPM Research
Conference on Salt-Sediment Interactions and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity: Concepts,
Applications, and Case Studies for the 21st Century, 2004
Member, Implementation Committee to Formulate Charter, Jackson School of Geosciences,
The University of Texas at Austin, 2004
Co-Chair, Program Advisory Committee, 24th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins
Research Conference on Salt, Sediment, and Hydrocarbons: Concepts, Applications and Case
Studies for the 21st Century, Houston, Texas, 2002 - 2004
Session Chair, Salt tectonics: new concepts, new plays, deep-water Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies 52nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas, October, 2002
Session Co-Chair, Pass the salt, please: recent advances in global salt tectonics, American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, Houston, Texas, 2002
Convenor, Annual Meeting: Salt tectonics (San Antonio, Texas), American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, 1999
Convenor/Session Chairman, Annual Meeting: Salt dynamics and sedimentation (San Antonio,
Texas), American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1999
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1997
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Hedberg Research Conference on Reservoir-Scale
Deformation: Characterization and Prediction (Bryce, Utah), American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1997
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1995
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Gulf Coast Section Annual Research Conference, Society of
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1995
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, International Conference (Nice, France), American Association
of Petroleum Geologists, 1995
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1994
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Geological Society of London, 1994
Associate Editor for Geological Society of America Bulletin, Geological Society of America, 1989
- 1994
Co-Convenor, Hedberg International Research Conference on Salt Tectonics, Bath, United
Kingdom, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1993
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Hedberg International Research Conference on Salt Tectonics
(Bath, England), American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1993
Member, Commission on Tectonics, International Union of Geological Sciences, 1988 - 1993
Guest Editor, Special Issue of Marine and Petroleum Geology, 1992
Co-organizer, Symposium on Salt Tectonics, Geological Society of America, 1990
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1990
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, 1990
Associate Editor for American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1985 - 1990
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1989
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Gulf Coast Section Annual Research Conference, Society of
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1989
Member, Passive Margins Group III Workshop, National Research Council, 1988
Member, Committee on Education, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1984 - 1987
Session Chairman/Co-chairman, Annual Meeting, Gulf Coast Association of Geological
Societies, 1985
Member, Editorial Board for the volume Precambrian Tectonics Illustrated, Subcommission on
Tectonics, International Union of Geological Sciences, 1983
Teaching and Advising
University Courses Taught
Talk: presented at Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas
Texas, September 16, 2011.
The pillow fold belt: a key subsalt structural province in the northern Gulf of Mexico: presented at
the BEG Seminar Series, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas, 2011.
The collapse of Hebes Chasma, Mars: presented at Bureau of Economic Geology Seminar, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, March 12, 2010.
Continental-scale gravity spreading on Mars: evidence for salt tectonics: presented at BEG
Colloquium, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
February 1, 2008.
Introduction to salt tectonics: presented to Department of Geological Sciences, The University of
Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, April 19, 2005.
An allochthonous salt canopy on Axel Heiberg Island, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: presented
at the Bureau of Economic Geology Colloquium, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Texas, February 11, 2005.
Salt tectonics: presented to Graduate Class, Department of Geological Sciences, The University
of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, March 2004.
A new look at Angolan salt tectonics, tectonostratigraphy, and differential uplift in the Kwanza
Basin: presented at Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden,
January 2004.
Salt glaciers: a geological wonder of the world: presented at the Bureau of Economic Geology
Colloquium, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, July 18, 2003.
Salt tectonics: presented to Tectonics II (GEO 391) graduate class, Department of Geological
Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, March 2003.
Orogenic telescoping of a Gulf-of-Mexico-type allochthonous salt complex in the Neoproterozoic
Katanga Basin, Congo: presented at the Bureau of Economic Geology Colloquium, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, March 2002.
Salt tectonics: presented to Tectonics II (GEO 391) graduate class, Department of Geological
Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, March 2002.
First-Year level: field geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
First-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
Graduate level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
Graduate level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Graduate level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
Second-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Second-Year level: optical mineralogy: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
Second-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
Third-Year level: field geology and mapping: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1979.
First-Year level: field geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
First-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
Graduate level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
Graduate level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Graduate level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
Second-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Second-Year level: optical mineralogy: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
Second-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
Third-Year level: field geology and mapping: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
Third-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1978.
First-Year level: field geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
First-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
Graduate level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
Graduate level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Second-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Second-Year level: optical mineralogy: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
Second-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
Third-Year level: field geology and mapping: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
Third-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1977.
First-Year level: field geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
First-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Graduate level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Graduate level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Graduate level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Second-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Second-Year level: optical mineralogy: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Second-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Third-Year level: field geology and mapping: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: geotectonics: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Third-Year level: metamorphic petrology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa,
Third-Year level: Structural geology: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1976.
Continuing Education Courses Taught
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Maersk Oil North Sea, Aberdeen, United Kingdom,
September 2012.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to ConocoPhillips, Houston, Texas
Texas, March 2012.
Contractional salt tectonics: presented to Condor Petroleum, Calgary, Canada, May 2011.
Contractional salt tectonics: presented to Maersk Oil, Cardona, Spain, March 2011.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to Hess, Houston, Texas, September 2010.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to Woodside Energy, Houston, Texas, July 2009.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Austin,
Texas, May 2009.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Houston,
Texas, December 2008.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Cape
Town, South Africa, October 2008.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to Nexen Petroleum, Dallas, Texas, August 18, 19 2008.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to ConocoPhillips, Houston, Texas, April 2008.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Sterling Energy, London, United Kingdom, February 2008.
Shelf salt tectonics: presented to Freeport-McMoran Oil and Gas, Austin, Texas, February 2008.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Maersk Corporation, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2007.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Statoil, Houston, Texas, November 2006.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2006.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Hydro Oil and Energy, Bergen, Norway, May 25, 2005.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Shell Oil, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 2004.
Introduction to salt tectonics: presented to Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran, January
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to SONAREP, Rabat, Morocco, 2002.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to TotalFinaElf, Houston, Texas, 2002.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to TotalFinaElf, Luanda, Angola, 2002.
Salt tectonics: presented to E&P Methods and Technologies School: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, Houston, Texas, 2002.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to La Asociacion Mexicana de
Petroleros/American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Veracruz, Mexico, 2001.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Shell Oil, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2001.
Advanced salt tectonics: presented to Woodside Energy, Perth, Western Australia, 2001.
Salt tectonics: presented to E&P Methods and Technologies School: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, Denver, Colorado, 2001.
Advanced salt tectonics: Short Course: Exxon Company USA, Houston, Texas, 2000.
Advanced salt tectonics: Short Course: Japan National Oil Company, Chiba, Japan, 2000.
Advanced salt tectonics: Short Course: Marathon Oil, Houston, Texas, 2000.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Exxon Company USA, 1999.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Exxon Company USA, 1998.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Pan Canadian Petroleum, 1998.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Amoco Production Company, 1997.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: BHP Petroleum, 1997.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Triton Energy, 1997.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Vastar Resources, 1997.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Amoco Production Company, 1996.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: BHP Petroleum, 1996.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: BHP Minerals, 1995.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Marathon Oil, 1995.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Vastar Resources, 1995.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: British Petroleum Exploration, 1994.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Louisiana Land & Exploration, 1994.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Oryx Energy, 1993.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: British Petroleum Exploration, 1992.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Oryx Energy, 1992.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Texaco, Inc., 1992.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: AGIP S.p.A, 1991.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: ARCO Oil and Gas, 1991.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: British Petroleum Exploration, 1991.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Exxon Company USA, 1991.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: New Orleans Geological Society, 1991.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: British Petroleum Exploration, 1990.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Oryx Energy, 1990.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: British Petroleum Exploration, 1989.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): British Gas, 1989.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Oryx Energy, 1989.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Houston Geological Society/American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1988.
Advanced Salt Tectonics: Standard Oil, 1987.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Tenneco Oil, 1986.
Growth Faulting and Salt Tectonics: American Association of Petroleum Geologists School of
Structural Geology, 1985.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Professional Seminar Group, 1985.
Growth Faulting and Salt Tectonics: American Association of Petroleum Geologists School of
Structural Geology, 1984.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Gulf Oil, 1984.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): South Texas Geological Society/American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1984.
Guide to Oil and Gas Exploration in the East Texas Basin with Emphasis on Subtle Traps (with
S. J. Seni): Professional Seminar Group, 1983.
Guide to Oil and Gas Exploration in the East Texas Basin with Emphasis on Subtle Traps (with
S. J. Seni): Tenneco Oil, 1983.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Gulf Oil, 1983.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Professional Seminar Group, 1983.
Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Cenozoic Continental Margins: Application to
Hydrocarbon Exploration (with W. E. Galloway): Sohio Petroleum, 1983.
Guide to Oil and Gas Exploration in the East Texas Basin with Emphasis on Subtle Traps (with
S. J. Seni): Professional Seminar Group, 1982.
Student Committee Supervision
Chair, Ph.D. Qualifying Committee, Xitian Cai, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013
Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Bryce Wagner, Jackson School, The University of
Texas at Austin, Completed, 2010
Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Monica Pequeno, Albian/Maastrichtian
tectono-stratigraphic evolution of central Santos Basin, offshore Brazil: The University of Texas
at Austin, 2009
Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Monica Pequeno, Jackson School, The
University of Texas at Austin, Completed, 2007
Co-Supervisor, M.S. Thesis Committee, Richard Kilby, The University of Texas at Austin, 2004
Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Pedro Gomez-Cabrera, Stratigraphic and
structural analysis of the Neogene sediments of the offshore portion of the Salina del Istmo
Basin, southeastern Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 2003
Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, H. Ge, Kinematics and dynamics of salt tectonics
in the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado: field observations and scaled modeling: The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1996
Co-Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, S. J. Seni, Salt tectonics in the Green Canyon
Block of the Gulf of Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1990
Supervisor, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, George Zelt, The petrology, geochemistry, and
structural relations of a Proterozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain: University of Natal,
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1980
Student Committee Participation
Member, Ph.D. Qualifying Committee, Renas Mohammed, The University of Texas at Austin,
Member, Ph.D. Qualifying Committee, John Warden, The University of Texas at Austin, 2012
Member, Ph.D. Qualifying Committee, Sandy Suhardja, Mapping the Rivera Subduction Zone:
The University of Texas at Austin, 2008
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Patricia Montoya, The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas, 2004
Member, Ph.D. Qualifying Committee, Nedra Bonal, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Texas, 2004
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Xinxia Wu, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Texas, 2003
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Joël Le Calvez, The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas, 2002
External Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, John Paul Brown, Deformation and
sedimentation adjacent to Carboniferous diapiric salt structures, Nova Scotia: Dalhousie
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1998
Member, M.S. Thesis Committee, R. J. Mann, Numerical modeling of deformation around
allochthonous salt tongues driven by sedimentary loading: application to the Gulf of Mexico: The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1998
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, M. K. Johns, Physical models and natural examples of
fold interference: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1995
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, K. E. Carter, Construction and collapse of an orogen:
tectonic strain and fluid history of the Tuscan nappe, northern Apennines, Italy: The University of
Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1990
External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, A. R. Cruden, Deformation during diapiric rise
of magma: Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 1989
External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, H. Koyi, Gravity overturn and lateral forces in
experiments and sedimentary basins: Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 1989
Member, M.A. Thesis Committee, S. Boerner, Experimental investigation of packed spheres
under extension: application to sand box experiments: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Texas, 1989
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, P. de T. M. Guimaraes, Basin analysis and structural
development of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
Member, M.A. Thesis Committee, C. H. Wilson, Depositional, structural, and thermal evolution
of a Pleistocene oil-productive area: Texas-Louisiana continental slope: The University of Texas
at Austin, Austin, Texas, 1985
Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, R. J. Burks, Incremental and finite strains within ductile
shear zones, Narragansett Basin, Rhode Island: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Texas, 1985
Physical modeling of salt tectonics: presented to Bureau of Economic Geology Advisory Council,
Austin, Texas, August 2013.
Origin and evolution of allochthonous salt sheets, President's Day medal-winner presentation:
presented to the Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom, June 2013.
Geometry and kinematics of salt welds: presented to AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas
Texas, November 14, 2012.
Salt facing: a simple tool to analyze salt-tectonic geometry: presented to AGL Industrial
Associates, Austin, Texas
Texas, November 14, 2012.
Squeezing a large canopy on a slope: suturing patterns, subsalt thrusting, suprasalt extension
and salt expulsion: presented to AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas
Texas, November 14, 2012.
Bricks, ellipses, and hourglasses: a tale of contrasting welding during shortening: presented to
AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas
Texas, November 13, 2012.
Technical advances in AGL physical modeling: 2004-2012: presented to AGL Industrial
Associates, Austin, Texas
Texas, November 13, 2012.
The effects of coastal uplift on structural zonation in a gravity-spreading system: presented to
AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas
Texas, November 13, 2012.
Pillow fold belts in the Gulf of Mexico: rethinking the role of shortening on passive margins:
presented to Petrobras E&P, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 9, 2012.
Pillow fold belts in the Gulf of Mexico: rethinking the role of shortening on passive margins:
presented to Petrobras University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 9, 2012.
Internal structures in allochthonous salt: presented to AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 4, 2011.
Deformation mechanisms and microstructures in rock salt: presented to AGL Industrial
Associates, Austin, Texas, November 3, 2011.
Micro salt tectonics: what works where: presented to AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 3, 2011.
Overview of AGL research: presented to AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 3,
Rheology of pure and mixed evaporites: presented to AGL Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 3, 2011.
Salt behaving badly: brittle, dilatant, permeable, and hazardous: presented to AGL Industrial
Associates, Austin, Texas, November 3, 2011.
Early history of the Gulf of Mexico salt basin: presented to Anadarko Petroleum, The
Woodlands, Texas, August 2011.
Origin of saline giants: some problems, some solutions: presented to Anadarko Petroleum, The
Woodlands, Texas, August 2011.
Saline superstars and plate-tectonic supercycles: presented to Anadarko Petroleum, The
Woodlands, Texas, August 2011.
The pillow fold belt: a key subsalt structural province in the northern Gulf of Mexico: presented at
TGS Inforum, Houston, Texas, August 2011.
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory research: presented to BP, Austin, Texas, July 2011.
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory research: presented to BG, Austin, Texas, April 2011.
The pillow fold belt, Gulf of Mexico: presented at Global Geophysical, Houston, Texas, March
Writing for peer-reviewed journals: presented at BEG workshop on scientific writing, Austin,
Texas, March 2011.
Origin of saline giants: some problems, some solutions: presented at Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 2010.
Saline superstars and plate-tectonic supercycles: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
Industrial Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 2010.
Martian salt tectonics?: presented at The University of Texas Planetary Science Symposium,
Austin, Texas, October 2, 2010.
Introduction to salt tectonics: presented to Tectonics course, Jackson School of Geosciences,
October, Austin, Texas, October 2010.
Pillow fold belts, Part 1: recognition: presented at the Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual
Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 4, 2009.
Pillow fold belts, Part 2: a hypothesis for the northern Gulf of Mexico: presented at the Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 4, 2009.
Pillow fold belts, Part 3: a model of restraint: presented at the Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 4, 2009.
Active diapirs: genetic criteria and fault patterns: presented at the Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 3, 2009.
Canopy evolution: deformation processes and subsidence patterns: presented at the Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 3, 2009.
Evaporite karst as an ingredient of salt welds (NE Spain): presented at the Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 3, 2009.
Here be dragons: internal structures of salt pillows and diapirs: presented at the Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 3, 2009.
Introduction and AGL overview 2009: presented at the Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual
Review Meeting, Austin, Texas, December 3, 2009.
Geometry, origin, and significance of orthogonal anticlines in a growth fault setting, western Gulf
of Mexico: presented at Murphy E&P, Houston, Texas, August 15, 2009.
How and where is the Sigsbee Escarpment advancing?: presented as part of the BEG
Centennial Distinguished Lecture program to Marathon Oil and to the public, Houston, Texas,
April and June 2009.
Unfolding concepts in salt tectonics: intrusive plumes, salt-sheet thrusts, minibasin triggers, and
exotic wanderers: presented to Mærsk, DONG E&P, Norwegian Energy Company), the
Geological Survey and the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2009.
Allochthonous flow and diapirism in Hebes Chasma, Mars: presented at Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 17, 2008.
Vanishing crust in the deepest Martian canyon: modeling the collapse of Hebes Chasma:
presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas,
October 17, 2008.
Catastrophic breakup of the seafloor beyond the Sigsbee Escarpment: a clue to recurrence
interval of major earthquakes?: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial
Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 16, 2008.
Flow markers in salt canopies, Part 1: The tools: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
Industrial Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 16, 2008.
Flow markers in salt canopies, Part 2: The story: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
Industrial Associates Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 16, 2008.
Salt tectonics in the Green Canyon area, deepwater Gulf of Mexico: presented to Nexen
Petroleum, Dallas, Texas, August 20, 2008.
How and where is the Sigsbee Escarpment advancing?: presented at the AAPG Annual
Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April 2008.
Modeling of strain partitioning during gravity-driven deformation of multilayered evaporites and
overburden: presented at the AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April 2008.
Deformation styles and linkage of salt walls during oblique contraction: presented at Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 9, 2007.
Imbricate thrusting ahead of advancing salt sheets: presented at Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 9, 2007.
Neogene salt tectonics in the offshore Salina Basin, southern Gulf of Mexico: presented at
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 9, 2007.
Strain and multiple detachments in thick salt during gravity spreading: insights from the
Messinian saline giant: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates
Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 9, 2007.
A nonconventional Plio-Pleistocene fold belt above allochthonous salt in mid-slope of the
northern Gulf of Mexico: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates
Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 8, 2007.
Continental-scale gravity spreading on Mars: evidence for salt tectonics?: presented at Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 8, 2007.
Plate-tectonic reconstruction of salt basins and the nature of crust: presented at Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates Meeting, Moab, Utah, October 8, 2007.
Tectonic squeezing of salt stocks: field observations from Arctic Canada and laboratory
simulations: presented at Maersk Oil and Gas, Copenhagen University, Geological Survey of
Denmark, PGS, Altinex, and Dong Energy, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 15, 2007.
Surface morphology of terrestrial salt structures: analogs for Mars?: presented at University of
Washington Quaternary Research Center, Spring Workshop on Martian Glaciation, Seattle,
Washington, May 18, 2007.
How salt sheets advance in the Gulf of Mexico: presented at Hydro International Professors'
Meeting, Paracuru, Brazil, April 12, 2007.
Physical modeling of the dynamics of canopy suturing: presented to Maxus, The Woodlands,
Texas, January 19, 2007.
Kwanza arcana: a new look at Angolan salt tectonics, tectonostratigraphy, and differential uplift:
presented to Maersk, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 15, 2006.
Geodynamic modeling of salt tectonics on passive margins: presented to Maersk, Copenhagen,
Denmark, December 14, 2006.
Overview of research at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory: presented to Maersk, Copenhagen,
Denmark, December 14, 2006.
The Salt Mine: a digital atlas of salt tectonics: presented to Maersk, Copenhagen, Denmark,
December 14, 2006.
Structure of the Early Cretaceous Axel Heiberg evaporite canopy, Arctic Canada: presented to
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 3, 2006.
Evolution of intrusive salt plumes from squeezed salt stocks: presented to Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 2, 2006.
Geology of salt welding: implications for hydrocarbon seals and seismic imaging: presented to
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 2, 2006.
Gravity-driven deformation and multiple detachments in layered evaporites: presented to
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 2, 2006.
How and where is the Sigsbee Escarpment advancing?: presented to Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 2, 2006.
Salt diapirism and minibasin evolution of the central Sverdrup Basin, Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic
Canada: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 2, 2006.
Deepwater salt tectonics: presented to Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 30, 2006.
Salt welds: a preliminary review: invited lecture presented to Anadarko Petroleum, The
Woodlands, Texas, December 14, 2005.
Fault intensity exposed around variably squeezed salt diapirs, Part 1: tectonic setting: presented
to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, October 20, 2005.
Fault intensity exposed around variably squeezed salt diapirs, Part 2: fault populations:
presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, October 20,
Import and export of salt from squeezed stocks: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, October 20, 2005.
The great West African Tertiary coastal uplift: fact or fiction? A perspective from the Angolan
divergent margin: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin,
Texas, October 20, 2005.
Thrust faults and salt welds associated with squeezed stocks: presented to Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, October 20, 2005.
Global distribution of salt tectonics in space and time: presented at Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, October 10, 2005.
Physical modeling of squeezed salt diapirs in deep-water fold and thrust belts: invited lecture
presented to Amerada Hess Corporation, Houston, Texas, September 7, 2005.
Tectonic response of diapirs to shortening and strike slip in the Zagros foreland, Iran: presented
to ExxonMobil, Houston, Texas, June 15, 2005.
An allochthonous salt canopy on Axel Heiberg Island, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: presented
at Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, January 28, 2005.
An Early Cretaceous evaporite canopy, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: presented to Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 12, 2004.
Contrasting structural styles of diapirs within and around a canopy, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic
Canada: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 12, 2004.
Influence of diapirism on minibasin formation, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: presented to
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 12, 2004.
Strike-slip diapirs in the Zagros and Qom basins, Iran: presented to Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 12, 2004.
An Early Cretaceous evaporate canopy Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: presented at Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 11, 2004.
Contrasting structural styles of diapirs within and around a canopy, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic
Canada: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial
Associates, Austin, Texas, November 11, 2004.
Geomorphology of subaerially extrusive evaporites in Iran: presented to Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 11, 2004.
Gravity-driven shortening of preexisting diapirs in deep-water fold-thrust belts: presented to
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 11, 2004.
Influence of diapirism on minibasin formation, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Circle: presented at
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin,
Texas, November 11, 2004.
Introduction and AGL Review: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review
Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 11, 2004.
Introduction and overview of Applied Geodynamics Laboratory: presented to Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 11, 2004.
Outcrop-scale deformation structures of salt sheets and glacial ice: presented to Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 11, 2004.
Shortening of preexisting diapirs in gravity-driven fold-and-thrust belts: presented at Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 11, 2004.
Contractional tectonics in deep water: ExxonMobil, Houston, Texas, March 2004.
Modes of shortening in salt basins on passive continental margins: an introductory review:
presented to Anadarko, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2004.
A new mechanism for Pleistocene-Holocene advance of the Sigsbee Salt canopy: presented to
Marathon Oil, Houston, Texas, December 2003.
Insights from a gravity-driven linked systems in deep-water Lower Congo Basin, Gabon:
presented to Marathon Oil, Houston, Texas, December 2003.
Progressive shortening superposed on formerly extensional diapirs and faults: insights from
serial profiles in deep-water Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: presented to Marathon Oil, Houston,
Texas, December 2003.
Shale tectonics in deep water: what can we learn from salt tectonics?: presented to ExxonMobil,
Houston, Texas, December 2003.
Structural restoration of minibasins translating down a ramp, deep-water Kwanza Basin, Angola:
presented to Marathon Oil, Houston, Texas, December 2003.
The great West African Tertiary coastal uplift: fact or fiction? A perspective from the Kwanza
Basin, Angola: presented to Marathon Oil, Houston, Texas, December 2003.
Overview of Applied Geodynamics Laboratory research in 2003: presented to Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 2003.
Pleistocene-Holocene advance of the Sigsbee Salt canopy: accretionary advance mechanism
and implications for subsalt prediction: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial
Associates, Austin, Texas, November 2003.
Pleistocene-Holocene advance of the Sigsbee Salt canopy: geomorphic provinces and salt
breakout: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 2003.
Stratigraphic record of a translation down a basement ramp in deep-water Kwanza Basin,
Angolan passive margin: presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates,
Austin, Texas, November 2003.
The great escape: pressurized extrusion of allochthonous salt sheets in orogenic belts:
presented to Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November
Latest thoughts on salt: presented to BP, Austin, Texas, October 2003.
3-D Geometry, tectonostratigraphy, and kinematics of a gravity-driven linked system in
deepwater Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: presented to Anadarko, The Woodlands, Texas,
January 2003.
3-D Geometry, tectonostratigraphy, and kinematics of a gravity-driven linked system in
deepwater Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: presented to ExxonMobil, Houston, Texas, January
A new look at Angolan salt tectonics, tectonostratigraphy, and differential uplift in the Kwanza
Basin: presented to Anadarko, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2003.
Preliminary analysis of crestal fault patterns above turtle structures, deepwater Gabon:
presented to Anadarko, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2003.
Progressive inversion of normal faults and rejuvenation of diapirs: insights from serial profiles in
deepwater Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: presented to Anadarko, The Woodlands, Texas,
January 2003.
Introduction and AGL overview: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review
Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 13, 2002.
Progressive inversion of normal faults and rejuvenation of diapirs: insights from serial profiles in
deepwater Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: presented at Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Annual
Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 13, 2002.
Synthesis of new tectonic ideas on the Kwanza Basin, Angola: presented at Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas,
November 13, 2002.
Untangling 3-D geometry, tectonostratigraphy, and kinematics of a complex, gravity-driven
linked system in deepwater Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: presented at Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory Annual Review Meeting for Industrial Associates, Austin, Texas, November 13,
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Program: presented to TotalFinaElf, Pau, France, February
14, 2002.
Gulf of Mexico allochthonous salt tectonics: presented to TotalFinaElf, Pau, France, February
14, 2002.
Restoration of regional profile from Angolan Craton to abyssal plain, Kwanza Basin: presented
to TotalFinaElf, Pau, France, February 14, 2002.
The Salt Mine: presented to TotalFinaElf, Pau, France, February 14, 2002.
Early tectonics and segmentation of Inner Kwanza Basin, Angola: presented to TotalFinaElf,
Pau, France, February 13, 2002.
Preliminary analysis of contractional and extensional salt tectonics in Lower Congo Basin,
deepwater Gabon: presented to TotalFinaElf, Pau, France, February 13, 2002.
Stratigraphic response to translation across a stepped salt detachment: presented to
TotalFinaElf, Pau, France, February 13, 2002.
Summary of new findings on Block 32, Lower Congo Basin: presented to TotalFinaElf Angola,
Luanda, Angola, February 9, 2002.
Preliminary analysis of contractional and extensional salt tectonics in Lower Congo Basin,
deepwater Gabon: presented to TotalFinaElf Angola, Luanda, Angola, February 8, 2002.
Preliminary analysis of contractional and extensional salt tectonics in Lower Congo Basin,
deepwater Gabon: presented to Total Gabon, Paris, France, February 4, 2002.
Preliminary analysis of contractional and extensional salt tectonics in Lower Congo Basin,
deepwater Gabon: presented to TotalFinaElf, Paris, France, February 4, 2002.
Introduction and AGL overview: presented to Industrial Associates at the AGL annual review
meeting, Austin, Texas, October 2001.
Megabreccia magical mystery tour: presented to Industrial Associates at the AGL annual review
meeting, Austin, Texas, October 2001.
Orogenic telescoping of a Gulf-of-Mexico-type allochthonous salt complex in the Neoproterozoic
Katanga Basin, Congo: presented to Industrial Associates at the AGL annual review meeting,
Austin, Texas, October 2001.
Thrust systems and squeezed diapirs, deepwater Gabon: preliminary observations: presented to
Industrial Associates at the AGL annual review meeting, Austin, Texas, October 2001.
Regional implications of tectonostratigraphic patterns formed by seaward translation of
minibasins over basement steps, deepwater Kwanza Basin, Angola: presented to Woodside
Energy, Perth, Australia, September 2001.
Activities of a Professional Nature
Professional Societies
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Geological Society of America, Fellow
Activities of a Professional Nature
Consultant for AGIP Petroleum, 1992
Consultant for Amoco, 1996
Consultant for Anadarko Petroleum, 2003
Consultant for ARCO International, 1995
Consultant for BHP Minerals, 1994
Consultant for BHP Petroleum, 1994
Consultant for BHP Petroleum, 1996
Consultant for BHP Petroleum, 1997
Consultant for British Petroleum, 1992
Consultant for British Petroleum, 1998
Consultant for British Petroleum, 2001
Consultant for Condor Petroleum, Calgary, Canada, December 2012
Consultant for Condor Petroleum, Calgary, Canada, January and July 2010
Consultant for Condor Petroleum, Calgary, Canada, May 2011
Consultant for Conoco, 1994
Consultant for Exxon, 1991
Consultant for Exxon, 1998
Consultant for Exxon, 1999
Consultant for Exxon, 2000
Consultant for ExxonMobil, 2003
Consultant for ExxonMobil, 2003, 2004
Consultant for ExxonMobil, 2004
Consultant for ExxonMobil, 2005
Consultant for Freeport-McMoran Copper and Gold, 2008
Consultant for Freeport-McMoran, Austin, Texas, December 2008 and March 2009
Consultant for Freeport-McMoran, Austin, Texas, October 2010
Consultant for GX Technology, 2004, 2005
Consultant for Hydro, 2005
Consultant for In-Situ, 1993
Consultant for Karoon Gas Australia, 2008
Consultant for Korea National Oil Corporation, Austin, Texas, October 2011
Consultant for Kosmos Energy, Dallas, Texas, September 2012
Consultant for Louisiana Land and Exploration, 1994
Consultant for Maersk, 2007
Consultant for Marathon Oil, 2001
Consultant for Marathon, 1995
Consultant for Maxus U.S. (Repsol-YPF), 2002
Consultant for Nexen Petroleum, Houston, Texas, September 2012
Consultant for Occidental, 2004
Consultant for Pan Canadian Petroleum, 1993
Consultant for Pan Canadian Petroleum, 1998
Consultant for Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2012
Consultant for Phillips Petroleum, 2001
Consultant for Rosewood Resources, 2000
Consultant for Salt Dome Exploration, 2005
Consultant for Shell Oil, 2000
Consultant for Shell Oil, 2001
Consultant for Shell Oil, 2004
Consultant for Shell, 2004
Consultant for Sterling Energy, 2008
Consultant for Texaco, 1997
Consultant for Texaco, 1998
Consultant for Triton Energy, 1997
Consultant for Unocal, 1999
Consultant for Vastar Resources, 1995
Consultant for Vastar Resources, 1997
Consultant for Woodside Energy, 2001
Keynote speaker at conference on "Industrial Structural Geology: principles, techniques and
integration" at the Geological Society of London, November 28, 2012
Research Support
Principal Investigator: Fault intensity around exposed diapirs, BP America Production Company,
under account no. UTA05-550 (June 2005 - December 2005, $16,343).
Principal Investigator: Gulf of Mexico sub-salt structure study, ENI-Agip Petroleum (1996 - 1998,
Principal Investigator: Precambrian tectonics, BHP Minerals (1995 - 1997, $60,000).
Principal Investigator: Mechanics of active salt diapirism: advanced simulation by finite elements
and physical modeling, Texas Coordinating Board (1994 - 1996, $109,205).
Principal Investigator: Rollover kinematics of growth faults, Texas Coordinating Board (1989 1992, $140,000).
Principal Investigator: Scale modeling of hydrocarbon traps formed by diapirism and growth
faulting, Texas Coordinating Board (1989 - 1992, $110,000).
Principal Investigator: Salt tectonics on the Continental Slope, northern Gulf of Mexico, Texas
Coordinating Board (1988 - 1990, $167,470).
Co-Principal Investigator: Applied Geodynamics Laboratory, Industrial Associates (1988,
Principal Investigator:
Principal Investigator: Experimental modeling of salt domes, U.S. Department of Energy (1987).
Principal Investigator: Great Kavir salt domes: a generic study of diapiric structure and
mechanics, U.S. Department of Energy (1987).
Principal Investigator: Experimental modeling of salt domes, U.S. Department of Energy (1986).
Principal Investigator: Great Kavir salt domes: a generic study of diapiric structure and
mechanics, U.S. Department of Energy (1986).
Principal Investigator: Experimental modeling of salt domes, U.S. Department of Energy (1985).
Principal Investigator: Great Kavir salt domes: a generic study of diapiric structure and
mechanics, U.S. Department of Energy (1985).
Principal Investigator: Geological and geohydrological investigations in the East Texas Basin,
U.S. Department of Energy (1983).
Authored Books
Harrison, J. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2014, Tectonostratigraphy and allochthonous salt
tectonics of Axel Heiberg Island, central Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: Austin, Texas, Bureau
of Economic Geology, Report of Investigations, no. 279, 124 p., ISBN 978-1-100-23499-1,
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2011, The salt mine: a digital atlas of salt tectonics: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Udden Book Series No. 5; AAPG
Memoir 99, 305 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, D. G., and Snelson, S., 1995, Salt tectonics: a global perspective:
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Memoir 65, 454 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, D. G., and Snelson, S., 1993, AAPG International Hedberg
Research Conference on Salt Tectonics program: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 178 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Cornelius, R. R., Craig, C. H., Gansser, Augusto, Stöcklin, Jovan, and Talbot,
C. J., 1990, Salt diapirs of the Great Kavir, central Iran: Geological Society of America, Memoir
177, 139 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Galloway, W. E., 1984, Structural and depositional styles of Gulf Coast
Tertiary continental margins: application to hydrocarbon exploration: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, Continuing Education Course Note Series No. 25, 226 p.
Tankard, A. J., Jackson, M. P. A., Eriksson, K. A., Hobday, D. K., Hunter, D. R., and Minter, W.
E. L., 1982, Crustal evolution of southern Africa: 3.8 billion years of Earth history: New York,
Springer-Verlag, 523 p.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2015, Breakout of squeezed stocks:
dispersal of roof fragments, source of extrusive salt and interaction with regional thrust faults:
Basin Research, v. 27, p. 3-25,
Harrison, J. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2014, Exposed evaporite diapirs and minibasins above a
canopy in central Sverdrup Basin, Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Canada: Basin Research, v. 26, p.
Jackson, C. A.-L., Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Rodriguez, C., 2014, Internal structure,
kinematics, and growth of a salt wall: Insights from 3-D seismic data: Geology, v. 42, no. 4, p.
Weijermars, R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2014, Predicting the depth of viscous stress peaks in
moving salt sheets: Conceptual framework and implications for drilling: AAPG Bulletin, v. 98, no.
5, p. 911-945,
Weijermars, R., Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2014, Rankine models for
time-dependent gravity spreading of terrestrial source flows over subplanar slopes: Journal of
Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 119, p. 7353-7388,
Weijermars, R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Dooley, T. P., 2014, Quantifying drag on wellbore
casings in moving salt sheets: Geophysical Journal International, v. 198, p. 965-977,
Weijermars, R., Jackson, M. P. A., and van Harmelen, A., 2014, Closure of open wellbores in
creeping salt sheets: Geophysical Journal International, v. 196, p. 279-290,
Carruthers, D., Cartwright, J. A., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schutjens, P., 2013, Origin and timing
of layer-bound radial faulting around North Sea salt stocks: New insights into the evolving stress
state around rising diapirs: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 48, p. 130-148.
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2013, Coeval extension and shortening
above and below salt canopies on an uplifted, continental margin: Application to the northern
Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 10, p. 1737-1764.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Peel, Frank, 2013, Influence of deep Louann structure on
the evolution of the northern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 10, p. 1711-1735.
Hudec, M. R., Norton, Ian, Jackson, M. P. A., and Peel, Frank, 2013, Jurassic evolution of the
Gulf of Mexico salt basin: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 10, p. 1683-1710.
Dooley, T. P., Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2012, The structure and evolution of sutures
in allochthonous salt: AAPG Bulletin, v. 96, no. 6, p. 1045-1070.
Jackson, M. P. A., Adams, J. B., Dooley, T. P., Gillespie, A. R., and Montgomery, D. R., 2011,
Modeling the collapse of Hebes Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars: Geological Society of America
Bulletin, v. 123, no. 7/8, p. 1596-1627.
Wagner, B. H., III, and Jackson, M. P. A., 2011, Viscous flow during salt welding:
Tectonophysics, v. 510, p. 309-326.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Dooley, T. P., 2010, Some emerging concepts in salt
tectonics in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: intrusive plumes, canopy-margin thrusts, minibasin
triggers and allochthonous fragments: The Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology
Conference Series, v. 7, p. 899-912. doi: 10.1144/0070899
McDonnell, Angela, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2010, Origin of transverse folds in an
extensional growth-fault setting: evidence from an extensive seismic volume in the western Gulf
of Mexico: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 27, p. 1494-1507
Adams, J. B., Gillespie, A. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Montgomery, D. R., Dooley, Tim, Combe, J.
-P., and Schreiber, B. C., 2009, Salt tectonics and collapse of Hebes Chasma, Valles Marineris,
Mars: Geology, v. 37, no. 8, p. 691-694.
Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2009, Inflation and deflation of deeply
buried salt stocks during lateral shortening: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 31, no. 6, p.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, Interaction between spreading salt canopies and
their peripheral thrust systems: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 31, p. 1114-1129.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 2009, The paradox of minibasin
subsidence into salt: clues to the evolution of crustal basins: Geological Society of America
Bulletin, v. 121, no. 1/2, p. 201-221; doi: 10.1130/B26275.1.
McDonnell, Angela, Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, Distinguishing salt welds from
shale detachments on the inner Texas shelf, western Gulf of Mexico: Basin Research, v. 21, p.
Montgomery, D. R., Som, S. M., Jackson, M. P. A., Schreiber, B. C., Gillespie, A. R., and
Adams, J. B., 2009, Continental-scale salt tectonics on Mars and the origin of Valles Marineris
and associated outflow channels: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 121, no. 1/2, p.
117-133; doi: 10.1130/B26307.1.
Cartwright, J. A., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2008, Initiation of gravitational collapse of an evaporite
basin margin: the Messinian saline giant, Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 120, no. 3/4, p. 399-413; doi 10.1130/B26091X.1.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Mosher, Sharon, 2008, Cenozoic extensional rejuvenation
of salt structures in the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado, USA: Geological Journal of China
Universities, v. 14, no. 1, p. 49-63.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Jennette, D. C., and Kilby, R. E., 2008, Evolution of the
Cretaceous Astrid thrust belt in the ultradeep-water lower Congo Basin, Gabon: AAPG Bulletin,
v. 92, p. 487-511 (also cover photograph).
Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2007, Initiation and growth of salt-based
thrustbelts on passive margins: results from physical models: Basin Research, v. 19, p. 165-177.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2007, Terra infirma: understanding salt tectonics:
Earth-Science Reviews, v. 82, p. 1-24.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2006, Advance of allochthonous salt sheets in passive
margins and orogens: AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, no. 10, p. 1535-1564. Also in Rowan, M. G.,
compiler, 2006, Getting started in salt tectonics: a compendium of influential papers,
AAPG/Datapages, Getting Started Series No. 6, CD-ROM.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Harrison, J. C., 2006, An allochthonous salt canopy on Axel Heiberg
Island, Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada: Geology, v. 34, no. 12, p. 1045-1048.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2005, Stratigraphic record of translation down ramps in a
passive-margin salt detachment: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 27, p. 889-911.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Hegarty, K. A., 2005, The great West African Tertiary
coastal uplift: fact or fiction? A perspective from the Angolan divergent margin: Tectonics, v. 24,
TC6014, doi:10.1029/2005TC001836.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2004, Regional restoration across the Kwanza Basin,
Angola: salt tectonics triggered by repeated uplift of a metastable passive margin: AAPG
Bulletin, v. 88, no. 7, p. 971-990.
Jackson, M. P. A., Warin, O. N., Woad, G. M., and Hudec, M. R., 2003, Neoproterozoic
allochthonous salt tectonics during the Lufilian orogeny in the Katangan Copperbelt, central
Africa: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 115, no. 3, p. 314-330.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2002, Structural segmentation, inversion, and salt
tectonics on a passive margin: evolution of the Inner Kwanza Basin, Angola: Geological Society
of America Bulletin, v. 114, no. 10, p. 1222-1244.
Cramez, Carlos, and Jackson, M. P. A., 2000, Superposed deformation straddling the
continental-oceanic transition in deep-water Angola: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 17, p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Cramez, Carlos, and Fonck, J.-M., 2000, Role of subaerial volcanic rocks and
mantle plumes in creation of South Atlantic margins: implications for salt tectonics and source
rocks: Marine & Petroleum Geology, v. 17, p. 477-498.
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1999, 3-D visualization of
extensional diapirs overprinted by compression: AAPG Bulletin, v. 84, p. 1095-1108.
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1999, Isochores and 3-D
visualization of rising and falling salt diapirs: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 16, p. 849-861.
Rowan, M. G., Jackson, M. P. A., and Trudgill, B. D., 1999, Salt-related fault families and fault
welds in the northern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 83, no. 9, p. 1454-1484.
Ge, Hongxing, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1998, Physical modeling of structures formed by salt
withdrawal: implications for deformation caused by salt dissolution: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, no. 2,
p. 228-250.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1998, Low-temperature mylonite in rock salt, in Snoke, A. W., Tullis, J., and
Todd, V. R., eds., Fault-related rocks: a photographic atlas: Princeton, NJ, Princeton University
Press, p. 552-553.
Jackson, M. P. A., Schultz-Ela, D., Hudec, M. R., Watson, I. A., and Porter, M. L., 1998,
Structure and evolution of Upheaval Dome: a pinched-off salt diapir: Geological Society of
America Bulletin, v. 110, no. 12, p. 1547-1573.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1997, Kinematics and dynamics of salt
tectonics driven by progradation: AAPG Bulletin, v. 81, no. 3, p. 398-423.
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1997, Three-dimensional
visualization of salt walls and associated fault systems: AAPG Bulletin, v. 81, no. 1, p. 46-61.
Schultz-Ela, D., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1996, Relation of subsalt structures to suprasalt
structures during extension: AAPG Bulletin, v. 80, no. 12, p. 1896-1924.
Heaton, R. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Bamahmoud, M., and Nani, A. S. O., 1995, Superposed
Neogene extension, contraction, and salt canopy emplacement in the Yemeni Red Sea, in
Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, D. G., and Snelson, S., eds., Salt tectonics: a global perspective:
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Memoir 65, p. 333-351.
Vendeville, B. C., Ge, Hongxing, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1995, Scale models of salt tectonics
during basement-involved extension: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 1, p. 179-183.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1994, Regional extension as a geologic trigger for
diapirism: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 106, no. 1, p. 57-73.
Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1994, Structural dynamics of salt
systems: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 22, p. 93-117.
Childs, C., Easton, S. J., Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Lin, S. T., Walsh, J. J., and
Watterson, J., 1993, Kinematic analysis of an analogue model of synsedimentary faulting above
a ductile layer: Tectonophysics, v. 228, p. 313-329.
Schenk, Paul, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Diapirism on Triton: a record of crustal layering and
instability: Geology, v. 21, p. 299-302.
Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1993, Mechanics of active salt
diapirism: Tectonophysics, v. 228, p. 275-312.
Weijermars, Ruud, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1993, Rheological and tectonic
modeling of salt provinces: Tectonophysics, v. 217, p. 143-174.
Cobbold, P. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Gum rosin (colophony): a suitable material for
thermomechanical modeling of the lithosphere: Tectonophysics, v. 210, p. 255-271.
Duval, Bernard, Cramez, Carlos, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Raft tectonics in the Kwanza
Basin, Angola: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 9, p. 389-404. Also in Rowan, M. G., compiler,
2006, Getting started in salt tectonics: a compendium of influential papers, AAPG/Datapages,
Getting Started Series No. 6, CD-ROM.
Seni, S. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Segmentation of salt allochthons: Geology, v. 20, p.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, The fall of diapirs during thin-skinned extension:
Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 9, p. 354-371.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, The rise of diapirs during thin-skinned extension:
Marine and Petroleum Geology: v. 9, p. 331-353. Also in Rowan, M. G., compiler, 2006, Getting
started in salt tectonics: a compendium of influential papers, AAPG/Datapages, Getting Started
Series No. 6, CD-ROM.
Talbot, C. J., Ronnlund, P., Schmeling, H., Koyi, H., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1991, Diapiric spoke
patterns: Tectonophysics, v. 188, p. 187-201.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1989, Anatomy of mushroom-shaped diapirs, in Hancock,
P. L., and Treagus, S. H., eds., Current topics in structural geology: Oxford, Pergamon Press, p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1989, Anatomy of mushroom-shaped diapirs: Journal of
Structural Geology, v. 11, no. 1/2, p. 211-230.
Seni, S. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1989, Evolution of salt structures, East Texas diapir province,
part 1: sedimentary record of halokinesis (reprint), in Foster, N. H., and Beaumont, E. A., eds.,
Structural concepts and techniques III--detached deformation: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series No. 11, p. 495-520.
Seni, S. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1989, Evolution of salt structures, East Texas diapir province,
part 2: patterns and rates of halokinesis (reprint), in Foster, N. H., and Beaumont, E. A., eds.,
Structural concepts and techniques III--detached deformation: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series no. 11, p. 521-550.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1989, Internal kinematics of salt diapirs: reply: AAPG
Bulletin, v. 73, no. 7, p. 946-950.
Wilson, A. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1988, Mantled gneiss domes in southern Swaziland and
the concept of "stable" Pongola cratonic cover: South African Journal of Geology, v. 91, no. 3, p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Cornelius, R. R., 1987, Stepwise centrifuge modeling of the effects of
differential sedimentary loading on the formation of salt structures, in Lerche, I., and O'Brien, J.
J., eds., Dynamical geology of salt and related structures: Orlando, Florida, Academic Press, p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Eriksson, K. A., and Harris, C. W., 1987, Early Archean foredeep
sedimentation related to crustal shortening: a reinterpretation of the Barberton Sequence,
Southern Africa: Tectonophysics, v. 136, p. 197-221.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Internal kinematics of salt diapirs: AAPG Bulletin, v.
71, no. 9, p. 1068-1093.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1986, External shapes, strain rates, and dynamics of salt
structures (reprint), in Foster, N. H., and Beaumont, E. A., eds., Structural concepts and
techniques III--detached deformation: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Treatise
of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series No. 11, p. 475-493.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1986, External shapes, strain rates, and dynamics of salt
structures: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, p. 305-323.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1984, Archaean structural styles in the Ancient Gneiss Complex of
Swaziland, southern Africa, in Kröner, A., and Greiling, A., eds., Precambrian tectonics
illustrated: Stuttgart, International Union of Geological Sciences/Schweizerbart'sche
Verlagsbuchhandlung, p. 1-18.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Zelt, G. A. D., 1984, Proterozoic crustal reworking and superposed
deformation of metabasite dykes, layered intrusions, and lavas in Namaqualand, South Africa, in
Kröner, A., and Greiling, A., eds., Precambrian tectonics illustrated: Stuttgart, International
Union of Geological Sciences/Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, p. 381-400.
Barton, J. M., Jr., Hunter, D. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Wilson, A. C., 1983, Geochronologic and
Sr-isotopic studies of certain units in the Barberton granite-greenstone terrane, Swaziland:
Geological Society of South Africa Transactions, v. 86, p. 71-80.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Robertson, D. I., 1983, Regional implications of early-Precambrian
strains in the Onverwacht Group adjacent to the Lochiel Granite, north-west Swaziland, in
Anhaeusser, C. R., ed., Contributions to the geology of the Barberton Mountain Land:
Geological Society of South Africa Special Publication 9, p. 45-62.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Seni, S. J., 1983, Geometry and evolution of salt structures in a marginal
rift basin of the Gulf of Mexico, East Texas: Geology, v. 11, no. 3, p. 131-135.
Seni, S. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1983, Evolution of salt structures, East Texas diapir province,
part 1: sedimentary record of halokinesis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 67, no. 8, p. 1219-1244.
Seni, S. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1983, Evolution of salt structures, East Texas diapir province,
part 2: patterns and rates of halokinesis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 67, no. 8, p. 1245-1274.
Barton, J. M., Jr., Hunter, D. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Wilson, A. C., 1980, Rb-Sr age and
source of the Bimodal Suite of the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland: Nature, v. 283, p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hobday, D. K., 1980, Gravity gliding and clay diapirism in a Pleistocene
shoreline sequence in Zululand, South Africa: American Journal of Science, v. 280, p. 333-362.
Hobday, D. K., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1979, Transgressive shore zone sedimentation and
syndepositional deformation in the Pleistocene of Zululand, South Africa: Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, no. 1, p. 145-158.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1979, A major charnockite-granolite province in southwestern Africa:
Geology, v. 7, p. 22-26.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Cartwright, J. A., Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, T., and Higgins, S., 2012, Strain partitioning in
gravity-driven shortening of a thick, multilayered evaporite sequence, in Alsop, G. I., Archer, S.
G., Hartley, A. J., Grant, N. T., and Hodgkinson, R., eds., Salt tectonics, sediments and
prospectivity: London, Geological Society, Special Publication 363, p. 449-470.
Ferrer, O., Jackson, M. P. A., Roca, E., and Rubinat, M., 2012, Evolution of salt structures
during extension and inversion of the offshore Parentis Basin (Eastern Bay of Biscay), in Alsop,
G. I., Archer, S. G., Hartley, A. J., Grant, N. T., and Hodgkinson, R., eds., Salt tectonics,
sediments and prospectivity: London, Geological Society, Special Publication 363, p. 361-379.
Graham, R., Jackson, M. P. A., Pilcher, R., and Kilsdonk, B., 2012, Allochthonous salt in the
sub-Alpine fold-thrust belt of Haute Provence, France, in Alsop, G. I., Archer, S. G., Hartley, A.
J., Grant, N. T., and Hodgkinson, R., eds., Salt tectonics, sediments and prospectivity: London,
Geological Society, Special Publication 363, p. 595-615.
Gómez-Cabrera, P. T., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, Chapter 1. Regional Neogene salt
tectonics in the offshore Salina del Istmo Basin, southeastern Mexico, in Bartolini, C., and
Román Ramos, J. R., eds., Petroleum systems in the southern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Memoir,
90, p. 1-28.
Gómez-Cabrera, P. T., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, Chapter 11. Neogene stratigraphy and salt
tectonics of the Santa Ana area, offshore Salina del Istmo Basin, southeastern Mexico, in
Bartolini, C., and Román Ramos, J. R., eds., Petroleum systems in the southern Gulf of Mexico:
AAPG Memoir, 90, p. 237-255.
Non Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Moscardelli, L., Dooley, T., Dunlap, D. B., Jackson, M. P. A., and Wood, L. J., 2012, Deep-water
polygonal fault systems as terrestrial analogs for large-scale Martian polygonal terrains: GSA
Today, v. 22, no. 8, p. 4-9. doi:10.1130/GSATG147A.1.
Ferrier, O., Roca, E., Jackson, M. P. A., and Muñoz, J. A., 2009, Effects of Pyrenean contraction
on salt structures of the offshore Parentis Basin (Bay of Biscay): Trabajos de Geología,
Universidad de Oviedo, v. 29, p. 271-275.
Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, Canadian high Arctic, in Laubach, S. E., and Tinker, S. W., eds., 2009,
Earth's art: celebrating the Centennial of the Bureau of Economic Geology, 1909-2009: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 88-89.
Dribus, J. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Kapoor, J., and Smith, M. F., 2008, The prize beneath the salt:
Oilfield Review, Autumn, p. 4-17.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2004, Salt tectonics in the new millennium: navigating the
information flood in Post, P. J., Olson, D. L., Lyons, K. T., Palmes, S. L., Harrison, P. F., and
Rosen, N. C., eds., Salt-sediment interactions and hydrocarbon prospectivity: concepts,
applications, and case studies for the 21st century: 24th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F.
Perkins Research Conference, p. 1-13.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2004, A new mechanism for advance of allochthonous salt
sheets, in Post, P. J., Olson, D. L., Lyons, K. T., Palmes, S. L., Harrison, P. F., and Rosen, N.
C., eds., Salt-sediment interactions and hydrocarbon prospectivity: concepts, applications, and
case studies for the 21st century: 24th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research
Conference, p. 220-242.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Jennette, D. C., 2004, Insights from a gravity-driven linked
system in deep-water lower Congo Basin, Gabon in Post, P. J., Olson, D. L., Lyons, K. T.,
Palmes, S. L., Harrison, P. F., and Rosen, N. C., eds., Salt-sediment interactions and
hydrocarbon prospectivity: concepts, applications, and case studies for the 21st century: 24th
Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, p. 735-752.
Ge, Hongxing, Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2003, Analytical modeling of controlling
factors for overburden structures in thick-skinned extensional salt tectonics: Acta Petrolei Sinica,
v. 24, no. 5, p. 26-31.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2003, Effects of basement uplift on passive-margin salt
basins: new insights from the Kwanza Basin, Angola, in Eighth International Congress of The
Brazilian Geophysical Society, p. 1-4.
Jackson, M. P. A., 2002, Diapir, in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 9th
ed: New York, The McGraw-Hill Companies, v. 5, p. 453-454.
Jackson, M. P. A., 2002, Salt dome, in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology,
9th ed: New York, The McGraw-Hill Companies, v. 16, p. 20-22.
Jackson, M. P. A., 2000, Treasure beneath the salt: Geotimes, November, p. 27.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1997, Structural evolution of the Wenliu
salt diapir and graben, Bohai Bay: Acta Petrolei Sinica, v. 18, no. 2, p. 35-40.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., Maler, M. O., and Handschy, J. W., 1997,
Deformation of prograding wedges over a ductile layer--applications of physical models to
geologic examples: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 47, p.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1996, Extensional origin of breached
paradox diapirs, Utah and Colorado: field observations and scaled physical models, in Huffman,
A. C., Jr., Lund, W. R., and Godwin, L. H., eds., Geology and resources of the Paradox Basin:
Utah Geological Association, Guidebook No. 25, p. 285-293.
Ge, Hongxing, Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1996, Extensional salt tectonics in
Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin: Acta Petrolei Sinica, v. 16, p. 44-51.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1995, Rejuvenation and subsidence of
salt diapirs by regional extension: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions,
v. 45, p. 211-218.
Ge, Hongxing, Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1995, Extensional salt tectonics in
Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin: Acta Petrolei Sinica, v. 16, p. 44-51.
Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1994, Salt-related structures in the
Gulf of Mexico: a field guide for geophysicists: Geophysics, The Leading Edge of Exploration,
August, p. 837-842.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Rates of extension and deposition determine
whether growth faults or salt diapirs form, in Armentrout, J. M., Bloch, Roger, Olson, H. C., and
Perkins, B. F., eds., Rates of geologic processes: tectonics, sedimentation, eustasy and climate:
implications for hydrocarbon exploration: Gulf Coast Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, fourteenth annual research conference, program
with papers, p. 263-268.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Weijermars, Ruud, 1993, Rates of salt flow in passive
diapirs and their source layers, in Armentrout, J. M., Bloch, Roger, Olson, H. C., and Perkins, B.
F., eds., Rates of geologic processes: tectonics, sedimentation, eustasy and climate:
implications for hydrocarbon exploration: Gulf Coast Section, Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, fourteenth annual research conference, program
with papers, p. 269-276.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Diapir, in McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology, 7th ed:
New York, McGraw-Hill, p. 188.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Editorial: Expanding frontiers in salt tectonics: Marine and Petroleum
Geology, v. 9, p. 330.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Salt dome, in McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology, 7th
ed: New York, McGraw-Hill, p. 21-24.
Milling, M. E., Jackson, M. P. A., Kerans, Charles, and Schultz-Ela, D., 1991, Advanced
geoscience technology can optimize hydrocarbon exploration and recovery efficiency:
Geotimes, v. 36, no. 3, p. 20-22.
Milling, M. E., Jackson, M. P. A., Kerans, Charles, and Schultz-Ela, D., 1991, Advanced
geoscience technology can optimize hydrocarbon exploration and recovery efficiency: Houston
Geological Society Bulletin, v. 34, no. 1, p. 52-55.
Jackson, M. P. A., Cornelius, R. R., Gansser, Augusto, Stöcklin, Jovan, and Talbot, C. J., 1990,
New insights on salt diapirism from the Great Kavir, Central Iran, in Proceeding of symposium
on diapirism, with special reference to Iran, v. 2: Bandarabbas, Iran, Ministry of Mines and
Metals, Tehran University, and Governery of Hormozgan, p. 475-477.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1990, Modes of salt diapirism through brittle
overburden, in Proceeding of symposium on diapirism, with special reference to Iran, v. 2:
Bandarabbas, Iran, Ministry of Mines and Metals, Tehran University, and Governery of
Hormozgan, p. 519-523.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, La tettonica delle formazioni saline (reprint): Le
Scienze, no. 230, p. 54-66.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Les remontées de sel (reprint): Pour la Science,
October, p. 46-57.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Salt tectonics (reprint): Majallat Al Oloom, v. 5, no. 1,
p. 22-31.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Salt tectonics: Scientific American: v. 255, no. 8, p.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Salz-Tektonik (reprint): Spektrum der Wissenschaft,
Oktober 10, p. 76-86.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Solyanaya tektonika (reprint): V Mire Nauki, October
10, p. 40-50.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Sótektonika (reprint): Tudomány: v. 98, no.10, p.
Talbot, C. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1987, Yán yán gu zho (reprint): Ke Xue, v. 12, p. 35-45.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1985, Reinterpretation of the internal structure of
Palangana salt dome, South Texas: South Texas Geological Society Bulletin, v. 25, no. 8, p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Seni, S. J., 1984, The domes of East Texas, in Presley, M. W., ed., The
Jurassic of East Texas: East Texas Geological Society, p. 163-239.
Blignault, H. J., Jackson, M. P. A., Beukes, G. J., and Toogood, D. J., 1974, The Namaqua
Tectonic Province in South West Africa, in Kröner, A., ed., Contributions to the Precambrian
geology of southern Africa: University of Cape Town, Precambrian Research Unit, Bulletin 15, p.
Kröner, A., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1974, Geological reconnaissance along the coast between
Lüderitz and Marble Point, South West Africa, in Kröner, A., ed., Contributions to the
Precambrian geology of southern Africa: University of Cape Town, Precambrian Research Unit,
Bulletin 15, p. 79-103.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1969, The case for water on the moon: Detritus, v. 4, p. 11-12.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1969, The origin of the lunar rilles: Detritus, v. 4, p. 22-24.
Non Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2012, Chapter 2. De Re Salica: fundamental principles of
salt tectonics, in Roberts, D. G., and Bally, A. W., eds., Regional geology and tectonics:
Phanerozoic passive margins, cratonic basins, and global tectonic maps: Amsterdam, Elsevier,
p. 19-41.
Heaton, R. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Bamahmoud, M., and Nani, A. S. O., 1995, Chapter 16.
Superposed Neogene extension, contraction, and salt canopy emplacement in the Yemeni Red
Sea, in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, D. G., and Snelson, S., eds., Salt tectonics: a global
perspective: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Memoir 65, p. 333-351.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1995, Chapter 1. Retrospective salt tectonics, in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts,
D. G., and Snelson, S., eds., Salt tectonics: a global perspective: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Memoir 65, p. 1-28. Also in Rowan, M. G., compiler, 2006, Getting
started in salt tectonics: a compendium of influential papers, AAPG/Datapages, Getting Started
Series No. 6, CD-ROM.
Non Peer Reviewed Atlases and Maps
Harrison, J. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2010, Geology, Strand Fiord - Expedition Fiord area,
western Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut: Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map Number
2157A, scale 1:100,000.
Ewing, T. E., Budnik, R. T, Garrison, J. R., Jr, Goldstein, A. G., Henry, C. D., Jackson, M. P. A.,
Lovell, S. E., Muehlberger, W. R., Nicholas, R. L., Ruppel, S. C., Sandstrom, M. A., and
Woodruff, C. M., Jr., 1990, Tectonic map of Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, scale 1:750,000.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1975, Geological maps of the area around Aus, Lüderitz District, South West
Africa: University of Cape Town, Precambrian Research Unit, scale 1:100,000.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Blignault, H. J., 1974, The basement geology of southern South West
Africa: University of Cape Town, Precambrian Research Unit, scale 1:1,000,000.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Kröner, A., 1974, Geological sketch maps of the coast between Lüderitz
and Easter Point, South West Africa: University of Cape Town, Precambrian Research Unit,
scale 1:250,000 and 1:50,000.
Book Reviews
Jackson, M. P. A., 1986, Review of Namaqualand metamorphic complex, edited by Botha, B. J.
V. (Johannesburg, Geological Society of South Africa Special Publication No. 10, 198 p. [1983]):
Precambrian Research, v. 31, p. 291-293.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1984, Review of The geochronology and evolution of Africa, by Cahen, L.,
and others, (New York, Oxford University Press, 512 p.): Science, v. 226, no. 4680, p.
Contract Reports
Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Nikolinakou, M. A., Jackson, C. A., Weijermars,
R., Luo, G., and Flemings, P. B., 2012, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual report to
industrial associates 2012, slide set 31: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, annual report prepared for Anadarko, Apache, BHP Billiton, BP, CGGVeritas,
Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, EcoPetrol, ENI, ExxonMobil, Fugro, Global Geophysical,
Hess, ION Geophysical, Korea National Oil Corporation, McMoRan, Maersk, Marathon, Murphy,
Nexen, Noble, Petrobras, PGS, Repsol-YPF, Samson, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Statoil,
TGS-Nopec, Talisman, Total, WesternGeco, and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Dooley, T., Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Nikolinakou, M. A., Luo, G., Norton, I., Flemings, P.
B., Mueller, K., and Snedden, J., 2011, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual report to
Industrial Associates for 2011, slide set 30: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Anadarko, Apache, BHP Billiton, BP,
CGGVeritas, Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, EcoPetrol, ENI, ExxonMobil, Fugro, Global
Geophysical, Hess, IMP, Ion, Korea National Oil Corporation, McMoRan, Maersk, Marathon,
Murphy, Nexen, Noble, Petrobras, PGS, Repsol-YPF, Samson, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Statoil,
TGS-Nopec, Total, WesternGeco, and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Dooley, Tim, Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Nikolinakou, M. A., Luo, Gang, Braunscheidel,
M., Norton, Ian, McDonnell, Angela, Wagner, Bryce, and Flemings, P. B., 2010, Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory annual report to Industrial Associates for 2010: slide set 29: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,, annual report prepared for
Anadarko, BHP Billiton, BP, CGGVeritas, Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, Devon, ENI,
ExxonMobil, Fugro, Global Geophysical, GX Technology, Hess, IMP, INEXS, Maersk, Marathon,
Mariner, Murphy, Nexen, Noble, Pemex, Petrobras, PGS, Repsol-YPF, Samson, Saudi Aramco,
Shell, StatoilHydro, TGS-Nopec, Total, WesternGeco, and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, Tim, Hudec, M. R., Wagner, Bryce, McDonnell, Angela, Flemings, P.
B., Luo, Gang, Nikolinakou, M. A., and Loucks, R. G., 2009, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
annual report to Industrial Associates for 2009: slide set 28: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Anadarko, BHP Billiton, BP,
CGGVeritas, Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, Devon, ENI, ExxonMobil, Fugro, GX Technology,
Hess, IMP, Maersk, Marathon, Mariner, Murphy, Nexen, Noble, Pemex, Petrobras, PGS,
Repsol-YPF, Samson, Saudi Aramco, Shell, StatoilHydro, TGS-Nopec, Total, WesternGeco,
and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, Tim, Wagner, Bryce, McDonnell, Angela, Pequeno,
Monica, Norton, Ian, and Moscardelli, Lorena, 2008, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual
report to Industrial Associates for 2008: slide set 27: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau
of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Anadarko, BHP Billiton, BP, CGGVeritas,
Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, Devon, ENI, ExxonMobil, Fugro, GX Technology, Hess, IMP,
Maersk, Marathon, Mariner, Murphy, Nexen, Noble, Pemex, Petrobras, PGS, Repsol-YPF,
Samson, Saudi Aramco, Shell, StatoilHydro, TGS-Nopec, Total, WesternGeco, and Woodside,
Wright, W. R., Tomasso, Mark, Kerans, Charles, Sant? Anna, M. V., Machado, E. C. V., Costa,
F. O., Araújo, A. D., Nance, H. S., Reis, H. C., Quintaes, C. M., Nunes, M. C. V., Cunha, R. C.,
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2008, Phase 1 summary report--Sequence stratigraphic
analysis of Barremian-Aptian and Albian reservoirs, Campos Basin--a joint training-research
program, Petrobras and the Jackson School of Geosciences: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, summary report prepared for Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
203 p.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, Tim, Dirkzwager, J., Cartwright, J., Harrison, C.,
Montoya, Patricia, and Heyn, T., 2007, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual report to
Industrial Associates for 2006: slide set 25: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, contract report prepared for Amerada Hess, Anadarko Petroleum
Corporation, BHP Billiton, BP Production, Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, ENI, EnCana,
ExxonMobil, Hydro Oil and Energy, Maersk, Marathon Oil Company, Petrobras, Repsol,
Samson, Shell, Statoil, Total, and Woodside, CD-ROM, CD-ROM.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2006, The Salt Mine: an interactive atlas of salt tectonics,
third edition: contractional and allochthonous structures: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory, report prepared for Amerada
Hess, Anadarko, BHP-Billiton, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, EnCana, ENI, Enterprise Oil,
ExxonMobil, Hydro, Maersk, Marathon, Petrobras, Repsol YPF, Shell, Statoil, Total, and
Woodside Petroleum, 877 figs., CD ROM.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, Tim, Hooker, John N., Wood, L. J., and Montoya,
Patricia, 2006, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual report to Industrial Associates for 2005:
slide set 24: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, contract report
prepared for Amerada Hess, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Billiton, BP Production,
Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ENI, EnCana, ExxonMobil, Hydro Oil and Energy, Marathon Oil
Company, Petrobras, Repsol, Shell, Total, and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, Tim, and Hooker, J. N., 2005, Fault intensity around exposed salt
diapirs: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared
for BP, 14 p. + apps.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Dooley, Tim, and Wood, L. J., 2005, Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory annual progress report to Industrial Associates for 2004: slide set 23: The University
of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, contract report prepared for Amerada Hess,
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Billiton, BP Production, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ENI,
EnCana, ExxonMobil, Hydro Oil and Energy, Marathon Oil Company, Petrobras, Repsol, Shell,
Total, and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 2004, Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to Industrial Associates for 2003: slide set 22:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, contract report prepared for
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Billiton, BP Production, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips,
ENI, EnCana, ExxonMobil, Marathon Oil Company, Petrobras, Repsol, Total, Unocal, and
Woodside, CD-ROM.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., Schultz-Ela, D. D., and Jennette, D. C.,
2003, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to Industrial Associates for
2002: Slide Set 21: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual
progress report prepared for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Petroleum (Americas), BP
Production, Burlington Resources, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips, ENI, EnCana, ExxonMobil,
Marathon Oil Company, Petroleo Brasileiro, Shell Oil, TotalFinaElf, and Woodside, 634 slides,
15 animations.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2002, The Salt Mine: an interactive atlas of salt tectonics,
version 2.0: contractional structures: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory, report prepared for Anadarko, BHP-Billeton, BP,
Burlington Resources, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips, EnCana, ENI, ExxonMobil, Marathon,
Petroleo Brasileiro, Shell, Total, and Woodside Petroleum, 398 figures, 8 animations, CD-ROM.
Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., Hudec, M. R., Schultz-Ela, D. D., Le Calvez, J. H., Peel,
Frank, Loncke, Lies, Gaullier, V., Atchley, S., Nordt, L., Boucher, T., and Prochnow, S., 2002,
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to Industrial Associates for 2001: Slide
Set 20: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual progress report
prepared for Amerada Hess Corporation, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Petroleum
(Americas) Inc., BP Amoco Production, Burlington Resources, Chevron USA Production,
Conoco, ENI-AGIP, Enterprise Oil, ExxonMobil, Marathon Oil Company, PanCanadian
Petroleum, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, TotalFinaElf, and Woodside
Energy, 537 slides, 7 animations.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., eds., 2001, The salt mine: an interactive atlas of salt
tectonics, version 1.0: contractional anticline module: Applied Geodynamics Laboratory: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report prepared for Amerada Hess
Corporation, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc., BP, Burlington
Resources, Inc., ChevronTexaco Corp., Conoco, ENI-AGIP, Enterprise Oil, ExxonMobil,
Marathon Oil Company, PanCanadian Petroleum, Petroleo Brasileiro S. A., Phillips Petroleum
Company, TotalFinaElf, and Woodside Petroleum Ltd., 105 images, 2 animations, CD-ROM.
Vendeville, B. C., Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Schultz-Ela, D., Boniface, L. P., Fox, C. R.,
Gaullier, V., Le Calvez, J. H., Loncke, Lies, Peel, Frank, Rowan, M. G., and Walsh, P., 2001,
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to Industrial Associates for 2000: Slide
Set 19: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual progress report
prepared for Amerada Hess Corporation, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Petroleum
(Americas) Inc., BP Amoco Exploration, Chevron Petroleum Technology Co., ENI-AGIP,
Enterprise Oil, EXXON Mobil, Marathon Oil Company, PanCanadian Petroleum, Petroleo
Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Shell Oil Company, Texaco Exploration and
Production Inc., TotalFinaElf, Unocal-Spirit 76, and Vastar Resources Inc., 543 slides, 12
animations, chart, reprint.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Gaullier, V., Schultz-Ela, D., Hudec, M. R., Le Calvez, J.
H., Remington, R. L., Fox, C. R., and Walsh, P., 2000, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual
progress report to Industrial Associates for 1999: slide set 18: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, annual progress report prepared for Amerada-Hess Corporation,
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, BHP Petroleum (Americas), BP Amoco Exploration, Chevron
Petroleum Technology Company, ENI-Agip, Exxon Mobil, Marathon Oil Company, PanCanadian
Petroleum, Petroleo Brasileiro, Phillips Petroleum company, Saga, Shell Oil Company, Texaco
Exploration and Production, TotalFinaElf, Unocal-Spirit 76, and Vastar Resources, 706 slides,
18 animations, CD and binder.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Schultz-Ela, D., and Le Calvez, J. H., 1999, Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to Industrial Associates for 1998/slide set
number 17: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual progress
report prepared for Amerada Hess Corporation, Amoco Production Company, Anadarko
Petroleum Corporation, BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc., BP Exploration and Oil Inc., Chevron
Petroleum Technology Company, Conoco Inc., Elf-Norge ASA, ENI-AGIP, EXXON Production
Research Corporation, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil, Nordsk Hydro, PanCanadian Petroleum
Ltd., Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Saga Petroleum ASA, Shell Oil
Company, Statoil, Texaco Exploration and Production Inc., Total S.A., and Vastar Resources
Inc., 357 p. + 714 slides and 6 animations.
Schultz-Ela, D., Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Mann, R. J., and
Le Calvez, J. H., 1998, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory second annual progress report to
Industrial Associates for 1997/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set
number 16: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, second annual
progress report prepared for Agip Petroleum Company Inc., Amoco Production Company,
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, ARCO Exploration and Production Technology, BHP
Petroleum (Americas) Inc., BP International Ltd., Chevron Petroleum Technology Company,
Conoco Inc., EXXON Production Research Company, The Louisiana Land and Exploration
Company, Marathon Oil Company, Pan Canadian Petroleum Ltd., Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.,
Phillips Petroleum Company, Saga Petroleum ASA, Shell Oil Company, Statoil, Texaco
Exploration and Production Inc., Total Minatome Corporation, and Vastar Resources Inc., 183 p.
plus 283 transparencies and 9 animations.
Vendeville, B. C., Couzens, B. A., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela,
D., 1997, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory second semiannual progress report to Industrial
Associates for 1996/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number 15: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semiannual progress report
prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, ARCO
Exploration and Production Technology, BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc., BP Exploration Inc.,
Chevron Petroleum Technology Company, Conoco Inc., EXXON Production Research
Company, The Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, Marathon Oil Company, Petroleo
Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Statoil, Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome
Corporation, 51 p. + 127 transparencies and 4 animations.
Vendeville, B. C., Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., and Schultz-Ela,
D., 1996, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory second semiannual progress report to industrial
associates for 1995: Part 1: captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number
13; Part 2: animations: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,
semiannual progress report prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, Anadarko
Petroleum Corporation, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc., BP
Exploration Inc., Chevron Petroleum Technology Company, Conoco Inc., EXXON Production
Research Company, Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil
Research and Development Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company,
Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine Production, STATOIL, Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome
Corporation, 82 p. plus 162 transparencies and 4 animations.
Vendeville, B. C., Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., and Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., 1996,
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory first semiannual progress report to industrial associates for
1996: captions for physical and mathematical models and geologic analyses in slide set number
14: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semiannual progress report
prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, ARCO
Exploration and Production Technology/Vastar Resources Inc., BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc.,
BP Exploration Inc., Chevron Petroleum Technology Company, Conoco Inc., EXXON
Production Research Company, Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, Marathon Oil
Company, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, STATOIL, Texaco Inc., and
Total Minatome Corporation, 73 p. plus 162 transparencies and 4 animations.
Schultz-Ela, D., Vendeville, B. C., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Ge,
Hongxing, 1995, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to industrial
associates for 1994/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number 11, part
2: animations: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual progress
report prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation,
ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration Inc., Chevron Petroleum Technology Company,
Conoco Inc., EXXON Production Research Company, Louisiana Land and Exploration
Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development Corporation, Petroleo
Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine Production, Statoil,
Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 93 p. plus 146 transparencies and 4 animations.
Schultz-Ela, D., Vendeville, B. C., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Ge,
Hongxing, 1995, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual progress report to industrial
associates for 1995: captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number 12: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual progress report prepared for
Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, ARCO Oil and Gas
Company, BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc., BP Exploration Inc., Chevron Petroleum Technology
Company, Conoco Inc., EXXON Production Research Company, Louisiana Land and
Exploration Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development Corporation,
Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine
Production, STATOIL, Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 104 p. plus 158
transparencies and 4 animations.
Schultz-Ela, D., Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Ge, Hongxing,
and Burn, M. J., 1994, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory second semiannual progress report to
industrial associates for 1993/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number
10: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semiannual progress report
prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, ARCO
Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration Inc., Chevron Petroleum Technology Company, Conoco
Inc., EXXON Production Research Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and
Development Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Société
Nationale Elf Aquitaine Production, Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 37 p. plus 94
Vendeville, B. C., Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., and Ge, Hongxing, 1993, Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory first semiannual progress report to industrial associates for
1993/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number 9: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semiannual progress report prepared for Agip
S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, ARCO Exploration and Production Technology, BP
Exploration Inc., Chevron Petroleum Technology Company, Conoco Inc., EXXON Production
Research Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development Corporation,
Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Shell Development Company, Société
Nationale Elf Aquitaine Production, Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 46 p. plus 107
Vendeville, B. C., Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., and Ge, Hongxing, 1993, Applied
Geodynamics Laboratory second semiannual progress report to industrial associates for
1992/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number 8: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, second semiannual progress report prepared for
Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration Inc.,
Chevron O.F.R. Company and Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Conoco Inc., EUROSIM Sarl, EXXON
Production Research Co., Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development
Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Shell Development
Company, Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine Production, Texaco Inc., and Total Minatome
Corporation, 46 p. plus 88 transparencies.
Schultz-Ela, D., Bobineau, J.-P., Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Koyi, H., 1992,
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory first semiannual progress report to industrial associates for
1992/captions for physical and mathematical models in slide set number 7: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semiannual progress report prepared for Agip
S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration, Inc.,
Chevron O.F.R. Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Conoco, Inc., EUROSIM Sarl, EXXON
Production Research Co., Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development
Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Shell Development
Company, Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine Production, Texaco, Inc., and Total Minatome
Corporation, 44 p. plus 74 transparencies.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1992, Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory second semiannual progress report to industrial associates for 1991/captions for
physical and mathematical models in slide set number 6: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, second semiannual progress report prepared for Agip S.p.A.,
Amoco Production Company, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration, Inc., Chevron
O.F.R. Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Conoco, Inc., Elf Exploration, Inc., EXXON
Production Research Co. and EXXON U.S.A., Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and
Development Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Shell
Development Company, Texaco, Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 49 p. plus 94
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1991, Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory first semiannual progress report to industrial associates for 1991/captions for
experimental models in slide set number 5: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, first semiannual progress report prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco
Production Company, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration, Inc., Chevron O. F. R.
Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Conoco, Inc., Elf Aquitaine Petroleum, EXXON Production
and Research Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development
Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Texaco, Inc., and Total
Minatome Corporation, 13 p. plus 60 transparencies.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1991, Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory second semiannual progress report to industrial associates for 1990/captions for
experimental models and cross-section restoration in slide set number 4: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, second semiannual progress report prepared for
Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration, Inc.,
Chevron O. F. R. Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Conoco, Inc., Elf Aquitaine Petroleum,
EXXON Production and Research Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and
Development Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Texaco, Inc.,
and Total Minatome Corporation, 20 p. plus 64 transparencies.
Jackson, M. P. A., Blodgett, R. H., White, W. A., and Kaiser, W. R., 1990, Mined lands
inventory, industrial minerals, East Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, contract report prepared for Railroad Commission of Texas, Surface Mining
and Reclamation Division, under interagency cooperation contract no. IAC(90-91)-0492, var.
paginated incl. appendices; figures in pocket.
Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1990, Applied Geodynamics
Laboratory 1989 annual report to industrial associates: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production
Company, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, BP Exploration, Inc., Chevron O. F. R. Company and
Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Conoco, Inc., Elf Aquitaine Petroleum, EXXON Production and Research
Company, Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Research and Development Corporation, Petroleo
Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum Company, Texaco, Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 21
p. plus 80 transparencies.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1990, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory semiannual
progress report to industrial associates for 1990, Part II: Captions for experimental models in
slide set number 3: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, semiannual
progress report prepared for Agip S.p.A., Amoco Production Company, ARCO Oil and Gas
Company, BP Exploration, Inc., Chevron O. F. R. Company and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., Conoco,
Inc., Elf Aquitaine Petroleum, EXXON Production Research Company, Marathon Oil Company,
Mobil Research and Development Corporation, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., Phillips Petroleum
Company, Texaco, Inc., and Total Minatome Corporation, 13 p. plus 40 transparencies.
Jackson, M. P. A., Cornelius, R. R., and Talbot, C. J., 1988, Experimental modeling of diapirs,
Parts 1 and 2: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report
prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Salt Repository Project Office, under contract no.
DE-AC97-83WM46651, 300 p. (Part 1, 202 p., Part 2, 98 p.).
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1985, The internal structure of model and natural salt
domes: experimental modeling of salt diapirs: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, final report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no.
DE-AC97-83WM46651, 57 p.
Kreitler, C. W., Collins, E. W., Fogg, G. E., Jackson, M. P. A., and Seni, S. J., 1984,
Hydrogeologic characterization of the saline aquifers, East Texas Basin--implications to nuclear
waste storage in East Texas salt domes: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, final report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no.
DE-AC97-80ET46617, 55 p.
Dix, O. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1982, Lithology, microstructures, fluid inclusions, and
geochemistry of rock salt and of the cap-rock contact in Oakwood Dome, East Texas:
significance for nuclear waste storage: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, milestone report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no.
DE-AC97-80ET46615, 59 p.
Kreitler, C. W., Bracken, B., Collins, E. W., Conti, R. D., Dutton, S. P., Fogg, G. E., Jackson, M.
P. A., McGowen, M. K., Pennington, W. D., Seni, S. J., Wilson, B., Wood, D. H., and Wuerch, H.
V., 1982, Geology and geohydrology of the East Texas Basin, a report on the progress of
nuclear waste isolation feasibility studies (1981): The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no.
DE-AC97-80ET46617, 62 p.
Hudec, M. R., Dooley, Tim, Nikolinakou, M. A., Jackson, M. P. A., Carruthers, D., Weijermars,
R., Luo, Gang, Heidari, M., Flemings, P. B., 2013, Applied Geodynamics Laboratory annual
report to industrial associates 2013, slide set 32, The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, annual report, prepared for Anadarko, Apache, BHP Billiton, BP, CGG,
Chevron, Cobalt, Condor, ConocoPhillips, EcoPetrol, ENI, ExxonMobil, Fugro, Global
Geophysical, Hess, ION Geophysical, Korea National Oil Corporation, McMoRan, Maersk,
Marathon, Murphy, Nexen, Noble,Pemex, Petrobras, PGS, Repsol-YPF, Samson, Saudi
Aramco, Shell, Statoil, TGS-Nopec, Talisman, Total, WesternGeco, and Woodside, CD-ROM.
Published Reports
Harrison, J. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2008, Bedrock geology, Strand Fiord-Expedition Fiord
area, western Axel Heiberg Island, northern Nunavut (parts of NTS 59E, F, G, and H):
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File, 5590, CD-ROM.
Jackson, M. P. A., Rowan, M. G., and Trudgill, B. D., 2003, Salt-related fault families and fault
welds in the northern Gulf of Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology Report of Investigations No. 268, 40 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Schultz-Ela, D., Hudec, M. R., Watson, I. A., and Porter, M. L., 2001,
Structure and evolution of Upheaval Dome: pinched-off salt diapir or meteoritic impact
structure?: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of
Investigations No. 262, 93 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1997, Conceptual breakthroughs in salt tectonics: a historical review,
1856-1993: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of
Investigations No. 246, 51 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1994, Initiation of salt diapirism by regional extension:
global setting, structural style, and mechanical models: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 215, 39 p.
Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1994, Mechanics of active salt
diapirism: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of
Investigations No. 224, 56 p.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, The rise and fall of diapirs during thin-skinned
extension: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of
Investigations No. 209, 60 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1991, A glossary of salt tectonics: The University of Texas
at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 91-4, 44 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Talbot, C. J., 1989, Internal structure of mushroom-shaped salt diapirs:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No.
181, 35 p.
Finley, R. J., Fisher, W. L., Seni, S. J., Ruppel, S. C., Ayers, W. B., Jr., Dutton, S. P., Jackson,
M. P. A., Banta, Nancy, Kuuskraa, V. A., McFall, K. S., Godec, Michael, and Jennings, T. V.,
1988, An assessment of the natural gas resource base of the United States: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 179, 69 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., Talbot, C. J., and Cornelius, R. R., 1988, Centrifuge modeling of the effects
of aggradation and progradation on syndepositional salt structures: The University of Texas at
Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 173, 93 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1985, Natural strain in diapiric and glacial rock salt, with emphasis on
Oakwood Dome, East Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology
Report of Investigations No. 143, 74 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Seni, S. J., 1984, Atlas of salt domes in the East Texas Basin: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 140,
101 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Seni, S. J., 1984, Suitability of salt domes in the East Texas Basin for
nuclear-waste isolation: final summary of geologic and hydrogeologic research (1978-1983):
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 84-1, 128 p.
Seni, S. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1984, Sedimentary record of Cretaceous and Tertiary salt
movement, East Texas Basin: times, rates, and volumes of salt flow and their implications for
nuclear waste isolation and petroleum exploration: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 139, 89 p.
Dix, O. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1982, Lithology, microstructures, fluid inclusions, and
geochemistry of rock salt and of the cap-rock contact in Oakwood Dome, East Texas:
significance for nuclear waste storage: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology Report of Investigations No. 120, 59 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1982, Fault tectonics of the East Texas Basin: The University of Texas at
Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 82-4, 31 p.
Dix, O. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1981, Statistical analysis of lineaments and their relation to
fracturing, faulting, and halokinesis in the East Texas Basin: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 110, 30 p.
Kreitler, C. W., Collins, E. W., Davidson, E. D., Dix, O. R., Donaldson, G. A., Dutton, S. P.,
Fogg, G. E., Giles, A. B., Harris, D. W., Jackson, M. P. A., Lopez, C. M., McGowen, J. H.,
Muehlberger, W. R., Pennington, W. D., Seni, S. J., Wood, D. H., and Wuerch, H. V., 1981,
Geology and geohydrology of the East Texas Basin: a report on the progress of nuclear waste
isolation feasibility studies (1980): The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology Geological Circular 81-7, 207 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1976, High-grade metamorphism and migmatization of the Namaqua
Metamorphic Complex around Aus in the southern Namib Desert, South West Africa: University
of Cape Town, Precambrian Research Unit, Bulletin 18, 327 p.
Computer Applications and Internet
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Hossack, J., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D.,
1996, Allochthonous salt sheets: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1996, Raft tectonics in the
Kwanza Basin, Angola: the animations: BEG hypertext multimedia publication,
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1996, Raft tectonics in the
Kwanza Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, hypertext
multimedia publication at
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1996, 3-D visualization of salt
walls and associated fault systems: high-resolution digital images and animations: The
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1996, Salt walls and
associated fault systems: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1996, Digital
section of progress reports for AGL's Industrial Associates: March 1996: The University of Texas
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1996, Digital
section of progress reports for AGL's Industrial Associates: October 1995: The University of
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1996, Digital
section of progress reports for AGL's Industrial Associates: October 1996: The University of
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1995, AGL's
password-protected Web site: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,
hypertext publication at
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1995, Digital
section of progress reports for AGL's Industrial Associates: March 1995: The University of Texas
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Schultz-Ela, D., 1995, Rising
and falling salt diapirs: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,
hypertext multimedia publication at
Published Abstracts
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2012, Coeval shallow extension and deep
shortening above and below a salt canopy: a model for the ultradeep Miocene of the northern
Gulf of Mexico (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention,
Abstract 1235523, 1 p.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Dooley, Tim, 2012, Internal deformation of layered evaporites: flow
profiles and deformation styles (abs.): Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Transactions, v. 62, p. 733.
Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, T. P., and Hudec, M. R., 2012, Coeval extension and shortening
above and below salt canopies on an uplifted continental margin: application to the northern
Gulf of Mexico: Industrial structural geology: principles, techniques and integration (abs.), in The
Geological Society, London, Programme and Abstract Volume, p. 28.
Moscardelli, Lorena, Dooley, Tim, Dunlap, D. B., Wood, L. J., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2012,
Deepwater polygonal fault systems as terrestrial analogs for Martian polygonal terrains (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention, Abstract 1225531, 1 p.
Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2011, Canopy evolution: deformation
processes and subsidence patterns (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention & Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 20, p. 47.
Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, Tim, Hudec, M. R., and McDonnell, Angela, 2011, The pillow fold
belt: a key subsalt structural province in the northern Gulf of Mexico (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 20, p.
Carruthers, D., Cartwright, J. A., Jackson, M. P. A., and Kristensen, M., 2010, Using polygonal
fault systems to reconstruct the state of stress of salt diapirs (abs.), in Salt tectonics, sediments
and prospectivity, meeting held at Burlington House, London, January 20-22: The Geological
Society's Petroleum Group and SEPM.
Cartwright, J. A., Jackson, M. P. A., Higgins, S., and Dooley, Tim, 2010, Role of multilayered
salt in gravity-driven collapse of thick salt sheets (abs.), in Salt tectonics, sediments and
prospectivity, meeting held at Burlington House, London, January 20-22: The Geological
Society's Petroleum Group and SEPM.
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2010, Roof breakup and extrusion of shallow
salt stocks during lateral shortening (abs.), in Salt tectonics, sediments and prospectivity,
meeting held at Burlington House, London, January 20-22: The Geological Society's Petroleum
Group and SEPM.
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2010, Roof breakup and extrusion of shallow
salt stocks during lateral shortening (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention & Exhibition, v. 19, p. 61.
Graham, R. L., Jackson, M. P. A., Kilsdonk, B., and Pilcher, R., 2010, Allochthonous salt in the
sub-Alpine fold and thrust belt of Haute Provence (abs.), in Salt tectonics, sediments and
prospectivity, meeting held at Burlington House, London, January 20-22: The Geological
Society's Petroleum Group and SEPM.
Tomasso, M., Wright, W. R., Costa, F. O., Sant'Anna, M. V., Machado, E. C. V., Hudec, M. R.,
Jackson, M. P. A., and Kerans, C., 2010, Linking halokinetic structure to the pre-evaporite
structural regime, evaporite facies and the Albian carbonate platform succession-Campos Basin,
Brazil (abs.), in Salt tectonics, sediments and prospectivity, meeting held at Burlington House,
London, January 20-22: The Geological Society's Petroleum Group and SEPM.
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2009, Deformation styles and linkage of salt
walls during oblique shortening (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention, v. 18, p. 57.
Ferrer, O., Roca, E., Jackson, M. P. A., Ellouz, N., and Muñoz, J. A., 2009, Structure and salt
tectonics in the offshore Parentis Basin, eastern Biscay Bay (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18, p. 68.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, Criteria for interpreting open feeders beneath
allochthonous salt sheets (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention, v. 18, p. 100.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2009, Interplay of basement tectonics, salt tectonics, and
sedimentation in the Kwanza Basin, Angola (abs.): AAPG International Conference & Exhibition,
Cape Town, South Africa, Abstracts (unpaginated).
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Dooley, T., 2009, Unfolding concepts in salt tectonics:
intrusive plumes, salt-sheet thrusts, minibasin triggers, and exotic wanderers (abs.): 7th
Petroleum Geology Conference, Geological Society of London and the Energy Institute, London,
United Kingdom, Program and Abstracts, p. 52.
Norton, Ian, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2009, Tectonics of passive margin salt basins:
crustal structure of the Gulf of Mexico and south Atlantic during salt deposition (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18, p. 155.
Tomasso, Mark, Wright, Wayne, Costa, F. O., Araujo, M. B., Sant'Anna, M., Machado, E. C. V.,
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2009, The relationship of salt-tectonic structures in
pre-evaporite depositional and structural regimes and evaporite facies in the Campos Basin,
offshore Brazil (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18,
p. 214.
Dooley, Tim, Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2008, Dismembered sutures formed during
asymmetric salt-sheet collision (abs.): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts
Volume, v. 17, p. 46.
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2008, Superposed deformation and structural
control of salt breakout in radially expanding canopies (abs.): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 46.
Dooley, Tim, Jackson, M. P. A., Cartwright, J. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2008, Modeling of strain
partitioning during gravity-driven deformation of multilayered evaporites and overburden (abs.):
AAPG 2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 46.
Ferrer, O., Roca, E., Jackson, M. P. A., and Muñoz, J. A., 2008, Effects of Pyrenean contraction
on salt structures of the offshore Parentis Basin (Bay of Biscay), in International Meeting of
Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics (YORSGET), Oviedo, Spain, July, p.
Heyn, Teunis, Jackson, Martin, Hudec, M. R., Hart, B. H., Propes, R. L., Reasnor, M. D.,
Harrison, H. L., Vinson, Graham, and Bunting, W. D., 2008, Accretionary-wedge shortening
caused by advance of the Sigsbee Escarpment, Alaminos Canyon, Gulf of Mexico (abs.): AAPG
2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 82, 89-90.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2008, Interplay of basement tectonics, salt tectonics, and
sedimentation in the Kwanza Basin, Angola (abs.), in AAPG International Conference and
Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29.
Jackson, M. P. A., Cartwright, J. A., and Higgins, S., 2008, Shortening and multiple detachments
in thick salt: insights from the Messinian saline giant, eastern Mediterranean (abs.), in AAPG
International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Heyn, Teunis, 2008, How and where is the Sigsbee
Escarpment advancing? (abs.): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts
Volume, v. 17, p. 97.
McDonnell, Angela, and Jackson, M. P. A., 2008, Geometry, origin and significance of
coast-perpendicular anticlines in a growth-faulted setting (abs.): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention
and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 137.
Tomasso, Mark, Wright, W. R., Costa, F. O., Araújo, A. D., Sant? Anna, M. V., Machado, E. C.
V., Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2008, Diversity in salt-tectonic structures and their
relationships to evaporite facies and pre-evaporite depositional and structural regimes in the
Campos Basin, offshore Brazil (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
International Conference and Exhibition Abstracts Volume.
McDonnell, Angela, Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2007, Importance of allochthonous
salt in Texas State Waters: paleo-canapy presence and new exploration paradigms (ext. abs.):
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 57, p. 591-594.
Montgomery, D. R., Som, S. M., Schreiber, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Gillespie, A. R., and
Adams, J. B., 2007, Continental-scale salt tectonics on Mars and the origin of Valles Marineris
and associated outflow channels (abs.), in AGU Fall Meeting abstracts, P13B-1291.
Dooley, T. P., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2006, Allochthonous salt extrusion, roof
dispersion, and intrusive import and export of salt in squeezed stocks (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 27.
Harrison, Christopher, and Jackson, M. P. A., 2006, Evolution of a salt canopy-salt
diapir-minibasin complex in the central Sverdrup Basin, Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Canada
(abs.), in The history of convergent and passive margins in the polar realm: sedimentary and
tectonic processes, transitions, and resources: Quebec 2006 ILP Task Force on Sedimentary
Basins: International Lithosphere Program, Quebec City, Canada, September 18-20, p. 31
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D. D., 2006, Mechanics of the advance of
buried salt sheets and implications for predicting subsalt pore pressures (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 50.
Jackson, M. P. A., Dooley, T. P., and Hudec, M. R., 2006, Salt extrusion, roof dispersion, and
deep intrusion of salt into and out of squeezed stocks (abs.), in 43rd Brazilian Geological
Congress, September 3-8, Aracaju, Brazil, p. 91.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D. D., 2005, A compressional origin for
minibasins near the Sigsbee Scarp, Gulf of Mexico (abs.): Houston Geological Society Bulletin,
December, p. 23-24.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Jennette, D. C., 2005, Progressive effects of shortening
superposed on extensional diapirs and faults in deep-water lower Congo Basin, Gabon (abs.), in
Abstracts, International Conference on Theory and Application of Fault-Related Folding in
Foreland Basins, June 25-July 4, China: Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and
Development and Petrochina, p. 85.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2004, Salt tectonics in the new millenium: navigating the
information flood (abs.), in Post, P. J., Olson, D. L., Lyons, K. T., Palmes, S. L., Harrison, P. F.,
and Rosen, N. C., eds., Salt-sediment interactions and hydrocarbon prospectivity: concepts,
applications, and case studies for the 21st century: 24th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F.
Perkins Research Conference Program and Abstracts, p. 1.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., and Jennette, David, 2004, Influence of precursor salt
structures on thrust faulting, deep-water Lower Congo Basin, Gabon (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A67.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2004, A new mechanism for advance of allochthonous salt
sheets (abs.), in Post, P. J., Olson, D. L., Lyons, K. T., Palmes, S. L., Harrison, P. F., and
Rosen, N. C., eds., Salt-sediment interactions and hydrocarbon prospectivity: concepts,
applications, and case studies for the 21st century: 24th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F.
Perkins Research Conference Program and Abstracts, p. 11.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Jennette, D. C., 2004, Insights from a gravity-driven linked
system in deep-water lower Congo Basin, Gabon (abs.), in Post, P. J., Olson, D. L., Lyons, K.
T., Palmes, S. L., Harrison, P. F., and Rosen, N. C., eds., Salt-sediment interactions and
hydrocarbon prospectivity: concepts, applications, and case studies for the 21st century: 24th
Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference Program and Abstracts, p.
Kilby, R. E., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2004, Preliminary analysis of thrust
kinematics in the lower Congo Basin, deepwater southern Gabon (abs.): Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs: v. 36, no. 5, p. 505.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2003, Crestal fault patterns above turtle structures in the
Lower Congo Basin, Gabon: the influence of trap timing (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, v. 12, p. A81.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2003, Effects of basement uplift in deep water: Kwanza
Basin, Angola (abs.), in Houston Geological Society and Petroleum Exploration Society of Great
Britain Second International Symposium: Africa: new plays--new perspectives, p. 34.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2003, Coeval shortening on synsedimentary thrust
systems and diapirs, deepwater Gabon (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention Official Program, v. 12, p. A83-A84.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2003, Structural restoration of minibasins translating down
a basement ramp in the deepwater Kwanza Basin, Angola (abs.), in Houston Geological Society
and Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Second International Symposium: Africa:
new plays--new perspectives, p. 15.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2003, The great escape: pressurized extrusion of
allochthonous salt sheets in orogenic belts (abs.): American Association of Petroleum
Geologists International Conference Official Program, p. A44.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., and Hegarty, K. A., 2003, The great West African Tertiary
coastal uplift: fact or fiction? a perspective from the Kwanza Basin, Angola (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, v. 12, p. A83.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2002, Changes in location and style of deepwater
contraction in the Kwanza Basin, Angola (abs.), in Oil and gas in compressional belts:
Geological Society of London Joint Meeting of Tectonic Studies Group and Petroleum Group,
London, p. 36-37.
Hudec, M. R., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2002, Estranged neighbors: independent tectonic
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of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, v. 11, p. A82.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2002, Contrasting modes and magnitudes of shortening in
salt and sediment on the African Atlantic passive margin (abs.), in Northwest African Atlantic
margin and analogs: First Marrakech International Oil and Gas Conferences and Exhibition,
Morocco, Abstracts Volume, p. 22.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 2002, Kwanza arcana: a new look at Angolan salt
tectonics, tectonostratigraphy, and differential uplift (abs.): Houston Geological Society Bulletin,
November, v. 45, no. 3, p. 21.
Hudec, M. R., Jackson, M. P. A., Binga, L., Da Silva, J., Fraenkl, Res, and Sikkema, Wytse,
2001, Regional restoration in the offshore Kwanza Basin, Angola: linked zones of extension,
translation, and contraction (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention Official Program, v. 10, p. A95.
Imbert, P., Cramez, Carlos, Talwani, M., and Jackson, M. P. A., 2001, Seaward-dipping
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of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, no. 6, p. A-157-A-158.
Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Fraenkl, Res, Sikkema, Wytse, Binga, L., and Da Silva, J.,
2001, Minibasins translating down a basement ramp in the deepwater monocline province of the
Kwanza Basin, Angola (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention Official Program, v. 10, p. A99.
Rowan, M. G., Jackson, M. P. A., and Trudgill, B. D., 2001, Salt-related fault families and fault
welds in the northern Gulf of Mexico (abs.): Southeastern Geophysical Society Bulletin, January,
Cramez, Carlos, Jackson, M. P. A., Fraenkl, Res, and Sikkema, Wytse, 2000, Contractional
regimes in offshore and onshore Angola: geometry, distribution, timing, and origin (abs.), in
Geoluanda 2000 International Conference, Luanda, Angola, May 21-24, p. 38.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Cramez, Carlos, 2000, The contractional cornucopia on passive margins
(abs.), in Albert W. Bally Spring 2000 Symposium and Fest: folded belts, foreland deformation,
sedimentary basins, and oil and gas exploration at the dawn of a new millennium: Rice
University, p. 17-18.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Schultz-Ela, D., 2000, Why roho, why counterregional? (abs.), in
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention Official Program, p. A73.
Jackson, M. P. A., Fonck, J.-M., and Cramez, Carlos, 1999, Salt-tectonics provinces and
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Houston Geological Society Bulletin, v. 42, no. 2, p. 16.
Fonck, J.-M., Cramez, Carlos, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1998, Role of subaerial volcanic rocks and
major unconformities in the creation of south Atlantic margins (ext. abs.), in Mello, M. R., and
Yilmaz, P. O., eds., Extended abstracts volume: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition:
Rio de Janeiro: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 38-39.
Ge, Hongxing, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1998, Salt structures, hydrocarbon traps and mineral
deposits (abs.): Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), v. 32, no. 4, p. 640-649.
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1998, 3-D visualization of
extensional diapirs modified by later compression (ext. abs.), in Mello, M. R., and Yilmaz, P. O.,
eds., Extended abstracts volume: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition: Rio de Janeiro:
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 868.
Jackson, M. P. A., Cramez, Carlos, and Mohriak, W. U., 1998, Salt-tectonics provinces across
the continental-oceanic boundary in the Lower Congo and Campos Basins on the south Atlantic
margins (ext. abs.), in Mello, M. R., and Yilmaz, P. O., eds., Extended abstracts volume: AAPG
International Conference & Exhibition: Rio de Janeiro: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, p. 40-41.
Peel, Frank, Jackson, M. P. A., and Ormerod, David, 1998, Influence of major steps in the base
of salt on the structural style of overlying thin-skinned structures in deep water Angola (ext.
abs.), in Mello, M. R., and Yilmaz, P. O., eds., Extended abstracts volume: AAPG International
Conference & Exhibition: Rio de Janeiro: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p.
Rowan, M. G., Jackson, M. P. A., and Trudgill, B. D., 1998, Salt-related fault families and fault
welds in the northern Gulf of Mexico (ext. abs.), in Mello, M. R., and Yilmaz, P. O., eds.,
Extended abstracts volume: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition: Rio de Janeiro:
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 960.
Jackson, M. P. A., Ge, Hongxing, and Vendeville, B. C., 1997, Multiple breakout of experimental
salt sheets and related 3-D fault systems (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention Official Program, v. 6, p. A54.
Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., Schultz-Ela, D., Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., and Ge,
Hongxing, 1997, Extensional fault systems generated by salt tectonics: a mechanical modeling
medley (abs.), in Higgs, William, and Kluth, Charles, conveners, eds., AAPG Hedberg Research
Conference: reservoir scale deformation: characterization and prediction: American Association
of Petroleum Geologists, p. 59-60.
Ge, Hongxing, Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1996, Physical models of
caldera-collapse structures (abs.), in 30th International Geological Congress Abstracts, v. 2, p.
Ge, Hongxing, Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1996, Salt tectonics in the Dongying
and Dongpu depressions, Bohai Bay Basin, China--a new interpretation based on physical
modeling results (abs.), in 30th International Geological Congress Abstracts, v. 2, p. 288.
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1996, 3-D modeled reservoir
compartments near salt walls and associated fault systems (abs.), in Longacre, Susan, Katz,
Barry, Slatt, Roger, and Bowman, Michael, co-conveners, AAPG/EAGE Research Symposium:
compartmentalized reservoirs: their detection, characterization and management: American
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unpaginated [2 p.].
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1995, Rejuvenation of salt diapirs by
regional extension (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 79, no. 10,
p. 1558-1559.
Guglielmo, Giovanni, Jr., Jackson, M. P. A., Schultz-Ela, D., and Vendeville, B. C., 1995,
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Archie Conference: visualization technologies to find more oil and gas, Houston, May 14-18,
Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1995, Origin of minibasins by multidirectional extension
above a spreading lobe of allochthonous salt (abs.), in 1995 AAPG International Conference
and Exhibition Official Program: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 33A.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1995, Origin of minibasins by multidirectional extension
above a spreading lobe of allochthonous salt (abs.), in Travis, C. J., Vendeville, B. C., Harrison,
H., Peel, F. J., Hudec, M. R., and Perkins, B. E., eds., Salt, sediment, and hydrocarbons: Gulf
Coast Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, Sixteenth
Annual Research Conference, p. 135.
Ge, Hongxing, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1994, Crestal grabens above the Paradox salt diapirs--a
consequence of regional extension and superposed salt dissolution (abs.): Geological Society of
America, Rocky Mountain Section, v. 26, no. 6, p. 13-14.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1994, Experimental initiation of salt
structures and emplacement of salt sheets by prograding sediment wedges (abs.), in Salt
tectonics: Petroleum and Tectonics Groups of the Geological Society, London, programme and
abstracts, p. 51-52.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1994, Physical modeling of salt
withdrawal and dissolution structures (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 154.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., and Hudec, M. R., 1994, Initiation and early
growth of salt structures in the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado: insights from dynamically
scaled physical experiments (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 154.
Ge, Hongxing, Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Hudec, M. R., 1994, Laramide passive
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America, Rocky Mountain Section, Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 6, p. 13.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1994, Retrospective and prospective salt tectonics (abs.): Houston
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London, programme and abstracts, p. 19.
Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Fletcher, R. C., Porter, M. L., and Watson, I.
A., 1994, Constraints on the origin of Upheaval Dome, Paradox Basin, Utah (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geoloists Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 253.
Schultz-Ela, D., Jackson, M. P. A., Hudec, M. R., Fletcher, R. C., Porter, M. L., and Watson, I.
A., 1994, Structures formed by radial contraction at Upheaval Dome, Utah (abs.): Geological
Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 7, p. A-72.
Vendeville, B. C., Ge, Hongxing, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1994, Experimental deformation of
prograding sedimentary wedges above a viscous source layer (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 276.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Sattar, Asad, 1994, Synthetic seismic reflection profiles
of experimental salt structures (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 276.
Duval, Bernard, Cramez, Carlos, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Enhancement of petroleum
systems by raft tectonics: a type example from offshore northern Angola (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 77, no. 9, p. 1619-1620.
Duval, Bernard, Cramez, Carlos, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Enhancement of petroleum
systems by raft tectonics: a type example from offshore northern Angola (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 77, no. 9, p. 46.
Duval, Bernard, Cramez, Carlos, Schultz-Ela, D., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Extension,
reactive diapirism, salt welding, and contraction at Cegonha, Kwanza Basin, Angola (ext. abs.),
in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, David, and Snelson, Sig, co-conveners, AAPG International
Hedberg Research Conference on Salt Tectonics: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, p. 41-43.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., and Zhou, Guoqing, 1993, Salt structures in the
Meso-Cenozoic basins in China--a review (abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, v. 25, no. 6, p. A-168.
Ge, Hongxing, Jackson, M. P. A., Mosher, S., Schultz-Ela, D., and Vendeville, B. C., 1993,
Extension origin of salt "anticlines" in the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists 1993 Annual Convention Program, p. 107-108.
Heaton, R. C., Jackson, M. P. A., Bamahmoud, M., and Nani, A. S. O., 1993, Superposed
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abs.), in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, David, and Snelson, Sig, co-conveners, AAPG International
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Geologists, p. 72-74.
Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Retrospective and prospective salt tectonics (ext. abs.), in Jackson, M.
P. A., Roberts, David, and Snelson, Sig, co-conveners, AAPG International Hedberg Research
Conference on Salt Tectonics: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 94.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1993, Extreme overthrusting and extension above
allochthonous salt sheets emplaced during experimental progradation (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists 1993 Annual Convention Program, p. 122-123.
Jackson, M. P. A., Vendeville, B. C., Cramez, Carlos, and Duval, Bernard, 1993,
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in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, David, and Snelson, Sig, co-conveners, AAPG International
Hedberg Research Conference on Salt Tectonics: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, p. 95-97.
Schenk, Paul, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Diapirs and cantaloupes; layering and overturn of
Triton's crust (abs.), in Blanchard, Douglas and Black, David, chairs, Abstracts of papers
submitted to the Twenty-Fourth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 1245-1246.
Schultz-Ela, D., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Active diapirism: insights from finite-element
modeling (ext. abs.), in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, David, and Snelson, Sig, co-conveners,
AAPG International Hedberg Research Conference on Salt Tectonics: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, p. 151-153.
Schultz-Ela, D., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Evolution of extensional fault systems linked with
salt diapirism modeled with finite elements (abs.): American Association of Petroleum
Geologists 1993 Annual Convention Program, p. 179.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1993, Some dogmas in salt tectonics challenged by
modeling (ext. abs.), in Jackson, M. P. A., Roberts, David, and Snelson, Sig, co-conveners,
AAPG International Hedberg Research Conference on Salt Tectonics: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists, p. 162-164.
Vendeville, B. C., Jackson, M. P. A., and Ge, Hongxing, 1993, Detached salt tectonics during
basement-involved extension (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1993
Annual Convention Program, p. 195.
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Basin, Angola (abs.), in Curnelle, R., ed., Geologie Africaine; ler colloque de stratigraphie et de
paleogeographie des bassins sedimentaires ouest-africains; 2e colloque africain de
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Elf-Aquitaine, Pau, France, Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production
Elf-Aquitaine, Memoire 13, p. 170.
Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1992, Initiation of diapirism by regional extension
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Lin, S. T., Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Experimental modeling of extensional
salt tectonics during gravity spreading (abs.), in 29th International Geological Congress,
abstracts, p. 132.
Schenk, Paul, and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Diapirism (extensive crustal overturn) on Triton
(abs.): American Astronomical Society Bulletin, v. 24, p. 968.
Vendeville, B. C., and Jackson, M. P. A., 1992, Critical roof thickness of active diapirs (abs.):
Eos (Supplement), v. 73, no. 7, p. 572.
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saliferes en regime extensif (abs.), in Reunion specialisee sur l'halocinese: Societé Geologique
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Jackson, M. P. A., and Vendeville, B. C., 1990, The rise and fall of diapirs during thin-skinned
extension (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 74, no. 5, p. 683.
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C. J., 1990, New insights on salt diapirism, from the Great Kavir, central Iran (abs.), in
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C. J., 1990, Some lessons in salt tectonics from the Great Kavir, Central Iran (abs.): Geological
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