Kestrel Heights MIDDLE SCHOOL News December 8-12

Kestrel Heights
December 8-12
Looking Ahead……
December 10th—Winter Dance and Band
Concert, at 7:00 in the high school gym
December 15th—PTSO Meeting 6:30pm
December 19th—1/2 day dismissal at 11:05am
December 22nd-January 2nd— Enjoy Winter
January 16- Half day, end of 2nd quarter
January 19- MLK Jr. Holiday
January 20- Teacher Workday (No Students)
Music and Dance Winter Showcase
The Kestrel Heights Instrumental Music Program
and Dance Company's Winter Showcase will be
held onWednesday, December 10th, 2014 at
7:00pm in the high school gymnasium. The
concert will feature music by Mannheim
Steamroller, Rimsky-Korsakov, and more! Please
plan to attend in support of our hard-working
musicians and dancers! If you are interested in
helping provide snacks and/or beverages for postconcert refreshments, please contact Mr. Brooks
at [email protected]
8. Eighth Make-Up Day (Hours)
9. Ninth Make-Up Day (Hours)
10. Tenth Make-Up Day (Hours)
Elementary has 1051 instructional hours currently in
the calendar (+26 hours or 4.3 days of instruction) and
the Middle and High School has 1141.5 instructional
hours (+116.5 hours or 17.9 days).
Kestrel follows Durham Public School’s closure and
delay announcements.
Library News
Students with overdue books at KHS media center
received notices this morning. Please encourage your
students to return overdue books to avoid penalties
including fines and possibly withholding reports cards.
Good news for students who currently have library
In December, students may bring a can of food to
media center and get up to $1 worth of fines waived for
each can they donate. Only unexpired food accepted.
Food donations go to Kestrel Food Pantry.
Students should see Ms. Simmons, Media Specialist, to
donate cans and/or for further details
2014-15 School Closure Plans
School must be in session for 1025 instructional hours
per year or 185 instructional days. If there are days in
which the school is closed for weather or other
unforeseen reasons here is how Kestrel will make up
missed school days.
First Make-Up Day (January 20)
Second Make-Up Day (February 16)
Third Make-Up Day (Full day March 27)
Fourth Make-Up Day (March 30)
Fifth Make-Up Day (Full day April 2)
Sixth Make-Up Day (April 3)
Seventh Make-Up Day (Full Day May 1)
Each year, the Hawks Helping Hands direct donation
campaign is the PTSO’s most successful fundraising
effort. We have found that parents and other donors
are happy to see that 100% of their donation dollars go
directly to KHS, and the funds allow the PTSO to
support bigger and better opportunities for our children
and our school. In addition to funding International
Night, Reading Olympics, staff appreciation events,
materials for grounds and facilities clean-up days, the
Hawks Helping Hands campaign has also supported
numerous technology purchases for the classrooms,
including a panaboard, laptops and printers. In order
for the PTSO to continue to fund our school’s
programs, events, activities and classroom
enhancements, we once again ask that each KHS
family make a direct, tax-deductible donation instead
of selling cookie dough, coupon books or magazines.
This year, our donated funds will go toward new
blinds for the Middle and High Schools and a new
and safe activity bus for our school.
Although we have set a goal of $100 per family, any
amount that you can give significantly impacts the
funding of important programs and initiatives, and
helps KHS continue to provide a quality education for
our children. We also encourage you to ask your
extended family to consider joining you in making a
tax deductible donation to KHS, and to check with
your employer about matching programs. If we are
successful in this year’s Hawks Helping Hands
donation drive, we will once again be able to eliminate
the need for any other fundraisers throughout the year
and focus our time and energy on supporting our
Please include the form at the bottom of this letter with
your donation so that we can provide you with a tax
deduction receipt. Donations will be collected through
November 25, 2014, and cash and checks can be
brought to the main offices of all three schools. You
can also drop off your donation off at the PTSO table
at upcoming KHS events and activities. This year we
are equipped to accept donations online. If this is a
better option for you, you can access this on the PTSO
website at
Reminder for Parents
Please make sure that you schedule in-class arrivals.
For example, if you would like to have a quick chat
with your child’s teacher make an appointment and this
can happen after school hours. If your child forgets
their lunch, please leave it at the front office. It will be
delivered by lunch time. Please make all appointments
for in-class visits or volunteering with your child’s
teacher at least 24 hour in advance and wait for a
Conferences can be planned before 7:30am and after
3:00pm according the staff member’s availability.
Yankee Candle Fundraiser:
Have you ordered your holiday candles? Simply go to: and enter our group
number of: 990057978 in the group number space and start
shopping! Our group will receive a whopping 40% of the
profit for each item purchased! Remember, anyone who
orders under the KHS Group number will help us so spread
the word to your family and friends everywhere!
Student Pick Up:
All students must be picked up and off the school grounds
no later than 3:30 pm unless DIRECTLY involved in a club
or athletics. We do not provide student supervision after
this time. Shortly, it will be dark and the weather will
become very cold. The public library is available just up the
street as an option as well.
2015-16 Student Lottery:
We are now accepting new student applications for the
2015-16 lottery. All applications, including siblings, are due
by Thursday, February 26th. Applications are available on
our website or in our front offices.